Truth as a whole isn't the goal, winning is the goal


Deleted member 16220

Nov 28, 2021
I often questioned the nature of the world as a child. I never had much. I am the son of an unattractive, unlikeable, bald, fat old man, with a younger, unintelligent Asian woman.

Both made horrible parents. I have bad genetics as well. The result is a philosopher, and a loser by nature.

I often as I grew up inquired on the nature of the world. Lately in my moments of nihilism (from being a loser) found Nietzche, and I am so shocked.

Nietzche stated that men have a quest for knowledge. We love it. Learning makes us happy. But he also says we are not curious by nature. We are curious as a means to searching for more POWER. We don't want knowledge of or knowledge sake, we want power from it. Truth is a means to an end.

But what if truth itself were to show you that your life is meaningless, your suffering pointless with no reward, and everything you believe in to be a lie? That's exactly what nietzche says the truth is. That some truths are helpful to you, and the ultimate truth is nihilism.

So what is nietzches solution? He realizes that humans actually need lies. We evolved in delusion. Our ancestors thought the world was flat. Every action they did they believed had supernatural importance to the gods, spirits, monsters, and devil's.

Their lives had "meaning" in the supernatural. But now we know the truth: there is no supernatural, or meaning. So what do we do?

You tell yourself lies. You hold on to delusion and you forget truth. You make goals for yourself and you tell yourself whatever it takes to reach those goals.

A man cannot fight against an army of ten thousand if he knows for a fact he will lose. But if he tells himself "I cannot be killed, I am God." he might fight with a passion those other men don't have.

My conclusion is: you should tell yourself things you like hearing. Give yourself hope. Tell yourself one day you will mog to suicide. Tell yourself you matter. Tell yourself you are god.

And this blackpilled information? Call it all nonsense. Know it, then stop reading it, and tell yourself "one day i will mog to suicide, i will be tall, i will be good looking".

I have told myself I will debate the meaning of my life the moment after I die. I will have plenty of time to think about the pointlessness of life when I am dead in the grave.

Tell yourself you are God.

Who is to tell you otherwise...the god that doesn't exist? You must know the truth and tell yourself lies.

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  • +1
Reactions: berlin.1969, 5footsix56, Averagecel and 8 others
interesting post.

what exactly do you think happens after death?
interesting post.

what exactly do you think happens after death?
i dont remember the 13.8 billion years before i was born,same in death
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Reactions: berlin.1969, Deleted member 25667, Deleted member 23554 and 1 other person
very thought provoking statement, ngl
people want to believe in an afterlife because they are useless poor subhumans (same reason why people believe in reincarnation),do you think the elites or a chad would give a fuck about a afterlife when they have everything here
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: berlin.1969, Parf, Finalcut123 and 3 others
Common sense thread, but maybe usefull for lowIQcels
people want to believe in an afterlife because they are useless poor subhumans (same reason why people believe in reincarnation),do you think the elites or a chad would give a fuck about a afterlife when they have everything here
interesting, but I struggle to believe that we came from nothing, and that we're here for absolutely no purpose, just by luck.
the meaning of life is such a difficult thing to comprehend
interesting, but I struggle to believe that we came from nothing, and that we're here for absolutely no purpose, just by luck.
the meaning of life is such a difficult thing to comprehend
humans or any other intelligent lifeform has no end goal other than like conquering the universe and making infinite energy and after a while some civilizations would have so much energy that they could make a another universe,TL:DR,God is an alien.
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but what exactly is winning? releasing dopamine?
seeing fellow nietzschepilled people is always nice. we gotta realize tho that the closer we are to reality the more likely we will be able to fulfill our destiny as the last of men. if we can come close to a healthy and aesthetic body like the men of old we could re-achieving the form of a higher being once again.
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You must know the truth and tell yourself lies.
And this... is called coping.

Just lol at this thread. So many words to tell every sub-chad tier male that they should start coping and deluding themselves.
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Reactions: Deleted member 21531 and Aesthetics_III
And this... is called coping.

Just lol at this thread. So many words to tell every sub-chad tier male that they should start coping and deluding themselves.
The truth is that you don't matter.

But you have an intrinsic desire to think you matter.

So you HAVE to cope. You're already coping by telling yourself you do matter right now, you just call it the "truth".

And you don't seem to understand the world at all. Chad doesn't matter either. You probably didn't even think about that.
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Reactions: berlin.1969
The truth is what matters, not me or what I think.
You don't want truth. You want HELPFUL truths. You also like lies. Which is why I say to use HELPFUL lies.

You really just want "to be helped". You want power, freedom, control over things in the world.

If you saw the truth, that you don't matter, you wouldn't be able to carry on today. But if I told you a helpful truth and a helpful lie, you can carry on.

You don't want truth. You want power.
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Reactions: gribsufer1
We are curious as a means to searching for more POWER.
Very true. I'm studying physics, math, computer science and in the future I will study engineering. This is all for military purposes and I couldn't give an actual fuck about science.
You tell yourself lies. You hold on to delusion and you forget truth. You make goals for yourself and you tell yourself whatever it takes to reach those goals.
My conclusion is: you should tell yourself things you like hearing. Give yourself hope. Tell yourself one day you will mog to suicide. Tell yourself you matter. Tell yourself you are god.
I've been thinking that I'm 1 in a trillion giga special since I was born and now it's not a delusion anynore I believe it as a fact now. Helps to get through life.
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  • JFL
Reactions: berlin.1969, Deleted member 25667, Deleted member 23554 and 2 others
hoping and coping are survival mechanisms

if the human was more logical, there wouldnt be such things, men would do a simple analisis on their life, if they are prone to suffering (sub chads) they would rope, simple as that, but here we are

every sub chad who is alive is indeed coping and deluding himself
hoping and coping are survival mechanisms

if the human was more logical, there wouldnt be such things, men would do a simple analisis on their life, if they are prone to suffering (sub chads) they would rope, simple as that, but here we are

every sub chad who is alive is indeed coping and deluding himself

Man is not a purely logical creature. That's the entire point nietzche and the author Fyodor Dostoevsky (who wrote Crime and Punishment) tried to say.

Even the Chinese realized there is Yin and Yang, chaos and order both in a man.

Even if you gave a man chadhood, gave him everything, food, money, infinite women, he wouldn't be happy. He would seek pain, struggle, war somehow. He would just GET BORED of having everything.

Because man is not JUST a logical creature. He likes suffering. This is why so many people feel good exercising. Men of power actually crave war too.

We are not logical creatures. We are emotional creatures as well, and ILLOGICAL creatures too.

Music, religion, and a beautiful piece of art work can change a man more than any amount of logical thinking. I would blow my brains out if music didn't exist. I am not a logical creature.
  • +1
Reactions: gribsufer1 and anticel
Very true. I'm studying physics, math, computer science and in the future I will study engineering. This is all for military purposes and I couldn't give an actual fuck about science.
What a slave
I've been thinking that I'm 1 in a trillion giga special since I was born and now it's not a delusion anynore I believe it as a fact now. Helps to get through life.
Good boy
Because man is not JUST a logical creature. He likes suffering. This is why so many people feel good exercising.
Nobody except the mentally ill like the stress of exercise. You only feel good afterwards because of a hormonal reaction of your body who thinks you just won a life/death situation.
Men of power actually crave war too.
You only crave war if it'll benefit your material ends. If peace if more beneficial for you you'll crave that.
Music, religion, and a beautiful piece of art work can change a man more than any amount of logical thinking.
If youre low iq. Religion is a pretense to hide true material interests like the subjugation of the other gender, charity for the poor, the plunder of the rich, etc
I would blow my brains out if music didn't exist. I am not a logical creature.
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Reactions: gribsufer1
Not another countries military, my own military. I'm going to be the worst fascist in history and kill everyone
Sorry sir i take back my comments
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Inb4 muh cope from unemployed 25 year olds who have made no progress in their life since high school
  • JFL
Reactions: gribsufer1
Not another countries military, my own military. I'm going to be the worst fascist in history and kill everyone
who are you gonna kill
My conclusion is: you should tell yourself things you like hearing. Give yourself hope. Tell yourself one day you will mog to suicide. Tell yourself you matter. Tell yourself you are god.

If this is what keeps you from roping then go ahead and keep coping

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