We need to stop pretending white people are more altruistic



Jan 2, 2019
I am so fucking sick of this meme that the reason whites let millions of immigrants into their countries is because of altruism/white guilt/compassion/whatever. It's so much fucking horseshit and cope. White people were some of the biggest racists ever just a century ago and had half the world enslaved lmao. The real reason this is happening is because the majority of white people are either upper or middle class and want an underclass of slaves that will do the shitty jobs and pay for their pensions while they rot in their old age. Or at least that is what they THINK they will get. Obviously things won't work out like that.....but that is what they think they will get and is why they support all this garbage. White compassion is a massive fake.

White people are no more altruistic than any other race this garbage meme/cope needs to die.
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They're letting in immigrants so the west doesn't die and the jews can stay in power for another generation.
get raped, didn't read
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name any other race that loves animals as much whites do.
all other races treat animals like shit (except maybe curries)
  • JFL
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name any other race that loves animals as much whites do.
all other races treat animals like shit (except maybe curries)
unexpected dogpill
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No bro it's the Joos.
name any other race that loves animals as much whites do.
all other races treat animals like shit (except maybe curries)
Whites are the best.
Jfl if u r hindu, black or other muslim shieet.
Whites are the best.
Jfl if u r hindu, black or other muslim shieet.
Opinions of subhumans like you make your arguement and side even more retarded
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Correct. The entire idea behind liberalism is that the elite want to continue having underlings. With the middle class gradually eroding into the poor, the number of willing underlings are dwindling. Hence, dig through the many coloreds around the world that believe in the American Dream TM.
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I am so fucking sick of this meme that the reason whites let millions of immigrants into their countries is because of altruism/white guilt/compassion/whatever. It's so much fucking horseshit and cope. White people were some of the biggest racists ever just a century ago and had half the world enslaved lmao. The real reason this is happening is because the majority of white people are either upper or middle class and want an underclass of slaves that will do the shitty jobs and pay for their pensions while they rot in their old age. Or at least that is what they THINK they will get. Obviously things won't work out like that.....but that is what they think they will get and is why they support all this garbage. White compassion is a massive fake.

White people are no more altruistic than any other race this garbage meme/cope needs to die.
I have one issue with this theory:
This makes sense for the employment class immigrants that we let in. But what about the refugees we let in who don't have jobs? What about the family class immigrants (who come here to reunite with the employment class immigrants we imported earlier)? Letting in refugees and family class migrants is alruistic. Yes refugees and family class migrants can get jobs. But refugees have very poor employment prospects here. Family class migrants fair a bit better employment wise. If you bring an Indian computer programmer to Canada and then bring his wife over a few years later, his wife might be able to get a part-time job at Wal-Mart or McDonald's or something. But I recall that like 40% of the population at homeless centers in Toronto are refugees brah. It's insane. They are bringing in all these people and we don't have an economic role for them to fill.

And there's not even enough jobs out there for the native-born ciitzens, let alone the immigrants. The immigrants who do get jobs are also depressing wages so much that native-born citizen NEETs like me have no motivation to work. Like why the fuck am I going to work for $14 CAD/hr ($10.73 US/hr) working a shitty job where I am getting yelled at by my employer to work faster, etc. when I can just live with my boomer dad with his paid off mortgage and nest egg and live the NEET lifestyle?
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I have one issue with this theory:
This makes sense for the employment class immigrants that we let in. But what about the refugees we let in who don't have jobs? What about the family class immigrants (who come here to reunite with the employment class immigrants we imported earlier)? Letting in refugees and family class migrants is alruistic. Yes refugees and family class migrants can get jobs. But refugees have very poor employment prospects here. Family class migrants fair a bit better employment wise. If you bring an Indian computer programmer to Canada and then bring his wife over a few years later, his wife might be able to get a part-time job at Wal-Mart or McDonald's or something. But I recall that like 40% of the population at homeless centers in Toronto are refugees brah. It's insane. They are bringing in all these people and we don't have an economic role for them to fill.

And there's not even enough jobs out there for the native-born ciitzens, let alone the immigrants. The immigrants who do get jobs are also depressing wages so much that native-born citizen NEETs like me have no motivation to work. Like why the fuck am I going to work for $14 CAD/hr ($10.73 US/hr) working a shitty job where I am getting yelled at by my employer to work faster, etc. when I can just live with my boomer dad with his paid off mortgage and nest egg and live the NEET lifestyle?

Politicians benefit because they go on welfare where they become permanent establishment voters who will ONLY vote for the party promising them more freebies. Couple this with the fact that they are ignorant and too stupid to understand that they are being exploited and you have a poor underclass that is easy to control. Also consider that robots will make 90% of the population useless within 50 years, which is roughly the time it will take to get rid of the white majority throughout the west. At that point, everybody will have to go on welfare anyway so in the end the powers that be aren't even really losing anything.

Blackpill described it perfectly:

They're letting in immigrants so the west doesn't die and the jews can stay in power for another generation.

HAHHAHHAHAH no their letting them in cause they want globalism they want a nwo not me saying this but their word's they want agenda 2020 they want it so when the communist goverement's you can't escape they control everything you piss them off they will get drone's to kill you where are you gonna go to when the boot's come marching done or when the drone's come trying to kill you or if the goverement is really pissed they'll just carpet bomb an entire area that's why they want immigrant's in
The real reason this is happening is because the majority of white people are either upper or middle class and want an underclass of slaves that will do the shitty jobs and pay for their pensions while they rot in their old age.

you might be right. upper class whites don't show any compassion to working class whites. they treat the white working class with the same prejudice and hostility that they imagine working class whites have for immigrants. ok maybe whites aren't as altruistic as we thought, but their diffidently more individualist than other races, this selfish individualism is why whites will screw over their own race for their own personal comfort.
just compare how arabs treat their indian/ethopian/phillipino worker and you will realise the difference

another thing would be how whites treat dogs and cats compared to ethnics

whites = sentient and altruistic
just compare how arabs treat their indian/ethopian/phillipino worker and you will realise the difference

another thing would be how whites treat dogs and cats compared to ethnics

whites = sentient and altruistic

Cope. Whites were treated like utter shit during the early days of the industrial revolution and this only started changing once the capitalists concluded it was more profitable to simply outsource production to other nations where other people can treat them like shit for them so that they can act pure and clean. Do you think apple gives a shit about the working conditions of the third world slaves that are building their stuff for them?

Truth to be told the only reason westerners are rich is because of third world exploitation. How much do you think an iphone would cost if everybody involved in it's production was paid a decent wage and the factory required to provide decent working conditions and follow safety regulations? I don't think people really understand how fucked up the world is. The third world is literally just a glorified colony for developed countries. White people are only rich because they force third worlders to produce their shit for them for a wage and conditions that most white people would find horrific.

Actually, this is actually a flawless example of how the "success" of capitalism is largely an illusion. People claim communist states are evil because of the gulag and that they only functioned because of forced labor/slavery, and yet the only major difference is that communists enslaved their own people while the capitalists simply keep their slaves out of sight in other nations so that they can pretend it works in their home nations.
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you will never such thing in the western world. ethnics treat people below them like absolutely subhumans.
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you will never such thing in the western world. ethnics treat people below them like absolutely subhumans.
medieval europe.

get rekt skrub
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you will never such thing in the western world. ethnics treat people below them like absolutely subhumans.

Medieval europe had punishments that were 50x more brutal. They also were very ruthless towards their slaves.
just lol at admitting that ethnics are 500 years behind
just lol at admitting that ethnics are 500 years behind
they are muslim. ofc they are more than 500 years behind.
compare that to other ethnics. this is a retarded arguement you are using since its the same as calling all white people nazis
they are muslim. ofc they are more than 500 years behind.
compare that to other ethnics. this is a retarded arguement you are using since its the same as calling all white people nazis

Africans are way worse off than the middle east. In fact it's questionable if they can even be considered civilized at all since every single nation they run without exception becomes a failed state. At least nations like Iran have an actually functioning society.
Africans are way worse off than the middle east. In fact it's questionable if they can even be considered civilized at all since every single nation they run without exception becomes a failed state. At least nations like Iran have an actually functioning society.
fuck civilisation .
I have one issue with this theory:
This makes sense for the employment class immigrants that we let in. But what about the refugees we let in who don't have jobs? What about the family class immigrants (who come here to reunite with the employment class immigrants we imported earlier)? Letting in refugees and family class migrants is alruistic. Yes refugees and family class migrants can get jobs. But refugees have very poor employment prospects here. Family class migrants fair a bit better employment wise. If you bring an Indian computer programmer to Canada and then bring his wife over a few years later, his wife might be able to get a part-time job at Wal-Mart or McDonald's or something. But I recall that like 40% of the population at homeless centers in Toronto are refugees brah. It's insane. They are bringing in all these people and we don't have an economic role for them to fill.

And there's not even enough jobs out there for the native-born ciitzens, let alone the immigrants. The immigrants who do get jobs are also depressing wages so much that native-born citizen NEETs like me have no motivation to work. Like why the fuck am I going to work for $14 CAD/hr ($10.73 US/hr) working a shitty job where I am getting yelled at by my employer to work faster, etc. when I can just live with my boomer dad with his paid off mortgage and nest egg and live the NEET lifestyle?

illegal work legit bhai
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Over if you are not white

Just kill yourself imo

illegal work legit bhai
Yeah some refugees and other migrant labour may be working for cash underneath the table for less than minimum wage and the employer and employee are often dodging taxes in that instance. This would give them the ability to out-compete native-born labour for jobs. Someone like me has to be paid minimum wage and then I have to pay taxes and the employer has to pay their own taxes too. The government gets a nice slice of the pie. It's cheaper for them to hire people illegally
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Even when western whites kept slaves they still treated them better than other races. In Iraq they had way more and treated them brutally and always castrated them.
Even when western whites kept slaves they still treated them better than other races. In Iraq they had way more and treated them brutally and always castrated them.

Uh, this is no different from how they were treated in the west. Slaves there were also often castrated. They were seen as nothing more than property and in many cases stored in cages. Even as late as the 1900's some african slaves in the colonies had their hands chopped of as punishment. Stop trying to whitewash history.
Uh, this is no different from how they were treated in the west. Slaves there were also often castrated. They were seen as nothing more than property and in many cases stored in cages. Even as late as the 1900's some african slaves in the colonies had their hands chopped of as punishment. Stop trying to whitewash history.
If you mean the US then slavery was abolished soon after the civil war. If you're talking about elsewhere they probably weren't Western whites, and they can vary greatly. Great Britain was sinking slave ships in the early 1800s.

Whites abolished open slavery around the world. The modern slave trade isn't in white areas.
it's how racists cope
I am so fucking sick of this meme that the reason whites let millions of immigrants into their countries is because of altruism/white guilt/compassion/whatever. It's so much fucking horseshit and cope. White people were some of the biggest racists ever just a century ago and had half the world enslaved lmao. The real reason this is happening is because the majority of white people are either upper or middle class and want an underclass of slaves that will do the shitty jobs and pay for their pensions while they rot in their old age. Or at least that is what they THINK they will get. Obviously things won't work out like that.....but that is what they think they will get and is why they support all this garbage. White compassion is a massive fake.

White people are no more altruistic than any other race this garbage meme/cope needs to die.

Except the dont want to let them in, all polls show the majority of whites DONT want subhumans into their country, it's being DONE to them against their will
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Except the dont want to let them in, all polls show the majority of whites DONT want subhumans into their country, it's being DONE to them against their will

Cope. In the US polls show most people disagree with Trump in immigration and they do so as well in Europe. And if they really cared they would not be voting for the pro-immigration parties over and over.

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