[WARNING GORE] Cyclist gets his head popped like a balloon

That’s enough blackpill brutality for today.
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one little oops. he musted have been pissed before he died
Poor woman is scarred for life
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Bus driver was at fault here.
are you proud of who you are?
Sacha Baron Cohen Yes GIF by Amazon Prime Video
are you proud of who you are?
As a gore addict not really , but it's more of my failures in low whether it be being high inhibition and fucking up opportunities with foids or just slacking off and fucking up work which results in me getting fired and no career progression

So yes we fellow gore addicts are honestly not really high performers in society. No chad would be wasting his time watching gore as he would be busy fucking bitches. Being addicted to gore however can signal secret signs of being low inhibition potentially

I have been low inhibition at times just not consistently. Thanks to gore I realize the futility of life so I have in some ways also been lower inhibiton thanks to it. You get some high inhibition from it as u get paranoid tho thinking of the final destination ways you'll die. Or always looking your shoulder

It's a mixed bag but once you learn the lessons whether it be to be mindful your surroundings , not instigate arguments or people or animals , drive carefully , don't do dumb shit in general , etf, it's not worth seeing. It makes you feel a sense of melancholy and a void in a way seeing how fucked humanity is .

When you start it intially you get an adrenaline rush in a way seeing people get fucked up. Then you get used to it and see more and more horrifying stuff till eventually your seeing people get ripped apart while pumped up by meth , and then question what the fuck led you down to such a path

I hope to one day quit for a while. I've had successful multi month long streaks . Hopefully I can continue it again.
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Jfl imagine dying with your legs spread out and your ass up gay nigga alert
and why instead of helping me understand a concept that no one here can explain, do you keep acting stupid? if you're happy with yourself then you have to emanate positivity and consequently help people?
that chico has balanced features, we are here but something is missing, I don't think it is only this that makes it harmonious
Do you think I'm asking you because I'm joking?
NO, I'm asking you because I've seen that you're not retarded like most of the people here. Your kindness should already be pointed out here.
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