were you actually ,,bluepilled'' pre psl



i cope thefore i exist
Jul 16, 2019
because i wasnt. i was always aware of how much power looks held just didnt know cheekbones jaw brows ramus mandible lord eppley etc.
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Wasted years of my life with pua bullshit and then another year on the red pill.

I have even attended a RSD free tour, JFL
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I wanted Brad Pitt’s nose and jaw from the age of 13 1/2.

I also wanted to be ripped and shit from the age of 10, I guess I always wanted to be physically attractive tbh.
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Yes, because I never cared about this stuff before
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i always found my nose unttractive and believed that beauty is somehow objective
i always found my nose unttractive and believed that beauty is somehow objective
beauty is objective once you have basics. there are fuckton of good looking man/women and they look different.
lima and belucci look different.
pitt and leo look different
depp and cruise look different etc.
I was blackpilled since the day i was born just like nature intented it to be. Fuark even when i was not busy with my looks at a young age my parents always were talking about it.

It is only the ones that watch the media who fall into the bluepill state.
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I thought that i was very gl but aspie. It turns out that i'm both ugly and aspie. I can't accept this to this day
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I wouldn’t say bluepilled completely because i noticed how much looks mattered
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Yes. I was. I would go for the prettiest girl in my class thinking I had a chance because beauty is subjective, and it doesn't matter and she could like my personality. Just lol @ me
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I was blackpilled since the day i was born just like nature intented it to be. Fuark even when i was not busy with my looks at a young age my parents always were talking about it.

It is only the ones that watch the media who fall into the bluepill state.
like talking about the fact that you were gl ?
at a young age i was always complimented for beeing gl among my pheno, so i know from the begining the impact of beauty. Not any other kid as far as i recall, as a kid, get that amount of love and attention, due mostly to look tbh, as far as i know IRL.
@Felix97 and @streege what's funny about it
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Not at all, I believed in PUA until last year :lul:

This believe got reinforced because I started getting attention from girls at the same time I started learning about it despite not applying any PUA bs on my interactions
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like talking about the fact that you were gl ?
at a young age i was always complimented for beeing gl among my pheno, so i know from the begining the impact of beauty. Not any other kid as far as i recall, as a kid, get that amount of love and attention, due mostly to look tbh, as far as i know IRL.
same. i was cute twink kid and older girls were always kissing and petting me at school. in ee there are no hs etc. 6 and 18 yos stay in same school-->>>uni. also girls of my age catcalling/calling me to come over and talk to them etc. sounds like humblebrag but not many were in such situation so i grew awarness or something. i dont look as good as adult ironically
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same. i was cute twink kid and older girls were always kissing and petting me at school. in ee there are no hs etc. 6 and 18 yos stay in same school-->>>uni. also girls of my age catcalling/calling me to come over and talk to them etc. sounds like humblebrag but not many were in such situation so i grew awarness or something. i dont look as good as adult ironically
exactly the fucking same, puberty make me look way worse, despite the fact that it make most kids better looking.
It is what it is
honestly you cant be ,,blackpilled'' by default without being told by autists online if you arent gl or very ugly.
exactly the fucking same, puberty make me look way worse, despite the fact that it make most kids better looking.
It is what it is
age hits prettyboys hardest boyo. i look like shit in comparsion 13-14 to 21
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like talking about the fact that you were gl ?
at a young age i was always complimented for beeing gl among my pheno, so i know from the begining the impact of beauty. Not any other kid as far as i recall, as a kid, get that amount of love and attention, due mostly to look tbh, as far as i know IRL.
Tbh as a kid they would give me all the love bcs i was goodlooking.

Once i hit puberty and was an acne ridden manlet they would ignore me much more and show me less love, also would threathen me with regretting having me and sending me to a Orphonage etc.

Then when i got a height spurt (went from 5´9 to 6´2) and lost my acne and got good looking at 18 (got a better jaw and chin, also lost under eye circles and better hair quality), also the time i bought a new car and bought my own small apartment. They started to ¨love¨ me again and trying to contact me. I am currently not in contact with any of my parents except my little brother and other family members like aunts etc.
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Tbh as a kid they would give me all the love bcs i was goodlooking.

Once i hit puberty and was an acne ridden manlet they would ignore me much more and show me less love, also would threathen me with regretting having me and sending me to a Orphonage etc.

Then when i got a height spurt (went from 5´9 to 6´2) and lost my acne and got good looking at 18 (got a better jaw and chin, also lost under eye circles and better hair quality), also the time i bought a new car and bought my own small apartment. They started to ¨love¨ me again and trying to contact me. I am currently not in contact with any of my parents except my little brother and other family members like aunts etc.
thats fucking brutal. aspiesdotnet made similar thread on lookism saying his mom treats him like crap when he rotmaxxes doesnt shave and gains bloat :feelskek: while going to school work if he has etc. living same life but looking worse
Not completely. At least I’ve always been kinda redpilled when it comes to money aka I never believed in the “as long as you have a good career girls will come to you” saga
Not completely. At least I’ve always been kinda redpilled when it comes to money aka I never believed in the “as long as you have a good career girls will come to you” saga
honestly money will drop panties jfl if you think it doesnt. wont get them too wet but whatever better than nothing
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I was bluepilled about females, in a respect whamen kind of way
was relatively more blackpilled about looks in general tho
thats fucking brutal. aspiesdotnet made similar thread on lookism saying his mom treats him like crap when he rotmaxxes doesnt shave and gains bloat :feelskek: while going to school work if he has etc. living same life but looking worse

Even our own parents judge us on our looks. Life is brutal
This is why even after i looksmaxxed to this point i will always be depressed.

Girls that would ignore me back then like me now and i know they dont care about my personality.
My parents only love me depending on how i look/how much money i make

If this doesnt drive you to the blackpill idk what does
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honestly money will drop panties jfl if you think it doesnt. wont get them too wet but whatever better than nothing
Yes but I’ve desired this kind of relationships
jfl anyone here thinking we know something groundbreaking tbh
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Tbh as a kid they would give me all the love bcs i was goodlooking.

Once i hit puberty and was an acne ridden manlet they would ignore me much more and show me less love, also would threathen me with regretting having me and sending me to a Orphonage etc.

Then when i got a height spurt (went from 5´9 to 6´2) and lost my acne and got good looking at 18 (got a better jaw and chin, also lost under eye circles and better hair quality), also the time i bought a new car and bought my own small apartment. They started to ¨love¨ me again and trying to contact me. I am currently not in contact with any of my parents except my little brother and other family members like aunts etc.
it's just so sad.... bro i feel you. I really wish you the best, it's like insane to have this kind of parents... Mine are so good always with me. i'm ungrateful...
because i wasnt. i was always aware of how much power looks held just didnt know cheekbones jaw brows ramus mandible lord eppley etc.
No,I have always known that people are not born equal.
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honestly you cant be ,,blackpilled'' by default without being told by autists online if you arent gl or very ugly.

age hits prettyboys hardest boyo. i look like shit in comparsion 13-14 to 21
at least i'm looking better than i did few years ago due to good bone structure, and i hope to only gets better with age. prettyboymaxxing is hard way without bones.
Was bluepilled
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Girls that would ignore me back then like me now and i know they dont care about my personality.
My parents only love me depending on how i look/how much money i make

If this doesnt drive you to the blackpill idk what does
tbh i always try to not act like that. I'm too sensitive to only judge by looks, and want to help people.
At least others people like me does exist. But definitively the biggest issue is to find a gl woman in your eyes when you are objectively bad looking. Life is quite unfair in these aspects.
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Even our own parents judge us on our looks. Life is brutal
This is why even after i looksmaxxed to this point i will always be depressed.

Girls that would ignore me back then like me now and i know they dont care about my personality.
My parents only love me depending on how i look/how much money i make

If this doesnt drive you to the blackpill idk what does
Extremely true
at least i'm looking better than i did few years ago due to good bone structure, and i hope to only gets better with age. prettyboymaxxing is hard way without bones.
You have good bones bro, you have some zygo/jaw definition despite being fucking 30% bodyfat.

Just imagine yourself on 13-15% you will look insanely good.
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Not at all, I believed in PUA until last year :lul:

This believe got reinforced because I started getting attention from girls at the same time I started learning about it despite not applying any PUA bs on my interactions
more in details boyo? sounds like you are gling
I used to be pretty decent looking and got worse looking. That's what blackpilled me the most. I always understood the blackpill instinctually but just didn't want to believe it to cope or something plus most people are bluepilled and I wasn't on online forums or anything like that until recently.
People constantly telling me to my face that I'm ugly meant that there was absolutely no way I was bluepilled. When I discovered the blackpill and PSL everything made sense
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I've always known... I've always noticed good looking guys and bad looking guys.
Always known my own defects as well.

I've also witnessed how certain guys were treated differently by girls in the workplace and in education.

Blackpill has given me the science behind the experiences so it all makes sense now.
I knew how important looks were, but I still thought I was pretty good looking. Basically just deluded asf.
People constantly telling me to my face that I'm ugly meant that there was absolutely no way I was bluepilled. When I discovered the blackpill and PSL everything made sense
thats gotta hurt boyo
more in details boyo? sounds like you are gling

Basically I was extremely shy in hs, I'd talk to anyone, then I found out about PUA and started slowly to improve my skills to a normal level, it was on the same period that I started to look better facially, and I changed schools.

On the new school, I didn't know anyone in my class, on the first week I was the second most voted to be the leader of the class based on nothing, on the first or second week a girl received a bouquet of flowers from her (ex)-boyfriend, everyone on the class saw how mad she got about it and I remember seeing her calling him, later I found out she was interested in me (she was ugly tbh, but I was kissless at the time so, why not) and we stayed together for 2 days, on the first day she told me that she was mad at her ex because she thought that me seeing her receiving flowers would mean she was taken and I wouldn't be interested in her :lul:

After that, there were other occasions were girls simply approached me asking to join them...

The most important situation was when I was with a friend and two girls approached us on the school restaurant, they were selling some candies, long story short, we talked with them for like less than 5 minutes then I went take some water and one of the girls came running to me to say that her friend was interested in me, she pull me and her friend to the female restroom near where I was drinking water and we kissed for some time... now the best part

- She later told me that she was interested in me because of the way I looked her from top to bottom (I don't remember doing this at all tbh) (also JFL, as if it would work if I were ugly and a 5'6 manlet)

- She had a fucking boyfriend! (almost 2 years of relationship with him)

- I lost my V with her :lul: while she was still in a relationship with the cuck

Later he found out because I sent her a message on Tumblr and he had her password and saw it :lul:

There were other girls too, like one who was from another school but her bus always passed near my school to get some kids and she asked a girl if she knew me to get my facebook (we went to the cinema and kissed there the whole movie, but I don't remember seeing her after that, we probably talked for a couple of days, nothing more)

In short, none of the girls that I've kissed since when I first started learning PUA years ago in HS was because of PUA, I just started acting normal
Bluepilled af in terms of looks but was redpilled on politics/banking
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Basically I was extremely shy in hs, I'd talk to anyone, then I found out about PUA and started slowly to improve my skills to a normal level, it was on the same period that I started to look better facially, and I changed schools.

On the new school, I didn't know anyone in my class, on the first week I was the second most voted to be the leader of the class based on nothing, on the first or second week a girl received a bouquet of flowers from her (ex)-boyfriend, everyone on the class saw how mad she got about it and I remember seeing her calling him, later I found out she was interested in me (she was ugly tbh, but I was kissless at the time so, why not) and we stayed together for 2 days, on the first day she told me that she was mad at her ex because she thought that me seeing her receiving flowers would mean she was taken and I wouldn't be interested in her :lul:

After that, there were other occasions were girls simply approached me asking to join them...

The most important situation was when I was with a friend and two girls approached us on the school restaurant, they were selling some candies, long story short, we talked with them for like less than 5 minutes then I went take some water and one of the girls came running to me to say that her friend was interested in me, she pull me and her friend to the female restroom near where I was drinking water and we kissed for some time... now the best part

- She later told me that she was interested in me because of the way I looked her from top to bottom (I don't remember doing this at all tbh) (also JFL, as if it would work if I were ugly and a 5'6 manlet)

- She had a fucking boyfriend! (almost 2 years of relationship with him)

- I lost my V with her :lul: while she was still in a relationship with the cuck

Later he found out because I sent her a message on Tumblr and he had her password and saw it :lul:

There were other girls too, like one who was from another school but her bus always passed near my school to get some kids and she asked a girl if she knew me to get my facebook (we went to the cinema and kissed there the whole movie, but I don't remember seeing her after that, we probably talked for a couple of days, nothing more)

In short, none of the girls that I've kissed since when I first started learning PUA years ago in HS was because of PUA, I just started acting normal
slayer. You've got me angry
nah average rn, above with low bf
oh you was that bluepilled guy?
  • JFL
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Basically I was extremely shy in hs, I'd talk to anyone, then I found out about PUA and started slowly to improve my skills to a normal level, it was on the same period that I started to look better facially, and I changed schools.

On the new school, I didn't know anyone in my class, on the first week I was the second most voted to be the leader of the class based on nothing, on the first or second week a girl received a bouquet of flowers from her (ex)-boyfriend, everyone on the class saw how mad she got about it and I remember seeing her calling him, later I found out she was interested in me (she was ugly tbh, but I was kissless at the time so, why not) and we stayed together for 2 days, on the first day she told me that she was mad at her ex because she thought that me seeing her receiving flowers would mean she was taken and I wouldn't be interested in her :lul:

After that, there were other occasions were girls simply approached me asking to join them...

The most important situation was when I was with a friend and two girls approached us on the school restaurant, they were selling some candies, long story short, we talked with them for like less than 5 minutes then I went take some water and one of the girls came running to me to say that her friend was interested in me, she pull me and her friend to the female restroom near where I was drinking water and we kissed for some time... now the best part

- She later told me that she was interested in me because of the way I looked her from top to bottom (I don't remember doing this at all tbh) (also JFL, as if it would work if I were ugly and a 5'6 manlet)

- She had a fucking boyfriend! (almost 2 years of relationship with him)

- I lost my V with her :lul: while she was still in a relationship with the cuck

Later he found out because I sent her a message on Tumblr and he had her password and saw it :lul:

There were other girls too, like one who was from another school but her bus always passed near my school to get some kids and she asked a girl if she knew me to get my facebook (we went to the cinema and kissed there the whole movie, but I don't remember seeing her after that, we probably talked for a couple of days, nothing more)

In short, none of the girls that I've kissed since when I first started learning PUA years ago in HS was because of PUA, I just started acting normal

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