Turkey flings open the doors to Europe: Hours after Ankara vowed to stop blocking migrants from reaching the continent, Greece is forced to teargas h

dat feel

dat feel

DailyMail Expert
Oct 6, 2019
Turkey flings open the doors to Europe: Hours after Ankara vowed to stop blocking migrants from reaching the continent, Greece is forced to teargas huge crowds on their borders

Greece's Prime Minister said the country will not tolerate any illegal entry of migrants through its borders and will increase its border security. The UK has condemned the Syria regime.

another major happening
it's actually putin who attacked the turkish soldiers

why the fuck is turkey retaliating against europe

that's exactly what putin wanted
None of those refugees would go to Russia.
that's beside the point
russia is using the refugees as a weapon against europe

little do they know that the refugees will actually spawn millions of alpha chads who will make war against europe a suicide mission for russia

that's beside the point
Have you not figured out yet that on this forum everyone views every post through the lens of their own myopic world view.

Reminder: Turkey is 98+% Muslim
Have you not figured out yet that on this forum everyone views every post through the lens of their own myopic world view.

Reminder: Turkey is 98+% Muslim
so what if it is

do you think turkey is trying to invade europe? that wouldn't make much sense since the refugees are not loyal to turkey

also have you cashed out all your positions yet? dow is going below 20k

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