Ultimate stack for Brain Optimization My proposal (low iq Gftih) :



Jun 17, 2024
Importance of sleep : forget everything its over if you aren’t dedicating atleast 8-10 hours of sleep (a lit of people think that him sleeping anything more than 6 hours is just a waste of time you have to see sleeping as a long term investment if your still a minor its gonna help you in studying and also in a health aspect and if your a grown ass man then you sleeping more would make you productive their are studies showing that kids who slept less were shorter and dumber than their peers thats longterm also shorterm studies have shown that you sleeping 5 hours would be equally intelligent as someone who is completely drunk and have a gram of alcohol in his blood and also studies have shown that your brain literraly start eating itself when you don’t sleep

i know your sacrificing time but the more you sleep the better youll work the shorter your work time and the more money you’ll make you might even get promoted and your gonna see this in this thread all i do in this thread is investing your money onto your body to make you as efficient as possible while still making sure your health stay the same or make it even better than it was and i would also promise to keep this protocol in budget so even teenagers could afford it :

Also Talking about long term :

  1. Neuro plasticity : (only for young cells under 28)
a.25 mg fluvoxamine with 50 mg amytriptiline (just in case your genetics don’t allow you to use fluvoxamine if they do you can juat use 100 mg fluvoxamine solo)

b.5 ml of Cerebrolysin 1x/week

(Why i chose these to compound its because their are studies backing their safety and effectiveness keep in mind you aren’t gonna see results until 5-10 years pasess so jts not worth it if your an old cell maybe it can be used as prevention butt mehh do what you want also why i didn’t use dihexa is because their is no evidence backing it up working better than than cereb and flvox and also safety and also no one fucking talking about no biohacker even discused it the only people that talk about it are those shitty nootropics youtubers if anyone has any evidence behind dihexa please comment )

  1. Acetyl choline
a. 1000 mg Cdp choline twice per day

b. 5/10/15/20 mg Donepezil (keep titrating up the dose until you arrive to 20 mg)

c. 300 mg alpha gpc twice per day

d. 500 mg Uridine monophosphate

e. 1g piracetam with 30 mg Noopept 8 hous after

(Memory is mostly affected by a neuro transmitter called acetyl choline which is made from choline from the diet which is why i put choline also the reason i chose Cdp choline specifically is to avoid toxicity from too mush choline now that your body have enough choline stored in your system you’ll need something to release it that’s why i put alpha gc on their to immediately cause the acetyl choline to be released so you feel that kind of euphoric/stimulation effect to help also with your focus)

(Acetylcholineterase inhibitors so when you block acetylcholineterase you have more choline in your brain if you can’t get your hand on donepezil who is by far the best safety to effectivity wise (it also help with Rem sleep which but we will discuss that later) Buuttt you can alternatively use :

Hyperzin A at 200 mcg (one of the best natty nootropic supplements you can get other than being an achrs inhib he also acts like memantine or ketamine by blocking nmda receptors but in a goodwayy so dont worry heheh)

With 120 mg-2000 mg of ginko biloba

(depending on the supplements brand)

With bacopa monieri 800 mg

And 3-5 mg of nicotine poushes or gum (preferably because you want the nicotine to have slow releasing time so it don’t mess up with your dopamine levels)

(Piracetam is a cholinergic drug who upregulates dopamine through choline it very well studied to bw safe compared to the other cetam btw their is one who increase testosterone but i forgot its name who is also safe and noopept is only the peptide version of piracetam the reason why i ise 1g with 30 mg noopept is because of harm mitigation

But id you want you can run 2g piracetam run it at your own risk

Or 30 mg noopept)

  1. Dopamine
a.1000 mg L tyrosine combined with

50/100/150/200 mg modafinil (keep titrating up the dose until you arrive to 200mg then you can start adding shit like adderal safinamide methylphenidate ect….)

(L tyrosine is the building block of dopamine and i personally feel modafinil adderal….

More effective when used with L tyrosine)

  1. Adrenaline
40 mg propanolol I’ve tried it its safe just don’t spam it everyday i would only use it in stressful situations like public speaches social event ect….

  1. Gaba
3g Of gaba powder

2.5 mg Diazepam (maximum of 1x per week

Benzos are worst than death they can make you crippled for life so make sure to not spam

Zepam for more than 1x per week and also to not exeed dose dosages)

  1. Sleep Optimization :
Hgh pathway :

I would use either

2 iu of hgh


25 mg mk 667 which is GHS-R (Ghrelin receptor agonist) so you wouldn’t need iGhrp-2 or Ghrp6 or ipamorelin why i chose mk 667 is out of convenience i really don’t want you to keep injecting shit every 3 hours

Then we have

Were gonna use 2 mg Cjc-1295 with Dac once weekly GHRHR Growth hormone releasing Hormone receptor agonist


You can megadose ipamorelin at 500 mcg 3x per day

(Benefits of hgh compared to the ohers : a more pronounced in increase igf-1

Downsides of hgh : you get only one type of growth compared to secreataguogues we’re you get multiple growths

Benefits of Cjc and mk compared to the others : multiple growths

Less risk of cancer because less igf-1 (if you didn’t know igf-1 increase cancer risk if it wasn’t hgh would be widely spread wveryone gonna be on it that’s why its so expensive and rare to use how many people do you know are on hgh and do you know hard it is to get prescribed hgh first you have to have fucked up hgh insulin and arginin then you should have short statute syndrome which mean you basicaly are shorter than your parent yes shorter than your parents if you 160 cm and your father is 157 cm you don’t get prescribed hgh if your 182 cm and your father is 190 you get prescribed hgh yes its pretty weird stuff)

Downsides of cjc and mk :

Water retention

Can increase cortisol (only 30 min after you take the mk then its gets back to normal)

High prolactin (which can leadl to gynocomastia)

And some people claim it caused hairloss but i think they larp and those people didn’t try hgh

So if they tried also hgh or igf-1 i would know the reason behind their hairloss the igf-1 increase would increase dht which will cause the hairloss but because they didn’t use it we can speculate one of 2 things 1 my theory that the igf-1 increased dht which caused hairloss and number 2 they used

Here is a stack to counter high prolactin sides :

25 mg Vitamin b-6 p-5-p (do not use anything more than that it can cause neuropathy)

800 mg mucuna puriens L dopa

800 mg of self heal extract

(Both of them would one help you with sleep and 2 lower prolactin)

You can also take 400 iu of vitamin e 3x per day which will also lower inflammation help cholesterol its also a potent aromatise inhibtor it has so many benefits that i can’t count)

Benefits of ipamorelin : even tho it doesn’t have a lot dats backing it up the guys that megadosed ipa has some magical gains like for real i can’t even describe it to you because im starting to question how it is possible and how no one talks about it the guys spamming ipo didn’t have some of the most crazy shit I’ve ever see no water retention no cortisol increase no gyno or hairlosss

Downsides of ipa : none the only problem with ipamorelin is data all i have is bloods of people who megadosed ipa but studys nothing back up they could be using much more and claiming it was ipa only

No need for igf-1 or anything (it can help with your mood but it cost too mushy I’ll only recommend it if your a rich cell then if you can source some increlex which 99% of you couldn’t (why i chose increlex is because i just now found out that all the igf-1 lr3 or des are just copium) then you can run increlex in a dosage of 0.1-1 mg daily)

You can alternatively of your gymcelling use a long acting insulin which also has been shown to have good effects with your mood and you can probably get your igf-1 to 600 using only insulin

Protocol for using slin :

(First you need to chose which insulin and lot of people say insulin is insulin while in reality their is many studies saying otherwise the short acting insulin have been shown to have a recomp effect while the long ones like my favorite lantus who has been shown to be 8times stronger in the igf-1 receptor than any other insulin the only downside of long acting insulin is you need food if your not eating food on long acting you’ll go catabolic but more of that in the next thread)

Id reccomend 30 iu

(Just for the low igf-1 guys)

(Fun fact i got my igf-1 to 600 with just 2iu of hgh and some petides its just about how to respond to it i swear to have seen some bloodwork of some natural freaks having 400 igf-1)

  1. Histamine
If you are allergic to something or semi allregic id recommend using 10 mg Deslortadine (it has been shown to lower testosterone levels but if your using my hormone replacement you shouldn’t worry about it

Also if you suffer from vertigo while in your car or in aboat plane ect… and you are still a teenager you can ask your parents to buy you meclizine which has been debunked to have good effects on height you would use 25 mg but it depends on what thw doctor prescribed you…

Also if you have some hunger problems (we are still talking about teenagers)

You can use something like 50 mg Cyproheptadine Hcl which also has been shown to increase height

Also if your have been pollen allergies (not something harsh just you get some symptoms that you don’t like if you have some extreme allergies too don’t use this method) and won’t to get rid of it temporarily you can micro dose it before the bee pollen season

Where i get this information from was a fitness youtuber called natural hypertrophy even tho he used it for protein synthesis at first (it also increase igf-1 levels) he said it got rid of his bee pollen allergy by making him adapt to it

  1. Hormone replacement
(We all now the good effects of androgens not only in our bodies but especially on our brain chemistry i would also go as far as to say that hormones and your receptors would probably dicate yiur behaviors 90% of the time so how can we biohack our hormones for maximum brain output)

First case Scenario (you are under 21 year old men who has no problem whatsoever with hair loss)

You would run : (your testosterone is probably gonna be in the 1000-2000 ng/dl range)

Hcg at 500 iu 3x per week

With Hmg or injectable fsh at 30 iu 3x per week

With something like 100-150 mcg of levothyroxine (to keep Tsh at 1-1.5 cause hcg and hmg on medium to high dose could mess up your Tsh levels and also its gonna increase your t3 which a little of people don’t know )

(This is the safest cycle you can run and you might not even need pct to recover from it (probably would take only a month to recover your natty testosterone but you can use the hpta restoration supplement thread in the botb section if you wanted to come off)

(Something weird you might have noticed is youve probably already heard about hcg it increase lh ect….. but you probably never about injectable fsh and hmg usage

So we have 2 hormones lh and fsh you can have crushed fsh and elevated lh and still be fertile thats why bodybuilders use hcg while on cycle then you might ask then why would i use fsh first hcg has a limit here comes a point were using more hcg wouldn’t increase testosterone no more (id guess probably 1500)

So i give you room for progression reason number 2 making it as close as natural hormones as possible number to make pct easier and every hormone is in check

(progesterone neuro steroids dht estrogen testosterone ect….) number 3)which is bonus it will ascend fertility and also something people don’t really know it make your balls grow no not grow back no actually grow you see when you use your steroids and your balls shrink your hcg get back your balls to their original size (sometimes they never get back to their original size if you’ve been blasting and cruising and if you used 19 NOoors especially but more of that later)

2nd Case scenario: (your a degenerate mf who only cares about being as mush low inhib as possible in the sacrifice of other health marketers)

Daily injections :

20 mg testosterone propionate or preferably intranasal testosterone (recommend natesto)

30 mg trenbolne acetate

30 mg Masteron propionate

5 mg Fluoxymestrone

20 mg oxandrolone

250 iu Hcg

25 mcg t3 (cause thyroid has some effects on andeogen receptors)

All of this drugs has been shown to have cortisol inhibing effects :

If you want to lower cortisol even further here is my suggestion stack :

Ksm 66 Ashwaganda 600 mg

Phosphatedil serine 1.2g

Emodin 500 mg

L theanine 1g

We will add to that 250 iu of hcg to just keep you somewhat fertile (even those studies has show that halo ox and test all have good effects on fertility hopefully the tren don’t fuck us up)

Also because of use using androgens

Our natty neuro steroids so we will need

50 mg pregnolone with 25 mg Dhea

(It will also be the most dimorphic shit you can run youll also are gonna feel like a god even tho the safety to reward ratio is screwed but i guarantee you you’ll feel the best with this than any other one also before you start larping about roid rage hormones only accentuate your personality so id you ever fuck your school director or rape your mom don’t come to me you were already predisposed with serial killer genetics you just were hypogonadol or grewed up in the be set possible households which made you adapt to society woman have fucking 30ng/dl and they don’t have any issues being a raging fucking bitch rahhh maybe the halo got in my head)

3rd Case scenario your under 21 and your suffering from major hairloss)

Normally if your under 21 you can’t run deca because it mess up with your brain your serotonin receptors ect…

Deca is also neuro toxic but more of that later…

Even tho I’ll probably wouldn’t want to block the most androgenic hormone dht who is 10x stronger than testosterone during puberty coukd result in really bad side effects that why i found a stack that could mitigate the effects of low dht

The Stack :

250 mg Boldenone undelynecate

10 mg Metandienone

25 mg Masterolone

0.5 mg Finasteride

250 iu hcg

25 mcg t3

(Uhm im sorry if you were expecting something more than that i chose those compound because one they make people be on a really good mood because of their tenacity in the body which will fix post finasteride bad mood symptoms also the reason why i put hcg at that low of a dose and no hmg is because testosterone converts more when its transdermal or intranasal than injectable because of 5 alpha reductase and its even worse when its hcg because the testosterone goes to the balls and it mostly convert to dht (also the balls are the most sensitive Ar place)

Also let break the myth only 10% of testosterone is converted to dht right finasteride at a dose of 1mg could block 70% of scalps dht

Boldenone undelynecate is 50% as androgenic as testosterone

Dbol can’t be compared to the androgenic to anabolic ratio of testosterone Its an error the actual anabolic to androgenic ratio of Dbol is compared to methyl testosterone which is the oral version not testosterone And proviron absorption is so fucked up it wouldn’t impact our dht by that mush only 2% of proviron is absorbed and even if we used high dose it wouldn’t be androgenic enough the only reason im putting it in is for good mood effects

(also because our dht has been lowered we would need a mild aromatise inhibitor thats why i took boldenone and proviron but we don’t want our estrogen to be low that why i took dbol )

So we have only dbol and equipose

So 250 mg of bold would equal 125 mg of test in androgenicity

And 70 mg dbol would be worst case scenario 70 mg of test

Also i checked and both compounds don’t have any androgenic molecules that coukd cause hairlose also if your estrogen gets low you can add 5 mg to the dbol (15 mg total)

(Also funfact Eq is one of the phew roids that actually have been shown evidence to grow your penis you might really need it especially if your a teenager 🙃 also remeber that in animal vitro studies has shown shrinkage of their penises due to fibrosis i might do a thread on Pe if anyone interested )

(Also if you have some pre existing kindey problems id probably argue for you to use 30 mg Dbol and titrate it up to 50 mg in the blasting phase and before you start larping about ohh liver this liver that)

So if your over 21 you can go with 2 routes

(At this age losing hair with gear is just innevetible)

So you can go with 2 routes

If you are a fast metabolizer and have problems like low energy (basicaly low dopamine low seretonin) youll have to go the testosterone route

If you are a slow meatabolizer you tend to have ww anxiety bipolarity schizophrenia

You’ll have to go the nandrolone route

For the testosterone toute

You’ll use 150 mg testosterone undecanoate

150 mg methenelone enanthate

10 mg methandienone

25 mcg T3

25 mg masterolone

With 1 mg finasteride

25 mg dhea

50 mg pregnolone

5-10 mg progestene (because of you using fin would lower 5 alpha reductase who would lower your progesteron causing libido problems also fun fact if your suffering from low progresterone sides in other cycles you can just up your dose of pregnolone who has been shown to increase progesterone)

(The reason why i chose decanoate is their some evidence to suggest that the longer the ester the less androgenic the compound which means less hairloss)

For the nandrolone route

You’ll use 150 mg Npp every other day

10 mg methadienone

25 mcg t3

25 mg dhea

50 mg pregnolone

So even tho i give you exemples of each individual person after reading this thread you probably be knowledgeable enough to come up with your own cycle just don’t go overboard

Debunking false claims :

The liver health claim : ohh you can’t run orals for more than 4 weeks ohh you can’t use that compound at that dose hear me out their is no study that i can find except superdrol where any oral steroid cause major liver problems

Their is even study on long period of time where little kids are using massive ammoounts of orals with huge doses for long periods of time

(Also fun fact: you can make orals less toxic by taking the subligual version which is one less toxic because it bypasses it and 2 its more bio available so you can run it a 1/2 of the dose so lets suppose your on 50 mg oral anadrol something like 20-30 sublingual anadrol would be enough)

Cycle support : (be 100% side effect free)

Your estrogen is already taken care off in the cycle so no need for that you don’t want your estrogen too low so no need for ai

But if you still are scared of gyno you can use :

Tamoxifen at 20 mg or Raloxifene 60 mg 1x per week would be implemented (study have shown that taking tamoxifen for long periods of time could results in blood clots and another study have shown that tamoxifen at 20 mg taken 1x per week has similar effects to 7x per week also another study have shown that raloxifen is something like 120% more effective than tamoxifen and according to bodybuilders bro science they say that tamoxifen is more focused on the the leg area while raloxifen helps focus more on the chest area keep in mind that just anecdotal knowledge not backed by science)

For your blood pressure your just gonna buy a 35$ blood pressure monitor or just ask your parents you probably have already one to measure it if your blood pressure is anything above 130 you can use something like 10 mg tadalfil and if its still not low enough you can use telmisartan at 40 mg it will also help with your kidney health because od how nephroprotective it is (it will also increase your igf-1)

You can also take a genetic test to see if your at cancer risk it cost something like 20$ (id recommend also doing it to your child wheen he grows up to know if he! has cancer to prevent it i might do a thread on it aswell)

For your kidney health :

Telmisartan probably already take. Care off your kidneys

But You could use 500 mg Astrafaglus root

For your liver health :

i would use this. anti inflammatory stack which is :

a. 15 mg naltrexone

b. 1500 mg butryic acid (or from sodium butyrate)

c. 3000 mg Epa

e. 1g Nac

f. 500 mg Tudca 3x per day

j. 1g Vitamin C 2x per day

h. 200 mg flurbiprofen (also it has been proven to has some effects i would write a heightmaxxing thread later if your an oldcel you can just use ibuprofen even tho i would recommendany of them for someone who is gymcelling)

i. 200 mg of baby aspirin

k.500 mg citrus bergamot 2x per day

l. 400 iu vitamin e 3x per day

For your cholesterol :

the anti inflammatory stack already lowered it but if its high you can use something like Cardarine at non cancerous dosee of 5 mg if it still isn’t enough Ezetimbe at 10 mg (it will also have protective effects on your liver)

And of your cholesterol is still super fucked then you can add rovusvastin at 5 mg 2 times per week

For your joints :

you have no reason to have joint pain as you estrogen is normal and if you running test at does doses it actuall increase collagen not lower it (keep in mind you see this effect only at those doses) maybe hgh can cause joint pain its complicated to explain why it cause joint pain also accutane if uour on deca you probably wouldn’t need that but just in case you can just use something

Like this stack :

5g of Msm

2g Glucosamine

2g Chondroitin

For your skin :

you would use something to prevent it so before the cycle you would use :

40 mg isotretinion (use it even before the cycle if you have pre existing acnee)

(Funfact: accutane makes your nose tinner and i don’t know why but perssonally it made my hair mush better)

10g of panthonoic acid its more so to prevent acnne not cure it (it acts by stopping the sebum from forming)

(lower the dose if you start feeling sides atleast run it at a minimum of 2g)

For your hair :

Even tho i alreday discussed hairloss your still gonna need to use :

topical minoxidil

(YOU can also use the oral version alongside but immediately remove it if your start getting sides)

With ketoconazol champoo

You’ll probably be hairloss safe with just that

But if you aren’t here is somethings more you can try :

Emu oils once in the morning and once at night

(It has some evidence claiming it increase hair Dna synthesis with testimonials showing regrowth in hair their was someone on reedit if i someone dmfound him post him on the teplies)

Either primose or baroga oil once in the morning and evening

Spilorsnactone cream

(Has some evidence suggesting it can dix elderly people hairline apparently)

Then if your like fucked fucked

You can start using some transdermal estrogen in your scalp

Also make sure you don’t skip the micro nutrient part you might even increase it so

150 mg zinc picolinate (only the first 6 weeks then switch to 50)

1.5g magnesium bisglycinate

And you might even add 2g taurine

(Also i forgot to mention but panthonoic acid also have good effects on hairloss)

(The anti inflammatory stack also have good effects)

You can also start using massaging your scalp for 5-15 min

For water retention :

I already talked about it in whats above

But you can still use :

something like 1-4g of potassium gluconate (depending on your bw and sodium dose)

Along with 3-5L of water (depending on your bw)

Keep in mind water retention is mainly caused by estrogen insulin or igf-1)

(Androgens doesn’t make you bloated it in fact actually have indirect diuretics effects but more of that later)

(And you can use something like 80 mg furosemide every other day)

Talking about carb intake :

Diet :

(No Carbs fast for 48 hours before the cycle to deplete glycogene so you can get rid of liver fat to help you liver health before cycle)

Intermittent fasting (fast for 12 hours a day)

Your gonna eat 4 meals throughout the day

Your macros should be :

150-200 g of protein

150-300 g of fats

And non existing carbs (you can optionally use as a maximum 200 g of carbs if your gymcelling or you wanna lower your cortisol even further or if your shbg is fucked and cause you erectile dysfunction and you wanna increase shbg ohh also i didn’t say it but if you start feeling sides from low shbg just drop the proviron another reason why i put t3 is that t3 actuaally lncrease shbg (it also help with androgen receptors) also were gonna add to that turkesteerone so were gonna sit here all dayy and sstarrt talking about wheter its effective or not (even tho in my opinion Mpmd gorilla mind if you overdose it you use like 6-9 caps of that i would say would be comparable to 5mg anavar but is it worth the money i dont think soo) but one thing is for sure is that it increase shbg (without needing to overdose it)

Habits :

30 min of any aerobic exercise (130 bpm heart rate)

30 min Finish style Sauna

Ok I’m done thanks for anyone who read this

I’m out of here I’ll let you with this quote :

”"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed." — Friedrich Nietzsche.

Tags : @Clavicular
@Sapieeen (laysame7 a Zebi)
Winner 2005 🔴⚪
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Reactions: ominion, Yahya, Elijah_leo and 5 others
Michael Jordan Lol GIF
  • +1
Reactions: N1666
pasted, neuroplasticity doesnt have a cutoff dumbass

also 80% of nootropics are placebo
  • +1
Reactions: Sapieeen and N1666
What do you mean by cutt off
Link study to show that the nootropics are just placebo
pasted, neuroplasticity doesnt have a cutoff dumbass

also 80% of nootropics are place
Arent you the guys that won’t WW3 to happen while claiming this forum is filled with low iq
Never said I want it to happen, you just suffer from severe OCD and slave tendencies
pasted, neuroplasticity doesnt have a cutoff dumbass

also 80% of nootropics are placebo
Arent you the guy who said to someone using adderal don’t worry about brain it just works you have 0 knowledge about nootropics get the fuck out of my thread
pasted, neuroplasticity doesnt have a cutoff dumbass

also 80% of nootropics are placebo
I mean whats in you is in you like just scrolling through your reploes so many redflags i came to the conclusion that your a sub45iq dumbass and i don’t wanna waste any morz time with 6ft claiming indian who believes in reacarnation
Arent you the guy who said to someone using adderal don’t worry about brain it just works you have 0 knowledge about nootropics get the fuck out of my thread
what the fuck are you talking about
I mean whats in you is in you like just scrolling through your reploes so many redflags i came to the conclusion that your a sub45iq dumbass and i don’t wanna waste any morz time with 6ft claiming indian who believes in reacarnation
first of all im polish, second of all your getting heated for me calling out your chatgpt thread
No i used chatgpt once in this thread i swear
gosh you talk like a fucking ethnic

nothing in this guide is esoteric or worthy of a thread, nootropics & drugs are commonly named here

also saying sleep helps WOWWW

not entirely either, lets say you study for 17 hours and well. your creating alot of synapses, brainfog is just a subsection which overall studying would be more worth it
Same what the fuck are you talking about
Cutt off
Are you just talking to talk
im talking from neuroscience

if u even read a chapter of the principles of neuroscience vol 1 you would know this thread is full of shit
im talking from neuroscience

if u even read a chapter of the principles of neuroscience vol 1 you would know this thread is full of shit
ok continue you smart ass explain further
im talking from neuroscience

if u even read a chapter of the principles of neuroscience vol 1 you would know this thread is full of shit
For information i actually do research the only reason i don’t post sources is because im scared people would still my work
Here are my sources for just putting Cerebrolysin in this thread
1] Ubhi, K., Rockenstein, E., Vazquez‐Roque, R., Mante, M., Inglis, C., Patrick, C., ... & Masliah, E. (2013). Cerebrolysin modulates pronerve growth factor/nerve growth factor ratio and ameliorates the cholinergic deficit in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neuroscience research, 91(2), 167-177.[2] Shishkova, V. N., Zotova, L. I., Maljukova, N. G., Sutjusheva, I. R., Kan, N. V., Gasanova, E. M., & Kerimova, E. I. (2015). An assessment of cerebrolysin effect on BDNF level in patients with post stroke aphasia depending on carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni SS Korsakova, 115(5), 57-63.[3] Alvarez, X. A., Sampedro, C., Cacabelos, R., Linares, C., Aleixandre, M., García-Fantini, M., & Moessler, H. (2009). Reduced TNF-α and increased IGF-I levels in the serum of Alzheimer's disease patients treated with the neurotrophic agent Cerebrolysin. The The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 12(7), 867-872.[4] Abdel-Salam, O. M., Mohammed, N. A., Youness, E. R., Khadrawy, Y. A., Omara, E. A., & Sleem, A. A. (2014). Cerebrolysin protects against rotenone-induced oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. Journal of Neurorestoratology, 2, 47-63.[5] Noh, M. Y., Koh, S. H., Kim, S. M., Maurice, T., Ku, S. K., & Kim, S. H. (2013). Neuroprotective effects of donepezil against A β42‐induced neuronal toxicity are mediated through not only enhancing PP 2 A activity but also regulating GSK‐3β and n AChR s activity. Journal of neurochemistry, 127(4), 562-574.[6] Rockenstein, E., Torrance, M., Mante, M., Adame, A., Paulino, A., Rose, J. B., ... & Masliah, E. (2006). Cerebrolysin decreases amyloid‐β production by regulating amyloid protein precursor maturation in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neuroscience research, 83(7), 1252-1261.[7] Rockenstein, E., Ubhi, K., Trejo, M., Mante, M., Patrick, C., Adame, A., ... & Masliah, E. (2014). Cerebrolysin™ efficacy in a transgenic model of tauopathy: role in regulation of mitochondrial structure. BMC neuroscience, 15(1), 1-11.[8] Juárez, I., González, D. J., Mena, R., & Flores, G. (2011). The chronic administration of cerebrolysin induces plastic changes in the prefrontal cortex and dentate gyrus in aged mice. Synapse, 65(11), 1128-1135.[9] Teng, H., Li, C., Zhang, Y., Lu, M., Chopp, M., Zhang, Z. G., ... & Fleckenstein, B. (2021). Therapeutic effect of Cerebrolysin on reducing impaired cerebral endothelial cell permeability. Neuroreport, 32(5), 359-366.[10] Georgy, G. S., Nassar, N. N., Mansour, H. A., & Abdallah, D. M. (2013). Cerebrolysin ameloriates cognitive deficits in type III diabetic rats. PloS one, 8(6), e64847.[11] Pourmemar, E., Majdi, A., Haramshahi, M., Talebi, M., Karimi, P., & Sadigh-Eteghad, S. (2017). Intranasal cerebrolysin attenuates learning and memory impairments in D-galactose-induced senescence in mice. Experimental gerontology, 87, 16-22.[12] Noor, N. A., Mohammed, H. S., Mourad, I. M., Khadrawy, Y. A., & Ezz, H. S. A. (2016). A promising therapeutic potential of cerebrolysin in 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease. Life sciences, 155, 174-179.[13] Ozkizilcik, A., Sharma, A., Muresanu, D. F., Lafuente, J. V., Tian, Z. R., Patnaik, R., ... & Sharma, H. S. (2018). Timed release of cerebrolysin using drug-loaded titanate nanospheres reduces brain pathology and improves behavioral functions in Parkinson’s disease. Molecular neurobiology, 55(1), 359-369.[14] Vaghef, L., Farajdokht, F., Erfani, M., Majdi, A., Sadigh-Eteghad, S., Karimi, P., ... & Mahmoudi, J. (2019). Cerebrolysin attenuates ethanol-induced spatial memory impairments through inhibition of hippocampal oxidative stress and apoptotic cell death in rats. Alcohol, 79, 127-135.[15] S Sharma, H., F Ali, S., Patnaik, R., Zimmermann-Meinzingen, S., Sharma, A., & F Muresanu, D. (2011). Cerebrolysin attenuates heat shock protein (HSP 72 KD) expression in the rat spinal cord following morphine dependence and withdrawal: possible new therapy for pain management. Current neuropharmacology, 9(1), 223-235.[16] Ghavimi, H., Darvishi, S., & Ghanbarzadeh, S. (2018). Attenuation of morphine-induced tolerance and dependence by pretreatment with cerebrolysin in male rats. Drug research, 68(01), 33-37.[17] Alzoubi, K. H., Al-Jamal, F. F., & Mahasneh, A. F. (2020). Cerebrolysin prevents sleep deprivation induced memory impairment and oxidative stress. Physiology & behavior, 217, 112823.[18] El-Marasy, S. A., El Awdan, S. A., Hassan, A., Ahmed-Farid, O. A., & Ogaly, H. A. (2021). Anti-depressant effect of cerebrolysin in reserpine-induced depression in rats: Behavioral, biochemical, molecular and immunohistochemical evidence. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 334, 109329.[19] Morales-Medina, J. C., Griffiths, N. H., Flores, G., Mastranzo, V. M., & Iannitti, T. (2017). Cerebrolysin reduces mechanical allodynia in a rodent model of peripheral inflammation. Neuroscience letters, 642, 27-30.[20] Sharma, H. S., Zimmermann-Meinzingen, S., Sharma, A., & Johanson, C. E. (2010). Cerebrolysin attenuates blood–brain barrier and brain pathology following whole body hyperthermia in the rat. In Brain Edema XIV (pp. 321-325). Springer, Vienna.[21] Sharma, A., Fior Muresanu, D., Mossler, H., & Shanker Sharma, H. (2012). Superior neuroprotective effects of cerebrolysin in nanoparticle-induced exacerbation of hyperthermia-induced brain pathology. CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders), 11(1), 7-25.[22] Monserrat Hernández‐Hernández, E., Serrano‐García, C., Antonio Vázquez‐Roque, R., Díaz, A., Monroy, E., Rodríguez‐Moreno, A., ... & Flores, G. (2016). Chronic administration of resveratrol prevents morphological changes in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of aged rats. Synapse, 70(5), 206-217.[23] Biesenbach, G., Grafinger, P., Eichbauer-Sturm, G., & Zazgornik, J. (1997). Cerebrolysin in treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift (1946), 147(3), 63-66.[24] Cui, S., Chen, N., Yang, M., Guo, J., Zhou, M., Zhu, C., & He, L. (2019). Cerebrolysin for vascular dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).[25] Gauthier, S., Proano, J. V., Jia, J., Froelich, L., Vester, J. C., & Doppler, E. (2015). Cerebrolysin in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 39(5-6), 332-347.[26] Alvarez, X. A., Sampedro, C., Cacabelos, R., Linares, C., Aleixandre, M., García-Fantini, M., & Moessler, H. (2009). Reduced TNF-α and increased IGF-I levels in the serum of Alzheimer's disease patients treated with the neurotrophic agent Cerebrolysin. The The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 12(7), 867-872.[27] Alvarez, X. A., Cacabelos, R., Sampedro, C., Aleixandre, M., Linares, C., Granizo, E., ... & Moessler, H. (2011). Efficacy and safety of Cerebrolysin in moderate to moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease: results of a randomized, double‐blind, controlled trial investigating three dosages of Cerebrolysin. European journal of neurology, 18(1), 59-68.[28] A Alvarez, X., Cacabelos, R., Sampedro, C., Couceiro, V., Aleixandre, M., Vargas, M., ... & Moessler, H. (2011). Combination treatment in Alzheimer's disease: results of a randomized, controlled trial with cerebrolysin and donepezil. Current Alzheimer Research, 8(5), 583-591.[29] Alvarez, X. A., Alvarez, I., Iglesias, O., Crespo, I., Figueroa, J., Aleixandre, M., ... & Moessler, H. (2016). Synergistic increase of serum BDNF in Alzheimer patients treated with cerebrolysin and donepezil: association with cognitive improvement in ApoE4 cases. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 19(6), pyw024.[30] Alvarez, X. A., Alvarez, I., Martinez, A., Romero, I., Benito, C., Suarez, I., ... & Moessler, H. (2020). Serum VEGF predicts clinical improvement induced by Cerebrolysin plus donepezil in patients with advanced Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 23(9), 581-586.[31] Alvarez, X. A., Alvarez, I., Aleixandre, M., Linares, C., Muresanu, D., Winter, S., & Moessler, H. (2018). Severity-related increase and cognitive correlates of serum VEGF levels in Alzheimer’s disease ApoE4 carriers. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 63(3), 1003-1013.[32] Chutko, L. S., Yakovenko, E. A., Surushkina, S. Y., Kryukova, E. M., & Palaieva, S. V. (2017). The efficacy of cerebrolysin in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni SS Korsakova, 117(9), 71-75.[33] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). Our experience with childhood pervasive developmental disorders (Autism and Asperger Syndrome): Cure is Possible. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 3(4), 01-08.[34] Nasiri, J., & Safavifar, F. (2017). Effect of cerebrolysin on gross motor function of children with cerebral palsy: a clinical trial. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 117(2), 501-505.[35] Ashrafi, M. R., Shahrokhi, A., Tavasoli, A. R., Hosseini, S. A., Heidari, M., Salehi, M., ... & Amanat, M. (2018). The efficacy of cerebrolysin in improvement of spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A clinical trial. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 28(1).[36] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). New therapies for the treatment of ataxic cerebral palsy caused by kernicterus. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 3(4), 26-31.[37] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2019). New therapies for Rett syndrome. J Bio Innov, 8(3), 301-307.[38] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2019). New medical therapies for the treatment of myelomeningocele. Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal, 2(4), 1-4.[39] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). A Unique experience with mental and developmental retardation: Innovative Medical therapies for idiopathic mental retardation. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 3(5), 42-54.[40] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). The use of Cerebrolysin in Pediatric Charcot Marie Tooth Disease. Journal of neurological research and therapy, 3(2), 17-21.[41] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). The use of cerebrolysin in pediatric Wohlfart Kugelberg Welander syndrome. MOJ Clinical & Medical Case Reports (e-ISSN: 2381-179X), 10(1), 20-23.[42] Ghaffarpasand, F., Torabi, S., Rasti, A., Niakan, M. H., Aghabaklou, S., Pakzad, F., ... & Tabrizi, R. (2019). Effects of cerebrolysin on functional outcome of patients with traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 15, 127.[43] Poon, W., Matula, C., Vos, P. E., Muresanu, D. F., von Steinbüchel, N., von Wild, K., ... & Vester, J. C. (2020). Safety and efficacy of Cerebrolysin in acute brain injury and neurorecovery: CAPTAIN I—a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, Asian-Pacific trial. Neurological Sciences, 41(2), 281-293.[44] Vester, J. C., Buzoianu, A. D., Florian, S. I., Hömberg, V., Kim, S. H., Lee, T. M., ... & Muresanu, D. (2021). Cerebrolysin after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: prospective meta-analysis of the CAPTAIN trial series. Neurological Sciences, 1-11.[45] Birle, C., Slavoaca, D., Muresanu, I., Chira, D., Vacaras, V., Stan, A. D., ... & Strilciuc, S. (2020). The Effect of Cerebrolysin on the Predictive Value of Baseline Prognostic Risk Score in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Medicine and Life, 13(3), 283.[46] Shiong Shu, L. L., San Jose, C. Z., & Pasco, P. P. (2012, January). The efficacy and safety of cerebrolysin in acute hemorrhagic stroke: a meta analysis. In Cerebrovascular Diseases (Vol. 34, pp. 36-36). ALLSCHWILERSTRASSE 10, CH-4009 BASEL, SWITZERLAND: KARGER.[47] Heiss, W. D., Brainin, M., Bornstein, N. M., Tuomilehto, J., & Hong, Z. (2012). Cerebrolysin in patients with acute ischemic stroke in Asia: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial. Stroke, 43(3), 630-636.[48] Muresanu, D. F., Heiss, W. D., Hoemberg, V., Bajenaru, O., Popescu, C. D., Vester, J. C., ... & Guekht, A. (2016). Cerebrolysin and Recovery After Stroke (CARS) A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter trial. Stroke, 47(1), 151-159.[49] Guekht, A., Heiss, D., Gusev, E., Vester, J., Doppler, E., & Muresanu, D. (2015). Cerebrolysin and recovery after stroke (CARS 2): a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter clinical study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 357, e103.[50] Guekht, A., Vester, J., Heiss, W. D., Gusev, E., Hoemberg, V., Rahlfs, V. W., ... & Muresanu, D. (2017). Safety and efficacy of Cerebrolysin in motor function recovery after stroke: a meta-analysis of the CARS trials. Neurological Sciences, 38(10), 1761-1769.[51] Bornstein, N. M., Guekht, A., Vester, J., Heiss, W. D., Gusev, E., Hoemberg, V., ... & Muresanu, D. (2018). Safety and efficacy of Cerebrolysin in early post-stroke recovery: a meta-analysis of nine randomized clinical trials. Neurological Sciences, 39(4), 629-640.[52] Ziganshina, L. E., Abakumova, T., & Vernay, L. (2017). Cerebrolysin for acute ischaemic stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.[53] Poljakovic, Z., Supe, S., Ljevak, J., Starcevic, K., Peric, I., Blazevic, N., ... & Ozretic, D. (2021). Efficacy and safety of Cerebrolysin after futile recanalisation therapy in patients with severe stroke. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 106767.
For information i actually do research the only reason i don’t post sources is because im scared people would still my work
Here are my sources for just putting Cerebrolysin in this thread
1] Ubhi, K., Rockenstein, E., Vazquez‐Roque, R., Mante, M., Inglis, C., Patrick, C., ... & Masliah, E. (2013). Cerebrolysin modulates pronerve growth factor/nerve growth factor ratio and ameliorates the cholinergic deficit in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neuroscience research, 91(2), 167-177.[2] Shishkova, V. N., Zotova, L. I., Maljukova, N. G., Sutjusheva, I. R., Kan, N. V., Gasanova, E. M., & Kerimova, E. I. (2015). An assessment of cerebrolysin effect on BDNF level in patients with post stroke aphasia depending on carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni SS Korsakova, 115(5), 57-63.[3] Alvarez, X. A., Sampedro, C., Cacabelos, R., Linares, C., Aleixandre, M., García-Fantini, M., & Moessler, H. (2009). Reduced TNF-α and increased IGF-I levels in the serum of Alzheimer's disease patients treated with the neurotrophic agent Cerebrolysin. The The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 12(7), 867-872.[4] Abdel-Salam, O. M., Mohammed, N. A., Youness, E. R., Khadrawy, Y. A., Omara, E. A., & Sleem, A. A. (2014). Cerebrolysin protects against rotenone-induced oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. Journal of Neurorestoratology, 2, 47-63.[5] Noh, M. Y., Koh, S. H., Kim, S. M., Maurice, T., Ku, S. K., & Kim, S. H. (2013). Neuroprotective effects of donepezil against A β42‐induced neuronal toxicity are mediated through not only enhancing PP 2 A activity but also regulating GSK‐3β and n AChR s activity. Journal of neurochemistry, 127(4), 562-574.[6] Rockenstein, E., Torrance, M., Mante, M., Adame, A., Paulino, A., Rose, J. B., ... & Masliah, E. (2006). Cerebrolysin decreases amyloid‐β production by regulating amyloid protein precursor maturation in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neuroscience research, 83(7), 1252-1261.[7] Rockenstein, E., Ubhi, K., Trejo, M., Mante, M., Patrick, C., Adame, A., ... & Masliah, E. (2014). Cerebrolysin™ efficacy in a transgenic model of tauopathy: role in regulation of mitochondrial structure. BMC neuroscience, 15(1), 1-11.[8] Juárez, I., González, D. J., Mena, R., & Flores, G. (2011). The chronic administration of cerebrolysin induces plastic changes in the prefrontal cortex and dentate gyrus in aged mice. Synapse, 65(11), 1128-1135.[9] Teng, H., Li, C., Zhang, Y., Lu, M., Chopp, M., Zhang, Z. G., ... & Fleckenstein, B. (2021). Therapeutic effect of Cerebrolysin on reducing impaired cerebral endothelial cell permeability. Neuroreport, 32(5), 359-366.[10] Georgy, G. S., Nassar, N. N., Mansour, H. A., & Abdallah, D. M. (2013). Cerebrolysin ameloriates cognitive deficits in type III diabetic rats. PloS one, 8(6), e64847.[11] Pourmemar, E., Majdi, A., Haramshahi, M., Talebi, M., Karimi, P., & Sadigh-Eteghad, S. (2017). Intranasal cerebrolysin attenuates learning and memory impairments in D-galactose-induced senescence in mice. Experimental gerontology, 87, 16-22.[12] Noor, N. A., Mohammed, H. S., Mourad, I. M., Khadrawy, Y. A., & Ezz, H. S. A. (2016). A promising therapeutic potential of cerebrolysin in 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease. Life sciences, 155, 174-179.[13] Ozkizilcik, A., Sharma, A., Muresanu, D. F., Lafuente, J. V., Tian, Z. R., Patnaik, R., ... & Sharma, H. S. (2018). Timed release of cerebrolysin using drug-loaded titanate nanospheres reduces brain pathology and improves behavioral functions in Parkinson’s disease. Molecular neurobiology, 55(1), 359-369.[14] Vaghef, L., Farajdokht, F., Erfani, M., Majdi, A., Sadigh-Eteghad, S., Karimi, P., ... & Mahmoudi, J. (2019). Cerebrolysin attenuates ethanol-induced spatial memory impairments through inhibition of hippocampal oxidative stress and apoptotic cell death in rats. Alcohol, 79, 127-135.[15] S Sharma, H., F Ali, S., Patnaik, R., Zimmermann-Meinzingen, S., Sharma, A., & F Muresanu, D. (2011). Cerebrolysin attenuates heat shock protein (HSP 72 KD) expression in the rat spinal cord following morphine dependence and withdrawal: possible new therapy for pain management. Current neuropharmacology, 9(1), 223-235.[16] Ghavimi, H., Darvishi, S., & Ghanbarzadeh, S. (2018). Attenuation of morphine-induced tolerance and dependence by pretreatment with cerebrolysin in male rats. Drug research, 68(01), 33-37.[17] Alzoubi, K. H., Al-Jamal, F. F., & Mahasneh, A. F. (2020). Cerebrolysin prevents sleep deprivation induced memory impairment and oxidative stress. Physiology & behavior, 217, 112823.[18] El-Marasy, S. A., El Awdan, S. A., Hassan, A., Ahmed-Farid, O. A., & Ogaly, H. A. (2021). Anti-depressant effect of cerebrolysin in reserpine-induced depression in rats: Behavioral, biochemical, molecular and immunohistochemical evidence. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 334, 109329.[19] Morales-Medina, J. C., Griffiths, N. H., Flores, G., Mastranzo, V. M., & Iannitti, T. (2017). Cerebrolysin reduces mechanical allodynia in a rodent model of peripheral inflammation. Neuroscience letters, 642, 27-30.[20] Sharma, H. S., Zimmermann-Meinzingen, S., Sharma, A., & Johanson, C. E. (2010). Cerebrolysin attenuates blood–brain barrier and brain pathology following whole body hyperthermia in the rat. In Brain Edema XIV (pp. 321-325). Springer, Vienna.[21] Sharma, A., Fior Muresanu, D., Mossler, H., & Shanker Sharma, H. (2012). Superior neuroprotective effects of cerebrolysin in nanoparticle-induced exacerbation of hyperthermia-induced brain pathology. CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders), 11(1), 7-25.[22] Monserrat Hernández‐Hernández, E., Serrano‐García, C., Antonio Vázquez‐Roque, R., Díaz, A., Monroy, E., Rodríguez‐Moreno, A., ... & Flores, G. (2016). Chronic administration of resveratrol prevents morphological changes in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of aged rats. Synapse, 70(5), 206-217.[23] Biesenbach, G., Grafinger, P., Eichbauer-Sturm, G., & Zazgornik, J. (1997). Cerebrolysin in treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift (1946), 147(3), 63-66.[24] Cui, S., Chen, N., Yang, M., Guo, J., Zhou, M., Zhu, C., & He, L. (2019). Cerebrolysin for vascular dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).[25] Gauthier, S., Proano, J. V., Jia, J., Froelich, L., Vester, J. C., & Doppler, E. (2015). Cerebrolysin in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 39(5-6), 332-347.[26] Alvarez, X. A., Sampedro, C., Cacabelos, R., Linares, C., Aleixandre, M., García-Fantini, M., & Moessler, H. (2009). Reduced TNF-α and increased IGF-I levels in the serum of Alzheimer's disease patients treated with the neurotrophic agent Cerebrolysin. The The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 12(7), 867-872.[27] Alvarez, X. A., Cacabelos, R., Sampedro, C., Aleixandre, M., Linares, C., Granizo, E., ... & Moessler, H. (2011). Efficacy and safety of Cerebrolysin in moderate to moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease: results of a randomized, double‐blind, controlled trial investigating three dosages of Cerebrolysin. European journal of neurology, 18(1), 59-68.[28] A Alvarez, X., Cacabelos, R., Sampedro, C., Couceiro, V., Aleixandre, M., Vargas, M., ... & Moessler, H. (2011). Combination treatment in Alzheimer's disease: results of a randomized, controlled trial with cerebrolysin and donepezil. Current Alzheimer Research, 8(5), 583-591.[29] Alvarez, X. A., Alvarez, I., Iglesias, O., Crespo, I., Figueroa, J., Aleixandre, M., ... & Moessler, H. (2016). Synergistic increase of serum BDNF in Alzheimer patients treated with cerebrolysin and donepezil: association with cognitive improvement in ApoE4 cases. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 19(6), pyw024.[30] Alvarez, X. A., Alvarez, I., Martinez, A., Romero, I., Benito, C., Suarez, I., ... & Moessler, H. (2020). Serum VEGF predicts clinical improvement induced by Cerebrolysin plus donepezil in patients with advanced Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 23(9), 581-586.[31] Alvarez, X. A., Alvarez, I., Aleixandre, M., Linares, C., Muresanu, D., Winter, S., & Moessler, H. (2018). Severity-related increase and cognitive correlates of serum VEGF levels in Alzheimer’s disease ApoE4 carriers. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 63(3), 1003-1013.[32] Chutko, L. S., Yakovenko, E. A., Surushkina, S. Y., Kryukova, E. M., & Palaieva, S. V. (2017). The efficacy of cerebrolysin in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni SS Korsakova, 117(9), 71-75.[33] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). Our experience with childhood pervasive developmental disorders (Autism and Asperger Syndrome): Cure is Possible. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 3(4), 01-08.[34] Nasiri, J., & Safavifar, F. (2017). Effect of cerebrolysin on gross motor function of children with cerebral palsy: a clinical trial. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 117(2), 501-505.[35] Ashrafi, M. R., Shahrokhi, A., Tavasoli, A. R., Hosseini, S. A., Heidari, M., Salehi, M., ... & Amanat, M. (2018). The efficacy of cerebrolysin in improvement of spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A clinical trial. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 28(1).[36] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). New therapies for the treatment of ataxic cerebral palsy caused by kernicterus. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 3(4), 26-31.[37] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2019). New therapies for Rett syndrome. J Bio Innov, 8(3), 301-307.[38] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2019). New medical therapies for the treatment of myelomeningocele. Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal, 2(4), 1-4.[39] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). A Unique experience with mental and developmental retardation: Innovative Medical therapies for idiopathic mental retardation. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 3(5), 42-54.[40] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). The use of Cerebrolysin in Pediatric Charcot Marie Tooth Disease. Journal of neurological research and therapy, 3(2), 17-21.[41] Al-Mosawi, A. J. (2020). The use of cerebrolysin in pediatric Wohlfart Kugelberg Welander syndrome. MOJ Clinical & Medical Case Reports (e-ISSN: 2381-179X), 10(1), 20-23.[42] Ghaffarpasand, F., Torabi, S., Rasti, A., Niakan, M. H., Aghabaklou, S., Pakzad, F., ... & Tabrizi, R. (2019). Effects of cerebrolysin on functional outcome of patients with traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 15, 127.[43] Poon, W., Matula, C., Vos, P. E., Muresanu, D. F., von Steinbüchel, N., von Wild, K., ... & Vester, J. C. (2020). Safety and efficacy of Cerebrolysin in acute brain injury and neurorecovery: CAPTAIN I—a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, Asian-Pacific trial. Neurological Sciences, 41(2), 281-293.[44] Vester, J. C., Buzoianu, A. D., Florian, S. I., Hömberg, V., Kim, S. H., Lee, T. M., ... & Muresanu, D. (2021). Cerebrolysin after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: prospective meta-analysis of the CAPTAIN trial series. Neurological Sciences, 1-11.[45] Birle, C., Slavoaca, D., Muresanu, I., Chira, D., Vacaras, V., Stan, A. D., ... & Strilciuc, S. (2020). The Effect of Cerebrolysin on the Predictive Value of Baseline Prognostic Risk Score in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Medicine and Life, 13(3), 283.[46] Shiong Shu, L. L., San Jose, C. Z., & Pasco, P. P. (2012, January). The efficacy and safety of cerebrolysin in acute hemorrhagic stroke: a meta analysis. In Cerebrovascular Diseases (Vol. 34, pp. 36-36). 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Safety and efficacy of Cerebrolysin in motor function recovery after stroke: a meta-analysis of the CARS trials. Neurological Sciences, 38(10), 1761-1769.[51] Bornstein, N. M., Guekht, A., Vester, J., Heiss, W. D., Gusev, E., Hoemberg, V., ... & Muresanu, D. (2018). Safety and efficacy of Cerebrolysin in early post-stroke recovery: a meta-analysis of nine randomized clinical trials. Neurological Sciences, 39(4), 629-640.[52] Ziganshina, L. E., Abakumova, T., & Vernay, L. (2017). Cerebrolysin for acute ischaemic stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.[53] Poljakovic, Z., Supe, S., Ljevak, J., Starcevic, K., Peric, I., Blazevic, N., ... & Ozretic, D. (2021). Efficacy and safety of Cerebrolysin after futile recanalisation therapy in patients with severe stroke. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 106767.
first of all its called steal not still, second of all what work are they stealing? your looking up shit on google, going to the documents and pasting it, there is no work. your either a really good troll or just actually fucking retarded
first of all its called steal not still, second of all what work are they stealing? your looking up shit on google, going to the documents and pasting it, there is no work. your either a really good troll or just actually fucking retarded
Yes its a lot you think i just browse on pubmed for you to assemble This you’ll need 10 hours to found read (funfact my English isn’t even my main language) classify ect…..
if it was that easy i would gladly give my sources
Yes its a lot you think i just browse on pubmed for you to assemble This you’ll need 10 hours to found read
this is living proof you dont know shit, first of all the pasted document isnt even in relation to what i was talking about, second of all it is that easy, 10 hours of work is nothing, now go read vol 1 and 2 of neuroscience and come back
first of all its called steal not still, second of all what work are they stealing? your looking up shit on google, going to the documents and pasting it, there is no work. your either a really good troll or just actually fucking retarded
Nigga is so cooked his using faute de frappe as his only argument
We’re getting out of context what we’re you saying cut off something go search some study and send them to me to prove me wrong i mean it so easy to browse through countless like i do Who is according to you "retarded “
So you would have no problem doing that 😂😂😂
Nigga is so cooked his using faute de frappe as his only argument
We’re getting out of context what we’re you saying cut off something go search some study and send them to me to prove me wrong i mean it so easy to browse through countless like i do Who is according to you "retarded “
So you would have no problem doing that 😂😂😂
your... actually a troll right? its hard talking to you cause your indian and i cant understand your broken english
this is living proof you dont know shit, first of all the pasted document isnt even in relation to what i was talking about, second of all it is that easy, 10 hours of work is nothing, now go read vol 1 and 2 of neuroscience and come back
Wtf are you talking about what does this have to do with this swear to god your capping like bro how can you still debate get the fuck of my thread already you just larp like fucking screenshot me something unusual in the study
Or something like wtf
Do you have a phd on neuro science or something cause you just keep repeating ow read this neuro science vol 1 book nigga science is now ahead it already advanced of that that book was written in the 80s 90s something like that if i can recall
your... actually a troll right? its hard talking to you cause your indian and i cant understand your broken english
Now your just to lazy to find reply your just copying mine
Nigga are you gonna send some studieds or not im tired of your ass
If this stack can rise iq you're probably not doing it (bump)
Why the fuck was I tagged here.
Are you saying I'm Low IQ ?
If this stack can rise iq you're probably not doing it (bump)
Yak a khouya l3ziz 😂😂😂
Deblockini fwhatss brjl i need to talk to you about something important
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
your... actually a troll right? its hard talking to you cause your indian and i cant understand your broken english

His "broken english" is mainly typos, and you definitely get the idea behind his words.

You're just being an awful prick right now, be better. And make sure to double check your own english before criticizing others.
  • +1
Reactions: 20/04/2008
All of this for 5% of what Adderall does in terms of productivity
  • +1
Reactions: 20/04/2008
Importance of sleep : forget everything its over if you aren’t dedicating atleast 8-10 hours of sleep (a lit of people think that him sleeping anything more than 6 hours is just a waste of time you have to see sleeping as a long term investment if your still a minor its gonna help you in studying and also in a health aspect and if your a grown ass man then you sleeping more would make you productive their are studies showing that kids who slept less were shorter and dumber than their peers thats longterm also shorterm studies have shown that you sleeping 5 hours would be equally intelligent as someone who is completely drunk and have a gram of alcohol in his blood and also studies have shown that your brain literraly start eating itself when you don’t sleep

i know your sacrificing time but the more you sleep the better youll work the shorter your work time and the more money you’ll make you might even get promoted and your gonna see this in this thread all i do in this thread is investing your money onto your body to make you as efficient as possible while still making sure your health stay the same or make it even better than it was and i would also promise to keep this protocol in budget so even teenagers could afford it :

Also Talking about long term :

  1. Neuro plasticity : (only for young cells under 28)
a.25 mg fluvoxamine with 50 mg amytriptiline (just in case your genetics don’t allow you to use fluvoxamine if they do you can juat use 100 mg fluvoxamine solo)

b.5 ml of Cerebrolysin 1x/week

(Why i chose these to compound its because their are studies backing their safety and effectiveness keep in mind you aren’t gonna see results until 5-10 years pasess so jts not worth it if your an old cell maybe it can be used as prevention butt mehh do what you want also why i didn’t use dihexa is because their is no evidence backing it up working better than than cereb and flvox and also safety and also no one fucking talking about no biohacker even discused it the only people that talk about it are those shitty nootropics youtubers if anyone has any evidence behind dihexa please comment )

  1. Acetyl choline
a. 1000 mg Cdp choline twice per day

b. 5/10/15/20 mg Donepezil (keep titrating up the dose until you arrive to 20 mg)

c. 300 mg alpha gpc twice per day

d. 500 mg Uridine monophosphate

e. 1g piracetam with 30 mg Noopept 8 hous after

(Memory is mostly affected by a neuro transmitter called acetyl choline which is made from choline from the diet which is why i put choline also the reason i chose Cdp choline specifically is to avoid toxicity from too mush choline now that your body have enough choline stored in your system you’ll need something to release it that’s why i put alpha gc on their to immediately cause the acetyl choline to be released so you feel that kind of euphoric/stimulation effect to help also with your focus)

(Acetylcholineterase inhibitors so when you block acetylcholineterase you have more choline in your brain if you can’t get your hand on donepezil who is by far the best safety to effectivity wise (it also help with Rem sleep which but we will discuss that later) Buuttt you can alternatively use :

Hyperzin A at 200 mcg (one of the best natty nootropic supplements you can get other than being an achrs inhib he also acts like memantine or ketamine by blocking nmda receptors but in a goodwayy so dont worry heheh)

With 120 mg-2000 mg of ginko biloba

(depending on the supplements brand)

With bacopa monieri 800 mg

And 3-5 mg of nicotine poushes or gum (preferably because you want the nicotine to have slow releasing time so it don’t mess up with your dopamine levels)

(Piracetam is a cholinergic drug who upregulates dopamine through choline it very well studied to bw safe compared to the other cetam btw their is one who increase testosterone but i forgot its name who is also safe and noopept is only the peptide version of piracetam the reason why i ise 1g with 30 mg noopept is because of harm mitigation

But id you want you can run 2g piracetam run it at your own risk

Or 30 mg noopept)

  1. Dopamine
a.1000 mg L tyrosine combined with

50/100/150/200 mg modafinil (keep titrating up the dose until you arrive to 200mg then you can start adding shit like adderal safinamide methylphenidate ect….)

(L tyrosine is the building block of dopamine and i personally feel modafinil adderal….

More effective when used with L tyrosine)

  1. Adrenaline
40 mg propanolol I’ve tried it its safe just don’t spam it everyday i would only use it in stressful situations like public speaches social event ect….

  1. Gaba
3g Of gaba powder

2.5 mg Diazepam (maximum of 1x per week

Benzos are worst than death they can make you crippled for life so make sure to not spam

Zepam for more than 1x per week and also to not exeed dose dosages)

  1. Sleep Optimization :
Hgh pathway :

I would use either

2 iu of hgh


25 mg mk 667 which is GHS-R (Ghrelin receptor agonist) so you wouldn’t need iGhrp-2 or Ghrp6 or ipamorelin why i chose mk 667 is out of convenience i really don’t want you to keep injecting shit every 3 hours

Then we have

Were gonna use 2 mg Cjc-1295 with Dac once weekly GHRHR Growth hormone releasing Hormone receptor agonist


You can megadose ipamorelin at 500 mcg 3x per day

(Benefits of hgh compared to the ohers : a more pronounced in increase igf-1

Downsides of hgh : you get only one type of growth compared to secreataguogues we’re you get multiple growths

Benefits of Cjc and mk compared to the others : multiple growths

Less risk of cancer because less igf-1 (if you didn’t know igf-1 increase cancer risk if it wasn’t hgh would be widely spread wveryone gonna be on it that’s why its so expensive and rare to use how many people do you know are on hgh and do you know hard it is to get prescribed hgh first you have to have fucked up hgh insulin and arginin then you should have short statute syndrome which mean you basicaly are shorter than your parent yes shorter than your parents if you 160 cm and your father is 157 cm you don’t get prescribed hgh if your 182 cm and your father is 190 you get prescribed hgh yes its pretty weird stuff)

Downsides of cjc and mk :

Water retention

Can increase cortisol (only 30 min after you take the mk then its gets back to normal)

High prolactin (which can leadl to gynocomastia)

And some people claim it caused hairloss but i think they larp and those people didn’t try hgh

So if they tried also hgh or igf-1 i would know the reason behind their hairloss the igf-1 increase would increase dht which will cause the hairloss but because they didn’t use it we can speculate one of 2 things 1 my theory that the igf-1 increased dht which caused hairloss and number 2 they used

Here is a stack to counter high prolactin sides :

25 mg Vitamin b-6 p-5-p (do not use anything more than that it can cause neuropathy)

800 mg mucuna puriens L dopa

800 mg of self heal extract

(Both of them would one help you with sleep and 2 lower prolactin)

You can also take 400 iu of vitamin e 3x per day which will also lower inflammation help cholesterol its also a potent aromatise inhibtor it has so many benefits that i can’t count)

Benefits of ipamorelin : even tho it doesn’t have a lot dats backing it up the guys that megadosed ipa has some magical gains like for real i can’t even describe it to you because im starting to question how it is possible and how no one talks about it the guys spamming ipo didn’t have some of the most crazy shit I’ve ever see no water retention no cortisol increase no gyno or hairlosss

Downsides of ipa : none the only problem with ipamorelin is data all i have is bloods of people who megadosed ipa but studys nothing back up they could be using much more and claiming it was ipa only

No need for igf-1 or anything (it can help with your mood but it cost too mushy I’ll only recommend it if your a rich cell then if you can source some increlex which 99% of you couldn’t (why i chose increlex is because i just now found out that all the igf-1 lr3 or des are just copium) then you can run increlex in a dosage of 0.1-1 mg daily)

You can alternatively of your gymcelling use a long acting insulin which also has been shown to have good effects with your mood and you can probably get your igf-1 to 600 using only insulin

Protocol for using slin :

(First you need to chose which insulin and lot of people say insulin is insulin while in reality their is many studies saying otherwise the short acting insulin have been shown to have a recomp effect while the long ones like my favorite lantus who has been shown to be 8times stronger in the igf-1 receptor than any other insulin the only downside of long acting insulin is you need food if your not eating food on long acting you’ll go catabolic but more of that in the next thread)

Id reccomend 30 iu

(Just for the low igf-1 guys)

(Fun fact i got my igf-1 to 600 with just 2iu of hgh and some petides its just about how to respond to it i swear to have seen some bloodwork of some natural freaks having 400 igf-1)

  1. Histamine
If you are allergic to something or semi allregic id recommend using 10 mg Deslortadine (it has been shown to lower testosterone levels but if your using my hormone replacement you shouldn’t worry about it

Also if you suffer from vertigo while in your car or in aboat plane ect… and you are still a teenager you can ask your parents to buy you meclizine which has been debunked to have good effects on height you would use 25 mg but it depends on what thw doctor prescribed you…

Also if you have some hunger problems (we are still talking about teenagers)

You can use something like 50 mg Cyproheptadine Hcl which also has been shown to increase height

Also if your have been pollen allergies (not something harsh just you get some symptoms that you don’t like if you have some extreme allergies too don’t use this method) and won’t to get rid of it temporarily you can micro dose it before the bee pollen season

Where i get this information from was a fitness youtuber called natural hypertrophy even tho he used it for protein synthesis at first (it also increase igf-1 levels) he said it got rid of his bee pollen allergy by making him adapt to it

  1. Hormone replacement
(We all now the good effects of androgens not only in our bodies but especially on our brain chemistry i would also go as far as to say that hormones and your receptors would probably dicate yiur behaviors 90% of the time so how can we biohack our hormones for maximum brain output)

First case Scenario (you are under 21 year old men who has no problem whatsoever with hair loss)

You would run : (your testosterone is probably gonna be in the 1000-2000 ng/dl range)

Hcg at 500 iu 3x per week

With Hmg or injectable fsh at 30 iu 3x per week

With something like 100-150 mcg of levothyroxine (to keep Tsh at 1-1.5 cause hcg and hmg on medium to high dose could mess up your Tsh levels and also its gonna increase your t3 which a little of people don’t know )

(This is the safest cycle you can run and you might not even need pct to recover from it (probably would take only a month to recover your natty testosterone but you can use the hpta restoration supplement thread in the botb section if you wanted to come off)

(Something weird you might have noticed is youve probably already heard about hcg it increase lh ect….. but you probably never about injectable fsh and hmg usage

So we have 2 hormones lh and fsh you can have crushed fsh and elevated lh and still be fertile thats why bodybuilders use hcg while on cycle then you might ask then why would i use fsh first hcg has a limit here comes a point were using more hcg wouldn’t increase testosterone no more (id guess probably 1500)

So i give you room for progression reason number 2 making it as close as natural hormones as possible number to make pct easier and every hormone is in check

(progesterone neuro steroids dht estrogen testosterone ect….) number 3)which is bonus it will ascend fertility and also something people don’t really know it make your balls grow no not grow back no actually grow you see when you use your steroids and your balls shrink your hcg get back your balls to their original size (sometimes they never get back to their original size if you’ve been blasting and cruising and if you used 19 NOoors especially but more of that later)

2nd Case scenario: (your a degenerate mf who only cares about being as mush low inhib as possible in the sacrifice of other health marketers)

Daily injections :

20 mg testosterone propionate or preferably intranasal testosterone (recommend natesto)

30 mg trenbolne acetate

30 mg Masteron propionate

5 mg Fluoxymestrone

20 mg oxandrolone

250 iu Hcg

25 mcg t3 (cause thyroid has some effects on andeogen receptors)

All of this drugs has been shown to have cortisol inhibing effects :

If you want to lower cortisol even further here is my suggestion stack :

Ksm 66 Ashwaganda 600 mg

Phosphatedil serine 1.2g

Emodin 500 mg

L theanine 1g

We will add to that 250 iu of hcg to just keep you somewhat fertile (even those studies has show that halo ox and test all have good effects on fertility hopefully the tren don’t fuck us up)

Also because of use using androgens

Our natty neuro steroids so we will need

50 mg pregnolone with 25 mg Dhea

(It will also be the most dimorphic shit you can run youll also are gonna feel like a god even tho the safety to reward ratio is screwed but i guarantee you you’ll feel the best with this than any other one also before you start larping about roid rage hormones only accentuate your personality so id you ever fuck your school director or rape your mom don’t come to me you were already predisposed with serial killer genetics you just were hypogonadol or grewed up in the be set possible households which made you adapt to society woman have fucking 30ng/dl and they don’t have any issues being a raging fucking bitch rahhh maybe the halo got in my head)

3rd Case scenario your under 21 and your suffering from major hairloss)

Normally if your under 21 you can’t run deca because it mess up with your brain your serotonin receptors ect…

Deca is also neuro toxic but more of that later…

Even tho I’ll probably wouldn’t want to block the most androgenic hormone dht who is 10x stronger than testosterone during puberty coukd result in really bad side effects that why i found a stack that could mitigate the effects of low dht

The Stack :

250 mg Boldenone undelynecate

10 mg Metandienone

25 mg Masterolone

0.5 mg Finasteride

250 iu hcg

25 mcg t3

(Uhm im sorry if you were expecting something more than that i chose those compound because one they make people be on a really good mood because of their tenacity in the body which will fix post finasteride bad mood symptoms also the reason why i put hcg at that low of a dose and no hmg is because testosterone converts more when its transdermal or intranasal than injectable because of 5 alpha reductase and its even worse when its hcg because the testosterone goes to the balls and it mostly convert to dht (also the balls are the most sensitive Ar place)

Also let break the myth only 10% of testosterone is converted to dht right finasteride at a dose of 1mg could block 70% of scalps dht

Boldenone undelynecate is 50% as androgenic as testosterone

Dbol can’t be compared to the androgenic to anabolic ratio of testosterone Its an error the actual anabolic to androgenic ratio of Dbol is compared to methyl testosterone which is the oral version not testosterone And proviron absorption is so fucked up it wouldn’t impact our dht by that mush only 2% of proviron is absorbed and even if we used high dose it wouldn’t be androgenic enough the only reason im putting it in is for good mood effects

(also because our dht has been lowered we would need a mild aromatise inhibitor thats why i took boldenone and proviron but we don’t want our estrogen to be low that why i took dbol )

So we have only dbol and equipose

So 250 mg of bold would equal 125 mg of test in androgenicity

And 70 mg dbol would be worst case scenario 70 mg of test

Also i checked and both compounds don’t have any androgenic molecules that coukd cause hairlose also if your estrogen gets low you can add 5 mg to the dbol (15 mg total)

(Also funfact Eq is one of the phew roids that actually have been shown evidence to grow your penis you might really need it especially if your a teenager 🙃 also remeber that in animal vitro studies has shown shrinkage of their penises due to fibrosis i might do a thread on Pe if anyone interested )

(Also if you have some pre existing kindey problems id probably argue for you to use 30 mg Dbol and titrate it up to 50 mg in the blasting phase and before you start larping about ohh liver this liver that)

So if your over 21 you can go with 2 routes

(At this age losing hair with gear is just innevetible)

So you can go with 2 routes

If you are a fast metabolizer and have problems like low energy (basicaly low dopamine low seretonin) youll have to go the testosterone route

If you are a slow meatabolizer you tend to have ww anxiety bipolarity schizophrenia

You’ll have to go the nandrolone route

For the testosterone toute

You’ll use 150 mg testosterone undecanoate

150 mg methenelone enanthate

10 mg methandienone

25 mcg T3

25 mg masterolone

With 1 mg finasteride

25 mg dhea

50 mg pregnolone

5-10 mg progestene (because of you using fin would lower 5 alpha reductase who would lower your progesteron causing libido problems also fun fact if your suffering from low progresterone sides in other cycles you can just up your dose of pregnolone who has been shown to increase progesterone)

(The reason why i chose decanoate is their some evidence to suggest that the longer the ester the less androgenic the compound which means less hairloss)

For the nandrolone route

You’ll use 150 mg Npp every other day

10 mg methadienone

25 mcg t3

25 mg dhea

50 mg pregnolone

So even tho i give you exemples of each individual person after reading this thread you probably be knowledgeable enough to come up with your own cycle just don’t go overboard

Debunking false claims :

The liver health claim : ohh you can’t run orals for more than 4 weeks ohh you can’t use that compound at that dose hear me out their is no study that i can find except superdrol where any oral steroid cause major liver problems

Their is even study on long period of time where little kids are using massive ammoounts of orals with huge doses for long periods of time

(Also fun fact: you can make orals less toxic by taking the subligual version which is one less toxic because it bypasses it and 2 its more bio available so you can run it a 1/2 of the dose so lets suppose your on 50 mg oral anadrol something like 20-30 sublingual anadrol would be enough)

Cycle support : (be 100% side effect free)

Your estrogen is already taken care off in the cycle so no need for that you don’t want your estrogen too low so no need for ai

But if you still are scared of gyno you can use :

Tamoxifen at 20 mg or Raloxifene 60 mg 1x per week would be implemented (study have shown that taking tamoxifen for long periods of time could results in blood clots and another study have shown that tamoxifen at 20 mg taken 1x per week has similar effects to 7x per week also another study have shown that raloxifen is something like 120% more effective than tamoxifen and according to bodybuilders bro science they say that tamoxifen is more focused on the the leg area while raloxifen helps focus more on the chest area keep in mind that just anecdotal knowledge not backed by science)

For your blood pressure your just gonna buy a 35$ blood pressure monitor or just ask your parents you probably have already one to measure it if your blood pressure is anything above 130 you can use something like 10 mg tadalfil and if its still not low enough you can use telmisartan at 40 mg it will also help with your kidney health because od how nephroprotective it is (it will also increase your igf-1)

You can also take a genetic test to see if your at cancer risk it cost something like 20$ (id recommend also doing it to your child wheen he grows up to know if he! has cancer to prevent it i might do a thread on it aswell)

For your kidney health :

Telmisartan probably already take. Care off your kidneys

But You could use 500 mg Astrafaglus root

For your liver health :

i would use this. anti inflammatory stack which is :

a. 15 mg naltrexone

b. 1500 mg butryic acid (or from sodium butyrate)

c. 3000 mg Epa

e. 1g Nac

f. 500 mg Tudca 3x per day

j. 1g Vitamin C 2x per day

h. 200 mg flurbiprofen (also it has been proven to has some effects i would write a heightmaxxing thread later if your an oldcel you can just use ibuprofen even tho i would recommendany of them for someone who is gymcelling)

i. 200 mg of baby aspirin

k.500 mg citrus bergamot 2x per day

l. 400 iu vitamin e 3x per day

For your cholesterol :

the anti inflammatory stack already lowered it but if its high you can use something like Cardarine at non cancerous dosee of 5 mg if it still isn’t enough Ezetimbe at 10 mg (it will also have protective effects on your liver)

And of your cholesterol is still super fucked then you can add rovusvastin at 5 mg 2 times per week

For your joints :

you have no reason to have joint pain as you estrogen is normal and if you running test at does doses it actuall increase collagen not lower it (keep in mind you see this effect only at those doses) maybe hgh can cause joint pain its complicated to explain why it cause joint pain also accutane if uour on deca you probably wouldn’t need that but just in case you can just use something

Like this stack :

5g of Msm

2g Glucosamine

2g Chondroitin

For your skin :

you would use something to prevent it so before the cycle you would use :

40 mg isotretinion (use it even before the cycle if you have pre existing acnee)

(Funfact: accutane makes your nose tinner and i don’t know why but perssonally it made my hair mush better)

10g of panthonoic acid its more so to prevent acnne not cure it (it acts by stopping the sebum from forming)

(lower the dose if you start feeling sides atleast run it at a minimum of 2g)

For your hair :

Even tho i alreday discussed hairloss your still gonna need to use :

topical minoxidil

(YOU can also use the oral version alongside but immediately remove it if your start getting sides)

With ketoconazol champoo

You’ll probably be hairloss safe with just that

But if you aren’t here is somethings more you can try :

Emu oils once in the morning and once at night

(It has some evidence claiming it increase hair Dna synthesis with testimonials showing regrowth in hair their was someone on reedit if i someone dmfound him post him on the teplies)

Either primose or baroga oil once in the morning and evening

Spilorsnactone cream

(Has some evidence suggesting it can dix elderly people hairline apparently)

Then if your like fucked fucked

You can start using some transdermal estrogen in your scalp

Also make sure you don’t skip the micro nutrient part you might even increase it so

150 mg zinc picolinate (only the first 6 weeks then switch to 50)

1.5g magnesium bisglycinate

And you might even add 2g taurine

(Also i forgot to mention but panthonoic acid also have good effects on hairloss)

(The anti inflammatory stack also have good effects)

You can also start using massaging your scalp for 5-15 min

For water retention :

I already talked about it in whats above

But you can still use :

something like 1-4g of potassium gluconate (depending on your bw and sodium dose)

Along with 3-5L of water (depending on your bw)

Keep in mind water retention is mainly caused by estrogen insulin or igf-1)

(Androgens doesn’t make you bloated it in fact actually have indirect diuretics effects but more of that later)

(And you can use something like 80 mg furosemide every other day)

Talking about carb intake :

Diet :

(No Carbs fast for 48 hours before the cycle to deplete glycogene so you can get rid of liver fat to help you liver health before cycle)

Intermittent fasting (fast for 12 hours a day)

Your gonna eat 4 meals throughout the day

Your macros should be :

150-200 g of protein

150-300 g of fats

And non existing carbs (you can optionally use as a maximum 200 g of carbs if your gymcelling or you wanna lower your cortisol even further or if your shbg is fucked and cause you erectile dysfunction and you wanna increase shbg ohh also i didn’t say it but if you start feeling sides from low shbg just drop the proviron another reason why i put t3 is that t3 actuaally lncrease shbg (it also help with androgen receptors) also were gonna add to that turkesteerone so were gonna sit here all dayy and sstarrt talking about wheter its effective or not (even tho in my opinion Mpmd gorilla mind if you overdose it you use like 6-9 caps of that i would say would be comparable to 5mg anavar but is it worth the money i dont think soo) but one thing is for sure is that it increase shbg (without needing to overdose it)

Habits :

30 min of any aerobic exercise (130 bpm heart rate)

30 min Finish style Sauna

Ok I’m done thanks for anyone who read this

I’m out of here I’ll let you with this quote :

”"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed." — Friedrich Nietzsche.

Tags : @Clavicular
@Sapieeen (laysame7 a Zebi)
Winner 2005 🔴⚪
Omg that is way too much shit to take
Creating a detailed and safe protocol for the supplements and medications you've outlined is complex, especially since individual responses can vary widely. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the components based on your criteria: cost, safety, potential side effects, and suggested dosages.

### Neuroplasticity Stack

1. **Fluvoxamine**
- **Dosage**: 25 mg with 50 mg amitriptyline or 100 mg fluvoxamine alone.
- **Period**: Daily use, evaluate after 6-8 weeks.
- **Cost**: Moderate.
- **Safety**: Generally safe but can cause side effects like nausea or insomnia.
- **Side Effects**: Risk of serotonin syndrome if combined improperly.

2. **Cerebrolysin**
- **Dosage**: 5 ml once a week.
- **Period**: Ongoing, with assessment every 3-6 months.
- **Cost**: Moderate to high.
- **Safety**: Generally well-tolerated.
- **Side Effects**: Possible mild headache or dizziness.

### Acetylcholine Stack

1. **CDP-Choline**
- **Dosage**: 1000 mg twice daily.
- **Period**: Ongoing.
- **Cost**: Moderate.
- **Safety**: Well-tolerated.
- **Side Effects**: Rarely causes gastrointestinal issues.

2. **Donepezil**
- **Dosage**: Start at 5 mg, titrate to 20 mg.
- **Period**: Ongoing with reassessment every few months.
- **Cost**: Moderate to high.
- **Safety**: Generally safe.
- **Side Effects**: May cause nausea, diarrhea, or insomnia.

3. **Alpha-GPC**
- **Dosage**: 300 mg twice daily.
- **Period**: Ongoing.
- **Cost**: Moderate.
- **Safety**: Well-tolerated.
- **Side Effects**: Mild headaches or gastrointestinal discomfort.

4. **Uridine Monophosphate**
- **Dosage**: 500 mg daily.
- **Period**: Ongoing.
- **Cost**: Moderate.
- **Safety**: Generally safe.
- **Side Effects**: Rarely reported.

5. **Piracetam**
- **Dosage**: 1g once daily, with 30 mg Noopept 8 hours later.
- **Period**: Ongoing with breaks (e.g., 5 days on, 2 days off).
- **Cost**: Moderate.
- **Safety**: Generally well-tolerated.
- **Side Effects**: Possible headaches, jitteriness.

### Dopamine Stack

1. **L-Tyrosine**
- **Dosage**: 1000 mg daily.
- **Period**: As needed, particularly during stress.
- **Cost**: Low.
- **Safety**: Generally safe.
- **Side Effects**: May cause gastrointestinal upset.

2. **Modafinil**
- **Dosage**: Start at 50 mg, titrate up to 200 mg.
- **Period**: Use 5 days on, 2 days off.
- **Cost**: Moderate to high.
- **Safety**: Generally safe but can cause insomnia or headaches.
- **Side Effects**: Risk of dependence if misused.

### Adrenaline Management

1. **Propranolol**
- **Dosage**: 40 mg as needed for stressful situations.
- **Period**: Occasional use.
- **Cost**: Low.
- **Safety**: Generally safe.
- **Side Effects**: Fatigue, dizziness.

### GABA Stack

1. **GABA Powder**
- **Dosage**: 3 g as needed.
- **Period**: Use during stress or anxiety episodes.
- **Cost**: Low.
- **Safety**: Generally well-tolerated.
- **Side Effects**: May cause drowsiness.

2. **Diazepam**
- **Dosage**: 2.5 mg, maximum 1x per week.
- **Period**: As needed.
- **Cost**: Moderate.
- **Safety**: Use with caution due to dependence risks.
- **Side Effects**: Drowsiness, potential for abuse.

### Summary
- **Safety Ranking**: L-Tyrosine, GABA powder, Alpha-GPC, CDP-Choline, Uridine > Donepezil, Piracetam, Propranolol, Fluoxetine, and Amitriptyline > Cerebrolysin, Modafinil, Diazepam.
- **Cost Ranking**: L-Tyrosine, GABA powder, Propranolol < CDP-Choline, Uridine, Alpha-GPC < Donepezil, Piracetam, Cerebrolysin, Modafinil, Diazepam.

### Recommendations
- **Start Slowly**: Introduce one or two components at a time and monitor effects.
- **Consult Professionals**: Regular check-ins with a healthcare provider are crucial to assess efficacy and safety.

Feel free to ask if you want to delve deeper into any specific component or strategy!
yes sure use adderal
i made friends with NT hoes and trying to be NT now,
my contribution to this thread
Omg that is way too much shit to take

His "broken english" is mainly typos, and you definitely get the idea behind his words.

You're just being an awful prick right now, be better. And make sure to double check your own english before criticizing others.
nope, i don't care about double checking my english because its my native language

I'm not being a prick, I'm warning people, I'm not doing it just to be a bitch I'm doing it to save people from getting fucked over and buying into either

1 placebo nootropics (anything other than racetams tbh)
2 misinformation, this guide is composed of either old studies that don't really say anything useful or its the top study on google.com
3 I'm criticizing the fact that op is like any other person here, lazy and dumping top results of google.com on here without any verifications
4 there are useless shit here like liver health. again that's because its a dumped list and op doesn't do ANY of these, nor have any of the supplements here
5 back on the supplements, even if they work on you (low chance) its not doing a whole lot, its not even "optimizing" the brain correctly, cognitive "optimization" aka just cognitive functioning stems from the synaptic principles. and any drug on here doesn't address the issue because... there isn't a drug that does that, synaptic pharmacology is a field that has a lot of misses and isn't reliable

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