we are being divided



Jul 13, 2019
everyone i go on social media its people arguing, wether its about politics, or people on tiktok "blue haired girls" vs "the boys", or males vs females, or blm vs alm, everything is just about splitting us apart, theres nothing about unity and coming together, nothing about loving each other, we are unique, and we are where we are thanks to each other, everything we are experiencing right now is thanks to working together. we individually compliment different parts of our species as a whole, and at the end of the day we all want the same thing
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Dont worry about the others. This is your home now brother.
  • JFL
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We suffer more in our imagination then in reality
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@AlwaysHaveQuestions whats so funny nigger
  • JFL
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True, conservatives and republicans ruin everything.
  • JFL
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true it is very divisive time
All of the west is a total fucking shithole
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everyone i go on social media its people arguing, wether its about politics, or people on tiktok "blue haired girls" vs "the boys", or males vs females, or blm vs alm, everything is just about splitting us apart, theres nothing about unity and coming together, nothing about loving each other, we are unique, and we are where we are thanks to each other, everything we are experiencing right now is thanks to working together. we individually compliment different parts of our species as a whole, and at the end of the day we all want the same thing

Just get into the top 20% of society. Never try to make sense of what the bottom 80% do, it's a ceaspit.
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Just get into the top 20% of society. Never try to make sense of what the bottom 80% do, it's a ceaspit.
we are all connected, the whole world revolves around peoples compliance, being in the top whatever wont exclude you from that, especially if any of the theories regarding elite groups is true, 20% is nothing special, you are just like every other human in their eyes
we are all connected, the whole world revolves around peoples compliance, being in the top whatever wont exclude you from that, especially if any of the theories regarding elite groups is true, 20% is nothing special, you are just like every other human in their eyes
That's bluepilled bs, human's are and have always been hierachal creatures.

Every society has a class system even Hinduism is purely hierachal hence it's caste system.

They tried to curtail this with socialism and look how that ended up.

Like I said just get into the top 20% and forget the rest. This consists of looks + money
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we are all connected, the whole world revolves around peoples compliance, being in the top whatever wont exclude you from that, especially if any of the theories regarding elite groups is true, 20% is nothing special, you are just like every other human in their eyes
No one cares what the bottom 80% does tho. They don't change anything, they just maintain jobs that have been there, and spend their time looking at what the 20% does. Be attractive, famous, and important or die trying. As long as we know this then become a main character
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No one cares what the bottom 80% does tho. They don't change anything, they just maintain jobs that have been there, and spend their time looking at what the 20% does. Be attractive, famous, and important or die trying. As long as we know this then become a main character
we are ALL being divided, 20% or not you are included in every plan made by the leaders of this world, weather you are happy or not, rich or not, doesnt change the fact you are part of society as a whole, i already made a post about the agenda 2030 which is a true plan the un implemented since 2015, it obv doesnt sound evil and u have to interpret it your own way, so im not saying go over to reddit and read about some crazy conspiracy theorist being pessimistic, but what i took from it, everyone around the world will be equal, and everyone from the leaders of the free world to the mass murdering dictators are happy and looking forward to it, it is of "immeasurable scope", but they are operating from the shadows and i havent heard of it till recently
we are ALL being divided, 20% or not you are included in every plan made by the leaders of this world, weather you are happy or not, rich or not, doesnt change the fact you are part of society as a whole, i already made a post about the agenda 2030 which is a true plan the un implemented since 2015, it obv doesnt sound evil and u have to interpret it your own way, so im not saying go over to reddit and read about some crazy conspiracy theorist being pessimistic, but what i took from it, everyone around the world will be equal, and everyone from the leaders of the free world to the mass murdering dictators are happy and looking forward to it, it is of "immeasurable scope", but they are operating from the shadows and i havent heard of it till recently
Jfl no way they figure out a way to make everyone equal by 2030. The plan from what I read is just eradicating poverty. That means a basic income or some social security programs. Even if our jew overlords want to do that, what are you gonna do? Leave society? Nah fuck that. I'll go ER if it ever gets to a point where I don't like what's going on.
Jfl no way they figure out a way to make everyone equal by 2030. The plan from what I read is just eradicating poverty. That means a basic income or some social security programs. Even if our jew overlords want to do that, what are you gonna do? Leave society? Nah fuck that. I'll go ER if it ever gets to a point where I don't like what's going on.
exactly, but they are talking about disarming us saying guns cause most deaths, they are slowly planning it, dividing us is part of the plan, this is why u see it everywhere.
Agreed with you until you started talking about unity and loving each other and other marxist shit. You fell for the psyop.
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Agreed with you until you started talking about unity and loving each other and other marxist shit. You fell for the psyop.
? if being united and loving eachother wasnt a good idea then the elites wouldnt be trying to tear us apart, im not with this whole looksmax sht where pussy is everything looks blah blah blah, but do you really think theres anything more to this world than consciousness and the beings that inhabit it? if so, what else is there? if not? then why live in disharmony?
? if being united and loving eachother wasnt a good idea then the elites wouldnt be trying to tear us apart, im not with this whole looksmax sht where pussy is everything looks blah blah blah, but do you really think theres anything more to this world than consciousness and the beings that inhabit it? if so, what else is there? if not? then why live in disharmony?
The plan is to tear society apart, rise crime and degeneracy to the maximum, and then 'uniting' everyone under the New World Order, 1 government that governs the whole world. That's why the unity agenda is so heavily pushed in for ex the Corona propaganda.
  • JFL
Reactions: AbandonShip
You're at communist marxist thinking level. You need to think more on an individual level, instead of trying to fix society, build up your own family, with kids that are raised in a based way, multiple wifes, good community etc
The plan is to tear society apart, rise crime and degeneracy to the maximum, and then 'uniting' everyone under the New World Order, 1 government that governs the whole world. That's why the unity agenda is so heavily pushed in for ex the Corona propaganda.
unity agenda isnt true unity, it means LITERAL unity, like putting us in concentrated cities etc etc. im talking about true unity, loving and caring for eachother, we arent our own enemies, the elites are our enemies, do you really think if there wasnt social media or any of this bullshit propaganda, that people would be arguing 24/7 ? this is all being stirred up so that we as humans dont help eachother when the time comes to fight the elites, coming together as human beings, truly amazing and unique creatures who possess consciousness and free thinking, to support and uplift eachother, is not the same thing as some evil elites "uniting" us for the purpose of control and power, if you think us truly coming together is helping them, then again, they wouldnt be trying to tear us up
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You're at communist marxist thinking level. You need to think more on an individual level, instead of trying to fix society, build up your own family, with kids that are raised in a based way, multiple wifes, good community etc
this is just selfish thinking, you are part of this world, and will be affected by any decisions made, good if your not stirring up arguments with randoms about some stupid president, but your way of thinking is still part of the problem, humans are all we have, look at say family, family=humans, you are an ant that needs help from more ants that want the same thing as you and need just as much help from you, look at it as a mutual agreement, stop thinking ur some badass lone wolf, when the time comes, you will be stepped on as they wish, just like i will, if we do nothing about it
this is just selfish thinking, you are part of this world, and will be affected by any decisions made, good if your not stirring up arguments with randoms about some stupid president, but your way of thinking is still part of the problem, humans are all we have, look at say family, family=humans, you are an ant that needs help from more ants that want the same thing as you and need just as much help from you, look at it as a mutual agreement, stop thinking ur some badass lone wolf, when the time comes, you will be stepped on as they wish, just like i will, if we do nothing about it
no, selfish thinking is needed to be a winner. if you identify with all the other retarded humans, the masses, then you'll be a loser. other people are complete dumb shit, mere animals. we're not 1 group of people, there are the masters and the slaves and that's how it will forever remain.
The plan is to tear society apart, rise crime and degeneracy to the maximum, and then 'uniting' everyone under the New World Order, 1 government that governs the whole world. That's why the unity agenda is so heavily pushed in for ex the Corona propaganda.
Get help before it's too late.
no, selfish thinking is needed to be a winner. if you identify with all the other retarded humans, the masses, then you'll be a loser. other people are complete dumb shit, mere animals. we're not 1 group of people, there are the masters and the slaves and that's how it will forever remain.
not in this case, because this isnt a competition, you dont stand out, not you, not me, not anyone reading this, unless you are filthy rich, high status celeb, and whoever else is in their plans, you are going to be stepped on and used for their benefit, theres no "im faster im smarter im stronger" in this sht, this wont be survival of the fittest, this isnt the fucking wilderness, if you seriously understand what the elites got in place, i dont get how you think you're gonna get out of it or evade it or some shit
not in this case, because this isnt a competition, you dont stand out, not you, not me, not anyone reading this, unless you are filthy rich, high status celeb, and whoever else is in their plans, you are going to be stepped on and used for their benefit, theres no "im faster im smarter im stronger" in this sht, this wont be survival of the fittest, this isnt the fucking wilderness, if you seriously understand what the elites got in place, i dont get how you think you're gonna get out of it or evade it or some shit
of course no one realistically can make it to the top of the totem pole, but I still think it's worth it to at least climb to the highest level of the pyramid u possibly can, so that your future family can prosper and evade being stomped over the lowest of the low masses
of course no one realistically can make it to the top of the totem pole, but I still think it's worth it to at least climb to the highest level of the pyramid u possibly can, so that your future family can prosper and evade being stomped over the lowest of the low masses
how high do you think you have to climb before this happens? everyone thinks the same, everyone is human just like you, unfortunately, we live in a "capitalist" society, not everyone can be rich, but lets say you make 500k a year alone, and ur wife 250k, do you really think that would put u on their grid? this is all speculation but you're pretty much out of the picture already, we all are, or else they would have invited us to that meeting. Besides, theyre going for equality, they wont allow you to be better than anyone, or have extra benefits, you'll be under their control, ur children will prosper? how so? the more control they gain the more they can push, thats why they are methodically going about this whole thing, until they get us to a spot where we dont have an option to fight back. if any of these theories are true, its only downhill from here
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