Trump got this by a landslide. Or does he?



5’8” sub7, negative canthal tilt, 133 IQ autist
May 31, 2022
You really think they’re gonna allow a foid of color to walk to presidency? Or will the woke elite manipulate the election again as a big “fuck you” to the white male patriarchy and let feminism win once and for all?

Yeah, Kamala is a lightskin milf and all, but the US is royally fucked beyond comprehension if she wins.


You won’t be able to even look at a woman in the street without being accused of rape

Female hypergamy will skyrocket thru the roof

Inceldom will reach new all time highs

The police will be defunded in favor of Planned Parenthood clinics, resulting in high-crime dystopian society as more foids spread their legs for low-inhib, dark triad ethnics knowing they can get abortions freely without consequence

Uptick in immigration of said ethnics

Homeless veterans remain homeless. Meanwhile Abdul gets to shack up in the Ritz Carlton free of charge


Trump wins and the clouds part and the heavens shine from above. Right?

I don’t follow politics close enough to know too much about it, but that’s my 2 cents from a blackpilled, anti-woke perspective.
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it's going to be close but I think trump has the slight edge
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it's going to be close but I think trump has the slight edge
True but at the same time he’s up against a first female president of the United States candidate (a COLORED one at that) that Soyciety won’t be able to resist


The country wasn’t nearly as cucked back when Hillary was running, but we’re in whole new era now.
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True but at the same time he’s up against a first female president of the United States candidate (a COLORED one at that) that Soyciety won’t be able to resist

View attachment 3044359

The country wasn’t nearly as cucked back when Hillary was running, but we’re in whole new era now.
Why do you put mr happy merchant, the Jews kept trump alive.
When he was billion dollars in debt Wilbur Ross and Rothschild bailed him out
IMG 3532
Why do you put mr happy merchant, the Jews kept trump alive.
When he was billion dollars in debt Wilbur Ross and Rothschild bailed him out
View attachment 3044368
That’s confusing because the Jews seem to be against everything Trump stands for, in favor of the Liberal Agenda being shilled everywhere
Vote 3rd Party

Either Jill Stein or Cornel West
Trump wins and the clouds part and the heavens shine from above. Right?

I don’t follow politics close enough to know too much about it, but that’s my 2 cents from a blackpilled, anti-woke perspective.
You say you are ill informed but choose to spew complete nonsense and garbage so confidently with no evidence. Please do everyone a favor and never comment on U.S. politics ever again.
You say you are ill informed but choose to spew complete nonsense and garbage so confidently with no evidence. Please do everyone a favor and never comment on U.S. politics ever again.
Enlighten me then. What’s your take?
It all comes down to Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

They voted for Obama, rejected Hillary (voted Trump in 2016) and then swung back to Biden. If Hillary had taken those 3, she would have been the president.

My guess is that the people there prefer an older white male that can at least pretend to connect with the working class.

This is why Trump has an edge.
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Enlighten me then. What’s your take?
Trump is a man who attempted to coup our government using a plan written up by John Eastman involving 7 fraudulent slates of electors created in 7 different states that were not authorized by said states. Trumps plan was then to have Mike Pence reject the valid slates of electors in favor of his fraudulent ones so that he may steal the election and effectively have couped the government. Mike Pence did not agree in response to which Trump gathered his supporters on January 6th, riled them up to be violent, and then sent them to the Capitol Building in hopes that the pressure of violence would change Pence's mind. Trumps defense against this in later years was to get on his knees and beg the Supreme Court for full criminal immunity. No one in government denies that any of this happened not even Trump himself.

If you vote for Trump you are voting for a man who attempted to coup the government and who's defense in court against doing so was to get on his knees and beg for immunity. With no guardrails against Trump this time around he will most likely radically change the country and enact many policies from "Project 2025".
  • Woah
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Trump is a man who attempted to coup our government using a plan written up by John Eastman involving 7 fraudulent slates of electors created in 7 different states that were not authorized by said states. Trumps plan was then to have Mike Pence reject the valid slates of electors in favor of his fraudulent ones so that he may steal the election and effectively have couped the government. Mike Pence did not agree in response to which Trump gathered his supporters on January 6th, riled them up to be violent, and then sent them to the Capitol Building in hopes that the pressure of violence would change Pence's mind. Trumps defense against this in later years was to get on his knees and beg the Supreme Court for full criminal immunity. No one in government denies that any of this happened not even Trump himself.

If you vote for Trump you are voting for a man who attempted to coup the government and who's defense in court against doing so was to get on his knees and beg for immunity. With no guardrails against Trump this time around he will most likely radically change the country and enact many policies from "Project 2025".
What’s Project 2025?

And you really think Kamala is the better choice?
  • +1
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Trump is a man who attempted to coup our government using a plan written up by John Eastman involving 7 fraudulent slates of electors created in 7 different states that were not authorized by said states. Trumps plan was then to have Mike Pence reject the valid slates of electors in favor of his fraudulent ones so that he may steal the election and effectively have couped the government. Mike Pence did not agree in response to which Trump gathered his supporters on January 6th, riled them up to be violent, and then sent them to the Capitol Building in hopes that the pressure of violence would change Pence's mind. Trumps defense against this in later years was to get on his knees and beg the Supreme Court for full criminal immunity. No one in government denies that any of this happened not even Trump himself.

If you vote for Trump you are voting for a man who attempted to coup the government and who's defense in court against doing so was to get on his knees and beg for immunity. With no guardrails against Trump this time around he will most likely radically change the country and enact many policies from "Project 2025".
What the actual Ffffff I've never even heard of this eastman chap he looks so fcking shady

Trump sucks tbh but proj 2025 is only bad if you're a degenerate atheist tbh a

The real problem with Trump winning is that he & JD Vance are isolationists. Bad for international standing & businesses.
The Jews will do literally everything possible to make sure she wins. If the election is fair though, Trump wins in a landslide.
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What’s Project 2025?
Project 2025 (Guide on how to turn America into a Christian Nationalist Country)
What the actual Ffffff I've never even heard of this eastman chap he looks so fcking shady
The John Eastman memo (Plan to coup the government)
And you really think Kamala is the better choice?
Kamala would most likely be better for the country as at least the Democrat Party is willing to call out their own whereas Republicans love to suck Trumps cock in anything he does.
The Jews will do literally everything possible to make sure she wins. If the election is fair though, Trump wins in a landslide.
JFL aint nobody is winning no landslide
However the fuck popular you think any candidate least 45% of the country hates him/her
The John Eastman memo (Plan to coup the government)
holy fuck
Kamala would most likely be better for the country as at least the Democrat Party is willing to call out their own

whereas Republicans love to suck Trumps cock in anything he does.
utterly disgusting.

even former critics like jdvance and ted cruz now shill for him
Trump has already won. Its kind of a joke honestly he has felonies and cant vote, his conduct on Jan 6th was deplorable but hes going to run and win. The democrats shot themselves in the foot hard Biden should've announced he would not be going for re-election last year that way the DNC could sort their shit out.
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Project 2025 (Guide on how to turn America into a Christian Nationalist Country)

The John Eastman memo (Plan to coup the government)

Kamala would most likely be better for the country as at least the Democrat Party is willing to call out their own whereas Republicans love to suck Trumps cock in anything he does.
This country is already a degenerate shithole that would benefit greatly from Project 2025. A shift in culture is needed more than anything else imo.

Progressive liberalism is literal AIDS.
  • +1
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This country is already a degenerate shithole that would benefit greatly from Project 2025. A shift in culture is needed more than anything else imo.

Progressive liberalism is literal AIDS.
Did you actually read the entirety of the book or just the nice little synopsis on the website. Project 2025 goes against The Constitution in so many different ways and would strip fundamental rights away from millions of Americans. If you believe that America is a shithole then please pack your bags and leave to somewhere like the ultra conservative UAE instead of slurping up Trump's jizz and spitting it at the rest of us.
Did you actually read the entirety of the book or just the nice little synopsis on the website. Project 2025 goes against The Constitution in so many different ways and would strip fundamental rights away from millions of Americans. If you believe that America is a shithole then please pack your bags and leave to somewhere like the ultra conservative UAE instead of slurping up Trump's jizz and spitting it at the rest of us.
In what ways will it go against constitutional rights except maybe barring whores from killing babies?

You sound like a soycuck redditor :soy:

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