Get off my lawn!
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I have commented on this channel in the past, but I have never made a thread about it. TLDR: Bob, Now 61, lost 150+ lbs on the Carnivore diet which he began May 2022. By virtue of this weight loss he now thinks he is a diet, health, exercise expert and posts frequent youtube advice. In reality he is frail and in well below average physical condition for his age. He lives a ghetto life in a basement apartment and subsists on Social Security Disability, and the few dollars he makes from working part time at a miniature golf course. He regularly over states his physical abilities (eg. claims he can do 40 pushups, when he can't do one actual pushup, he just sort of flexes his arms 2" and calls it a pushup, grossly overstates the distance of his walks) and sets grossly unrealistic goals. He said he was going to through hike the entire Appalachian Trail and film every step of it in 2024, now that plan has been moved to 2025 (zero chance this happens, realistically he would not be able to hike with a backpack at a sustainable rate of more than 25 miles/week) He has bought 10 acres of crap land in West Texas that he plans to build an off grid 'house' made out of a shipping container, that was supposed to start late 2023, and has been moved to late 2024. He stopped reporting his weight more than a year ago, but it is clear he has gained at least 20lbs in the past year. His channel reached peak popularity about 2 years ago when he was rapidly loosing weight, reaching 35,000 views per month, he fully expected his view count to continue to rise to over 100,000 views per month and talked about his plans to hire editors for his videos when he reached 100,000 views per month, but he now he only gets about 8,000 views per month. Curiously his subscriber count has continued to slowly increase despite this great decline in views, I guess some people just never unsubscribe to anything. His current viewership falls into 3 groups, schadenfruede viewers like me, morbidly obese trailpark types that find him inspiring, other carnivore youtubers trying to network.

Being fat is better than being skinny
Being fat: people assume you eat a lot, therefore a monster, something close to an animal, feral instincts... You are big and takes more space = more respect. Skinny: you're scrawny being with twig arms, even kids don't respect you, skinny = close to death according to humans' primal brains...

Severely obese women makes 100k month with eating videos
I know her life still stucks but it just shows that women just can’t lose in 2023