Westerners are disgustingly bluepilled about Democracy Vs Dictatorship



Jan 2, 2019

1. In Libya a home is considered a natural human right

In Gaddafi’s Green Book it states: ”The house is a basic need of both the individual and the family, therefore it should not be owned by others”. Gaddafi’s Green Book is the formal leader’s political philosophy, it was first published in 1975 and was intended reading for all Libyans even being included in the national curriculum.

2. Education and medical treatment were all free

Under Gaddafi, Libya could boast one of the best healthcare services in the Middle East and Africa. Also if a Libyan citizen could not access the desired educational course or correct medical treatment in Libya they were funded to go abroad.

Libya, ISIS and the Unaffordable Luxury of Hindsight
3. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project

The largest irrigation system in the world also known as the great manmade river was designed to make water readily available to all Libyan’s across the entire country. It was funded by the Gaddafi government and it said that Gaddafi himself called it ”the eighth wonder of the world”.

4. It was free to start a farming business

If any Libyan wanted to start a farm they were given a house, farm land and live stock and seeds all free of charge.

5. A bursary was given to mothers with newborn babies

When a Libyan woman gave birth she was given 5000 (US dollars) for herself and the child.

6. Electricity was free

Electricity was free in Libya meaning absolutely no electric bills!

7. Cheap petrol

During Gaddafi’s reign the price of petrol in Libya was as low as 0.14 (US dollars) per litre.

8. Gaddafi raised the level of education

Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans were literate. This figure was brought up to 87% with 25% earning university degrees.

9. Libya had It’s own state bank

Libya had its own State bank, which provided loans to citizens at zero percent interest by law and they had no external debt.

10. The gold dinar

Before the fall of Tripoli and his untimely demise, Gaddafi was trying to introduce a single African currency linked to gold. Following in the foot steps of the late great pioneer Marcus Garvey who first coined the term ”United States of Africa”. Gaddafi wanted to introduce and only trade in the African gold Dinar – a move which would have thrown the world economy into chaos.

The Dinar was widely opposed by the ‘elite’ of today’s society and who could blame them. African nations would have finally had the power to bring itself out of debt and poverty and only trade in this precious commodity. They would have been able to finally say ‘no’ to external exploitation and charge whatever they felt suitable for precious resources. It has been said that the gold Dinar was the real reason for the NATO led rebellion, in a bid to oust the outspoken leader.



Sorry but westerners are disgustingly bluepilled. Most autocratic regimes these days actually do better and have higher approval ratings than the typical western "democracy" does. China, Libya etc. Westerners are brainwashed morons. We had this Gaddafi dictator dude whom was basically a benovelent ruler who cared 10x more about his people than the typical western politician does, and then the west bombs him and turns Libya into a piece of shit. All the while the braindead brainwashed masses don't care because they assume that he was probably a north-african hitler simply because he was an autocratic ruler utterly regardless of how he actually ruled. Westerners are disgustingly brainwashed and stupid.

Ib4 "but muh democracy" bluepillers.
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autocracy simply has a negative connotation just like communism or socialism. but most retards cant separate their bias from objective reality. when done well, all those societies they shun are miles better than any american counterpart
autocracy simply has a negative connotation just like communism or socialism. but most retards cant separate their bias from objective reality. when done well, all those societies they shun are miles better than any american counterpart

The hilarious part is that Hitler actually ran his country very well before it was all bombed into bits. Yes the nazi crimes were a blemish on his regime but before world war 2 started he actually massively improved the standards of living of the Germans. As it turns out, a passionate autocrat is more likely to give a shit about his people than some soulless carrier politicians are.

Actually, tbh almost every example of a shitty dictatorship in modern history almost always involves either communism or low IQ third world despots. Most of the other ones are like Libya or China were they are actually competent at what they do.
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