[Warning] Phenibut withdrawal is a nightmare



Nov 11, 2018
Holy mother of god the only way to describe this is lethargy, overwhelming anxiety, unwillingness to see or talk to anybody and feeling no pleasure from anything. I'm gonna start using only once a week, be very careful guys if you decide you need this
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I LOVE Phenibut, turns me into a NTmaxx chad, havent had any problems whatsoever
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I LOVE Phenibut, turns me into a NTmaxx chad, havent had any problems whatsoever
Doses and how often you use mate?
Doses and how often you use mate?
Usually once a week, Friday night when I go out with my mates. I usually take 1 or 2g. I had a period of like 3 months when I havent took any and I didn't really feel negative effects.
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Usually once a week, Friday night when I go out with my mates. I usually take 1 or 2g. I had a period of like 3 months when I havent took any and I didn't really feel negative effects.
Once a week shouldn't cause withdrawals so you did a good job, did you read about the withdrawals before deciding to use? I've just been taking it everytime I have a date (like 3 times a week) and my doses are 1-2 grams. On the third day off (today) it's terrible
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Once a week shouldn't cause withdrawals so you did a good job, did you read about the withdrawals before deciding to use? I've just been taking it everytime I have a date (like 3 times a week) and my doses are 1-2 grams. On the third day off (today) it's terrible
I haven't specifically read about them, however, mate that gave it to me told me I shouldn't take them more than once a week.

If I have a date or something else in the middle of the week I usually take an alternative like Xanax or something different so I can NTmaxx.
Doses and how often you use mate?
I took 60G of phenibut per day before. Look up my previous posts about Phenibut. It's not the withdrawals that are the worst part. The pure addiction is the worst part. Not wanting to stop taking it as your tolerance rises because it makes you feel so different. And obviously not wanting to end up dealing with withdrawals. Seriously look up my posts about Phenibut.
I haven't specifically read about them, however, mate that gave it to me told me I shouldn't take them more than once a week.

If I have a date or something else in the middle of the week I usually take an alternative like Xanax or something different so I can NTmaxx.
Bro I used xanax once and I can't remember anything I said while on it. I just remember feeling zero inhibition and saying retarded shit to people
I took 60G of phenibut per day before. Look up my previous posts about Phenibut. It's not the withdrawals that are the worst part. The pure addiction is the worst part. Not wanting to stop taking it as your tolerance rises because it makes you feel so different. And obviously not wanting to end up dealing with withdrawals. Seriously look up my posts about Phenibut.
60 grams? Wtf. Link to the threads man
Bro I used xanax once and I can't remember anything I said while on it. I just remember feeling zero inhibition and saying retarded shit to people
Yeah when taking Xanax inhibition really is at zero, however, in my experience, it just helps me to connect to people and make the conversation flow. It is probable that I took a smaller dosage than you.
Bro I used xanax once and I can't remember anything I said while on it. I just remember feeling zero inhibition and saying retarded shit to people

60 grams? Wtf. Link to the threads man
I just gave my advice about it here a few times. I'm pretty sure my profile is open for anyone to view. And yeah I was taking tablespoons out of a 1KG FAA tub. It'll be best for you to go through the withdrawals, which really aren't hell on earth, and not touch it again. Clonazepam withdrawal is hell on earth even if you miss 1 day of a prescribed dose.

Phenibut ADDICTION is the main thing. It's so incredibly psychologically clear why anyone would get addicted and I talked about that before on here. And why MPMDs Phenibut review was dangerous because give Phenibut to a person who's depressed or feeling stuck with not much momentum, and watch them gradually spiral into something far worse than they could've ever imagined. Props to you if you go through the withdrawal and stay away from it.

Thing is... people go through the withdrawals, and then go back to it....

And Phenibut is the type of drug you trick yourself into believing is "subtle", but when you reminisce on days you took Phenibut, you tend to think the times you were on Phenibut were so much better than any day where you didn't take it.
I just gave my advice about it here a few times. I'm pretty sure my profile is open for anyone to view. And yeah I was taking tablespoons out of a 1KG FAA tub. It'll be best for you to go through the withdrawals, which really aren't hell on earth, and not touch it again. Clonazepam withdrawal is hell on earth even if you miss 1 day of a prescribed dose.

Phenibut ADDICTION is the main thing. It's so incredibly psychologically clear why anyone would get addicted and I talked about that before on here. And why MPMDs Phenibut review was dangerous because give Phenibut to a person who's depressed or feeling stuck with not much momentum, and watch them gradually spiral into something far worse than they could've ever imagined. Props to you if you go through the withdrawal and stay away from it.

Thing is... people go through the withdrawals, and then go back to it....

And Phenibut is the type of drug you trick yourself into believing is "subtle", but when you reminisce on days you took Phenibut, you tend to think the times you were on Phenibut were so much better than any day where you didn't take it.
Bro phenibut allowed me to talk to girls without going full on panic mode, which is what happens every single time. Without it I would still be a virgin. I love this drug

But I realize it's dangerous and addicting. And for that reason I will NOT, EVER use it more than once a week from here on.
@x30001 but thanks I'll check out your threads man and keep an open mind
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Bro phenibut allowed me to talk to girls without going full on panic mode, which is what happens every single time. Without it I would still be a virgin. I love this drug

But I realize it's dangerous and addicting. And for that reason I will NOT, EVER use it more than once a week from here on.
@x30001 but thanks I'll check out your threads man and keep an open mind
I don't mean to be disrespectful but taking it once a week literally won't happen. That's what I said to myself. It'll take years for it to get out of hand. The start is the honeymoon phase and everything seems okay.

People don't take oxycodone or something like MDMA to "low inhib" max. They take phenibut/baclofen, thinking they won't seem fucked up; which they won't at the start. The scary addiction part comes from the "active decision making" of the person. If you start taking heroin it's because you've no hope and want to LDAR, the addiction to that is homogenous and without first hand rationale or perspective. You live to get your next hit/fix. That's not the case with Phenibut. What happens with Phenibut is that you choose each time to take it, even though the internet is full of horror stories etc; people just think they'll be fine and be able to discipline themselves. People take Phenibut because they have hope; complete opposite to heroin etc. People choose to take it for more and more situations because their mind actually gets trained to believe that nothing bad will end up happening to them, based on prior experiences taking it and reinforcement from their perceived reward/risk gain from using Phenibut all the times in the past. It's not something people even want to stop taking, because they believe it's a godsend. And for anxiety it pretty much is. You don't realize how much it changes you until you actually reminisce on experiences you created while on Phenibut, comparing them with every other experience while not taking it.
Bro phenibut allowed me to talk to girls without going full on panic mode, which is what happens every single time. Without it I would still be a virgin. I love this drug

But I realize it's dangerous and addicting. And for that reason I will NOT, EVER use it more than once a week from here on.
@x30001 but thanks I'll check out your threads man and keep an open mind
It's because you'd never want to not take Phenibut. Maybe celebs could take Phenibut and not want to take it again but that's because it doesn't change their hope and perspective on life in a positive way. If you could take Phenibut 1 time per week, at the exact same dose, until you die (80y+), I would literally chop off and eat my dick on livestream and give you a billion dollars. The 1 time per week regime doesn't work because your life isn't so mundane and predictable that it can be standardized like that. I don't doubt you could take it only 1 time per week for a good number of weeks. But over time it won't be just 1 day per week or predictable like that. And the dose will go up because you'll literally feel nothing over time unless you really up the dose.
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People choose to take it for more and more situations because their mind actually gets trained to believe that nothing bad will end up happening to them, based on prior experiences taking it and reinforcement from their perceived reward/risk gain from using Phenibut all the times in the past.
I never chose to take phenibut at my job despite it involving talking to a lot of people. Why? Because I don't want to use it too often to stay sensitive to it, and don't need it for my job, i can do fine without any substances. But when it comes to talking to women i was a virgin until last month, and talking to them and escalating sexually has never been so easy with this stuff. If we assume i only use it once a week at no more than 3 grams, do you think its going to be addicting in the same way? Maybe i could cycle off one week per month also, limiting it to 3 times per month for example. I just think that having this stuff is a lifechanger and if used correctly at the right times it can be a huge net positive (like it was for me losing my inceldom) but that the low is very bad when abused.
The 1 time per week regime doesn't work because your life isn't so mundane and predictable that it can be standardized like that.
I mean take it once a week IF AND ONLY IF something comes up that would benefit from taking it, like a date with a girl you actually like or an important job interview. That's what I'm thinking at least. And then once you've used it once that week you consciously decide to not take it again even if something important comes up. Discipline can make it work
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I never chose to take phenibut at my job despite it involving talking to a lot of people. Why? Because I don't want to use it too often to stay sensitive to it, and don't need it for my job, i can do fine without any substances. But when it comes to talking to women i was a virgin until last month, and talking to them and escalating sexually has never been so easy with this stuff. If we assume i only use it once a week at no more than 3 grams, do you think its going to be addicting in the same way? Maybe i could cycle off one week per month also, limiting it to 3 times per month for example. I just think that having this stuff is a lifechanger and if used correctly at the right times it can be a huge net positive (like it was for me losing my inceldom) but that the low is very bad when abused.
It's just addicting because of how you perceive it. Which, in your reality is completely true. Yeah it helped me a lot at a certain time. Sacrificing my long term progress heavily and unknowingly for some expedience in the moment. It helped me talk to "Stacy's" with ease and probably helped me a good bit and creating a lot more opportune positive experiences for me at that moment. But eventually the incongruencies will show through, because you could interact with people in the way you wanted to, on Phenibut. But where's the follow through? You can't always have a "good day", or act exactly how you acted on Phenibut, without Phenibut. And in life we want everything to be better for ourselves rather than worse; that's just common sense and is hardwired into us. You'll notice that loss in "follow through" when you go and do something without Phenibut, that you initially did with it. And that reason will make you take Phenibut for more and more things. The tolerance to the dose also builds up so fast and you will never feel like you did when you took the first dose. It's not just a matter of not "feeling as good as the first time"; it's the state of mind that it put you in and how it severely altered your perception in an incredibly positive way, which is probably one of the most precious feelings you can have but it's really a delusional state of mind about your objective long term prospects because with Phenibut you sacrifice long term/ non-time bound disciplines for the expedience of what Phenibut does for you at the time, how it makes you feel and how it allows you to make new connections/experiences in which you never could've done without having the altered state of mind. Over time, the incongruence between your state of mind and perceptions of your life, and your actual objective success and progression becomes very distinguished; because taking Phenibut won't allow you to just achieve all the amenities in life even though it'll make you feel like you can. Also, you won't want to go back to not ever taking it again because your mind will force you to believe that it's just worse than actually taking it, which is invariably true. But over time your Phenibut mind won't synchronize properly with your actual person and that's when problems start to become more apparent. Also, every Phenibut user believes they will never get addicted to it or break their regimented dosing. But that is just almost impossible. This isn't like any other drug. Every reason and every motion attached to "you and Phenibut" is in your case, and everyone else's case who takes it, the most deep rooted psychological condition possible because it pertains to your opportunity in this world as "you", and is seen as a catalyst/wager on your objective outcomes, without actually being a first hand force in regards to achieving those outcomes.
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Steroids sacrifice long term (or just even non time-bound) developments for short term expedience. But steroids are a simple example of this whilst Phenibut is beyond complex. The reasoning why someone decides to take either stems from the same emotion. But you can't tell your mind this because your mind will just choose to believe that "it being a bad choice" is untrue. Because there's no reason to believe the choice is bad for you. What happens over time is the dichotomy between your objective reality and your subjective mind. And the incongruence among them will be the first signal to your mind that it was wrong. Then shit gets real. And the advice you see from the masses who've been through exactly what you're going through right now, makes sense to your mind.
It's just addicting because of how you perceive it. Which, in your reality is completely true. Yeah it helped me a lot at a certain time. Sacrificing my long term progress heavily and unknowingly for some expedience in the moment. It helped me talk to "Stacy's" with ease and probably helped me a good bit and creating a lot more opportune positive experiences for me at that moment. But eventually the incongruencies will show through, because you could interact with people in the way you wanted to, on Phenibut. But where's the follow through? You can't always have a "good day", or act exactly how you acted on Phenibut, without Phenibut. And in life we want everything to be better for ourselves rather than worse; that's just common sense and is hardwired into us. You'll notice that loss in "follow through" when you go and do something without Phenibut, that you initially did with it. And that reason will make you take Phenibut for more and more things. The tolerance to the dose also builds up so fast and you will never feel like you did when you took the first dose. It's not just a matter of not "feeling as good as the first time"; it's the state of mind that it put you in and how it severely altered your perception in an incredibly positive way, which is probably one of the most precious feelings you can have but it's really a delusional state of mind about your objective long term prospects because with Phenibut you sacrifice long term/ non-time bound disciplines for the expedience of what Phenibut does for you at the time, how it makes you feel and how it allows you to make new connections/experiences in which you never could've done without having the altered state of mind. Over time, the incongruence between your state of mind and perceptions of your life, and your actual objective success and progression becomes very distinguished; because taking Phenibut won't allow you to just achieve all the amenities in life even though it'll make you feel like you can. Also, you won't want to go back to not ever taking it again because your mind will force you to believe that it's just worse than actually taking it, which is invariably true. But over time your Phenibut mind won't synchronize properly with your actual person and that's when problems start to become more apparent. Also, every Phenibut user believes they will never get addicted to it or break their regimented dosing. But that is just almost impossible. This isn't like any other drug. Every reason and every motion attached to "you and Phenibut" is in your case, and everyone else's case who takes it, the most deep rooted psychological condition possible because it pertains to your opportunity in this world as "you", and is seen as a catalyst/wager on your objective outcomes, without actually being a first hand force in regards to achieving those outcomes.
What I'm saying is that it CAN be used as a first hand force to the outcomes I have in life, when used as necessary. Yes I know that I would always want to feel like that, and that the person I am on phenibut isn't the same as me without it, but it's simply a boost, a tool to get you sedated and relaxed when you REALLY need it. What I'm saying to summarize is this: I swear to God I will not use this stuff more than once in any period from Monday to Sunday. And I will not use it unless it's actually needed or beneficial. Dude I appreciate the warning but do you really see no benefit to using it intelligently?
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Steroids sacrifice long term (or just even non time-bound) developments for short term expedience. But steroids are a simple example of this whilst Phenibut is beyond complex. The reasoning why someone decides to take either stems from the same emotion. But you can't tell your mind this because your mind will just choose to believe that "it being a bad choice" is untrue. Because there's no reason to believe the choice is bad for you. What happens over time is the dichotomy between your objective reality and your subjective mind. And the incongruence among them will be the first signal to your mind that it was wrong. Then shit gets real. And the advice you see from the masses who've been through exactly what you're going through right now, makes sense to your mind.
what makes it that bad ? or that good that resistance and withdrawal is a nightmare ? Can you describe the feeling?
What I'm saying is that it CAN be used as a first hand force to the outcomes I have in life, when used as necessary. Yes I know that I would always want to feel like that, and that the person I am on phenibut isn't the same as me without it, but it's simply a boost, a tool to get you sedated and relaxed when you REALLY need it. What I'm saying to summarize is this: I swear to God I will not use this stuff more than once in any period from Monday to Sunday. And I will not use it unless it's actually needed or beneficial. Dude I appreciate the warning but do you really see no benefit to using it intelligently?
I see the reason yeah and it's just the same as taking steroids to get jacked fast, but then realizing you just gave into temptation and ignored, or simply just couldn't perceive the long term risks, because other people's stories don't necessarily change your recognition of how it's actually working for you, right now. And that's because your first hand experience outweighs the second hand experiences of others. But the thing that all these "reddit horror stories" people don't tell you is that they also recognized Phenibut as a benefit in life until reality swept in and fucked things up, giving them the biggest wake up call ever. The impression you get from the reddit stories are that these people had "horrible experiences" from the offset, which is completely untrue. They're just too embarrassed to admit the full story so they want to sound sensational because they want to offer the warning but also want it to seem like they made a "one off mistake" rather than a continued one. I really don't want to seem like I'm coming off as a judgemental dickhead, because all I want to do is offer the real truth. I fucked up and I believed the reward outweighed the risk when taking Phenibut, for years, *responsibly*. Then I had to experience that the risk outweighed the reward, objectively and realistically, no matter how I personally felt at any given time. Lots of steroid users don't admit the risk outweighed the reward in regards to the decision they made, and share all the positives whilst ignoring the negatives. I don't care if someone uses steroids, takes Phenibut etc. And I know exactly why they act in the way they do, and why they made the decision in the first place; which I'm not being judgemental towards in any way because I understand it fully, and how each person actually thinks and perceives their situation throughout the way. But eventually, time passes and the incongruence between what you think and what you are becomes a problem. Life = Harmony, Congruence and Confluence. Actual issues/problems don't make people feel happy, and making decisions where the total risk outweighs the benefit, even if the benefit is awarded to you upfront before the consequence; create problems. But you don't think it's a problem because all you can experience at the moment is the benefit. I'm not having a go at anyone who makes such decisions, I'm just trying to give the actual real advice that will give you more net benefit in your life, instead of having to endure something which will turn against you and have to put you through suffering until you need it to stop. Once you start it's always a lot lot harder to stop than if you were to never start, because your mind's perception creates the decision that overrides everything in your reality. I've taken KILOs of Phenibut. I never got addicted to anything. Phenibut is a different type of addiction which doesn't compare to anything because it has you fooled all along until reality really hits hard. I'm glad I never decided to take steroids, but I often thought about it and stopped myself. The Phenibut I wasn't so lucky to prevent myself from making the decision but I had nobody to tell me otherwise, and luckily I still have my life.
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dude stop acting as if phenibut is only mentally addicting, its 100% physically addicting too. there are so many testimonies saying so
what makes it that bad ? or that good that resistance and withdrawal is a nightmare ? Can you describe the feeling?
I could do unlimited Phenibut withdrawals and not go insane. The actual withdrawals are not the worst thing. Even though they're bad, they're nothing compared to benzo withdrawals. I used to overexaggerate Phenibut withdrawals, then go back to taking it again. The withdrawal symptoms aren't the things that kill you, what kills you is that you don't want to withdraw, and the tolerance you build towards taking Phenibut is something that really sucks, because you feel like the benefit you feel from it is marginally decreasing, even if you up the dose and the frequency. Then you sort of start to acknowledge that things are getting a bit fucked, but you will naturally not acknowledge it.

I don't know if I can describe the feeling. It's not some crazy powerful drug where you really feel something. You begin to believe the relief is subtle and that can play as a reason towards defending yourself while taking it; at least in my case.

The real powerful feeling is the realization of how "good" it was when you took it and did something, which might be overplayed in your mind, but pretty much almost always happens. It takes away a lot of your anxiety but not completely. You'll still have fear of things; but you can handle social situations a LOT better especially when you're in the moment because you won't have any negative dialog inside your head. You might just do things in the moment and then look back at it and realize how great those things were. And if you do have any dialog in your head, it'll be positive forecasts for your future, which seem so real and achievable to you, and really motivates you. But just because you have those positive forecasts doesn't mean they will happen. Some small positive things might actually happen, and that'll fuel your belief even further. But eventually there will always be a big issue/problem waiting for you, which weirdly you never expected at all. And bad things will happen to you in your future too. Because Phenibut doesn't objectively white-wash all potential problems from your life, it just does that for your mind, creating a dangerous delusion. The eventual apparent incongruence between your subjective mind and objective reality will be the problem. Other people will see this problem too.

dude stop acting as if phenibut is only mentally addicting, its 100% physically addicting too. there are so many testimonies saying so
I didn't say it wasn't physically addicting. But if anyone claims the physical dependency is anywhere close to the mental addiction/dependency then, THEIR MIND IS PLAYING TRICKS ON THEM.
You begin to believe the relief is subtle and that can play as a reason towards defending yourself while taking it; at least in my case
Well, benzos are definitely stronger. But the effect I felt from xanax was not pleasant, it just felt like it drops your IQ
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