Ways to cope with loneliness?



Resident Professor
Sep 1, 2018
I go through phases of getting lonely and missing what it feels like to be in a relationship, and then I remember what it was like to be in a relationship. I'm in this weird middle ground, and I'm not sure what else to do besides NT max. I've been listening to jazzy love songs, but that hasn't worked.
*Edit: I don't mean to brag or insult those who haven't been in a relationship. I know I'm coming from a place of privilege, and don't have it nearly as hard as some of you, and I apologize my post doesn't acknowledge that.
talk to girls online, i have like 20 that i can talk to whenever i feel lonely or bored. its a pretty good cope
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talk to girls online, i have like 20 that i can talk to whenever i feel lonely or bored. its a pretty good cope

I actually had an online relationship once, it was cope to the extreme, but it made me feel genuinely human.
I personally cope by playing music and writing. Writing Is pretty therapeutic.

I also smoke weed but it's such a gold cope that I got addicted to it. My Next plan Is to take a break from ir and only smoke after achieving something (like a personal goal/Milestone)
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I go through phases of getting lonely and missing what it feels like to be in a relationship, and then I remember what it was like to be in a relationship. I'm in this weird middle ground, and I'm not sure what else to do besides NT max. I've been listening to jazzy love songs, but that hasn't worked.
*Edit: I don't mean to brag or insult those who haven't been in a relationship. I know I'm coming from a place of privilege, and don't have it nearly as hard as some of you, and I apologize my post doesn't acknowledge that.
I cope by doing important things such as studying and lifting weights, otherwise i would lose my mind, i have zero friends too, if you have friends that are in a SIMILAR situation, spend time with them. Video games are a good cope also.
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you can cope by looking for the most quality rope on the market
relationships are low T tbh ngl
Look who’s saying

you must have low self esteem/lack narcissism if you want a 'relationship'. true men just aim to fuck as much as possible, then spend their alone time listening to songs and imagining teen romance
you must have low self esteem/lack narcissism if you want a 'relationship'. true men just aim to fuck as much as possible, then spend their alone time listening to songs and imagining teen romance
no tbh
you must have low self esteem/lack narcissism if you want a 'relationship'. true men just aim to fuck as much as possible, then spend their alone time listening to songs and imagining teen romance
Says the guy who has posted 1000 of threads about oneitis :feelskek::feelskek:
I personally cope by playing music and writing. Writing Is pretty therapeutic.

I also smoke weed but it's such a gold cope that I got addicted to it. My Next plan Is to take a break from ir and only smoke after achieving something (like a personal goal/Milestone)

I'm going to start drawing again. I used to do graphite work, and I'd like to get back into it
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I used to do the usual stuff like binge watch, read and sing. But I lack the concentration for that now. The only thing that works is running to the mirror 500 times a day until I find an angle where i don’t hate myself so i have the willpower to actually talk to one of my friends without them hating me . (they all believe i look in the mirror so much to find something negative though, as if that would require 500 times)

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