Unconventional strategy to maximize HAPPINESS in life for utter truecels — stay away from this thread if you want to KEEP COPING!



morph king
May 16, 2020
  • When happy, raise E and reduce T.
  • When unhappy, raise T and reduce E.

This thread will probably get a lot of (undeserved) backlash because it presents taking female hormones in certain situations as a viable strategy to increase some mens' happiness. Before you call me a tranny feminist soyboy faggot cuck, please take the time to read (1) why this strategy is intended to be used by a very tiny subset of the male population and (2) why this strategy is effective given that one's goal in life is simply to maximize happiness.

First, this strategy of maximizing happiness is only applicable to utter truecels who're so genetically inferior that they cannot possibly get into relationships with women beyond a reasonable doubt. For the rest of this post, I will presume that you are a truecel.

Given that you're a truecel, I'll establish the following premises:
  • You, and pretty much everyone, want to be happy.
  • The biggest component of a straight man's happiness is his ability to attract females.
  • You, a truecel, cannot get women.
  • Getting women requires a level of masculinity combined with physical attractiveness, money, status, etc.
  • You are currently not a masculine man, nor are you an attractive man.
And I think the vast majority of people agree with the following scientific claims:
  • Higher androgen levels increase confidence and resilience to failure.
  • Higher androgen levels make a person less emotional.
  • Higher estrogen and progresterone levels make a person more emotional.
Now that we have common ground, I'll make the case for why you should consider taking estrogen (I'm referring to all female hormones that affect mood as "estrogen" for the sake of brevity) when you're unhappy.

Take a look at the first 3 statements in the first set of bullet points. The obvious conclusion from those 3 statements:

If you want to be happy, you must pursue happiness in a way other than seeking sexual/romantic relationships because these are unobtainable.

You probably agree with this conclusion, or at least the logic behind it.

Now if you cannot get happiness through romantic relationships, what else can you do? Well, there are many things that make people happy. But how should you decide what to do? After all, you only have a limited time on this planet.

Here's the point which my argument is based on:

The best way to maximize your happiness in your life is to focus on increasing your net happiness.

Let's break this down.

What do I mean by "net happiness"?

Net happiness is basically the amount of positive emotion minus the amount of negative emotion. Net happiness is incredibly significant because:

  • Things that make you super happy but also require extreme effort or hardship may be worse ways to gain happiness than things that just generate a low amount of pure happiness.
    • For instance, working 18 hours a day for 10 years and becoming a billionaire may cost you 100 points of unhappiness (stress, exhaustion, anger, sadness, etc.) and give you 50 points of happiness when you finally make it big. But your net happiness is negative. Working extremely hard and getting rich isn't even as effective of a way to maximize happiness as playing a video game. Playing a game, if not done in excess, only gives you happiness and doesn't negate it with any unhappiness points.
  • This means minimizing unhappiness is also a way to approach maximizing happiness in life.
So, in order to maximize net happiness, you should do things that cause less pain than happiness, and do them as much as possible…um, not really. This does not work in real life. As I've said before, playing video games only has an unhappiness penalty of 0 if you don't do it excessively. If you play video games too much, you'll begin to suffer unhappiness penalties.

Does that caveat mean everything I've written is insignificant? No. What if I told you that there's a strategy that increases your happiness and decreases your unhappiness that's sustainable indefinitely? This is hands-down the best way to increase net happiness, bar none. Here it is:

The best way to maximize net happiness is to enhance the happiness that you already feel and desensitize yourself from the unhappiness that you already feel.

And how are we supposed to do this? It's super simple: take hormones. Hormones directly affect mood. The hormones you ought to take are—referencing the second set of bullets at the top of the page (the scientific claims)—male hormones during times of hardship and female hormones during times of joy.

To clarify, I don't mean you should grab the testosterone syringe whenever you're unhappy and inject estrogen whenever you feel joy. That's not what I mean. I'm talking about a more long-term plan. The plan is to alternate between periods of grinding hard under the influence of T and relishing the great pleasures of life under the influence of E. These periods should be several weeks to a few months long because the hormones take a while to take effect. Such a plan might look something like this:


What you do during this period

January and February 2021Work very hard on your business. Take testosterone to help you push through stress and be a more effective leader.
March and April 2021Go out with your friends, party, and do drugs. Work on your business only a little bit. Take estrogen to get the most out of the fun.
June and July 2021Work very hard on your business again. Take testosterone.
August 2021Go on a vacation to the Bahamas. Take some time off the business. Take estrogen to enjoy your vacation to the max.

See bro, it makes sense.


What, you think this idea is retarded since you want to be a giga-manly man?

Mind if I ask you to honestly think about WHY?

Why do you want to be 100% masculine even though you're utterly truecel?

This is the opposition toward my estrogen- and testosterone-maxxing plan: men shy away from doing literally anything that involves estrogen because they're afraid of being unmasculine.

That makes some sense for most men; their masculinity enables them to attract women and perform physical feats (like saving people from burning buildings and lifting 500 pounds) that most women cannot.

However, you aren't like those men. You're under 6 feet tall. You're not handsome; you're ugly as fuck. Your bideltoid breath is under 18 inches. You're skinnyfat. Your jaw is narrow, and your chin is recessed. What purpose does the little testosterone that you have in your body serve? Not much. It really wouldn't hurt to take some estrogen SOME OF THE TIME to maximize the amount of happiness you experience in your life. Revisit the last 3 sentences in the first set of bullet points. Holding onto your masculinity ALL THE TIME, which y'ain't even got a whole lot of, isn't a smart idea.

And I have to emphasize that my plan does involve taking more testosterone some of the time.
I know this was written in plain sight above, but you really should take this into consideration because the plan will NOT turn you into a woman. Any femininity you gain is only temporary for the sake of enhancing happy emotions.

What do you think about this awesome idea? Are you low-inhib enough to take a new approach to maximizing your net happiness?
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  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Cope thread
  • +1
  • JFL
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Good thread, read every word
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
this is chads.me, what's the point of this thread?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 32285, turkproducer, Be_ConfidentBro and 4 others
  • Woah
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bruh i'm a full head taller than jimin
bro u need to go to seoul and slay once u ascend if u speak even the slightest bit korean, u will be worshipped there. whats ur frame like?
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
frame is proportional, u can kinda tell from my neck tbh.

ppl in seoul aren't my type
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
Take estrogen, you know this will block your body from producing T and you will more than likely get harsh E side effects like gyno?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5818, hairyballscel and thecel
Take estrogen, you know this will block your body from producing T and you will more than likely get harsh E side effects like gyno?

Which is why this isn't for everyone:

this strategy is intended to be used by a very tiny subset of the male population
this strategy of maximizing happiness is only applicable to utter truecels who're so genetically inferior that they cannot possibly get into relationships with women beyond a reasonable doubt

If you're so utterly truecel, the physical side effects of E don't matter.
blah blah blah pure hedonism=increase T to infinity
  • JFL
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Reactions: mogstar and thecel
op who hurt you
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
Not a word except the first two lines and I agree tbh Ive been unaware but naturally using this method since I was 12 and I can really say ive never really felt super depressed or anything like half of the faggot teenagers.
  • Woah
Reactions: thecel
Not a word except the first two lines and I agree tbh Ive been unaware but naturally using this method since I was 12 and I can really say ive never really felt super depressed or anything like half of the faggot teenagers.

How do you do it?
there are only 2 hormones in your body theory?

Big Eyes Wow GIF by TV4
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: BrickTop, hairyballscel and thecel
  • When happy, raise Serotonin and reduce Dopamine.
  • When unhappy, raise Dopamine and reduce Serotonin.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: thecel, CtbmaxxerCurry and Darmstadtium
cope thread
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
How do you do this?
pineapple, banana, kiwi, plums and tomatoes
mdma, ashwagandha, St. John's Wort

also live in the moment and don't worry about the future

caffeine, cocoa, honey, red meat and bodies
L-Dopa, dht, BCAA(cope i think), t3, LSD

try to have everything under control and planned, do everything with your head and analyze every situation, PROGRESS is your secound name
  • +1
Reactions: EverythingMaxxer, Darmstadtium, reptiles and 1 other person
Dn rd
  • WTF
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Reactions: thecel and pizza
Implying estrogen would have the effects you are talking about lmao. Why would it make you happy
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: thecel and Darmstadtium
shit thread but the rest of your threads are quite interesting
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
pineapple, banana, kiwi, plums and tomatoes
mdma, ashwagandha, St. John's Wort

also live in the moment and don't worry about the future

caffeine, cocoa, honey, red meat and bodies
L-Dopa, dht, BCAA(cope i think), t3, LSD

try to have everything under control and planned, do everything with your head and analyze every situation, PROGRESS is your secound name
Good post
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
Implying estrogen would have the effects you are talking about lmao. Why would it make you happy

Estrogen makes emotions more potent; you know how emotional women are. If you take estrogen when you're happy, it'll intensify the happiness.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Lihito and Deleted member 2729
Wow you are so fucking retarded no wonder you're miserable. Have you heard of Positive Feedback cycles? Increased receptors the more activated (ar-5)?
Fucking hell man you don't have any knowledge and suggest harmful hormones.
Check out Ray Peat on RayPeat.com and raypeatforum.com
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
Estrogen makes emotions more potent; you know how emotional women are. If you take estrogen when you're happy, it'll intensify the happiness.
Estrogen is misery.
Testosterone is happiness and Dopaminergic
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: Need2Ascend and thecel
In-general Testosterone has some Gaba Agonist action.
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
The best way to maximize net happiness is to enhance the happiness that you already feel and desensitize yourself from the unhappiness that you already feel.

BOTB-level thread
horomones arent stat sliders on a video game which u raise up and down depending on your mood
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
@Aloha this hedonism strategy is a cheat code for life
I'm biased as I'm more an artist philosophycel/artist than mathcel but I believe you can never really change happiness

Comes from root word hap meaning chance, same as happenstance. Because it's always ephemeral and mysterious to us. Happiness isn't an all the time thing

So no, a step by step meticulous autistic game plan will never work. In large part because humans are so variable. Injecting this, that and the third may benefit one person but hurt another.

So what do you do? He who has a why can bare any how. You find meaning to bare your suffering and cherish what fleeting moments of happiness come. The focus should be on your response to suffering not pursuit of comfort or happiness. Live a purposeful life.
  • Woah
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@Aloha :feelsautistic: green name achieved woo hoo
  • Love it
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did not read a molecule
  • WTF
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