Ur daily reminder to cold approach



Jun 4, 2023
Be like @Zeta and be like me ( @shieldzz )

Be a better YOU
  • JFL
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Reactions: bloomercel, watah, ascension and 3 others
Cold approach only works if you're chad

Anything else and you get reported to the police
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  • JFL
Reactions: bloomercel, austrianautist, watah and 10 others
its a win-win situation. u get a gf or u scare women (most likely)
  • JFL
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Reactions: bloomercel, watah, BoredPrince and 6 others
Cold approach only works if you're chad

Anything else and you get reported to the police
When i was a normie girls were still smilling even when i got rejected

You will scare them only as a sub5
just be attractive bro!
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  • Woah
  • Hmm...
Reactions: bloomercel, JohnDoe, rooman and 5 others
Cold approach is the most beta activity on the planet

NEVER cold approach
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: bloomercel, watah, PsychoDsk and 6 others
why is it beta ? Nobody cares
You soul cares nigga

You’re telling your brain & subconscious that some cum bucket is higher value than you

I can’t even imagine that state of mind
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  • JFL
Reactions: bloomercel, PsychoDsk, LuckyBeast and 4 others
You soul cares nigga

You’re telling your brain & subconscious that some cum bucket is higher value than you

I can’t even imagine that state of mind
Its actually thr oposite
Brah you got it the easiest, i bet you live in india and have arranged marriages
im not fucking indian 🤢

but yes i will have an arranged marriage to a virgin stacy inshallah
  • JFL
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Reactions: bloomercel, JohnDoe, rooman and 1 other person
Its actually thr oposite
JFL if you’re not walking through life with a narcy mindset

Imagine not walking through life thinking you could beat the shit out of any guy that tests you

Or not walking through life thinking cum buckets that get tossed around are low value

The thought of walking up to some whore to “please can I get your number”

Holy fucking shit you guys are so lost :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

You mindset is your biggest falio, not looks
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  • JFL
Reactions: bloomercel, chadspanishknight, rooman and 2 others
JFL if you’re not walking through life with a narcy mindset

Imagine not walking through life thinking you could beat the shit out of any guy that tests you

Or not walking through life thinking cum buckets that get tossed around are low value

The thought of walking up to some whore to “please can I get your number”

Holy fucking shit you guys are so lost :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

You mindset is your biggest falio, not looks
You are a smart user
  • +1
The entire concept of cold approach is really dumb. Women are way way more social than guys.

Your average femcel has a more robust social life than chads.

Women will straight up start conversations with you.
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Reactions: bloomercel, Alt Number 3, rooman and 1 other person
low succes chance

still mirin
In the wild, the female animal counterpart will approach the high T male.

Animals don’t talk..
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  • JFL
Reactions: Disrupted Gene, JohnDoe, rooman and 1 other person
I'm sorry but I didn't know it's the junglemaxx
Humans are animals. My point I was making is that looks are everything. The woman will approach you if you’re attractive enough.

Women have unlimited options. Men don’t. Therefor, if she approaches you, that means you mog many men.
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Reactions: bloomercel and rooman
Humans are animals. My point I was making is that looks are everything. The woman will approach you if you’re attractive enough.

Women have unlimited options. Men don’t. Therefor, if she approaches you, that means you mog many men.
Nah you're retarded. I know you're the everything is nature type but you clearly take it to a 90IQ territory. Even Goatis would make fun of you once his laptop is closed.
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Nah you're retarded. I know you're the everything is nature type but you clearly take it to a 90IQ territory. Even Goatis would make fun of you once his laptop is closed.
That’s not science. Provide me evidence that I am wrong.
Nah you're retarded. I know you're the everything is nature type but you clearly take it to a 90IQ territory. Even Goatis would make fun of you once his laptop is closed.
You’re just ugly so you don’t know what it feels like to be approached. I’ve been approached many times in my life.
The fact that we chat and you use a phone or a PC disprove your point you total retard.
It doesn’t change the fact that “words” don’t effect attraction. Your health aka looks does.
Cold approach is the most beta activity on the planet

NEVER cold approach
Honestly YEAH

Imagine cold approaching

Just think it

You are a girl and a guy out of nowhere approaches you that you don't know and you know he only wants you because of your looks and maybe ass

No girls is accepting cold approach unless chad
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Reactions: bloomercel, PROMETHEUS, PsychoDsk and 1 other person
im not fucking indian 🤢

but yes i will have an arranged marriage to a virgin stacy inshallah
Too much taqiyya has turned you into a pathological liar. Sad :sick:
It doesn’t change the fact that “words” don’t affect attraction. Your health aka looks does.
Your 90IQ brain can't let you understand that humans can use language (no other animal does, it's all bullshit) and that something unique to humans that is different from the rest of the animals. On the same token our interactions would be different even if we share similarities in other areas of attraction. Humans can use manipulation and charm in a way that animals can't. It's not just about looks. I know you're too slow to get it tho.
JFL if you’re not walking through life with a narcy mindset

Imagine not walking through life thinking you could beat the shit out of any guy that tests you

Or not walking through life thinking cum buckets that get tossed around are low value

The thought of walking up to some whore to “please can I get your number”

Holy fucking shit you guys are so lost :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

You mindset is your biggest falio, not looks
Sounds like high inhb cope

You’ll never find the insanely hot girls on a night out or a fucking dating app that you see during the day. All the girls in clubs look like shit, it’s so rare to meet these girls organically
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Reactions: bloomercel and JohnDoe
Humans are animals. My point I was making is that looks are everything. The woman will approach you if you’re attractive enough.

Women have unlimited options. Men don’t. Therefor, if she approaches you, that means you mog many men.
Jfl at letting women approach you. Maybe if you have low standards and are happy fucking any girl that comes your way

When you target the upper tier girls, they will never approach. The hotter the girl the less likely she will approach. she doesn’t need to. Just mog everyone else and approach her yourself
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel and JohnDoe
Jfl at letting women approach you. Maybe if you have low standards and are happy fucking any girl that comes your way

When you target the upper tier girls, they will never approach. The hotter the girl the less likely she will approach. she doesn’t need to. Just mog everyone else and approach her yourself
Cope. Regardless of what the girl looks like, if she doesn’t approach you, then you are NOT attractive enough.

If you were attractive enough, her genes wouldn’t allow themselves to not attempt to reproduce with a Chad for example.
Your 90IQ brain can't let you understand that humans can use language (no other animal does, it's all bullshit) and that something unique to humans that is different from the rest of the animals. On the same token our interactions would be different even if we share similarities in other areas of attraction. Humans can use manipulation and charm in a way that animals can't. It's not just about looks. I know you're too slow to get it tho.
You just lost all, if you even had any, of your credibility the moment you brought up “charm”.

Charm is looks
You just lost all, if you even had any, of your credibility the moment you brought up “charm”.

Charm is looks
Sure, retard. That's ALL charm is. All good looking people are charming :feelsuhh:
Sure, retard.
1. I guarantee you’re ugly with a body count of less than 3 with low quality girls

2. You’re incompetence is quite hilarious
1. I guarantee you’re ugly with a body count of less than 3 with low quality girls

2. You’re incompetence is quite hilarious
Sorry I can't talk bro I'm an animal.
You just lost all, if you even had any, of your credibility the moment you brought up “charm”.

Charm is looks
stop arguing in my threads you apes
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Reactions: bloomercel
stop arguing in my threads you apes

Is that you?
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Cope. Regardless of what the girl looks like, if she doesn’t approach you, then you are NOT attractive enough.

If you were attractive enough, her genes wouldn’t allow themselves to not attempt to reproduce with a Chad for example.
Just lol

Funny GIF

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