Two 25 year-old Dutch Instagram models sexually assaulted a 17 year-old pizza deliverer



Nov 3, 2020
Two 25-year-old Dutch models, Cato Van der Kruk and Michelle de Koning, have to answer to a Dutch court for immoral behavior towards a 17-year-old pizza deliverer.

On a drunken evening filled with laughing gas, the ravishing ladies felt like a pizza. When the (un)fortunate man rang the bell, Cato, dressed in a pink bathrobe with a visible plunging neckline, opened the door. After getting money and returning with a filming mobile phone, Van der K. put her arm around the delivery person and squeezed his genitals with the words: 'This must be an ultimate dream to be welcomed by customers like this'. She was dressed in a latex sm suit.

Unfortunately for the two women/young man (delete what does not fit), he panicked and decided, after consultation with his boss, to file a complaint against the two young women. Spicy detail, the fact that the two afterwards asked the pizzeria to give 'the pummel' his C4 because he didn't want to fuck', does not argue in their favor, on the contrary.

The public prosecutor is now demanding three months in prison against the two models, who are also in FHM500, the magazine with the honors list in which the 500 most beautiful women in the Netherlands are included every year.

One of the models:

  • JFL
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Hard decision for me tbh.

If you fuck, theres a chance they could try flipping the script on you claim and you did something to them and then try to sue and lock you up.
On the other hand if you dont, then you're gay :feelshaha:. Like, you cant win lmfao.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Hero of the Imperium, fjor2096, PrinceLuenLeoncur and 12 others
Hard decision for me tbh.

If you fuck, theres a chance they could try flipping the script on you claim and you did something to them and then try to sue and lock you up.
On the other hand if you dont, then you're gay :feelshaha:. Like, you cant win lmfao.
Men have a right to say no. :soy:

Nah jk, I think he was nervous and the girls shamelessly didn't care because he was a Chad. Being a Chad is not always good, some Stacys will want to assault you.
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Men have a right to say no. :soy:

Nah jk, I think he was nervous and the girls shamelessly didn't care because he was a Chad. Being a Chad is not always good, some Stacys will want to assault you.
was the pizza boy a chad?
Men have a right to say no. :soy:

Nah jk, I think he was nervous and the girls shamelessly didn't care because he was a Chad. Being a Chad is not always good, some Stacys will want to assault you.
Being a Chad is not always good, some Stacys will want to assault you.

Im sorry, im failing to see the problem here :unsure:.

Imagine being so sexually fulfilled and validated, that you are actually scared and annoyed that girls might hit on you and try to fuck you.
IDK nigga, literally couldnt be me.
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"During the hearing before the court in Alkmaar, it was not clear what exactly the women had in mind and what happened during the assault. The suspects had drunk a lot of rum and used drugs. The defense of the women that they thought the delivery person was of age and had entered the house himself, the public prosecutor calls a reversal of the facts: the boy was lured in with the excuse that the women still had to pay.

In its own words, the Public Prosecution Service calls it 'the elephant in the room': "How great would the indignation be if the perpetrators had been two adult men and the victim a 17-year-old girl. There is no difference for me. The victim is overwhelmed and was just a minor at the time. That is why it is also about child pornography. They are jointly responsible for both the assault and the production of the pornographic film.”"

JFL child pronography:feelskek::feelskek:
  • JFL
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What a gangster. No sympathy for these thots.
  • +1
  • JFL
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Need pic of the delivery dude.
Inb4 it’s a Moroccan :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
  • JFL
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"During the hearing before the court in Alkmaar, it was not clear what exactly the women had in mind and what happened during the assault. The suspects had drunk a lot of rum and used drugs. The defense of the women that they thought the delivery person was of age and had entered the house himself, the public prosecutor calls a reversal of the facts: the boy was lured in with the excuse that the women still had to pay.

In its own words, the Public Prosecution Service calls it 'the elephant in the room': "How great would the indignation be if the perpetrators had been two adult men and the victim a 17-year-old girl. There is no difference for me. The victim is overwhelmed and was just a minor at the time. That is why it is also about child pornography. They are jointly responsible for both the assault and the production of the pornographic film.”"

JFL child pronography:feelskek::feelskek:
"How great would the indignation be if the perpetrators had been two adult men and the victim a 17-year-old girl. There is no difference for me"

Terminate these bitches' career and throw them in jail. That is assault, regardless of gender
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Seriously the gayest gay fag in the gayest fucking story I have ever read
  • JFL
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He made the right call if he is unattractive. In that case, they were just teasing him like a jester.
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Chadethnic101, FuckMyLife and 6 others
Men have a right to say no. :soy:

Nah jk, I think he was nervous and the girls shamelessly didn't care because he was a Chad. Being a Chad is not always good, some Stacys will want to assault you.
I doubt he's a chad. Chads don't wageslave
  • JFL
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He made the right call if he is unattractive. In that case, they were just teasing him like a jester.
could be tbh.
Lol the women thought he was 18+ and wanted to fuck him:

"In the 43-second video, made in a house in Alkmaar, it can be seen that Van der K. grabs the delivery man in his crotch. Both women spoke to the victim with texts such as "this is a pizza delivery man's ultimate dream. It's our dream, let's make it come true." (...)

Michelle de K. would have opened the door for the victim in a thong and a bathrobe without a bra, the judge pointed out. However, the boy did not experience the seduction attempt by two sexy-dressed ladies as a dream come true. He stated that more people were having sex in the house when he delivered the pizza he ordered. He felt intimidated by the women in 'sm-like clothes' and he thought that a porn movie 'with muscular men' was being produced in the house.

Out of a sort of surrender, he himself touched one of the women, he stated, but shortly afterwards he left the house with the announcement that he had to work. The incident triggered a panic attack in him, partly due to his past abuse. When his employer calls the pizza deliverers a little later to tell them, he thinks he hears that the women are under the influence. The employer is told: "He didn't want to fuck, you have to fire him."

so the only 'problematic' part is that his crotch was touched? If that didn't happen then there was 0 issue?

Sexual assault is a joke tbh. Imagine getting the police involved for being 'touched inappropriately'. Probably the kind of guy that cried to the teacher in middle school whenever they got into a conflict. 'uhuhuhu Harry said a mean word to me'

Pathetic and usually pathetic behavior is reserved to women only.
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  • +1
Reactions: Kmscurry, Elvisandreaa, Looks234 and 1 other person
Lol the women thought he was 18+ and wanted to fuck him:

"In the 43-second video, made in a house in Alkmaar, it can be seen that Van der K. grabs the delivery man in his crotch. Both women spoke to the victim with texts such as "this is a pizza delivery man's ultimate dream. It's our dream, let's make it come true." (...)

Michelle de K. would have opened the door for the victim in a thong and a bathrobe without a bra, the judge pointed out. However, the boy did not experience the seduction attempt by two sexy-dressed ladies as a dream come true. He stated that more people were having sex in the house when he delivered the pizza he ordered. He felt intimidated by the women in 'sm-like clothes' and he thought that a porn movie 'with muscular men' was being produced in the house.

Out of a sort of surrender, he himself touched one of the women, he stated, but shortly afterwards he left the house with the announcement that he had to work. The incident triggered a panic attack in him, partly due to his past abuse. When his employer calls the pizza deliverers a little later to tell them, he thinks he hears that the women are under the influence. The employer is told: "He didn't want to fuck, you have to fire him."

It seems like they were strung out. Women are more likely to fuck unattractive men when they are intoxicated. By filing a report first, he covered his bases from them trying to claim that he came in and raped them.
so the only 'problematic' part is that his crotch was touched? If that didn't happen then there was 0 issue?

Sexual assault is a joke tbh. Imagine getting the police involved for being 'touched inappropriately'. Probably the kind of guy that go cried to the teacher in middle school whenever they got into a conflict. 'uhuhuhu Harry said a mean word to me'

Pathetic and usually pathetic behavior is reserved to women only.
They were sentenced to 1 day in prison, on top of that one was sentenced to 60 hours community service, the other to 120 hours community service. Fucking clown world.
Women are more likely to fuck unattractive men when they are intoxicated.
Yes, this is why the blackpill doesn't always apply, women often lower their standards when drunk, which can be often times for some of them.

But I think the 17 year-old guy was good-looking and not a Normie or even ugly.
Lucky sob
So he gets money and laid
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But I think the 17 year-old guy was good-looking and not a Normie or even ugly.
If they were sober, I would believe this. If they were intoxicated, his attractiveness is up in the air.
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I mean he can brag about it now and people will believe it’s a lay
He will always know that he could but rejected to slay these two ...
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  • JFL
Reactions: Enfant terrible, Hero of the Imperium and AlexAP
who are also in FHM500, the magazine with the honors list in which the 500 most beautiful women in the Netherlands are included every year.
it's a cope list. It's based around, what women are willing to show up at that dumb annual party of them. And recieve the award.

For example.
Doutzen Kroes NEVER won.
While she is the most TeraStacy we ever had in Netherlands

But than women like this win. because they are willing to do a free photoshoot with them. And go to that stupid party of theirs.
  • JFL
Reactions: fras
The other possibility was that they were trying to make content for OnlyFans/whatever other platform (while intoxicated), which fits the description of the video equipment in the house.
imagine yourself in his shoes. you are some broke ass nigga who delivers pizza and out of nowhere 2 fking MODELS appear and they want to have a threesome with you??? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

and you don't find this suspicious af? i would think that they record me until i get naked or claim i raped them idk.
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, EasternRightWinger15, Albeacho and 5 others
If it were 2 males it would be considered rape and prison for years
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Cato got. 1 day jail and 120 hour community service. and need to pay 750 euro to the guy
Michelle got, 1 day jail and 60 hour community service
1 day jfl:lul: if they were male they would be rotting in jail for years and no one would hire them.

these girls gained so much attention thanks to this
Cato got. 1 day jail and 120 hour community service. and need to pay 750 euro to the guy
Michelle got, 1 day jail and 60 hour community service
Flip the sexes...
it's a cope list. It's based around, what women are willing to show up at that dumb annual party of them. And recieve the award.

For example.
Doutzen Kroes NEVER won.
While she is the most TeraStacy we ever had in Netherlands

But than women like this win. because they are willing to do a free photoshoot with them. And go to that stupid party of theirs.
Yes, it's always subjective and many women on the street mog models. I still think these two women were very attractive.
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Cato got. 1 day jail and 120 hour community service. and need to pay 750 euro to the guy
Michelle got, 1 day jail and 60 hour community service
I think Londonvillie was asking how much money the pizza guy got after the incident. He got nothing, he just got "justice".
  • WTF
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Cato got. 1 day jail and 120 hour community service. and need to pay 750 euro to the guy
Michelle got, 1 day jail and 60 hour community service
Lol that’s nothing basically
Lol that’s nothing basically
They should have walked free. Even if they were men, they didn't force anyone to do anything.

I guess the problem was that the guy was 17, so another AoC-stupidity.
They should have walked free. Even if they were men, they didn't force anyone to do anything.

I guess the problem was that the guy was 17, so another AoC-stupidity.
It’s like the case of Oskar Groening the nazi criminal
He was 98 and given a life sentence
It’s more symbolic
imagine yourself in his shoes. you are some broke ass nigga who delivers pizza and out of nowhere 2 fking MODELS appear and they want to have a threesome with you??? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

and you don't find this suspicious af? i would think that they record me until i get naked or claim i raped them idk.
They are sexually liberated women and wanted to have fun with a good looking guy and didn't know he was nervous and under 18. Don't see why they couldn't happen, especially if you're a Chad.
They should have walked free. Even if they were men, they didn't force anyone to do anything.

I guess the problem was that the guy was 17, so another AoC-stupidity.
Dutch AoC is 16. The issue was that he was under 18, which is considered child pornography.
  • +1
Reactions: AlexAP
Two 25-year-old Dutch models, Cato Van der Kruk and Michelle de Koning, have to answer to a Dutch court for immoral behavior towards a 17-year-old pizza deliverer.

On a drunken evening filled with laughing gas, the ravishing ladies felt like a pizza. When the (un)fortunate man rang the bell, Cato, dressed in a pink bathrobe with a visible plunging neckline, opened the door. After getting money and returning with a filming mobile phone, Van der K. put her arm around the delivery person and squeezed his genitals with the words: 'This must be an ultimate dream to be welcomed by customers like this'. She was dressed in a latex sm suit.

Unfortunately for the two women/young man (delete what does not fit), he panicked and decided, after consultation with his boss, to file a complaint against the two young women. Spicy detail, the fact that the two afterwards asked the pizzeria to give 'the pummel' his C4 because he didn't want to fuck', does not argue in their favor, on the contrary.

The public prosecutor is now demanding three months in prison against the two models, who are also in FHM500, the magazine with the honors list in which the 500 most beautiful women in the Netherlands are included every year.

One of the models:

and this is why we cant have nice things
men these days complain:"omg i cant get laid, girls dont want sex, omg why are all women bitches"

and when a girk actuslly tries to fuck a guy he runs off and files a complaint. Jeez fucking christ.

The problem that women are using men for free money, free shit and free attention because men give away all of that shit for free to girls who dont deserve it.
If you had 50 models drolling over you everyday you get used to it and wouldnt get thr same pleasure from it anymore as well.

men are such pussies these days
  • +1
Reactions: AlexAP
They are sexually liberated women and wanted to have fun with a good looking guy and didn't know he was nervous and under 18. Don't see why they couldn't happen, especially if you're a Chad.
too good to be true. even for chad. also these kind of women hang around with male models all day
Dutch AoC is 16. The issue was that he was under 18, which is considered child pornography.
Even more stupid. You can have sex, but you can't film it jfl.
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imagine yourself in his shoes. you are some broke ass nigga who delivers pizza and out of nowhere 2 fking MODELS appear and they want to have a threesome with you??? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

and you don't find this suspicious af? i would think that they record me until i get naked or claim i raped them idk.
Yeah. would be suspicuous as fuck. I would think it was a prank also.

NOT MODELS, by the way.
Instagram-models. aka, face not good enough for real moddeling.
No way they are good looking enough, for high fashion commercial moddeling. Their faces are not that good. They just model in insta, by showing T&A. All pics are with using body/body halo. Why? Because face alone would do nothing.
Only true Stacies, can just post a face pic. And be great looking.

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