[Venting] I feel like as a race



CopeMaXXing since it began
Nov 26, 2019
Humans are unironically getting dumber, and I don't mean this as an insult I mean this as a fact.

Back in the 1850s or so we didn't have technology or any sort of screens we just had books and our brain to process information, by writing information into a book it is able to be passed down as information. This is how humans shared and processed information back then to each other efficiently, this is because their brains were able to understand what was going on around them.

Its because of technology and how astonishing fast it is developing that we're not able to process this information, this is also because of the internet along with smartphones which allows almost everybody to access the internet which holds the world's information in its entirety. Its also because anybody is able to to see and access this information at anytime allows them not to develop their memory at an efficient rate and because of this newer generations don't feel the need to memorize things because they can easily find it again on the internet by bookmarking it for later.
Smarter is some ways, dumber in others
The only way we can truly process things more efficiently and truly understand the world around us is to disconnect from the internet and start writing in books & notepads again.
true i feel retarted ldaring all day
  • +1
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at the end of the day its about how much money you get, how good looking you are
In dumb as fuk

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