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Apr 15, 2022
Beware Of Infaturotic Women

by @enchanted_elixir

Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Definition and Characteristics
  • My Theory On How These Women Develop
  • Dangers They Pose
  • Examples and Stories
  • How to Spot These Women
  • Conclusion

Note: This essay isn't to encourage you to hate women as a population. It serves as a cautionary tale on the types of women to avoid.

This video tells a story of how a woman repeatedly sexually assaulted a male TikTok star she was infatuated with. When I was done watching this video, it reminded me of many other stories I've heard. While processing this story, an insight I had was that these stories are pretty similar.

In this essay, we will explore the development, characteristics, and dangers of this archetype, as well as provide stories and advice on how to spot and potentially avoid getting involved with someone who exhibits these behaviors. Understanding the risks and potential consequences of this behavior is essential to help protect ourselves and those around us.

Definition and Characteristics


Infaturotic is a term I've created; it means:
  • It comes from combining the words "infatuation" and "neurotic." A person (often a woman) who's intensely, obsessively, and pervasively infatuated with a man who is not interested in her. She creates elaborate romantic and sexual fantasies about her "lover" and believes she's in a relationship with him. She'll often engage in immoral, manipulative behaviors such as extreme stalking, romantic and sexual harassment, guilt-tripping, burglary, drugging, or anything she can do to get either the man to "stay" with her in their "relationship," enforce their "relationship" or pressure them to get into a relationship and do sexual/romantic things with them. Despite the man's lack of interest, the woman struggles to let go of her infatuation.
Some of the key characteristics that are commonly associated with this behavior include:
  • Extreme infatuation, fantatization, and fixation: The person is entirely and obsessively infatuated with their romantic interest and cannot think of anything else, often creating fantasies about them being in a relationship, getting married, etc., and believing it to be true, even though it isn't.
  • Inappropriate, unethical, and overwhelming displays of affection: The person may engage in inappropriate and overwhelming displays of affection, such as excessive texting, calling, emailing, or even stalking their romantic interest.
  • Misinterpretation of signals: The person may misinterpret any signs of friendliness or basic politeness as evidence of mutual romantic interest.
  • Delusional beliefs: The person may hold delusional beliefs about the strength and nature of their relationship with their romantic interest, believing that they are in a deep and committed relationship even if the other person does not reciprocate their feelings.
  • Inability to let go: The person may be unable to let go of their romantic interest, even in the face of repeated rejection or clear signs that the relationship is not mutual.
  • Extreme neuroticism: The person can't handle rejection and will get extremely upset and be in denial if told that their crush doesn't like them back.

My Theory On How These Women Develop


The development of infaturotic women can be influenced by various factors such as attachment style and cultural influences. Women who have an insecure attachment style, particularly those with an anxious attachment style, may be more prone to developing an infatuation with someone. They may seek out intense romantic relationships to soothe their feelings of insecurity and anxiety.

Furthermore, cultural factors such as social media and romance novels can also play a role. Social media platforms allow for constant comparison to others. The pressure to curate a perfect online presence can fuel feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, leading some women to seek validation and romantic fulfillment from a single person. Romance novels often portray idealized, unrealistic relationships, creating an expectation for love to be all-consuming and passionate, and this can fuel the desire for a perfect romance.

These cultural influences, combined with an insecure attachment style, can lead to the development of an infaturotic archetype. As women with this archetype become fixated on a man, their minds are primed to believe that they are 100% meant to be with this person and will do anything to make that come true. This cycle can lead to an unhealthy obsession that becomes difficult to break, resulting in the persistent, intense, desperate and obsessive infatuation seen in the infaturotic archetype.

Dangers These Kind Of Women Pose


If a woman like this falls in love with you, to say that you're fucked would be an understatement. Women like this will probably:
  • Explode your text messages out of desperation because you aren't talking to them or taking too long to reply.
  • Blackmail you into dating them. Example: "If you don't date me, and/or fuck me, I'll tell everyone you raped me, and who will they believe?" to get you to date them.
  • Try to break into your house out of a desperate need to be with her "lover", to make sure you're not cheating or any other nonsense that may arise in her head. She may try to forge your key, spy on you opening your house to know your house pin, break your windows, or do anything to get in.
  • Sexually assault you because she's so desperate to have her fantasies happen, or she has brainwashed herself to think you two are dating, so it's somehow fine.
  • Refuse to leave your house if she breaks in. She's dating you, after all. Somehow...
  • Tell everyone she's dating you and insist that you're her boyfriend/fiance/husband, even though it isn't true.
  • Act like you two are a couple and demand that you two do "couple things".
  • Attach tracking chips on your belongings you take with you everywhere, so she can know where you are at all times.
  • Stalk, track, and follow you wherever you go (to other cities, places, to work, to the gym, other countries, etc.), and they will do anything to be around you. Either to be with you or in fear you'll cheat on her. She may talk to people you know, hire professionals to hunt your whereabouts, etc.
  • Go batshit crazy if you talk to any other woman, even if it's your sister.
  • ...I think you get the point.


A woman in Arizona was arrested and charged with stalking after allegedly sending tens of thousands of texts to a man she met online and breaking into his home.

Jacqueline Ades allegedly sent a man 65,000 texts over the course of several months, sometimes up to 500 texts per day, according to court documents obtained by local station ABC 15. Ades, 31, and the man, whose name has not been publicly released, met through an online dating website and went on one date in 2017, ABC 15 reported. The stalking and harassing began after that encounter, according to ABC 15.

How To Spot These Women (Signs)


If a woman who has developed a crush shows these signs of infaturoticism, run!
  1. Persistent attempts to contact the man through various means, such as phone, text, social media, or showing up at his workplace or home uninvited.
  2. Creating elaborate romantic fantasies about the man, including daydreaming about a relationship with him, even if he has shown no interest in her.
  3. Becoming jealous or possessive when the man interacts with other women, even platonically.
  4. Refusing to accept or acknowledge the man's lack of interest, and continuing to pursue him despite his clear lack of reciprocation.
  5. Engaging in stalking, harassment, or verbal abuse towards the man or his friends and family, especially if he attempts to cut off contact with her.
  6. Viewing the man as an object of desire rather than a complex, autonomous individual with his own wants and needs.
  7. Neglecting her own personal well-being, such as her physical health, social life, and other relationships, in favor of her infatuation with the man.
  8. She may idealize the man, putting him on a pedestal and ignoring his flaws or negative qualities.
  9. She may become manipulative, trying to control or coerce the man into reciprocating her feelings or staying in a relationship with her.
  10. She may become emotionally or verbally abusive if the man does not respond to her advances or tries to distance himself from her.

If you spot that a woman like this likes you, do something drastic about it, or you're fucked. Possibly for life.
(It's possible a woman like this could try to harass you until the day she dies)
@Lygodactylus @8PSLcel @Br0sk1 @PrinceLuenLeoncur Chadeep@Chadeep @LMSMaxxer @Xangsane @mulattomaxxer @RottenSperg @StrangerDanger @Predeterminism @KING REIDYZ @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @SupremeSubhuman @Mogpogs @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Preoximerianas @tyronelite @FailedNormieManlet @Lars @Korea @bogii @StreegeReturn @Biggdink @eren1 @Reckless Turtle @Broly Banderas @House Lannister @WannabeJock @Racky @Erik-Jón @heightface @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Clark69 @ilovelamp08 @St.TikTokcel
@Anstrum95 @TeenAscender @loox @justadude @vaseqmoherad @astatine @Amnesia @Sigmamale @anya @dimorphism @Assyrian_Warrior @FreakkForLife @ThousandCuts @5footsix56 @Alexanderr @HQNPmaxxing @currylightskin @BasedPsychiatrist @´´´´´´´´ @ALP @HOLYFUARK @Chadpreetmaybe @BeenLMSsinceMSN @Kroker @oldcelloser @Tinydragon98 @Hiraeth @ascension! @HimmyButler @latincell95 @Niko @latino_ @capybara @LiteralCaucasian @crimclown63 @Zures @Unsh @reptiles @pneumocystosis @Moggie

@Nation @RIPPED IRL @Saturn @Patient A @dieavirgin @SteveRogers @fogdart @mortis @Clark69 @vaninskybird @Racky @Beastimmung @Prince charming @NegativeNorwood @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @fjor2096 @callisto @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @heightface @currylightskin @HOLYFUARK @Anstrum95 @Moggedbyevery1 @StepbroMo @gamma2 @Unsh @Daniel Plainview @teemowhite @luljankybo @bogii @5ft1 @Chadpreetmaybe @latino_ @tesseract @FrameMogger @edward999 @Hiraeth @bleksandre @op463 @NFA PB @HerpDerpson @THEMOGGER @Bezel @norwegiancel @Moggie @ascension! @Frozqen @saulgoodman @crimclown63 @BigBundaSlapper @killaeast @Aypo129 @tbh af @jfbjfb @brea @dimorphism @CT03 @throwaway12902 @Tuxiio @Van @Sprinkles @futuregigamogger @julianchicago @HimmyButler @LiteralCaucasian @gribsufer1 @notrealdanish @Never Give Up! @Euclidious @Sarx @Jim @garoupilled_
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  • Love it
  • JFL
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Reactions: Racky, It'snotover, Jungcuck and 3 others
tldr you just described a BPD girl and its true dont fuck with them they will make your life hell sooner or later
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall and enchanted_elixir
these bitches sound fun af

I hope I run into one someday bro 👍
  • +1
  • JFL
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Reactions: Maalik, RichardSpencel, thecel and 2 others
I want a yandere stalker with the face of my avi.

I want her to be willing fight and kill other hoes for my cum.

I want her to inscribe my name in her arm with a knife.

I want her to eat my fucking shit and be willing to bleed and die and kill for her master.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 25377, Patient A, RichardSpencel and 2 others
I want a yandere stalker with the face of my avi.

I want her to be willing fight and kill other hoes for my cum.

I want her to inscribe my name in her arm with a knife.

I want her to eat my fucking shit and be willing to bleed and die and kill for her master.
I want her to say you raped her (falsely) on social media when you tell her you're leaving since she is too overbearing.
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  • Woah
Reactions: Sprinkles
I don't actually mean that, @Sprinkles. I should have added an emoji to display that.
I don't actually mean that, @Sprinkles. I should have added an emoji to display that.
I reacted Woah because it made me realize the damage they can do over something petty JFL
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: thecel and enchanted_elixir
never seen girls like this irl
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Just avoid women in general
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
just checked it out and the guy it happened to was a chad lmao. ofcourse
  • JFL
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Don’t think this is a big issue for users here
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16357 and enchanted_elixir
correct me if im wrong but just not being a bitch and avoiding crazy girls is enough to never have issues w them.
correct me if im wrong but just not being a bitch and avoiding crazy girls is enough to never have issues w them.
Sometimes, they come to you.

For example a story I've heard, one of these crazy girls stalked a guy at his apartment complex, and then started to knock on his door, acting like she was friendly and basically acted as if they were dating already. When he objected and told her to stop, she'd have an ultra-tantrum and refused to leave; police got involved but didn't take him seriously. She'd come everyday, trying to basically fuck him (sexually assault).

That's all I'll say for now
Sounds like chad problems to me. Women in general dont give af about men to be like this for them. This is a small percentage of women who may do this for a small percentage of men.
High-effort thread but doesn’t apply to incels like me.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24444 and enchanted_elixir
Beware Of Infaturotic Women

by @enchanted_elixir

Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Definition and Characteristics
  • My Theory On How These Women Develop
  • Dangers They Pose
  • Examples and Stories
  • How to Spot These Women
  • Conclusion

Note: This essay isn't to encourage you to hate women as a population. It serves as a cautionary tale on the types of women to avoid.

This video tells a story of how a woman repeatedly sexually assaulted a male TikTok star she was infatuated with. When I was done watching this video, it reminded me of many other stories I've heard. While processing this story, an insight I had was that these stories are pretty similar.

In this essay, we will explore the development, characteristics, and dangers of this archetype, as well as provide stories and advice on how to spot and potentially avoid getting involved with someone who exhibits these behaviors. Understanding the risks and potential consequences of this behavior is essential to help protect ourselves and those around us.

Definition and Characteristics


Infaturotic is a term I've created; it means:
  • It comes from combining the words "infatuation" and "neurotic." A person (often a woman) who's intensely, obsessively, and pervasively infatuated with a man who is not interested in her. She creates elaborate romantic and sexual fantasies about her "lover" and believes she's in a relationship with him. She'll often engage in immoral, manipulative behaviors such as extreme stalking, romantic and sexual harassment, guilt-tripping, burglary, drugging, or anything she can do to get either the man to "stay" with her in their "relationship," enforce their "relationship" or pressure them to get into a relationship and do sexual/romantic things with them. Despite the man's lack of interest, the woman struggles to let go of her infatuation.
Some of the key characteristics that are commonly associated with this behavior include:
  • Extreme infatuation, fantatization, and fixation: The person is entirely and obsessively infatuated with their romantic interest and cannot think of anything else, often creating fantasies about them being in a relationship, getting married, etc., and believing it to be true, even though it isn't.
  • Inappropriate, unethical, and overwhelming displays of affection: The person may engage in inappropriate and overwhelming displays of affection, such as excessive texting, calling, emailing, or even stalking their romantic interest.
  • Misinterpretation of signals: The person may misinterpret any signs of friendliness or basic politeness as evidence of mutual romantic interest.
  • Delusional beliefs: The person may hold delusional beliefs about the strength and nature of their relationship with their romantic interest, believing that they are in a deep and committed relationship even if the other person does not reciprocate their feelings.
  • Inability to let go: The person may be unable to let go of their romantic interest, even in the face of repeated rejection or clear signs that the relationship is not mutual.
  • Extreme neuroticism: The person can't handle rejection and will get extremely upset and be in denial if told that their crush doesn't like them back.

My Theory On How These Women Develop


The development of infaturotic women can be influenced by various factors such as attachment style and cultural influences. Women who have an insecure attachment style, particularly those with an anxious attachment style, may be more prone to developing an infatuation with someone. They may seek out intense romantic relationships to soothe their feelings of insecurity and anxiety.

Furthermore, cultural factors such as social media and romance novels can also play a role. Social media platforms allow for constant comparison to others. The pressure to curate a perfect online presence can fuel feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, leading some women to seek validation and romantic fulfillment from a single person. Romance novels often portray idealized, unrealistic relationships, creating an expectation for love to be all-consuming and passionate, and this can fuel the desire for a perfect romance.

These cultural influences, combined with an insecure attachment style, can lead to the development of an infaturotic archetype. As women with this archetype become fixated on a man, their minds are primed to believe that they are 100% meant to be with this person and will do anything to make that come true. This cycle can lead to an unhealthy obsession that becomes difficult to break, resulting in the persistent, intense, desperate and obsessive infatuation seen in the infaturotic archetype.

Dangers These Kind Of Women Pose


If a woman like this falls in love with you, to say that you're fucked would be an understatement. Women like this will probably:
  • Explode your text messages out of desperation because you aren't talking to them or taking too long to reply.
  • Blackmail you into dating them. Example: "If you don't date me, and/or fuck me, I'll tell everyone you raped me, and who will they believe?" to get you to date them.
  • Try to break into your house out of a desperate need to be with her "lover", to make sure you're not cheating or any other nonsense that may arise in her head. She may try to forge your key, spy on you opening your house to know your house pin, break your windows, or do anything to get in.
  • Sexually assault you because she's so desperate to have her fantasies happen, or she has brainwashed herself to think you two are dating, so it's somehow fine.
  • Refuse to leave your house if she breaks in. She's dating you, after all. Somehow...
  • Tell everyone she's dating you and insist that you're her boyfriend/fiance/husband, even though it isn't true.
  • Act like you two are a couple and demand that you two do "couple things".
  • Attach tracking chips on your belongings you take with you everywhere, so she can know where you are at all times.
  • Stalk, track, and follow you wherever you go (to other cities, places, to work, to the gym, other countries, etc.), and they will do anything to be around you. Either to be with you or in fear you'll cheat on her. She may talk to people you know, hire professionals to hunt your whereabouts, etc.
  • Go batshit crazy if you talk to any other woman, even if it's your sister.
  • ...I think you get the point.


A woman in Arizona was arrested and charged with stalking after allegedly sending tens of thousands of texts to a man she met online and breaking into his home.

Jacqueline Ades allegedly sent a man 65,000 texts over the course of several months, sometimes up to 500 texts per day, according to court documents obtained by local station ABC 15. Ades, 31, and the man, whose name has not been publicly released, met through an online dating website and went on one date in 2017, ABC 15 reported. The stalking and harassing began after that encounter, according to ABC 15.

How To Spot These Women (Signs)


If a woman who has developed a crush shows these signs of infaturoticism, run!
  1. Persistent attempts to contact the man through various means, such as phone, text, social media, or showing up at his workplace or home uninvited.
  2. Creating elaborate romantic fantasies about the man, including daydreaming about a relationship with him, even if he has shown no interest in her.
  3. Becoming jealous or possessive when the man interacts with other women, even platonically.
  4. Refusing to accept or acknowledge the man's lack of interest, and continuing to pursue him despite his clear lack of reciprocation.
  5. Engaging in stalking, harassment, or verbal abuse towards the man or his friends and family, especially if he attempts to cut off contact with her.
  6. Viewing the man as an object of desire rather than a complex, autonomous individual with his own wants and needs.
  7. Neglecting her own personal well-being, such as her physical health, social life, and other relationships, in favor of her infatuation with the man.
  8. She may idealize the man, putting him on a pedestal and ignoring his flaws or negative qualities.
  9. She may become manipulative, trying to control or coerce the man into reciprocating her feelings or staying in a relationship with her.
  10. She may become emotionally or verbally abusive if the man does not respond to her advances or tries to distance himself from her.

If you spot that a woman like this likes you, do something drastic about it, or you're fucked. Possibly for life.
(It's possible a woman like this could try to harass you until the day she dies)
@Lygodactylus @8PSLcel @Br0sk1 @PrinceLuenLeoncur Chadeep@Chadeep @LMSMaxxer @Xangsane @mulattomaxxer @RottenSperg @StrangerDanger @Predeterminism @KING REIDYZ @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @SupremeSubhuman @Mogpogs @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Preoximerianas @tyronelite @FailedNormieManlet @Lars @Korea @bogii @StreegeReturn @Biggdink @eren1 @Reckless Turtle @Broly Banderas @House Lannister @WannabeJock @Racky @Erik-Jón @heightface @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Clark69 @ilovelamp08 @St.TikTokcel
@Anstrum95 @TeenAscender @loox @justadude @vaseqmoherad @astatine @Amnesia @Sigmamale @anya @dimorphism @Assyrian_Warrior @FreakkForLife @ThousandCuts @5footsix56 @Alexanderr @HQNPmaxxing @currylightskin @BasedPsychiatrist @´´´´´´´´ @ALP @HOLYFUARK @Chadpreetmaybe @BeenLMSsinceMSN @Kroker @oldcelloser @Tinydragon98 @Hiraeth @ascension! @HimmyButler @latincell95 @Niko @latino_ @capybara @LiteralCaucasian @crimclown63 @Zures @Unsh @reptiles @pneumocystosis @Moggie

@Nation @RIPPED IRL @Saturn @Patient A @dieavirgin @SteveRogers @fogdart @mortis @Clark69 @vaninskybird @Racky @Beastimmung @Prince charming @NegativeNorwood @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @fjor2096 @callisto @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @heightface @currylightskin @HOLYFUARK @Anstrum95 @Moggedbyevery1 @StepbroMo @gamma2 @Unsh @Daniel Plainview @teemowhite @luljankybo @bogii @5ft1 @Chadpreetmaybe @latino_ @tesseract @FrameMogger @edward999 @Hiraeth @bleksandre @op463 @NFA PB @HerpDerpson @THEMOGGER @Bezel @norwegiancel @Moggie @ascension! @Frozqen @saulgoodman @crimclown63 @BigBundaSlapper @killaeast @Aypo129 @tbh af @jfbjfb @brea @dimorphism @CT03 @throwaway12902 @Tuxiio @Van @Sprinkles @futuregigamogger @julianchicago @HimmyButler @LiteralCaucasian @gribsufer1 @notrealdanish @Never Give Up! @Euclidious @Sarx @Jim @garoupilled_

Idc she can destroy it
if im not going to be her princess who will?
Every type of woman will ruin your life. They're all fucking demons.

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