Ultimate Ascension Plan Thread

Lev Peshkov

Lev Peshkov

High T
Apr 5, 2020
Most of us here rely soully on looks to be happy, however the looks we deal with is face and not the whole picture. As good as this community is for us to have people to relate to I think at least 60% of us will try and ascend and that leaves us with very different problems and a different lifestyle completely. So this super long thread I hope to help you all figure out your total ascension value and what to do after you ascend / lookmax


OK so first thing you want to u crease is your sexual market value. This is a combination of your facial aesthetics, fashion, body, hair, skin, personality and sex appeal.

Here are 3 images.
Low sex appeal and low aesthetics
Screenshot 20200511 171632

High aesthetics low sex appeal
Screenshot 20200511 171803

And high sex appeal and high aesthetics
Screenshot 20200511 171843

Jason probably gets so much pussy even though his psl is low compared to other models. He is about PSL 6-6.5
Which is in fact achievable for people PSL4+

But first let's discuss how to ascend through surgery. First you Must remeber you need a good base which consists of a Fwhr of 1.8 and above and an average PSL to start with (psl 4) and it goes for psl 3.5 can achieve 5.8psl (chadlite) 3 can ascend to 5.3. Quite substantial changes to be fair. But don't get your hopes too high but aesthetics isn't everything as SMV>aesthetics in most cases.

Here's a guide to surgical ascension which I wrote https://looksmax.org/threads/the-only-guide-to-surgical-ascension.137011/

If you already know your plan to ascend go check out sex appeal maxxing by @Kingkellz, thanks brother you really helped a great load of people.

Another part of increasing you're SMV is gonna be your muscles. I wrote a guide to anabolic ascension the other day. REMEMBER IF YOU ARE PRONE TO MPB DO NOT DO STEROIDS. you could choose to do it natty or with sarms but don't do it with steroids or the Norwood Reper will come for you https://looksmax.org/threads/anabolic-aesthetics.138352/

Lastly good skin will help you. Try This amazing skincare regimen by @benignice

OK that's all you need to do to ascend hard but now I'll tell you how to deal with the life of chad.

Bad Incel Traits

OK so many of us spend most of our times jerking off, eating trash, gaming and doing nothing that Chad would do.

So ill give you a day in the life of chad.

13:00: wakes up, has protein shakes for breakfast, goes out for lunch to a nice restaurant.
14:00: gym. Not really to workout. Lifting maybe for 20 minutes but you're mainly there to show off to the girls.
14:30: take girl home and fuck
14:30-20:00: do whatever Chad feels like (for us I'd say we'd be gaming or some shit)
20:00-01:00: clubbing, drinking, girls sleep with that girl.
13:00: repeat

Seems like a good life. And it is, however we are scarred. Whether you see it that way or not. We have spent the majority of our lives been rejected, ignored,lonely and depressed so here's how to cope with this and move on


No matter if you think of it this way. High PSL and high SMV will not make you happy. You'll be happy shortly but you'll be scarred. So here's my guide to teach you happiness (Connor Murphycels listen in)


Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain causing you to be low energy and empty feeling all the time.

So here's a few ways you can cope with it and even treat it through safe self medication of common drugs.

Weed: some good evidence to show it helps with anxiety,Ptsd and depression

Next up is Hallucagenics such as shrooms or lsd: https://successtms.com/blog/mushrooms-for-depression

Finally ketamine is a potential cure for depression too: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog...pression-new-tool-new-questions-2019052216673

OK so now you have mainly delay with the mental health you're gonna want to permanently boost your mood.

As we all know, seratonin and dopamine are the feel good hormones. And there are actually ways to boost them at home.

So you should be having these in your lifestyle after you looksmaxxed.

1) exercise
2) get plenty of vitamin D
And here are some amazing suppliments to help:
Pure tryptophan Tryptophan supplements contain much more tryptophan than food sources, making it possibly more likely to reach your brain. A small 2006 study suggests tryptophan supplements can have an antidepressant effect in women, though more research is needed. Buy tryptophan supplements. SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) SAMe appears to help increase serotonin and may improve depression symptoms, but don’t take it with any other supplements or medications that increase serotonin, including certain antidepressants and antipsychotics. Buy SAMe supplements. 5-HTP This supplement can easily enter your brain and produce serotonin. A small 2013 study suggests it worked as effectively as antidepressants for those with early symptoms of depression. But other research on 5-HTP for increasing serotonin and reducing symptoms of depression has yielded mixed results. Buy 5-HTP supplements. St. John’s wort While this supplement seems to improve symptoms of depression for some people, researchTrusted Source hasn’t shown consistent results. It also may not be ideal for long-term use. Note that St. John’s wort can make certain medications, including some cancer drugs and hormonal birth control, less effective. People on blood clotting medicine, should not take St. John’s wort as it interferes with the drug’s effectiveness. You also shouldn’t take it with medications, particularly antidepressants, that increase serotonin. Buy St. John’s wort supplements. Probiotics Research suggests getting more probiotics in your diet may increase tryptophan in your blood, helping more of it to reach your brain. You can take probiotic supplements, available online, or eat probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, and fermented foods, such as kimchi or sauerkraut. Serotonin syndrome warning Use caution when trying these supplements if you already take medication that increases serotonin. This includes several types of antidepressants. Too much serotonin could cause serotonin syndrome, a serious condition that can be life-threatening without treatment. If you want to try replacing antidepressants with supplements, work with your healthcare provider to come up with a plan to safely taper off antidepressants for at least two weeks first. Abruptly stopping can have serious consequences.

OK. I want to say now this and only this is what you need to ascend. Though facial aesthetics help it's not the be all end all. With a decent psl of 5 (which can be achieved by most on this forum) you can easily slay as a high tier normie, if you have good SMV and to keep you happy remeber to suppliment, be healthy and do drugs

Thanks For reading and to all the people I @ thank you so much for your amazing research!

As for those who are sub 3.5 I will be releasing a thread for you guys. I think you can ascend but in different ways and you can compensate for your subhuman traits.


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You forgot to mention how to make money, you need money for a lot of those things.
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Reactions: MentalistKebab and Lev Peshkov
unironically H2O
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Reactions: Toth's thot, FutureMogger, PenileFacialSurgery and 1 other person
You forgot to mention how to make money, you need money for a lot of those things.
Sure, I was actually thinking on making that a large point for the sub 3 psl people. They can ascend to normie and status max, money max, masculine max, army max. There is many things they cna do to get high SMV as long as their faces aren't a massive problem which is good if they are a normie with great features
  • +1
Reactions: 5ft10
Jordan Barrett has high sex appeal
You can look at his Instagram
Or YouTube comments it’s suicide fuel
  • +1
Reactions: MentalistKebab
Weed is terrible for depression. Trust me if you rely on weed for depression you are only cucking yourself
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Pipilika, FutureMogger, Deleted member 5583 and 2 others
Good thread
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Great effort!
Good collection of info/guides/research!
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Weed is terrible for depression. Trust me if you rely on weed for depression you are only cucking yourself
Yeah it's not. I used to smoke a lot of weed and it just made my depression and anxiety worse.

Weed is great for people who are not depressed in life but are stressed and weed can calm your mind down. Weed should not be used to help with depression. Also, people who have anxiety, it can either increase or decrease by 10x.

Instead of weed, I suggest you take pills for drugs. Any Benzos are nice. Opiod pills give great euphoria, while Benzos give you a nice relaxed calm.

I used to be a huge pill head
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov and Incoming
Jordan Barrett has high sex appeal
You can look at his Instagram
Or YouTube comments it’s suicide fuel
Not by definition.
Yeah it's not. I use smoke a lot of weed and it just made my depression and anxiety worse.

Weed is great for people who are not depressed in life but are stressed and weed can calm your mind down. Weed should not be used to depression.
It really helps me a lot. But I rely mainly on ket and lsd tbh haha
Great effort!
Good collection of info/guides/research!
Thank you so much!
Good thread
  • +1
Reactions: Kingkellz
Yeah it's not. I use smoke a lot of weed and it just made my depression and anxiety worse.

Weed is great for people who are not depressed in life but are stressed and weed can calm your mind down. Weed should not be used to depression.
Yeah I used to be a pothead too and while being high 24/7 is fun it made me very unmotivated and depressed. I think weed is good in moderation tho, even if depressed
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Yeah I used to be a pothead too and while being high 24/7 is fun it made me very unmotivated and depressed. I think weed is good in moderation tho, even if depressed
I 100% agree with this buddy
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Yeah I used to be a pothead too and while being high 24/7 is fun it made me very unmotivated and depressed. I think weed is good in moderation tho, even if depressed
I agree. Weed is a easy fun drug. Cant see any harm in it but people do create a psychological dependency on it where they always have to smoke after work, college, or whatever. Sometimes, weed made me productive. I cleaned my room ,my car, did some chores. Other times I would just lay in bed watching Netflix. How weed affects you depends on the person you are and what kind of issues you are going through.

I always thought to myself that weed molds into the drug/effects that you take depending on your life situations. If you're always anxious and sad, weed can make it worse. If your a happy person and just have some stress,anxiety, weed can lift you up.
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov and Incoming
I agree. Weed is a easy fun drug. Cant see any harm in it but people do create a psychological dependency on it where they always have to smoke after work, college, or whatever. Sometimes, weed made me productive. I cleaned my room ,my car, did some chores. Other times I would just lay in bed watching Netflix. How weed affects you depends on the person you are and what kind of issues you are going through.

I always thought to myself that weed molds into the drug/effects that you take depending on your life situations. If you're always anxious and sad, weed can make it worse. If your a happy person and just have some stress,anxiety, weed can lift you up.
Facts and it also depends on the strain and how high you get. I’ve had very productive highs and highs where I walked around aimlessly for hours
  • +1
Reactions: lonelystoner and Lev Peshkov
Facts and it also depends on the strain and how high you get. I’ve had very productive highs and highs where I walked around aimlessly for hours
true. I always smoked indicas or hybrids. sativas always tripped me out. Nothing beats a nice fat blunt on a warm sunny day when you are off from work or any responsibilities. I would just smoke eat and lay down and relax.

Im taking a break off weed for a while.
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov and Incoming
And high sex appeal and high aesthetics

Jason probably gets so much pussy even though his psl is low compared to other models. He is about PSL 6-6.5
Which is in fact achievable for people PSL4+
I saw how he used to look when he was younger. Damn, he ascended in appeal.

So ill give you a day in the life of chad.

13:00: wakes up, has protein shakes for breakfast, goes out for lunch to a nice restaurant.
14:00: gym. Not really to workout. Lifting maybe for 20 minutes but you're mainly there to show off to the girls.
14:30: take girl home and fuck
14:30-20:00: do whatever Chad feels like (for us I'd say we'd be gaming or some shit)
20:00-01:00: clubbing, drinking, girls sleep with that girl.
13:00: repeat
I have to work a bunch of hours each day.
Free money? Retired?
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Interesting thread and high effort, stop saying water, this will be helpful for alot of new looksmaxers.
true. I always smoked indicas or hybrids. sativas always tripped me out. Nothing beats a nice fat blunt on a warm sunny day when you are off from work or any responsibilities. I would just smoke eat and lay down and relax.

Im taking a break off weed for a while.
I just finished a 4 month break and i broke it with taking a 0.7g all-green hit from a bong let me tell ya that shit hurt
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ok ok decent thread my man
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov
This is one of the most autistic and retarded threads I've seen
  • Hmm...
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