we were all meant to be beautiful

Deleted member 10615

Deleted member 10615

Brachy pride worldwide
Nov 5, 2020
just imagine if all of us had an enviroment as intended by god
no weak chin, no jew nose, great maxilla, wide face, good zygos,
none of us would be here we would all be living life fucking girls not worriying about saving up for surgeries or worriying about that girl you like not texting back, no self esteem problems, i want you to just imagine right now how diffrent your life would be if you were pefectly forward grown how we were all supposed to be i'd wager you wouldn't be here you would probably be outside enjoying life not rotting in your room or wherever

this is the true blackpill the fact you could of had it all but because of modern lifestyle or bad luck you had it all taken away being none the wiser because when we were all little boys none of us knew about mewing, or chewing or posture or whatever it is that contributes to forward growth

and in before no enviroment for my race or balding or whatever problem you will say get fucked thats a cope so you don't kill yourself don't wory it makes me want to kill myself aswell
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guys lets have a disscusion below im bored
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But bro0o0 this is your only chance at life, make the best out of it 🥰
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But bro0o0 this is your only chance at life, make the best out of it 🥰
there is no fucking point there is no surgery or re roll at life so you can go back and fix bad enviroment surgery can't even save you surgery is cope there is only pain, despair lonliness and rotting now
Once again why do people blame their shitty genes on their environment
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The agricultural revolution was the biggest fraud in human history. It promised leisure and it turned most people subhuman for some funni plants.

It was not we who domesticated crops, but that crops domesticated US.
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Once again why do people blame their shitty genes on their environment
your such a fucking coping little rat, genes only determine, eye area, hair genes/balding, lips, race and phenotype, i guarantee if you morphed anyone who had 'bad genetics' with forward growth they would end up being beautiful stop coping, genes only play a role in pheno and any forward grown pheno can slay pretty much and im white saying that there is a 5ft5 sea kid in my school who slays and he is the only person ive EVER seen irl with perfect forward growth so keep coping
  • JFL
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Once again why do people blame their shitty genes on their environment

yes, you inherited ur dads shitty forward growth proving that genes play the biggest role tbh
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  • JFL
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your such a fucking coping little rat, genes only determine, eye area, hair genes/balding, lips, race and phenotype, i guarantee if you morphed anyone who had 'bad genetics' with forward growth they would end up being beautiful stop coping, genes only play a role in pheno and any forward grown pheno can slay pretty much and im white saying that there is a 5ft5 sea kid in my school who slays and he is the only person ive EVER seen irl with perfect forward growth so keep coping
u know why he’s forward grown? It’s in his genes you dumb fuck. What you think he did so drastically different to have good forward growth? Your fucking stupid it’s all genes your jaw, height and everything else including mental health. You just have shit genes nothing would have changed it
  • Hmm...
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The agricultural revolution was the biggest fraud in human history. It promised leisure and it turned most people subhuman for some funni plants.

It was not we who domesticated crops, but that crops domesticated US.
we should of lived how we were living 1000 years ago we would all be chads then and there would be no virgins life would be like a constant orgy evaloution was a mistake we have doomed modern men into a sex drought
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u know why he’s forward grown? It’s in his genes you dumb fuck. What you think he did so drastically different to have good forward growth? Your fucking stupid it’s all genes your jaw, height and everything else including mental health. You just have shit genes nothing would have changed it
your coping so hard only things that genes give you are, phenotype, height, frame, and hair/eyes everything else is enviroment, forward growth is life
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People were genetically predestined to have larger than average brains that thought of things like agriculture therefore leading you to this point
Your brain might be big but your jaw aint
Ever event since the beginning is predetermined and can be calculated
You were always meant to be ugly
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People were genetically predestined to have larger than average brains that thought of things like agriculture therefore leading you to this point
Your brain might be big but your jaw aint
Ever event since the beginning is predetermined and can be calculated
You were always meant to be ugly
cope just a couple 100 years ago everyone was forward grown and our brains barley changed since then cope with your tin foil hat theroys
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cope just a couple 100 years ago everyone was forward grown and our brains barley changed since then cope with your tin foil hat theroys
But due to their brain comp which was decided by genes their children ended up being lazy fucks or they themselves created plastics due to high intelligence
That intelligence is genetic
Due to that they fucked over their kids
So you got fucked cause of someone elses genes
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i'd rather not think about what could've been

too much is different to focus on the past.
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But due to their brain comp which was decided by genes their children ended up being lazy fucks or they themselves created plastics due to high intelligence
That intelligence is genetic
Due to that they fucked over their kids
So you got fucked cause of someone elses genes
and now i will make the world pay :feelsokman:
  • +1
Half of men are below average. This is true no matter what. Women choose the best they can get, and so even if we assume that everyone would be huge jaw chad, 6’3 tall, most men would still be out of luck. Most men were out of luck long before jesus was born, and most men are still out of luck.
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u know why he’s forward grown? It’s in his genes you dumb fuck. What you think he did so drastically different to have good forward growth? Your fucking stupid it’s all genes your jaw, height and everything else including mental health. You just have shit genes nothing would have changed it
recession is 100% environmental
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Youngbuffet, Deleted member 9344, Deleted member 9699 and 4 others
Half of men are below average. This is true no matter what. Women choose the best they can get, and so even if we assume that everyone would be huge jaw chad, 6’3 tall, most men would still be out of luck. Most men were out of luck long before jesus was born, and most men are still out of luck.
how can half of men be below average since they are the highest number, and it doesn't matter if you are completly forward grown in this time of the world 21st century you will slay because almost no one is forward grown
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recession is 100% environmental
is this true though?

I mean in Asians for example its shown they have on average flatter maxillary projection which seems to be able to be inherited.
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u know why he’s forward grown? It’s in his genes you dumb fuck. What you think he did so drastically different to have good forward growth? Your fucking stupid it’s all genes your jaw, height and everything else including mental health. You just have shit genes nothing would have changed it
muh all genetics
F1E25657 C505 41C9 9D3D EDDACB0239B1
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, and it doesn't matter if you are completly forward grown in this time of the world 21st century you will slay because almost no one is forward grown
hey well I mean we are all recessed compared to say, the moggers of the past.

but as long as it is fixable (and don't need a lot of movement) or don't need realistically any surgery (lucky I know right!) you should be a okay my friend.

and if you are severely recessed fear not. you can ascend as well with surgery (you obviously won't be gl, but hey better to improve your health and looks a bit no, you probably have bigger problems if you are this anyway besides being incel or whatever)
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is this true though?

I mean in Asians for example its shown they have on average flatter maxillary projection which seems to be able to be inherited.
they're not recessed meaning malocclusion and bad airways it's just phenotypical variation
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recession is 100% environmental
Main qimg 7082603dfabffff86e15ddc25b1f2163
you think this poor guyis like this because of his genes? think again it was a lifetime of mouthbreathing, no human was ever intended to be recessed it only happens now because of the modern world giving people a terrible enviroment and every single thing is almost set against them so they can't acheive forward growth
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  • JFL
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View attachment 938973 you think this poor guyis like this because of his genes? think again it was a lifetime of mouthbreathing, no human was ever intended to be recessed it only happens now because of the modern world giving people a terrible enviroment and every single thing is almost set against them so they can't acheive forward growth
it's mainly genetic with some environmental influence
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hey well I mean we are all recessed compared to say, the moggers of the past.

but as long as it is fixable (and don't need a lot of movement) or don't need realistically any surgery (lucky I know right!) you should be a okay my friend.

and if you are severely recessed fear not. you can ascend as well with surgery (you obviously won't be gl, but hey better to improve your health and looks a bit no, you probably have bigger problems if you are this anyway besides being incel or whatever)
i'm not recessed im just not forward grown im somewhere in the middle but yes surgery is always an option for people i guess but nothing can replicate the real thing
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it's mainly genetic with some environmental influence
no that is enviroment he is like that from a life time of mouthbreathing the poor guy isn't like that because of his genes, humans aren't created to be recessed its not in the genes
no that is enviroment he is like that from a life time of mouthbreathing the poor guy isn't like that because of his genes, humans aren't created to be recessed its not in the genes
some people such as myself are just born unlucky
generic defects exist
dn rd but the only thing that matters is how beautiful you are on the inside ✨
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Once again why do people blame their shitty genes on their environment
Enviroment play a role, but yes ugly and beautiful people have always existed

I mean have you seen a bunch of puppies for sale? Some dogs are cute others ugly, same mother
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u know why he’s forward grown? It’s in his genes you dumb fuck. What you think he did so drastically different to have good forward growth? Your fucking stupid it’s all genes your jaw, height and everything else including mental health. You just have shit genes nothing would have changed it
why has recession/malocclusion become increasingly prevalent since agriculture if forward growth is 100% genetic??

malocclusion pretty much didn't exist before agriculture btw

and jfl at saying mental health is 100% genetic, so ur mental health would be equally fucked up if you grew up in a normal loving environment with a great family?
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some people such as myself are just born unlucky
generic defects exist
yes i guess your right like some people can be born with a terrible pheno or bad height, or breathing problems or severe acne but even then ive seen someone with bad pheno and terrible height slay, 5ft5 philliphino kid in my year is a heartthrob girls love him only person ive ever seen with almost perfect forward growth i can pm pictures if u want to see
based neo-luddite
it's mainly genetic with some environmental influence
They love the idea of environment so that they can blame their parents for something they didn't do other than pass them their genes

But even then, genetic recombination has the last word on everything so you can't really blame anything but bare luck
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show me him
yes i guess your right like some people can be born with a terrible pheno or bad height, or breathing problems or severe acne but even then ive seen someone with bad pheno and terrible height slay, 5ft5 philliphino kid in my year is a heartthrob girls love him only person ive ever seen with almost perfect forward growth i can pm pictures if u want to see
They love the idea of environment so that they can blame their parents for something they didn't do other than pass them their genes

But even then, genetic recombination has the last word on everything so you can't really blame anything but bare luck
at the end of the day it's all down to chance
Sure some environmental factors play a role but they're minimal
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i'm not recessed im just not forward grown im somewhere in the middle but yes surgery is always an option for people i guess but nothing can replicate the real thing
so you mean recessed, but not recessed enough for say a surgery?

same maybe me but im deliberating on whether or not i will do any, honestly i am not sure
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Really good thread OP, fuck my parents for being low IQ
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so you mean recessed, but not recessed enough for say a surgery?

same maybe me but im deliberating on whether or not i will do any, honestly i am not sure
upper maxilla is okay decent zygos and undereyes and wide head but chin is very mediocre maybe recssed slightly and don't have good bite but acne and fat distrubution is my main falio
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WE ARE ............
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They love the idea of environment so that they can blame their parents for something they didn't do other than pass them their genes

But even then, genetic recombination has the last word on everything so you can't really blame anything but bare luck
unless you are syndromatic I don't think you can just say malocclusion is genetic.

unless you have a genetic breathing problem that coincides with you becoming recessed over time or something
Half of men are below average. This is true no matter what. Women choose the best they can get, and so even if we assume that everyone would be huge jaw chad, 6’3 tall, most men would still be out of luck. Most men were out of luck long before jesus was born, and most men are still out of luck.
What if the mobility in hypergamy is more based on the spectrum of men's value rather than men's value relative to another? If the spectrum was tightened to the existence of only men who've fulfilled their genetic potentials (through optimal growth) then I believe we'd see less hypergamy.

It appears that most hypergamous upward mobility is escaping out of the sub-normie range, with a high falloff after that. Pursuits after that would be sport vanity. If every man we're good looking but not gorgeous, I think there's be very few losers and that the competition (if being graded on a curve) only exists because the ugliness floor has dropped to such low subhuman levels (broadening the spectrum.)
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just imagine if all of us had an enviroment as intended by god
no weak chin, no jew nose, great maxilla, wide face, good zygos,
none of us would be here we would all be living life fucking girls not worriying about saving up for surgeries or worriying about that girl you like not texting back, no self esteem problems, i want you to just imagine right now how diffrent your life would be if you were pefectly forward grown how we were all supposed to be i'd wager you wouldn't be here you would probably be outside enjoying life not rotting in your room or wherever

this is the true blackpill the fact you could of had it all but because of modern lifestyle or bad luck you had it all taken away being none the wiser because when we were all little boys none of us knew about mewing, or chewing or posture or whatever it is that contributes to forward growth

and in before no enviroment for my race or balding or whatever problem you will say get fucked thats a cope so you don't kill yourself don't wory it makes me want to kill myself aswellView attachment 938938guys lets have a disscusion below im bored
Bruh what makes you think wide faces are always attractive. Tall mogs, f*ck the PSL community.
Bruh what makes you think wide faces are always attractive. Tall mogs, f*ck the PSL community.
lol is that all you really took from that bro?
wide is good because it looks masculine and gives of good fwhr and a tall skull does not look good without it having any width to it

i would rather have short wide skull then tall narrow skull everyday of the week
JFL at the retards ITT thinking genetics are why people are recessed
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What if the mobility in hypergamy is more based on the spectrum of men's value rather than men's value relative to another? If the spectrum was tightened to the existence of only men who've fulfilled their genetic potentials (through optimal growth) then I believe we'd see less hypergamy.

It appears that most hypergamous upward mobility is escaping out of the sub-normie range, with a high falloff after that. Pursuits after that would be sport vanity. If every man we're good looking but not gorgeous, I think there's be very few losers and that the competition (if being graded on a curve) only exists because the ugliness floor has dropped to such low subhuman levels (broadening the spectrum.)
That is interesting and I think we can already see some examples of this in places like america where you essentially have the lowest smv people like indians and central americans, the highest smv people like whites, and everyone else in between, all living together.

It does seem that hypergamy is worse here, especially because the culture provides almost no restrictions on who can date or marry or fuck who they want. So a bunch of asian ladies get with white guys, leaving the asian men at the bottom of the smv hierarchy with no recourse. But of course in china pretty much every asian guy has a girlfriend because everyone there is asian so theyre not at the bottom of the smv hierarchy.

So it seems that like you say if everyone was closer in smv then it would be better for men, with less hypergamy. But if we assume in america, everyone had fulfilled their genetic potential, no recession, no developmental problems, then we are still pretty much in the same situation because a south asian with perfect development is still at the bottom of the smv hierarchy compared to a norweigan or dutch man with perfect development
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