Voicemaxxing Guide. How female to male transgenders achieve a deeper voice.


Deleted member 29391

May 5, 2023
If you are blackpilled you know how having a deep, resonant voice is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and is significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". While some people are naturally blessed with a deep voice, others may need to work on their voice to achieve this quality. In this guide ill show the different elements of a deep voice, voice surgery options, and 3 techniques that can be used to make your voice deeper.

Lurkers BTFO

Table of Contents
  • Different Elements of a Deep Voice
    • Pitch
    • Tone
    • Resonance
    • Breath Support
  • Voice Surgery
    • A thyroplasty
    • Micro laryngeal pitch reduction surgery
  • PEDs
  • Techniques to Make Your Voice Deeper
    • Vocal fry
    • Throat singing
    • Humming

Different Elements of a Deep Voice:

  1. Pitch: The pitch of your voice is determined by the frequency of vocal cord vibrations. A deeper voice has a lower frequency, while a higher voice has a higher frequency.
  2. Tone: The tone of your voice is the quality or character of the sound produced by your vocal cords. A deep voice has a rich, resonant tone that can be described as warm and full.
  3. Resonance: The resonance of your voice refers to the way your voice sounds when it is amplified by the cavities of your throat, mouth, and nose. A deep voice has a strong, resonant quality that can be felt in the chest.
  4. Breath Support: Breath support is the ability to control the flow of air when speaking. A deep voice requires strong breath support to produce a deep, resonant sound.
Voice Surgery:

If you are considering voice surgery to deepen your voice, there are two primary procedures to consider:

  1. A thyroplasty: This is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the thyroid cartilage, which is the largest piece of cartilage in the larynx. This surgery is often used to treat a weak or paralyzed vocal cord, but it can also be used to lower the pitch of the voice.
  2. Micro laryngeal pitch reduction surgery: This is a minimally invasive procedure that involves removing a small piece of tissue from the vocal cords. This surgery can lower the pitch of the voice without significantly affecting speech or swallowing.


Testosterone is a hormone that is primarily responsible for the development of male physical characteristics during puberty, including the growth of facial hair, muscle mass, and a deeper voice. Testosterone affects the vocal cords by causing them to lengthen and thicken, which in turn results in a lower-pitched voice.

Testosterone also affects the muscles used for breathing, which can help support a deeper voice. Specifically, testosterone increases the size and strength of the diaphragm, which is the primary muscle used for breathing. Stronger breath support allows the vocal cords to vibrate at a lower frequency, resulting in a deeper, resonant voice.

Techniques to Make Your Voice Deeper:

  • Vocal fry: Vocal fry is a technique where you lower the pitch of your voice by vibrating your vocal cords at a low frequency. To practice vocal fry, simply lower your voice as much as possible and make a low-pitched humming sound.
Great guide but you have to apply what he is saying to speaking normally instead of screaming

  • Throat singing: Throat singing is a traditional technique that involves creating multiple tones at the same time using your throat and mouth. This technique can help to develop the muscles in your larynx and deepen your voice over time.

  • Humming: Humming is a simple and effective way to deepen your voice. To practice, simply hum at a low pitch while feeling the vibrations in your chest. You can also experiment with humming while exhaling slowly and deeply to develop better breath support.

@enchanted_elixir @garoupilled_ thoughts on formatting and content?

@rand anon @waynebruce @thereallegend @ph4ntom @midlatinocel @inspector @ElBastardo @⠀ℒ⠀

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nice to see people bringing value to the forum, good job bro
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Strong guide for a greycel. Good work.
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holy shit this forum is actually getting good users again, great 3rd post. tag me in future threads please
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dn rd
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  • WTF
Reactions: zyMOGenic, thecel and ElySioNs
first of all fys for repfarming

second of all humming will not give you a better voice lmfao at this cope
  • JFL
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Didn't read again but JFL at rep whoring in your 3rd post, this nigga going places
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Reactions: zyMOGenic, thecel, LampPostPrime and 6 others
good shit man, keep it up. as time passes your formatting and content depth will get even better. already contributed more to the forum than a bunch of coloredcels around here
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  • JFL
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If you don’t naturally sound like Jeremy Irons,
Just give up the ghost
  • +1
Reactions: garoupilled_
If you are blackpilled you know how having a deep, resonant voice is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and is significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". While some people are naturally blessed with a deep voice, others may need to work on their voice to achieve this quality. In this guide ill show the different elements of a deep voice, voice surgery options, and 3 techniques that can be used to make your voice deeper.

Lurkers BTFO
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@enchanted_elixir @garoupilled_ thoughts on formatting and content?

@rand anon @waynebruce @thereallegend @ph4ntom @midlatinocel @inspector @ElBastardo @⠀ℒ⠀

Great thread! Well deserved BOTB! Writing could be better and there could be more images to decorate the page but great nonetheless.

Formatting is 7/10.
  • JFL
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copy and pasted from another thread
Great thread
If you are blackpilled you know how having a deep, resonant voice is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and is significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". While some people are naturally blessed with a deep voice, others may need to work on their voice to achieve this quality. In this guide ill show the different elements of a deep voice, voice surgery options, and 3 techniques that can be used to make your voice deeper.

Lurkers BTFO
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@enchanted_elixir @garoupilled_ thoughts on formatting and content?

@rand anon @waynebruce @thereallegend @ph4ntom @midlatinocel @inspector @ElBastardo @⠀ℒ⠀

i remember reading this thread when i was just an anonymous lurker. you had me humming at me work desk like an autist all day
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Reactions: Deleted member 75865
If you are blackpilled you know how having a deep, resonant voice is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and is significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". While some people are naturally blessed with a deep voice, others may need to work on their voice to achieve this quality. In this guide ill show the different elements of a deep voice, voice surgery options, and 3 techniques that can be used to make your voice deeper.

Lurkers BTFO
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@enchanted_elixir @garoupilled_ thoughts on formatting and content?

@rand anon @waynebruce @thereallegend @ph4ntom @midlatinocel @inspector @ElBastardo @⠀ℒ⠀

mirin High tier post but I don’t wanna sound like a metal artist
holy shit this forum is actually getting good users again, great 3rd post. tag me in future threads please
Yeah he didn't last long, started shitposting then he roped
  • JFL
Reactions: Offensive Bias, Deleted member 27729, Deleted member 8771 and 2 others
dont forget to inject t and lift weights to get that super deep masculine voice!
dont forget to inject t and lift weights to get that super deep masculine voice!
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>Join .org for a month
>Make a Best Of The Best Guide
>Refuse to elaborate further
>Delete your account


Gigachad Grecyel. We should all strive to be like OP.
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Banal looksmaxing "advice"

Its over for this forum
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Just hum bro!
sleep 8-10 hours everyday
dont stay up all night
no xenoestrogens
start talking with deep pitch after 15 days of retention, everyday
  • JFL
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Reactions: drimprovement and Deleted member 27550
Analyzing how trannies go from female to male is excellent for the sake of blackpillism
The normcucks don't want to fund inklers, they would rather fund trannies :lul: :feelsree:
However, this works to our convenience
If wahman can become masculine NT almost male creatures
Then imagine if we used the same procedures to boost our own masculinity
Checkmate, tranny supporting normcucks, you indirectly funded inkler ascension :Comfy:
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Reactions: Dontknowan
how far this forum has fallen to take advice from pooners
imagine a ftm looksmaxing forum tho
"im gonna get a dickoplasty (forgot what it was called), double LL to get from 5'5 to 6'3, jaw and shoulder/spine, hip surgeries to mask my masculinity"
"did all that and women still dont want to fuck me because i have a frankendick and i look uncanny"
dht gel on adams apple
If you are blackpilled you know how having a deep, resonant voice is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and is significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". While some people are naturally blessed with a deep voice, others may need to work on their voice to achieve this quality. In this guide ill show the different elements of a deep voice, voice surgery options, and 3 techniques that can be used to make your voice deeper.

Lurkers BTFO
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@enchanted_elixir @garoupilled_ thoughts on formatting and content?

@rand anon @waynebruce @thereallegend @ph4ntom @midlatinocel @inspector @ElBastardo @⠀ℒ⠀

If you are blackpilled you know how having a deep, resonant voice is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and is significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". While some people are naturally blessed with a deep voice, others may need to work on their voice to achieve this quality. In this guide ill show the different elements of a deep voice, voice surgery options, and 3 techniques that can be used to make your voice deeper.

Lurkers BTFO
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@enchanted_elixir @garoupilled_ thoughts on formatting and content?

@rand anon @waynebruce @thereallegend @ph4ntom @midlatinocel @inspector @ElBastardo @⠀ℒ⠀

cope women want mickey mouse maxxers

Neck training lowers the hertz or whatever of your voice, something to do with the weight around your vocal cords dampening it, I’m not a scientist but it does work
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Reactions: Offensive Bias and Deleted member 27729
Don’t recommend if you’re a singer
Ooohh yeaaah babbby you keep running back to chad

you know he very baaaad 🦍
don't do this my dad came into my room and beat my ass because he thought I was a retard!!
  • JFL
Reactions: Fiqh, 0hMan, nordicfoidslayer23 and 4 others
honestly shit guide, lacks an important step which is neckmaxxing.
  • Woah
Reactions: Offensive Bias
honestly shit guide, lacks an important step which is neckmaxxing.
Explain the process of why this effects the voice please and thanks.
My average is 75 hz lol
  • JFL
Reactions: betterhelptheRapist
My mom heard me making sounds like ''hmmmm, hmmmmph, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'' and then lol'ed
it's over
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Reactions: Deleted member 21863, It'snotover and bishōnenmaxxer
Don't try to sound too deep I cringe so hard when I hear soft ass low T men try talking with their belly lmao
Don't try to sound too deep I cringe so hard when I hear soft ass low T men try talking with their belly lmao
those fat basement dwellers who talk deep over game chats LMAO
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How much does a deep voice play in the role of attraction?
How much does a deep voice play in the role of attraction?
not a deal breaker by any means but def helps to boost attraction esp if you're ugly asf (3/10). women love a deep voice.

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