Unpopular opinion : caring about your looks is fucking dumb



Jul 11, 2019
Seriously, do u really think larping here will bring you the happiness you seek?

Most people don't even give a F about how they look, let alone do they know how important it is to be good looking. Most people would get their fair share of pussy during their youth, get married and settle with a mediocre life.

But they'd still be happier than you, because they wouldn't constantly live in the future. I swear people here are way too harsh with themselves, just appreciate the fact that you've been granted two functionnal fucking legs and arms.

We are NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. Everything you'll ever work to obtain will be reduced to nothingness as soon as you die. Even if your legacy lives on, it will eventually fade away as time goes.

That being said, I'm most likely just as addicted to larping as most of you guys, too. I'm aware of how dangerous it is to deny myself that much, but here I am. I'm just another fucking weakling lol.

TL ; DR : Just accept yourself, live your fucking shitty life like everyone cause none of that matters anyway and stop living in denial. Denying one's own identity is the best way to fill one's life with regret, sadness, anger and frustration.
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stop posting here
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:soy: :bluepill: :bluepill: :bluepill:
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Fuck off IT
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wow op you're so woke!!
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The only thing legit is worrying about things you cant change
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Seriously, do u really think larping here will bring you the happiness you seek?

Most people don't even give a F about how they look, let alone do they know how important it is to be good looking. Most people would get their fair share of pussy during their youth, get married and settle with a mediocre life.

But they'd still be happier than you, because they wouldn't constantly live in the future. I swear people here are way too harsh with themselves, just appreciate the fact that you've been granted two functionnal fucking legs and arms.

We are NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. Everything you'll ever work to obtain will be reduced to nothingness as soon as you die. Even if your legacy lives on, it will eventually fade away as time goes.

That being said, I'm most likely just as addicted to larping as most of you guys, too. I'm aware of how dangerous it is to deny myself that much, but here I am. I'm just another fucking weakling lol.

TL ; DR : Just accept yourself, live your fucking shitty life like everyone cause none of that matters anyway and stop living in denial. Denying one's own identity is the best way to fill one's life with regret, sadness, anger and frustration.
100% agree with you man

thats why you found this obscure site
Stop coping
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Reactions: horizontallytall, Deleted member 2012 and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Dn rd
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Reactions: Deleted member 2012
You guys probably all know I'm 100% right. Being a slayer is just something natural, if you didnt get at birth you must find enjoyment in something else. Do you really think that's what you should be aspiring to be? You're just setting yourselves up to regret and sadness.
looksmax.me: your daily dose of cope
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Reactions: Pietrosiek and didntreadlol
I regret nothing

I have learnt things I would have never learnt otherwise and I am very lucky
Stop coping , you're not fucking lucky dude, you're spending half your time browsing this board pretending you're learning but all you're doing is finding excuses to why is your life shit.
Tbh I would accept it if everything in life ever wasn’t determined by looks. Your school, everyday interaction, job, career, family’s perception, friends perception, everything under the sun is examined by your face and height. If looks only mattered only in the dating aspect of everyone’s life I personally wouldn’t care. Imagine working hard af to land a career job only for chad to get the position due to him being more facially appealing even tho he was much more underqualified. The black pill is brutal
That’s why in China their most famous saying is
“Your face is your fortune”
Meeks felt that on a cellular level ^
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Fuaaaaaaa legit bro, giga brain
Stop coping , you're not fucking lucky dude, you're spending half your time browsing this board pretending you're learning but all you're doing is finding excuses to why is your life shit.
Nice things you are pulling out of your ass lol

I am currently looking for a source for GHK3 Inhibitors and discussing with my surgeon of I can get a high quadrangular LeFort1 and am moneymaxxing too

And my Bimax will be covered by healthcare. If I would have been 3 months late, this wouldnt have been possible

I also got 800IU HGH for 500€ because I had perfect timing

I tell you that, if I wouldnt have discovered PSL, I would still waste money on self-improvement books, cope with /pol/ and still waste my time
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ok greycel
TL ; DR : Just accept yourself, live your fucking shitty life like everyone cause none of that matters anyway and stop living in denial. Denying one's own identity is the best way to fill one's life with regret, sadness, anger and frustration.
what are you doing here then?
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Reactions: didntreadlol, CoconutMan, subhuman incel and 3 others
I swear in 10, 20 or 30 years you'll all remember this period of your life when you were just not living the way you were supposed to live and it's gonna take a huge toll on you. Time is precious dont fucking waste it putting yourself down, just leave make money and then overhaul your face if you,'re still not happy..not the other way around
I swear in 10, 20 or 30 years you'll all remember this period of your life when you were just not living the way you were supposed to live and it's gonna take a huge toll on you. Time is precious dont fucking waste it putting yourself down, just leave make money and then overhaul your face if you,'re still not happy..not the other way around
Bruh, u changing opinions pretty fast. Literally two days ago you agreed with me in pm that face is the best investition u can do.
If you are 9% bodyfat ,not planning on any surgery and not planing on mse or facepuller , and not having a shitty fashion style

Yes.just dont care theory is right.

Otherwise , of course no .
Nice things you are pulling out of your ass lol

I am currently looking for a source for GHK3 Inhibitors and discussing with my surgeon of I can get a high quadrangular LeFort1 and am moneymaxxing too

And my Bimax will be covered by healthcare. If I would have been 3 months late, this wouldnt have been possible

I also got 800IU HGH for 500€ because I had perfect timing

I tell you that, if I wouldnt have discovered PSL, I would still waste money on self-improvement books, cope with /pol/ and still waste my time
Tbh this knowledge is great if you actually take action; most people mental masturbate and think they’re doing something just reading pixels on a screen and not finding ways to better their life.
didn't read but

shit thread kys
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Reactions: psycophsez
what is this reddit my life is already over let me cope fgt
Seriously, do u really think larping here will bring you the happiness you seek?

Most people don't even give a F about how they look, let alone do they know how important it is to be good looking. Most people would get their fair share of pussy during their youth, get married and settle with a mediocre life.

But they'd still be happier than you, because they wouldn't constantly live in the future. I swear people here are way too harsh with themselves, just appreciate the fact that you've been granted two functionnal fucking legs and arms.

We are NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. Everything you'll ever work to obtain will be reduced to nothingness as soon as you die. Even if your legacy lives on, it will eventually fade away as time goes.

That being said, I'm most likely just as addicted to larping as most of you guys, too. I'm aware of how dangerous it is to deny myself that much, but here I am. I'm just another fucking weakling lol.

TL ; DR : Just accept yourself, live your fucking shitty life like everyone cause none of that matters anyway and stop living in denial. Denying one's own identity is the best way to fill one's life with regret, sadness, anger and frustration.
Take the blackpill
someone ban this dumb nigga immediately

words cannot explain how retarded this is

OP go and use your excellent logic to get a hot gf with the power of personality
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Op is a foid
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are u retard op or a girl
We are NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. Everything you'll ever work to obtain will be reduced to nothingness as soon as you die. Even if your legacy lives on, it will eventually fade away as time goes.
Justkillyourself theory
Nothingmatters theory

people SHOULD looksmaxx if they can, anything less than this should be removed from this forum.
Everything you'll ever work to obtain will be reduced to nothingness as soon as you die. Even if your legacy lives on, it will eventually fade away as time goes.
At least I will maximize my enjoyment of life. And what if my legacy is my genes? Reproduction is our biological purpose. My kids will have their own children and so on and so on. My legacy shall live on as far as mankind.

And of course I’d want my children to have the best shot at enjoying life and reproducing with a high value partner. And they need good looks for that. So I need to marry a beautiful wife and the way to get that is by becoming as good looking as I can myself.
Why the fuck are you even on this site then if you don't care about your looks? We are absolutely nothing in the long term, which is why improving our looks to hence improve our interactions is so important. If caring about looks truly didn't help, you wouldn't see a select few people looksmax hard and then leave the psl community.
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Tbh I would accept it if everything in life ever wasn’t determined by looks. Your school, everyday interaction, job, career, family’s perception, friends perception, everything under the sun is examined by your face and height. If looks only mattered only in the dating aspect of everyone’s life I personally wouldn’t care. Imagine working hard af to land a career job only for chad to get the position due to him being more facially appealing even tho he was much more underqualified. The black pill is brutal
That’s why in China their most famous saying is
“Your face is your fortune”
Meeks felt that on a cellular level ^
Everything you pointed out is affected by looks and it's nice you observe this. Thing is all you pointed out is not looks dependant, only looks influenced. You won't suffer bullying if you manage well eventual mocking, your family will perceive you as succesfull if you are doing well with carreer, your friends will like you if you're fine, etc.

All this are influenced by looks, not determined by it. Fact is it's so weird to blame looks for something that's not determined by them. If your family beats you, you could get away from the trauma if you have large social circle. But if you have none and gets the trauma, the blame isn't for having not such social circle, the blame is from your family beating you.

If you are unsuccesful, the blame isn't looks, the blame is CONTEXT (cuz not necessarily you, other factors like chance, etc). The thing about carreer job is insecurity spread by incels, ofc it can happen, but it's not the common place. Halo Effect is legit, but it's legit overrated aswell, especially if the guy was much more underqualified.

Looks determine mostly dating. Other aspects are prone to context and chance, but in general rule: they are influenced by looks, but determined by other factors.
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Shit thread kys faggot
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Consider killing yourself OP.
No one wants to be cucked by life, fuck a few used roasties/landwhales and settle for some plain Jane that doesn’t actually love you and have like only one kid that despises you. You are a retard and deserve to get raped by life for thinking that the “normal lives” that humans in the west are forced to lived are anything but unnatural, unhealthy, and (edit:) abnormal.
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