"We live in worst times" one of biggest and stupidest of incel copes

provide counter argument instead of laughing at them, preferably backed up by facts, big nigger.
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they are right. Average men used to fuck more in the past.
Time ago the competition was the guys in the bar or so. Not every shit heads that contact her at work, on tinder, on instagram, etc.
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Meh the industrial age was a mistake
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people were more serious and realistic, women were mostly faithful and family-oriented

Delusional coper, women have always cheated. Where do you think all the myths of greek gods fucking wives to make demigods come from. Every story about a god fucking a woman was made up to cover up some cheating whore's lies.
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LOL @you saying this then liking the next post agreeing with me fucking dipshit

It’s never directly said that the present was worse or better.

Women have always been Cunts, but it was certainly better for men in a more conservative society.

So Kys coping ricecel
provide counter argument instead of laughing at them, preferably backed up by facts, big nigger.
Big nigger? Wot? Count arguments plenty have been posted already in that thread. Most men were actually incel as FUCK in middle ages etc. And top lords were doing all the fucking, they recently did some discovery that 3 million ppl in Ireland can trace themselves back to some old King a thousand years ago.

Lol I thought the low iq shithead copecels were all on incels.is looks like they've made it to looksmax now.
they are right. Average men used to fuck more in the past.
Time ago the competition was the guys in the bar or so. Not every shit heads that contact her at work, on tinder, on instagram, etc.
Maybe 20 years ago yeah like you say actually it was easier.

That coping faggot literally said "EVERY era before now was better" do you understand
Yeah now is one of the easiest times to be alive in the history of mankind. It's funny when I see people saying these copse as they live in a nice house with heating and air conditioning and some stupid job where all they do is sit on their ass all day meanwhile our ancestors millions of years ago had to hunt to survive and never had a moment of downtime other than to sleep
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99% of those posters are from 1st world countries and haven’t experienced real pain. If I see somebody acting like that In my presence, I get enraged at the thot that they think they are so desvering of everything.

“Muh canthal tilt, females are shallow, life is meaningless”

If they grew up in a environment where they had to fend for themselves they wouldn’t act like such beta bitches about 1 aspect of their life
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If they grew up in a environment where they had to fend for themselves they wouldn’t act like such beta bitches about 1 aspect of their life
It's funny they're always making fun of and insulting betas, "cucks" and "soyboys" they can't even see the irony that that's exactly what most of them are lol
It's funny they're always making fun of and insulting betas, "cucks" and "soyboys" they can't even see the irony that that's exactly what most of them are lol

Agreed. I’m all for the stuff they believe in and looksmaxing and stuff but if u keep on throwing old arguments which are already known, then there is a deeper problem I suspect besides the blackpill.

I saw some people post on other sites who have had a “not normal childhood” which might have affected them in some way and are afraid to fix the root because ignorance is bliss
Those low iq cretins at it again

Those low iq cretins at it again

Yeah not the industrial revolution. It's unironically giving women freedom of mate choice in marriage.
Those low iq cretins at it again

Just more aspie theories to write about while rotting
Dude,fucking stop,all your threads are about incels while pretending you're better than them,

I've seen your pic and you look like a troll,not a internet guy who shitposts rather those things that live under bridges.

Coping incels gtfo.
  • +1
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Everything that is distancing ourselves from a tribal-like hunter-gatherer ancestral living is a mistake. We are not evolutionary adapted to this world, everything novel you bring to the environment comes at a cost that one way or an another will outweigh the benefits.
  • +1
Reactions: CupOfCoffee, Autist, kobecel and 1 other person
Everything that is distancing ourselves from a tribal-like hunter-gatherer ancestral living is a mistake. We are not evolutionary adapted to this world, everything novel you bring to the environment comes at a cost that one way or an another will outweigh the benefits.
Will vaccines somehow come back to hurt us?
Before id be dead by now. It was better indeed
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel and androidcel
Will vaccines somehow come back to hurt us?

Hunter-gatherer suicide and depression rate is near absolute 0, their way of living does not lead to self-destruction at an individual level. And their mode of existence isn't destroying the planet with pollution and exploitation of the resources at a planetary level, therefore creating self-destruction danger at a worldwide level. So yes, vaccine makes overpopulation possible, individuals highly polluting survive, to our own demise. Nothing beats hunter-gatherer living, nothing, we can't go back to this though since we are too many for the territory and used up too many natural resources, we are doomed for real. JFL if you think this world makes any sense.
  • +1
Reactions: mojopin, CupOfCoffee and androidcel
Hunter-gatherer suicide and depression rate is near absolute 0, their way of living does not lead to self-destruction at an individual level. And their mode of existence isn't destroying the planet with pollution and exploitation of the resources at a planetary level, therefore creating self-destruction danger at a worldwide level. So yes, vaccine makes overpopulation possible, individuals highly polluting survive, to our own demise. Nothing beats hunter-gatherer living, nothing, we can't go back to this though since we are too many for the territory and used up too many natural resources, we are doomed for real. JFL if you think this world makes any sense.
I wish I could join a hunter gatherer tribe and never come back. Except there wouldn't be access to sunscreen and plastic surgeries
  • +1
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Everything that is distancing ourselves from a tribal-like hunter-gatherer ancestral living is a mistake. We are not evolutionary adapted to this world, everything novel you bring to the environment comes at a cost that one way or an another will outweigh the benefits.
Basically I feel like the boon in technology was too large and is happening too quick that there is not enough time for the human race to evolve to the point where technology has evolved to. We're all still primarily instinct driven creatures which (imo) does not work well with the intelligence and the toxic ideologies being spread that derive from it (muh freedom).
  • +1
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I wish I could join a hunter gatherer tribe and never come back. Except there wouldn't be access to sunscreen and plastic surgeries

Going back to ancestral living with your current understanding of the world and how you have been culturized would suck, would be too much of a shock, ignorance is bliss. Also, you wouldn't need sunscreen since you will be used to be outside from birth.
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, FatmanO and CupOfCoffee
Going back to ancestral living with your current understanding of the world and how you have been culturized would suck, would be too much of a shock, ignorance is bliss. Also, you wouldn't need sunscreen since you will be used to be outside from birth.
Imagine wanting to go back in time where there is a high chance of getting killed by an illness, nature or animals to fuck ugly monkey women
  • +1
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Today is the best time to be alive by most objective measures (GDP per capita, utility value of the average wage, life expectancy, violence/crime rates, etc.). But the spiritual emptiness and existential angst of the post-modern capitalist era is stil tormenting for anyone with a soul and mind to endure.
  • +1
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fuck you, this decade is fucking awful and its progressively getting worse
Imagine wanting to go back in time where there is a high chance of getting killed by an illness, nature or animals to fuck ugly monkey women

Still better than the modern foid even though I am not speaking of Homo erectus. Also, if we would all survive we would all die due to lack of resources, which is what we are trending towards, we are messing with the natural equilibrium, this isn't good.
  • +1
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I wish I could join a hunter gatherer tribe and never come back. Except there wouldn't be access to sunscreen and plastic surgeries
Just take some weapons and technology with you then be worshipped as a god whilst slaying primitive pussy
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, androidcel and CupOfCoffee
Just take some weapons and technology with you then be worshipped as a god whilst slaying primitive pussy
That's high IQ shit tbh
Just take some weapons and technology with you then be worshipped as a god whilst slaying primitive pussy
Neolithic culture may have kept most men from mating
"The bottleneck coincides with the Neolithic Revolution, a period of rapid technological innovation that gave rise to agriculture, the domestication of animals, permanent settlements, and a surge in transport technology. The changes in human culture might somehow have created new reproductive pressures that disproportionately impacted on males."

There was a decline of male diversity when humans took to agriculture
"Global collapse in genetic diversity of the males in contrast to that of females. Essentially this means there was an extreme reduction in the number of males who reproduced, but not a reduction in the number of females.

This appears to correlate with the timing of this major shift in subsistence, referred to by archaeologists as the Neolithic.

In fact, Y chromosome genetic data suggests this reduction at around 8,000 to 4,000 years ago."
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, FatmanO and mojopin
That's high IQ shit tbh
I studied heart of darkness for my a level literature coursework baby I know my shit. Similar stuff like this happened a few times irl but most of the time ended in human sacrifice and so forth
Neolithic culture may have kept most men from mating

There was a decline of male diversity when humans took to agriculture
"Global collapse in genetic diversity of the males in contrast to that of females. Essentially this means there was an extreme reduction in the number of males who reproduced, but not a reduction in the number of females.

This appears to correlate with the timing of this major shift in subsistence, referred to by archaeologists as the Neolithic.

In fact, Y chromosome genetic data suggests this reduction at around 8,000 to 4,000 years ago."
And thus inceldom was born
Just take some weapons and technology with you then be worshipped as a god whilst slaying primitive pussy
Neolithic culture may have kept most men from mating
"The bottleneck coincides with the Neolithic Revolution, a period of rapid technological innovation that gave rise to agriculture, the domestication of animals, permanent settlements, and a surge in transport technology. The changes in human culture might somehow have created new reproductive pressures that disproportionately impacted on males."

There was a decline of male diversity when humans took to agriculture
"Global collapse in genetic diversity of the males in contrast to that of females. Essentially this means there was an extreme reduction in the number of males who reproduced, but not a reduction in the number of females.

This appears to correlate with the timing of this major shift in subsistence, referred to by archaeologists as the Neolithic.

In fact, Y chromosome genetic data suggests this reduction at around 8,000 to 4,000 years ago."

The :blackpill: is the new evolutionary intellectual advantage converted in improved PSL that will create a new evolutionary bottleneck :feelsyay:
  • +1
Reactions: androidcel and The Dude Abides
Dude,fucking stop,all your threads are about incels while pretending you're better than them,

I've seen your pic and you look like a troll,not a internet guy who shitposts rather those things that live under bridges.

Coping incels gtfo.
As opposed to you, an actual basement dwelling troll that knows nothing and would OD on autism if ever actually left basement
It’s not a great time to live but when is? At least I can LDAR and smoke weed.
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel
As opposed to you, an actual basement dwelling troll that knows nothing and would OD on autism if ever actually left basement
Difference is I admit to being a incel,u pretend like you are not and are above incels.
Out of everyone here you're probably one of the few I mog.
  • +1
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OP is a fag.
  • +1
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Too many looksmax.me users spotted at that site
  • +1
Reactions: androidcel
Dude,fucking stop,all your threads are about incels while pretending you're better than them,

I've seen your pic and you look like a troll,not a internet guy who shitposts rather those things that live under bridges.

Coping incels gtfo.
He reminds me of MGTOW, or should I say Men SENT their own way, while looking down on incels. LOL, ironically all of these loosers need to look down on incels to fell good about themselves, because they are subhuman, but incels are blackpilled and know that looking down on others is pure cope.
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Not a cope.
  • +1
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It's official, the low iq cretins have left incels.is (for some reason) and come here

despair, and stuff

Also I don't look down on incels and think I'm above them, I look down on a specific brand of idiot incel, many of whom can be found itt

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