Wanted advice on my situation from you guys, I don't know what to do.

Tuckernuck Island

Tuckernuck Island

May 6, 2024
Hey guys, I wanted to ask you about my predicament because I felt you would have rational advice compared to someone who was bluepilled or redpilled. Sorry this is a long story, but I'll try my very best to just keep it to the important parts.

The story starts my third year of high school. It's summer break and I become friends with one of the guys from the grade below me, he was from another state so when he moved here he got held back a year. Anyway, most of his friends are guys but he has one female friend, one day she brings over a girl who none of us know. She seems kind of cold and unapproachable and none of us really talk to her much. A year goes by and eventually she begins 'dating' my friend. Everyone kind of finds this weird because they don't even hold hands in public and she treats him like her slave constantly, basically an 'oofy doofy' situation. The school year starts up and college is around the corner for them so they break up. I am in my first year but I visit home a lot so I hang out with everyone. I notice that she starts paying a lot more attention to me when the group hangs out and we talk a lot.

We get closer and both admit we like each other, both of us feel bad because obviously she dated my friend but we like each other enough that it doesn't stop us from talking. Eventually she tells me the real reason she broke up with him was because he wanted to have sex or kiss and she said she didn't want to with him so he got mad and ignored her. This made me really like her because she is still a virgin even after being pressured, which even at 18 is ridiculously uncommon. You can call it cope, but I believe in pair bonding so this matters a lot to me. She's a catholic and one of those 'wait till marriage' types, and I am the same way so we connected over that. A real blackpill moment for my friend is that she liked me and treated me good and was hugging my arm 24/7 when we went out somewhere just me and her. I think that's probably because she is a bratty girl and I passed her shit tests so she grew attached to me. I don't think she is malicious, she just couldn't respect him cause he was an 'oofy doofy'.

I had kind of a bad first year in college. I was pretty depressed so when I came home for the summer all I did was sit in my bed. I hung out with her a few times, but I probably should have more, she got the idea I didn't want to be with her I think. Anyway, one day we were talking about her going away for school and it made me so sad that I basically said I thought we should go get dinner before she left and talk this out. Now here is the bad part, I didn't. I don't want to give you guys some excuse but I think I just cracked cause of everything else going bad in my life so I just ghosted her for a month. She got to college three weeks ago and I tried reaching out to her but she wouldn't answer. She didn't block me but she's not even reading my messages, which I can't say I blame her for.

Bring on the jokes, 'she's probably fucking 20 guys or whatever', yeah I get it. Obviously that thought crossed my mind. I mean, she is in all girls housing and goes to a catholic college where the priests check the dorms at night, not that that would necessarily stop her, but it definitely makes it harder. The redpill advice I've been getting is to ignore her and work on myself, then she might come back. I don't even doubt that but I kind of feel like it's a race against time, even if she is a wholesome girl, she has roommates and other influences and I'm sure it's a matter of time. I get the advice always is to just walk away, but really? Trust me, I'm not really a romantic guy. I was watching Sandman MGTOW and Thinking Ape at 17-18, I wasn't looking to find a girl when I was young I thought it was stupid, but I just kind of did. Honestly, I think waiting till 30 might be cope because even if you are a millionaire every girl is tainted. Young love really is the best and I feel like this is my last shot at it. I'm 6'2" and probably htn at my peak, but she met me at my lowest and still got attached to me. I assume its cause the only other guy she spent time with I mogged and I share her values on sex and marriage. She likes anime so I assume she could be autistic so maybe that helped me, I am good at manipulating autistic people. Also, her family is crazy rich and they don't have a son so I would be able to slot myself in and carve out a nice life for myself.

Okay but seriously I actually love this girl but I got scared and didn't tell her and any day now she will slip away so what do I do? She loves me back, she literally said as much but I hurt her by not talking to her. When we get back for Christmas break I thought I'd try to speak to her, we live in a small town so I will run into her for sure. Her friend who wants us together told her she should talk to me and all she said was 'okay thanks', which doesn't seem good. I don't want to be a cuck and the second I know she fucked a guy I'll lose all feelings but I wanna give it my all before I give up on her. I'm not Indian, this isn't in Mumbai, and this isn't a brag thread. Even if you don't trust my account id appreciate you taking me at face value. I just would rather not be 30 years old 'betabuxxing' if I can help it. I'm aware of female nature and she's not perfect, no women is, but she's around top 1-3%, better than I deserve even at my hypothetical peak.

Anyone had any experience with something like this, how did it turn out, and what can I do for the best chances?
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The main problem here is that you're trying to control things you really can't. Don't act out of emotion, they fluctuate, and trusting your current emotional state when making decisions will only lead to regret and misery. Focus on yourself today, and occupy your time by working on steady aspects of life.

I'm not giving objective advice on your situation because the solution with women is usually to do nothing and just move forward.

Things will eventually fall into place, and one day you'll re-read this and realize that things don't feel the way they did while writing it. I wish you well.
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The main problem here is that you're trying to control things you really can't. Don't act out of emotion, they fluctuate, and trusting your current emotional state when making decisions will only lead to regret and misery. Focus on yourself today, and occupy your time by working on steady aspects of life.

I'm not giving objective advice on your situation because the solution with women is usually to do nothing and just move forward.

Things will eventually fall into place, and one day you'll re-read this and realize that things don't feel the way they did while writing it. I wish you well.
Thank you for the advice, I am currently taking my mind off it and focusing on personal goals. Do you think it would be weird to try to get in touch with her over break? We live in a small town and I think I'll run into her wether I like it or not...

Thank you for the warm wishes also. :)
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 69862
Thank you for the advice, I am currently taking my mind off it and focusing on personal goals. Do you think it would be weird to try to get in touch with her over break? We live in a small town and I think I'll run into her wether I like it or not...

Thank you for the warm wishes also. :)

Either she makes the move, or it's time to let go. Remember, you can't control her actions, so don't focus on her behavior. If you encounter her, act normal. No need to ignore. A simple "hi" followed by returning to what you're doing is perfectly fine. When it comes to girls, less is more. You can't force your way into her emotions; she will either be invested or she won't. The more you chase, the more you push her away.

It's nice to hear that you're moving forward. Heartbreak often brings feelings of depression and a struggle to go on with life. As long as you keep moving and don't act out of emotion, you'll be fine.
  • Woah
Reactions: Tuckernuck Island
Either she makes the move, or it's time to let go. Remember, you can't control her actions, so don't focus on her behavior. If you encounter her, act normal. No need to ignore. A simple "hi" followed by returning to what you're doing is perfectly fine. When it comes to girls, less is more. You can't force your way into her emotions; she will either be invested or she won't. The more you chase, the more you push her away.

It's nice to hear that you're moving forward. Heartbreak often brings feelings of depression and a struggle to go on with life. As long as you keep moving and don't act out of emotion, you'll be fine.
I'm doing okay, I messaged her a couple times at first asking to talk but I think I stopped pretty quick compared to most guys, plus she didnt even read them and its gonna auto delete in a day or so. I guess I got lucky...
How close are you to her friend who wants you together? How much influence does she have over this girls decisions? Depending on the answers to those questions, she is the key to getting back together with her.

I have been on the other end of this situation where a girl ghosted me and we got back together twice after that, admittedly it wasn't as complicated or serious a relationship as what you've described, but it gives me some insight into how she may be feeling. This is an educated guess, but I think she is likely ignoring your texts because she thinks that if she gives you another chance, you are going to hurt her again. You broke her trust by not holding up your end of the relationship and now you are experiencing the consequences.

Your best bet is to try and use your insider friend to convince this girl to give you a second chance, and then try to be around her as much as possible during the break at your home town. Ask the insider if there are any socials or events the girl may be going to, so that you can make an appearance at the least and push yourself to the forefront of her mind. Definitely approach her at least once, just to see if you can reignite the spark.

Don't text her up until this point. It will be tempting but you will come off as clingy and undesirable, plus it will only make things more awkward when you see each other. If things go well after the break, you two will start to text each other again naturally.

Tell me how it goes brother.
  • +1
Reactions: Tuckernuck Island
How close are you to her friend who wants you together? How much influence does she have over this girls decisions? Depending on the answers to those questions, she is the key to getting back together with her.
I don't know her friend very well, I've hung out with her and the girl maybe one or two times in person. Our group of friends kind of split up and she was the only one I knew who still talked to her. I told her the story and she was actually pretty nice, and said she thinks that she should talk to me.
Your best bet is to try and use your insider friend to convince this girl to give you a second chance, and then try to be around her as much as possible during the break at your home town. Ask the insider if there are any socials or events the girl may be going to, so that you can make an appearance at the least and push yourself to the forefront of her mind. Definitely approach her at least once, just to see if you can reignite the spark.
I have sort of done that. The friend said to her that she thinks she should talk to me and all she got as a response was, "okay thanks". I asked one more time and ended up writing a short message to her, basically like "I know you have a good reason not to talk to me, but could you just hear me out?". The friend took a screenshot of it and sent that to her, according to her all she did was open it and not respond. They still talk after so I assume she just ignored it. Her friend is nice but even she said to me, "you should try to move on". I don't want to pester her asking for her help cause I am not close to her. Over break I could see it being appropriate to ask, but other than that, I am not sure.

It's hard because I want to let go but she's really a catch, I messed up bad. Our group is disbanded so I don't think there is going to be an occasion to casually run into her unless it's getting coffee or downtown or something. I want to go to her house with a boom box like in the movies or send her a letter but I doubt that shit would do anything to help.
too long dnrd
  • JFL
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dnr kys
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didnt read but the problem is shes not interested move on before you get obsessed
I had a similar situation and I got the bad ending. Innocent cute girl that was into me that I fumbled and slowly watched lose her innocence afterwards :)

We were still teenagers then, now I'm 20 and never gonna find a girl like that again :)
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I had a similar situation and I got the bad ending. Innocent cute girl that was into me that I fumbled and slowly watched lose her innocence afterwards :)

We were still teenagers then, now I'm 20 and never gonna find a girl like that again :)
It's so over :(
  • +1
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It's so over :(
No girl is innocent nigga. its just your delusion. It has always been this way. Women know who the actual father is and will always take it to their grave. Wait and see, she will come back to you after her 304 phase.
better than I deserve even at my hypothetical peak.
Your instincts already knew nigga, its over.

I wont say its over over, but as for the relationship with her, its over boyo
  • So Sad
Reactions: Tuckernuck Island
Hey guys, I wanted to ask you about my predicament because I felt you would have rational advice compared to someone who was bluepilled or redpilled. Sorry this is a long story, but I'll try my very best to just keep it to the important parts.

The story starts my third year of high school. It's summer break and I become friends with one of the guys from the grade below me, he was from another state so when he moved here he got held back a year. Anyway, most of his friends are guys but he has one female friend, one day she brings over a girl who none of us know. She seems kind of cold and unapproachable and none of us really talk to her much. A year goes by and eventually she begins 'dating' my friend. Everyone kind of finds this weird because they don't even hold hands in public and she treats him like her slave constantly, basically an 'oofy doofy' situation. The school year starts up and college is around the corner for them so they break up. I am in my first year but I visit home a lot so I hang out with everyone. I notice that she starts paying a lot more attention to me when the group hangs out and we talk a lot.

We get closer and both admit we like each other, both of us feel bad because obviously she dated my friend but we like each other enough that it doesn't stop us from talking. Eventually she tells me the real reason she broke up with him was because he wanted to have sex or kiss and she said she didn't want to with him so he got mad and ignored her. This made me really like her because she is still a virgin even after being pressured, which even at 18 is ridiculously uncommon. You can call it cope, but I believe in pair bonding so this matters a lot to me. She's a catholic and one of those 'wait till marriage' types, and I am the same way so we connected over that. A real blackpill moment for my friend is that she liked me and treated me good and was hugging my arm 24/7 when we went out somewhere just me and her. I think that's probably because she is a bratty girl and I passed her shit tests so she grew attached to me. I don't think she is malicious, she just couldn't respect him cause he was an 'oofy doofy'.

I had kind of a bad first year in college. I was pretty depressed so when I came home for the summer all I did was sit in my bed. I hung out with her a few times, but I probably should have more, she got the idea I didn't want to be with her I think. Anyway, one day we were talking about her going away for school and it made me so sad that I basically said I thought we should go get dinner before she left and talk this out. Now here is the bad part, I didn't. I don't want to give you guys some excuse but I think I just cracked cause of everything else going bad in my life so I just ghosted her for a month. She got to college three weeks ago and I tried reaching out to her but she wouldn't answer. She didn't block me but she's not even reading my messages, which I can't say I blame her for.

Bring on the jokes, 'she's probably fucking 20 guys or whatever', yeah I get it. Obviously that thought crossed my mind. I mean, she is in all girls housing and goes to a catholic college where the priests check the dorms at night, not that that would necessarily stop her, but it definitely makes it harder. The redpill advice I've been getting is to ignore her and work on myself, then she might come back. I don't even doubt that but I kind of feel like it's a race against time, even if she is a wholesome girl, she has roommates and other influences and I'm sure it's a matter of time. I get the advice always is to just walk away, but really? Trust me, I'm not really a romantic guy. I was watching Sandman MGTOW and Thinking Ape at 17-18, I wasn't looking to find a girl when I was young I thought it was stupid, but I just kind of did. Honestly, I think waiting till 30 might be cope because even if you are a millionaire every girl is tainted. Young love really is the best and I feel like this is my last shot at it. I'm 6'2" and probably htn at my peak, but she met me at my lowest and still got attached to me. I assume its cause the only other guy she spent time with I mogged and I share her values on sex and marriage. She likes anime so I assume she could be autistic so maybe that helped me, I am good at manipulating autistic people. Also, her family is crazy rich and they don't have a son so I would be able to slot myself in and carve out a nice life for myself.

Okay but seriously I actually love this girl but I got scared and didn't tell her and any day now she will slip away so what do I do? She loves me back, she literally said as much but I hurt her by not talking to her. When we get back for Christmas break I thought I'd try to speak to her, we live in a small town so I will run into her for sure. Her friend who wants us together told her she should talk to me and all she said was 'okay thanks', which doesn't seem good. I don't want to be a cuck and the second I know she fucked a guy I'll lose all feelings but I wanna give it my all before I give up on her. I'm not Indian, this isn't in Mumbai, and this isn't a brag thread. Even if you don't trust my account id appreciate you taking me at face value. I just would rather not be 30 years old 'betabuxxing' if I can help it. I'm aware of female nature and she's not perfect, no women is, but she's around top 1-3%, better than I deserve even at my hypothetical peak.

Anyone had any experience with something like this, how did it turn out, and what can I do for the best chances?
Wait things out for a little bit and try and find her at her college if they allow you. She might be the one.

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