Ultimate Oneitis Cure Thread and Discussion



Dec 15, 2018
This thread is meant to discuss methods and plans of action to cure oneself of the most deadliest and dreaded disease a man could face...

Obsessed with one girl.

Previously about 3 years ago I started working on a note on my laptop titled “Oneitis Cure” on how to get rid of it to start living life and not be tormented by your oneitis living rentfree in your head...

The note was pretty in-depth but...

my plans were sabotaged and the laptop was destroyed... losing the cure in the process...

I plan to retrace my foot steps, and embark on my journey of discovering the cure once again along with all of you who are interested,..
Curing myself and hopefully others.

I don’t have much, but I have very basic points of how one can get over Oneitis I hope you all could add to any maybe improve upon.
I will be.

The one and only option...


The major thing is increasing your overall value and worth as man...

you most likely have oneitis because you don’t have many options at all... and you don’t see yourself as worthy... girls don’t see you as worthy.
You don’t have much experience with females or life experience in general.

Now you place the foid on a very high pedestal, and are obsessed blinded infatuation, because you are not fulfilled in life with not much going on, so a girl has become your life purpose and center... not yourself your passions.
You don’t have much to look forward to or live for.
You don’t see other girls and find it impossible to imagine other girls because there aren’t any girls... that you could get.

-Ascend increase your value of LMS, and behavior so you can...
-Get a replacement Crush/Oneitis, one that likes you back, and you can be in a relationship, just as good or better.
Soon you’ll notice you don’t nearly think about your other oneitis as much if you think you have a chance with this girl...
(But it’s the equivalent of swapping one addiction for another...)
Get options, fuck 10 other bitches, and get another “special girlfriend”, you’ll most likely realize they weren’t all that special after all, you enjoyed the experience and got it off your chest. Being more content with yourself.

But this is incredibly hard and not fool proof, you could develop it again. If you have Oneitis, basically obsessed and in love with one girl who’s “so special”, you are already gonna probably have trouble getting any other girl.
Ascension will take lots of work and time.

-Cope, occupy mind with activity, goals, pursuits, hobbies, etc
Drugs. Stay busy.
These thoughts occupy your mind when you have nothing to occupy with, when you’re just rotting.
Get some friends and positive relationships to ease the loneliness.

-Avoid pictures, reminders...
Any social media... DONT EVEN LOOK AT.
That will keep the addiction and curse you’re under alive.
Stop thinking about and Romanticizing them, Reframe Thoughts to the black pilled reality.

Majority of the shit and oneitis feelings is all just projections of how you pedestalize her, halo effect infatuation. She may be completely incompatible with you in a relationship, she may be a whore. Most the time oneitis is when you barley know her, or haven’t been in contact for a long time.

-Good Health, Diet & Exercise,
maintain healthy T levels and neurotransmitters otherwise you’re gonna be more susceptible and weaker to these compulsive thoughts and negative emotions.

-FOCUS on Major Lifes Purpose, making Progress,real Fulfillment and accomplishment, a career

Which is legit asf.

The day you do is the beginning of the end.

Please discuss and add more.

Ive been struggling with oneitis for many years... much better than before because of just time... although the memories are fading, I still feel the pain and longing still on a deep emotional and subconscious level.
Haven’t had any girls since, but the one time I thought I had a chance with a girl, my original oneitis was much less on my mind.

Suspect lots of inner work, and therapy is needed to get over oneitis and obsessions....
Maybe shrooms and acid

Also... another but highly unlikelyis....

getting your oneitis, making it work like a fairytale or finally realizing she ain’t shit, leaving her and or

Getting a foid that’s much better in every way imaginable, making your oneitis obsolete.

Probab the only way to truly get over oneitis.
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read every single word
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I can't stop checking my oneitis Instagram,she's always at the beach or at some cool restaurant paid by Rich Chad's.
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Reactions: Lolcel, S ݁݁, Deleted member 6401 and 4 others
I can't stop checking my oneitis Instagram,she's always at the beach or at some cool restaurant paid by Rich Chad's.
Yeah it’s fuck brutal man... far as I know this is what we have to do...

gonna take lots of work.
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It’s over for most men in society. Gallons and fucking gallons of them.
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Reactions: Lolcel, Deleted member 6401 and PenileFacialSurgery
Oneitis cure? Just inject t because you are low t bitch if you have a oneitis
  • JFL
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Ño pussy is ever worth simping for. One thing I do to stop thinking about a girl is try to find a pic of her without makeup. Most girls look like shit without it so this keeps me moving on.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and PenileFacialSurgery
Oneitis cure? Just inject t because you are low t bitch if you have a oneitis
Half true

half not

It’s mostly psychological and having no options

t just might make you way hornier
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I found my oneitis on tinder during a chadfish. I no longer wanna LTR that bitch and i won't see her ever again now that schools are closed.
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I can't stop checking my oneitis Instagram,she's always at the beach or at some cool restaurant paid by Rich Chad's.
This what pisses me off the most.

@PenileFacialSurgery I can't deny you're a smart guy jfl. That's exactly the path: ascending/looking better /and getting foids who have the same looks or even better.

While you're at it avoid checking anything about her like the plague. Your oneitis is the Coronavirus. Everytime you check; one exposure, everytime you feel bad; one symptom of the disease starting to attack.

Take the medicine, which is looksmax and be with other foids.

Now the problem for the biggest oneitis cels on the forum is that me and Short ugly and Brown have gone through some really messed up shit.

It's not that easy for us due to the humillation we've suffered.

I wasn't in love with my oneitis at first, but after the dick thing happened it just disturbed my mind. I don't think I'm in love, it's rather... an obsession and need of vindication.
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Indeed got over my oneitis of one year randomly one night when i got drunk
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Indeed got over my oneitis of one year randomly one night when i got drunk
How you think exactly?

noy only am I obsessed with my oneitis

I am obsessed with a celebrity so her who looks just like her

Rihanna, and love her music

she’s a PSL 9, it’s fucking hard
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How you think exactly?

noy only am I obsessed with my oneitis

I am obsessed with a celebrity so her who looks just like her

Rihanna, and love her music

she’s a PSL 9, it’s fucking hard
Jfl are u sure you're not being deceived by your obsession with her rating her looks?
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Jfl are u sure you're not being deceived by your obsession with her rating her looks?
My oneitis is PSL 7.5-8

Rihanna is PSL 9

94515A54 D98F 432C 8AD0 96529BF202B4

Her looks are obviously part of the obsession aming the fact she looks like my Oneitis and has amazing music I connect with emotionally
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Just inject and go to parties
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this is legit. my oneitis went away once a much more traditionally attractive (although less of my type) girl started approaching me jfl. oneitis is temporary only if you switch the girl, but we as men are programmed for the chase. if you do get your oneitis either way, you will probably end up leaving her once you realise you only fell in love with the idea of her, rather than the real her.
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Reactions: Lolcel, Deleted member 6401, RAITEIII and 1 other person
this is legit. my oneitis went away once a much more traditionally attractive (although less of my type) girl started approaching me jfl. oneitis is temporary only if you switch the girl, but we as men are programmed for the chase. if you do get your oneitis either way, you will probably end up leaving her once you realise you only fell in love with the idea of her, rather than the real her.

its the idea rather than her, although she’s amazing
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Stating the obvious but... do not jerk off to her pictures or vids.
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Oneitis is absolutely brutal. I’ve been dealing with mine for about a year. She's had a boyfriend for like half that duration. Validation from other girls is worth like 25% of her validation. Really sucks cock tbh.
but yeah, you are right, this is the path. Unfortunately some of us are more romantic than others. You can call it bluepilled or beta, but it’s just what it is. Some of us are simply more prone to lovey-dovey fantasies. The only option is to looksmaxx, and hope that your fantastical mind latches on to another girl — and hopefully this time you can attract her. Ultimately, I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have a mind like this. Yes, it leads to greater emotional pain, but eventually I’d like to think the juice will be worth the squeeze.

Godspeed and good luck, lads.
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