Ugly men can still get HTB+ in some cases


Deleted member 54863

Pawb breeder
Dec 10, 2023
(only works if you’re white or black.)
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I scored a htb and I lm my avi how ?
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There are no htb in india unfortunately
I prefer poos to whites , blonde women have 0 sex appeal to me. I think white men look better obviously, averae white is different universion compared to average pajeet
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you mean ugly FAMOUS men
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driven by fame halo. u can sell trash if it has any type of hype behind it
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you mean ugly FAMOUS men
I see it in my day to day life too but I’m not going to put random couples I know irl on this site. Btw the women here are more famous and richer than their partners. They literally dated down in looks and wealth.
I see it in my day to day life too but I’m not going to put random couples I know irl on this site. Btw the women here are more famous and richer than their partners. They literally dated down in looks and wealth.
No you definitely don't my bro that's why you're not with a Kylie Jenner lookalike
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just be travis scott to score htb LOL
BBC fetish helps in this day and age. I see some questionable looking black men with attractive white and asian women.
She loved your personality of course :love: :bluepill:
You can get sex with looks only, easy, but she won't stay with you. One of my friends is a HTN and does well with casual sex but all his women break up with him within a month or don't want a LTR and they all repeat the same reason which is the same reason we discuss among our guy group friend as well "you feel like you can't be yourself around that guy". Everybody says the same thing and I also think this of him. He is a good guy to have around when you are in a group but universally no one out of our social circle like one on one time with him.
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You can get sex with looks only, easy, but she won't stay with you. One of my friends is a HTN and does well with casual sex but all his women break up with him within a month or don't want a LTR and they all repeat the same reason which is the same reason we discuss among our guy group friend as well "you feel like you can't be yourself around that guy". Everybody says the same thing and I also think this of him. He is a good guy to have around when you are in a group but universally no one out of our social circle like one on one time with him.
Just be rich celebrity brah!
most retarded thread of the day
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Love is a powerful drug, yes even when you are not physically attracted to a person you can still develop a romantic relationship based on love. Don't underestimate the powerful neurochemical atom bomb your brain can produce and other brains can produce. Of course, you incels wouldn't know anything about it so it is a moot point.

Al though in general looks play an important role and often the upper most important role, in reality it is not as black and white and more grey.
Madison beer is more famous than that ltn white guy
She could've dated any other celebrity but chose that guy explain
@Blackgymmax fucking nigger explain
Madison beer is more famous than that ltn white guy
She could've dated any other celebrity but chose that guy explain
These are just other levels of oofy doofy which is more extreme because these like no famous dudes. They probably fw chads on the side and walk all over these bums.
Oofy doofy for you gets you an average girl because there's just as many avg guys as avg girls or you'll get uglier.
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Love is a powerful drug, yes even when you are not physically attracted to a person you can still develop a romantic relationship based on love. Don't underestimate the powerful neurochemical atom bomb your brain can produce and other brains can produce. Of course, you incels wouldn't know anything about it so it is a moot point.

Al though in general looks play an important role and often the upper most important role, in reality it is not as black and white and more grey.
Literally. My friend is stacylite and fell in love with a 5’8 MTN asian dude and was crying over the break up HE initiated :lul:
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Literally. My friend is stacylite and fell in love with a 5’8 MTN asian dude and was crying over the break up HE initiated :lul:
Yea, me and this girl had the same thing happen to us. I was the first one to mention it that I am not sexually attracted to her but at the same time can't stop thinking about her and being obsessed with her. She admitted the same about me. Al though I don't believe her since I mog her horse face back to the shadow realms. Her friend came to me to suggest I should talk to her, basically wanting to lock me in. But I got those emotions of my chest and moved on, my Saiyan pride didn't allow me to have a relationship with a woman I wasn't attracted to physically and to make it worse my other nigga had already banged her. What would I become? The laughingstock of the town.

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