ur not autistic ur just genetically inferior

most "autists" are not autistic but its just a symptom caused by genetic inferiority

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🖤💊THIS IS MY CURSE 🔪🩸☠️💀🤘👹🤡👿
May 1, 2024
yes high inhib is a sign of autism but the reason ur high inhib might be cuz ur a manlet

excluding the real autists they are a exception

react with (y) if true

react with :rage: if u disagree
  • +1
Reactions: Aero, USERΝAME, PandaWarrior23 and 3 others
yes high inhib is a sign of autism but the reason ur high inhib might be cuz ur a manlet

excluding the real autists they are a exception

react with (y) if true

react with :rage: if u disagree
autism is a a form of genetic inferiority
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, rand anon, vermillioncorefan and 1 other person
Autism goes way beyond high inhib. If you were actually diagnosed autistic you would know that. Fuck, I don't even wanna be on this site. People don't even acknowledge disabilities, plus it's low IQ as fuck. I just have no other option.

I can't even begin to explain all the problems it causes, also things that makes you different even if they're not necessarily bad. Some symptoms of autism can even be a plus like intensive focus on a specific subject.
  • +1
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Autism goes way beyond high inhib. If you were actually diagnosed autistic you would know that. Fuck, I don't even wanna be on this site. People don't even acknowledge disabilities, plus it's low IQ as fuck. I just have no other option.
thats why i said exclude actual autists

im talking about people that think they are autists (they didnt get dignosed) and blame their "autism" for their high inhib
  • +1
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Most, not all
Social extrovert autists are so fucking annoying to deal with
  • +1
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Autism goes way beyond high inhib. If you were actually diagnosed autistic you would know that. Fuck, I don't even wanna be on this site. People don't even acknowledge disabilities, plus it's low IQ as fuck. I just have no other option.

I can't even begin to explain all the problems it causes, also things that makes you different even if they're not necessarily bad. Some symptoms of autism can even be a plus like intensive focus on a specific subject.
I hate these subhuman NTfags. They’re all complete genetic failures and will claim autism is a cope because they fail to realize we have disabilities that hold us back. They just have shit genes not a disability lmfao.

Fuck NTfags
autism is a a form of genetic inferiority
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When girls are autistic its different to men
  • JFL
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I hate these subhuman NTfags. They’re all complete genetic failures and will claim autism is a cope because they fail to realize we have disabilities that hold us back. They just have shit genes not a disability lmfao.

Fuck NTfags

This. Autism is a cancer
  • +1
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This. Autism is a cancer
Yea worst fate anyone can have. NTfags who are incel are just complete failures tbh no wonder they’re always shitting on autists. Lol how the fuck do you fuck up in life with the bare minimum :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
  • +1
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How is that retarded, autism is genetic inferiority.
Nah he’s right, it’s just the way he worded it I guess. But yea autism is worse than cancer. Well the combination of autism and other disorders.

Schizophrenia is probably the worst thing a person can have though. All the 35 year old rotting losers on here who can’t speak coherently are schizos
  • +1
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Autism goes way beyond high inhib. If you were actually diagnosed autistic you would know that. Fuck, I don't even wanna be on this site. People don't even acknowledge disabilities, plus it's low IQ as fuck. I just have no other option.

I can't even begin to explain all the problems it causes, also things that makes you different even if they're not necessarily bad. Some symptoms of autism can even be a plus like intensive focus on a specific subject.
Yeah but most of the focus is on irrelevant shit.

I’d happily trade my focus for theology and philosophy and games etc for a focus on maths and science
How is that retarded, autism is genetic inferiority.
Indeed that’s why we don’t breed we are made to be slaves to make the world a better place for chad and Stacy and their progeny.
Nah he’s right, it’s just the way he worded it I guess. But yea autism is worse than cancer. Well the combination of autism and other disorders.

Schizophrenia is probably the worst thing a person can have though. All the 35 year old rotting losers on here who can’t speak coherently are schizos
imagine being me, autism +ADHD and then idiots wonder why i cannot run “BBC game which is just glorified NT low inhb game.
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
ADHD is a buff JFL

it makes u lower inhib

but the autism ruins it
lol no it doesn’t. ADHD creeps girls out they hate that I alwyas talk a lot and am hyper. ADHD IS S HARD NERF TO YOUR POTENTIAL. I can’t revise without outside stimuli because of this shit dopamine issue. ADHD imo is actually worse than autism because I can’t focus on anything that doesn’t particularly tickle my fancy but I’m cursed with both :ROFLMAO::feelswah::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
lol no it doesn’t. ADHD creeps girls out they hate that I alwyas talk a lot and am hyper. ADHD IS S HARD NERF TO YOUR POTENTIAL. I can’t revise without outside stimuli because of this shit dopamine issue. ADHD imo is actually worse than autism because I can’t focus on anything that doesn’t particularly tickle my fancy but I’m cursed with both :ROFLMAO::feelswah::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
JFL bro i use to be giga lowinhib like smooth sanchez level inhib

and my mom put me on JEWISH adhd meds for like 2yrs and that shit raised my inhib to medium

and im still tryna recover my inhib levels 😡

fuck the jews thats why i never go to the doctors cuz they will fuck u up by giving u jewish vaccines or shots
yes high inhib is a sign of autism but the reason ur high inhib might be cuz ur a manlet

excluding the real autists they are a exception

react with (y) if true

react with :rage: if u disagree
it’s not “genetically inferior” it’s bad social environment and trauma that makes NT people become non NT, there’s plenty of nt ugly guys who do fine in life and dating, i was NT until about 13-14 when i started going to a garbage school
  • +1
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lol no it doesn’t. ADHD creeps girls out they hate that I alwyas talk a lot and am hyper. ADHD IS S HARD NERF TO YOUR POTENTIAL. I can’t revise without outside stimuli because of this shit dopamine issue. ADHD imo is actually worse than autism because I can’t focus on anything that doesn’t particularly tickle my fancy but I’m cursed with both :ROFLMAO::feelswah::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I also have autism + adhd the issue is that we have both. Adhd by itself really isn’t much of a setback other than maybe in excelling academically/organization skills.

Lol adhd is legit seen amongst chads. The autism + adhd combination is the brutal part adhd by itself really won’t do shit to you at all in terms of women/social life.
  • Woah
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JFL bro i use to be giga lowinhib like smooth sanchez level inhib

and my mom put me on JEWISH adhd meds for like 2yrs and that shit raised my inhib to medium

and im still tryna recover my inhib levels 😡

fuck the jews thats why i never go to the doctors cuz they will fuck u up by giving u jewish vaccines or shots
In low Inhb but only with men not with women.

I live in the United Shitdom so I have to wait 3 years to get diagnosed to get my MEDs….:hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn:

I can’t buy it and I don’t trust the dark web to give me smuggled true adderall so I have to suffer with this cancer of ADHD I’d slaughter entire villages to get my hands on it. If I visit America can I just walk into any pharmacy and get ADHD meds ? If so ima have to go there next month I cannot live with ADHD like this anymore.
  • +1
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I can’t buy it and I don’t trust the dark web to give me smuggled true adderall so I have to suffer with this cancer of ADHD I’d slaughter entire villages to get my hands on it. If I visit America can I just walk into any pharmacy and get ADHD meds ? If so ima have to go there next month I cannot live with ADHD like this anymore.
dont take the MEDS

dont do it bro

it will literally make u retarded and high inhib and fuck up ur social skills
  • Ugh..
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I also have autism + adhd the issue is that we have both. Adhd by itself really isn’t much of a setback other than maybe in excelling academically/organization skills.

Lol adhd is legit seen amongst chads. The autism + adhd combination is the brutal part adhd by itself really won’t do shit to you at all in terms of women/social life.

Literally a Mike Tyson jab then uppercut combo knockout. ADHD is cancer I can say this because it’s usually my ADHD that puts women off not my autism. My “energy” I’m too active too energetic, I hate awkward silences so I continue to speak non stop, all ADHD issues not autism. Most people with “ADHD” don’t actually have it they are just normies who have been rotted by Tik Tok.

Real ADHD repulses women :hnghn: women despise ADHD as much as they do autism. My autism is very mild and tbh I don’t think it has ever fucked me over with women but I know my ADHD traits have made me fail with over 200 women in my life
  • So Sad
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Literally a Mike Tyson jab then uppercut combo knockout. ADHD is cancer I can say this because it’s usually my ADHD that puts women off not my autism. My “energy” I’m too active too energetic, I hate awkward silences so I continue to speak non stop, all ADHD issues not autism. Most people with “ADHD” don’t actually have it they are just normies who have been rotted by Tik Tok.

Real ADHD repulses women :hnghn: women despise ADHD as much as they do autism. My autism is very mild and tbh I don’t think it has ever fucked me over with women but I know my ADHD traits have made me fail with over 200 women in my life
ADHD makes u hyperactive as fuck

which is kind of a good thing

my energy levels will never be the same as it was :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:

fuck those jewish meds
  • Hmm...
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dont take the MEDS

dont do it bro

it will literally make u retarded and high inhib and fuck up ur social skills
If it will make me work hard and be able to finally concentrate without constantly hear voices like some psyker from warhammer 40K then ima take it I constantly have the need to speak my minds never blank I don’t even know what it’s like to not think of anything it’s constant. I been trying to learn Python for over 3 years now and I’m still shot why? Because ADHD won’t let me focus and just bash it out instead I play video games for 6 hours a day with no issue wtf

I WANT IT GONE. I even form the NHS ima kill my self if I don’t get the fucking pills because I refuse to carry on life with this illness called ADHD
  • So Sad
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta

Literally a Mike Tyson jab then uppercut combo knockout. ADHD is cancer I can say this because it’s usually my ADHD that puts women off not my autism. My “energy” I’m too active too energetic, I hate awkward silences so I continue to speak non stop, all ADHD issues not autism. Most people with “ADHD” don’t actually have it they are just normies who have been rotted by Tik Tok.
No plenty of htn+ slayers pre Covid era I knew had adhd and were hyperactive. The double combination is the issue. Most females don’t have an issue with being too energetics unless it’s some loud obnoxious ghetto foids.

Speaking a lot and getting shunned for it is an aspie + adhd trait. Plenty of spergs I’ve seen with adhd but no autism get away with it (and no some are actually ugly)
Real ADHD repulses women :hnghn: women despise ADHD as much as they do autism. My autism is very mild and tbh I don’t think it has ever fucked me over with women but I know my ADHD traits have made me fail with over 200 women in my life
Nah man our autism isn’t mild. That’s just a coping mechanism we use. A good amount of our issues and traits stem from autism. It’s just adhd worsens it to a far greater extent.
No plenty of htn+ slayers pre Covid era I knew had adhd and were hyperactive. The double combination is the issue. Most females don’t have an issue with being too energetics unless it’s some loud obnoxious ghetto foids.

Speaking a lot and getting shunned for it is an aspie + adhd trait. Plenty of spergs I’ve seen with adhd but no autism get away with it (and no some are actually ugly)

Nah man our autism isn’t mild. That’s just a coping mechanism we use. A good amount of our issues and traits stem from autism. It’s just adhd worsens it to a far greater extent.
All women hate being over hyperactive that’s the first thing forids tell me when they no longer want to be with me it’s “your quite a bit too energetic” or “your too happy like always giddy”

As I said those “HTN SLAYERS” you know don’t have ADHD they jsut have low attention span due to tik tok but real ADHD is a dopamine deficiency. I have all the traits and my condition is very bad. Do those guys have issues with controling themselves from their vices? I can’t even lose weight because my ADHD forces me to eat junk food for dopamine that’s the level I’m on. Im
Sick of these normies getting Diagnosed with shit they don’t have

Im not even ugly I look normal and mogg the avg man even have have muscles and around 20% bodyfat. Girls will overlook it a bit due to my race being NT and me looking goodish but they get annoyed after a while. And yes my autism forced me to hyper focus on non PC topics like genetics, religion, history, geography games, women etc ehir that isn’t socially acceptable.

My autism is mild even users here who have spoken to me say they wouldn’t know I had it. Very very very few normies irl have ever assumed I had autism unless I say it nobody knows most of my issues stem from ADHD. Autism is just the nail in the coffin and now I feel like ending my life what’s the point with a brain as fucked as mine

Look at how much I write, do you think that’s normal? It’s not normal to write theisis essays for a fucking incel Fourm welcome to ADHD
No plenty of htn+ slayers pre Covid era I knew had adhd and were hyperactive. The double combination is the issue. Most females don’t have an issue with being too energetics unless it’s some loud obnoxious ghetto foids.

Speaking a lot and getting shunned for it is an aspie + adhd trait. Plenty of spergs I’ve seen with adhd but no autism get away with it (and no some are actually ugly)

Nah man our autism isn’t mild. That’s just a coping mechanism we use. A good amount of our issues and traits stem from autism. It’s just adhd worsens it to a far greater extent.
hyperactivity from ADHD is a blessing

and idk if that was like my natural growth because yk in puberty ur T levels rise and shit

but i dont think its cuz of puberty

i had naturally very high energy thats y i always got in trouble @ schools and these faggot ass jewish teachers got so mad
both ADHD and autism are probably overly diagnosed nowadays
All women hate being over hyperactive that’s the first thing forids tell me when they no longer want to be with me it’s “your quite a bit too energetic” or “your too happy like always giddy”
That’s cope man
As I said those “HTN SLAYERS” you know don’t have ADHD they jsut have low attention span due to tik tok but real ADHD is a dopamine deficiency. I have all the traits and my condition is very bad. Do those guys have issues with controling themselves from their vices? I can’t even lose weight because my ADHD forces me to eat junk food for dopamine that’s the level I’m on. Im
Sick of these normies getting Diagnosed with shit they don’t have
Lol I just said this was pre Covid. So tiktok has nothing to do with it theses dudes have had adhd since they told me they also had it back in 2018 and told me the meds they took.

Also lol I have the opposite. My sensory issues caused me to be underweight all my life cuz I gag so easily so I can’t even bulk if I wanted to.
Im not even ugly I look normal and mogg the avg man even have have muscles and around 20% bodyfat. Girls will overlook it a bit due to my race being NT and me looking goodish but they get annoyed after a while. And yes my autism forced me to hyper focus on non PC topics like genetics, religion, history, geography games, women etc that isn’t socially acceptable.
At least you play video games. I hyper fixate on a lot of things but pre Covid they used to be even more useless to the point everything I had an interest in was turbo niche and useless.
My autism is mild even users here who have spoken to me say they wouldn’t know I had it.
Online doesn’t count
Very very very few normies irl have ever assumed I had autism unless I say it nobody knows most of my issues stem from ADHD. Autism is just the nail in the coffin and now I feel like ending my life what’s the point with a brain as fucked as mine
That’s cope. It’s the same case for me but youll start to realize the majority of the reason you get disrespected 24/7 IS BECAUSE OF YOUR AUTISM. Normies can subconsciously tell no matter how much u mask or fraud.
Look at how much I write, do you think that’s normal? It’s not normal to write theisis essays for a fucking incel forum welcome to ADHD
I do the same and in even longer paragraphs than you.
hyperactivity from ADHD is a blessing
It’s useless. I maladaptive daydream for hours wasting my time
and idk if that was like my natural growth because yk in puberty ur T levels rise and shit

but i dont think its cuz of puberty

i had naturally very high energy thats y i always got in trouble @ schools and these faggot ass jewish teachers got so mad
Ngl it’s pretty obvious by the way you act. No wonder you’re a bit of a wigger lmfao
  • So Sad
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
gl it’s pretty obvious by the way you act. No wonder you’re a bit of a wigger lmfao
im not a wigger man

i dont associate myself with those weak ass niggers in gangs

i was just naturally low inhib
  • +1
Reactions: ElTruecel
That’s cope man

Lol I just said this was pre Covid. So tiktok has nothing to do with it theses dudes have had adhd since they told me they also had it back in 2018 and told me the meds they took.

Also lol I have the opposite. My sensory issues caused me to be underweight all my life cuz I gag so easily so I can’t even bulk if I wanted to.

At least you play video games. I hyper fixate on a lot of things but pre Covid they used to be even more useless to the point everything I had an interest in was turbo niche and useless.

Online doesn’t count

That’s cope. It’s the same case for me but youll start to realize the majority of the reason you get disrespected 24/7 IS BECAUSE OF YOUR AUTISM. Normies can subconsciously tell no matter how much u mask or fraud.

I do the same and in even longer paragraphs than you.

It’s useless. I maladaptive daydream for hours wasting my time

Ngl it’s pretty obvious by the way you act. No wonder you’re a bit of a wigger lmfao
Eveything im interested in is niceh

Why can’t I be one of those autists who is obessed with programming or some shit :feelswah::feelswhy: fuck my life. Yeah normies can tell but it takes them a while, as I said my race and my physical Appearance make it seem like I don’t have any issues which normies don’t seem to pick up on.

Women pickup on it but foids have a sixth sense for male weakness due to evolution so they can sniff out NT a mile away before I even speak :hnghn:.

I’m not a wigger at all I’m just a normal guy who used factual data to come to conclusions. I cannot just fka with till I make it having seen stats showing how over it is for aspies and shit (admittedly my accuracy and need for the truth is 100% due to autism) my anxiety comes from ADHD that’s why my doctor told me and so does depression it’s so fucking over

I’ll finish assignments and not hand them in until the final moment that’s how over it is for aspies and ADHD riddled brains. I just lost my fucking job early last month due to this shit cos I got caught being AFK :feelsuhh:. Autism and ADHD esp this cancerous demonic satanic combination are true gentic dead ends and why I tell my mum to not expect any gf kids etc and normejs gaslight and say “you don’t get girls cos of your confidence :feelsuhh:, you manifest what you want and you say your incel and have 0 to offer and thus this shows in your actions and girls pick up on this”

Like wtf logic is this? Normies lack the ability to think abstractly about how tough it is having these 2 Neurodiverse aids. But it does make me master things fast and mayeb I have a high IQ but I may as well have an IQ of 80 because I’m too lazy thanks to ADHD to use more than 50% brainpower
  • +1
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Eveything im interested in is niche
Cope man you’re literally a gamer. I don’t game less than 0.5% of guys don’t game.

Being a non gamer is the biggest death sentence as a man @WhoTookVendetta @Manletmachine @Bitchwhipper2
Why can’t I be one of those autists who is obessed with programming or some shit :feelswah::feelswhy: fuck my life. Yeah normies can tell but it takes them a while, as I said my race and my physical Appearance make it seem like I don’t have any issues which normies don’t seem to pick up on.
It’s because u have adhd. Autism + adhd makes both disorders far worse. It’s legit equivalent to having Down syndrome and this isn’t an exaggeration
Women pickup on it but foids have a sixth sense for male weakness due to evolution so they can sniff out NT a mile away before I even speak :hnghn:.

I’m not a wigger at all I’m just a normal guy who used factual data to come to conclusions. I cannot just fka with till I make it having seen stats showing how over it is for aspies and shit (admittedly my accuracy and need for the truth is 100% due to autism) my anxiety comes from ADHD that’s why my doctor told me and so does depression it’s so fucking over
I was talking to vendetta. Also agreed as well. I also have too much empathy due to autism
I’ll finish assignments and not hand them in until the final moment that’s how over it is for aspies and ADHD riddled brains.
Same man
I just lost my fucking job early last month due to this shit cos I got caught being AFK :feelsuhh:. Autism and ADHD esp this cancerous demonic satanic combination are true gentic dead ends and why I tell my mum to not expect any gf kids etc and normies gaslight and say “you don’t get girls cos of your confidence :feelsuhh:, you manifest what you want and you say your incel and have 0 to offer and thus this shows in your actions and girls pick up on this”
I get that feeling fuck. It’s hard not to be a NEET when you’re this screwed
Like wtf logic is this? Normies lack the ability to think abstractly about how tough it is having these 2 Neurodiverse aids. But it does make me master things fast and maybe I have a high IQ but I may as well have an IQ of 80 because I’m too lazy thanks to ADHD to use more than 50% brainpower
Same here. Higher than average iq tested and verified but functionally low iq
Cope man you’re literally a gamer. I don’t game less than 0.5% of guys don’t game.

Being a non gamer is the biggest death sentence as a man @WhoTookVendetta @Manletmachine @Bitchwhipper2

It’s because u have adhd. Autism + adhd makes both disorders far worse. It’s legit equivalent to having Down syndrome and this isn’t an exaggeration


I was talking to vendetta. Also agreed as well. I also have too much empathy due to autism

Same man

I get that feeling fuck. It’s hard not to be a NEET when you’re this screwed

Same here. Higher than average iq tested and verified but functionally low iq
Yep I agree we are as fucked as Down syndrome niggas but we get none of the sympathy. Girls say I look like a fuckboi, which is ironic as girls won’t let me fuck them to be a fuckboi :forcedsmile:.

Another irony is that im far more empathetic than normies which assume we are apathetic robotic cunts. Funny that ain’t it I take rejection harder than normies and I’m kinder to people and pity them more than 95% of normies and yet we are supposedly the apathetic ones :hnghn:

Yep my IQ I’m sure is at least 100 I seem ti
Grasp abstract concepts better then most normies and master things I’m intrested in within a day. I literally learnt by myself the entirety of Islamic school of philosophy and theological thought In 2 days…….. I know more nuances about their own fucking theological school of thought than the avg Muslim who has been one their entire life from simply using my autism to learn shit and retain it.

I wanna neet but I’m prideful and get depressed if I haven’t accomplished anything. So my personality, ego, neurobrain chemistry are all fighting eachother. And idiots wonder why I contomplate killing msyelf once every couple days who TF wouldn’t when your brains constantly fighting itself in a eternal 4way tug of war
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Yep I agree we are as fucked as Down syndrome niggas but we get none of the sympathy. Girls say I look like a fuckboi, which is ironic as girls won’t let me fuck them to be a fuckboi :forcedsmile:.
Another irony is that im far more empathetic than normies which assume we are apathetic robotic cunts. Funny that ain’t it I take rejection harder than normies and I’m kinder to people and pity them more than 95% of normies and yet we are supposedly the apathetic ones :hnghn:
Exactly it’s so fucking brutal and it causes so many issues.
Yep my IQ I’m sure is at least 100 I seem ti
Grasp abstract concepts better than most normies and master things I’m interested in within a day. I literally learnt by myself the entirety of Islamic school of philosophy and theological thought In 2 days…….. I know more nuances about their own fucking theological school of thought than the avg Muslim who has been one their entire life from simply using my autism to learn shit and retain it.
I wanna neet but I’m prideful and get depressed if I haven’t accomplished anything. So my personality, ego, neurobrain chemistry are all fighting eachother. And idiots wonder why I contemplate killing myself once every couple days who TF wouldn’t when your brains constantly fighting itself in a eternal way tug of war
I can’t NEET due to my situation & as well as what u said. It makes me feel really bad as I’m just doomscrolling and wasting my life when I rot so it makes me feel like shit when I’m not productive. But it’s impossible for me to be productive

Exactly it’s so fucking brutal and it causes so many issues.


I can’t NEET due to my situation & as well as what u said. It makes me feel really bad as I’m just doomscrolling and wasting my life when I rot so it makes me feel like shit when I’m not productive. But it’s impossible for me to be productive
Yep it’s like you know you should be more productive but you can’t do it :feelswah: this is our curse. This is why I support euthanasia I know many Christian’s will be angry for me saying this but some peoples lives will be absolute dogshit due to things they cannot change or fix such as myself it’s absolute horrible and infuriating

Normies have no idea, avg normie
Woudl kill themsleves in our shoes for
A week
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