What Are the real downsides of leg lengthening?

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Deleted member 2095

Jun 18, 2019
I just realized I can get LON Leg lengthening for pretty cheap. 8 cm would get rid of all my life problems

However im quite athletic and like explosive sports, would I lose this?
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Interested in this too, LL is often romanticized here - I'm sure there are consequences.

You can't just stretch you muscles and connective tissue and expect not to feel it in the slightest.

I'm sure you will simply feel it.
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Yeah, about half of the people on limblengtheningforum.com who got the surgery report some sort of problems - pain, loss of mobility, etc.
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months of pain
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Pretty cheap..? How much is pretty cheap

This shit cost like 80k
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Go to Pakistan it is very cheap there and they won't steal your organs
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  • JFL
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Yeah, about half of the people on limblengtheningforum.com who got the surgery report some sort of problems - pain, loss of mobility, etc.
Maybe age is another factor? Do men in their 20s recover better from this?
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less subhumanity
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Will my health decline rapidly in my 60s or upwards? If I get LL in my 20s?
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only positives, in the worst case you will start receiving a wellfare check for disabled
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only positives, in the worst case you will start receiving a wellfare check for disabled
Damn this is really tempting to me. Feels good to have this as an option to escape subhumanity
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how tall r u
but for real, what are the consequences? You must know about it...

Horrible rotting at the hospital/at your house for at least 1 good year for the average.

You will have to learn again how to walk.

It's incredibly expansive.

When it comes to external LL some big scars are there forever.

That said if not expanded too much long term complications shouldn't be there
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Horrible rotting at the hospital/at your house for at least 1 good year for the average.

You will have to learn again how to walk.

It's incredibly expansive.

When it comes to external LL some big scars are there forever.

That said if not expanded too much long term complications shouldn't be there
I think this is an exaggeration? They say it’s more like 3 months hospital stay, you can also get yourself an Airbnb which is way cheaper and Istanbul (for example) is a nice city anyway

you can also go back to ur country but then you’re required to send x-rays twice a month to the hospital.

I only want 6-8 cm tbh

Like I said price is no problem because it’s only like 17k

i don’t mind the scars I have a lot of leg hair anyway tbh
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Muscle don't get longer, so you will not be able to fully extend your knee.

Good luck anyway.
Muscle don't get longer, so you will not be able to fully extend your knee.

Good luck anyway.
Can’t u train / mobilize your legs beforehand? I would most likely get the surgery in 2-3 years, until then i can train them?
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Can’t u train / mobilize your legs beforehand? I would most likely get the surgery in 2-3 years, until then i can train them?

I dunno. Find if there is some procedure for muscle lenghtening, maybe unironically roids.
I dunno. Find if there is some procedure for muscle lenghtening, maybe unironically roids.
Yeah I’m sure hgh / roids after surgery could help you recover much quicker
However im quite athletic and like explosive sports, would I lose this?
yes, its also super-painful, not sure if its documented, but I would guess it can scar you mentally
2 words:
I just realized I can get LON Leg lengthening for pretty cheap. 8 cm would get rid of all my life problems

However im quite athletic and like explosive sports, would I lose this?
What's your height?
2 words:

What's your height?
176 cm, Unironically average height for teenage girls where I live. It’s literally the perfect height for 6-8 cm LL. The difference would be night and day
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176 cm, Unironically average height for teenage girls where I live. It’s literally the perfect height for 6-8 cm LL. The difference would be night and day

LL should be a complete last resort imo. It messes your legs up one way or another. And even so, for 7cm+-2cm, it just flat out not worth it as it doesn't change much for the cost of lifelong pain and suffering and disability

What's your PSL? You can still ascend with looks at that height. If average height for guys is 6' then I suggest changing your location
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  • JFL
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LL should be a complete last resort imo. It messes your legs up one way or another. And even so, for 7cm+-2cm, it just flat out not worth it as it doesn't change much for the cost of lifelong pain and suffering and disability

What's your PSL? You can still ascend with looks at that height. If average height for guys is 6' then I suggest changing your location
Yes. I’m not willing to change my location man that sounds like so much bs to me.
I know the stories about LL messing up your legs but how much truth is there to it? How applicable are these story’s in my case? I’m a healthy guy in his early 20s. Recovery shouldn’t be too hard? "Life-long pain and disability" sounds like such an extreme exaggeration. The average teenage boy here is literally 6ft
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Yes. I’m not willing to change my location man that sounds like so much bs to me.
I know the stories about LL messing up your legs but how much truth is there to it? How applicable are these story’s in my case? I’m a healthy guy in his early 20s. Recovery shouldn’t be too hard? "Life-long pain and disability" sounds like such an extreme exaggeration. The average teenage boy here is literally 6ft
Locationmaxxing is not bs. I'm considered above average in my country and get attention from foids and respect from men, USA just a normie and a lot harder. Locationmax is legit. There was this ugly white dude on here (forgot his username) who slayed in Indonesia just for being white

No, it's not an exaggeration. You're literally crippling yourself. Your leg muscles would be unnaturally stretched as well

Whether you come out good or bad is a stroke of luck, but you will not be able to do athletic sports anymore, that's a guarantee
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  • JFL
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Nah it’s like 17k € in turkey
You will get your legs removed in Turkey.

You don't cheap out on a surgery like that.
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  • JFL
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Strained tendons and muscles, also the bone generated isn’t as strong so there’s that, can cause issues later
Locationmaxxing is not bs. I'm considered above average in my country and get attention from foids and respect from men, USA just a normie and a lot harder. Locationmax is legit. There was this ugly white dude on here (forgot his username) who slayed in Indonesia just for being white

No, it's not an exaggeration. You're literally crippling yourself. Your leg muscles would be unnaturally stretched as well

Whether you come out good or bad is a stroke of luck, but you will not be able to do athletic sports anymore, that's a guarantee
Where do you live now?
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  • JFL
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California. Only having a really nice car gets me laid here with normies or below
brutal. Ngl if you aren't atleast HTN it is over in the west fuck I hate it here
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brutal. Ngl if you aren't atleast HTN it is over in the west fuck I hate it here
Yeah, all I get are cute negro chicks or cock abused mexicans here :feelswhy:

This is what I get in my country if I play my cards right

Screenshot 20210607 042707 Chrome

Then I still have to hear them whine about their chad ex breaking their heart
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Yeah, all I get are cute negro chicks or cock abused mexicans here :feelswhy:

This is what I get in my country if I play my cards right

View attachment 1168625
Then I still have to hear them whine about their chad ex breaking their heart
girl looks like an abused dog jfl
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You get too much pussy
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California. Only having a really nice car gets me laid here with normies or below
what car u drive?
Locationmaxxing is not bs. I'm considered above average in my country and get attention from foids and respect from men, USA just a normie and a lot harder. Locationmax is legit. There was this ugly white dude on here (forgot his username) who slayed in Indonesia just for being white

No, it's not an exaggeration. You're literally crippling yourself. Your leg muscles would be unnaturally stretched as well

Whether you come out good or bad is a stroke of luck, but you will not be able to do athletic sports anymore, that's a guarantee
Man I'm so close to having a good height. Fuck this gay earth tbh I'm frauding 5 cm with my shoes right now (insane life fuel)
Strained tendons and muscles, also the bone generated isn’t as strong so there’s that, can cause issues later
SO many people get LL surgery I dont think its that bad tbh it could really benefit me at 176 cm.

You will get your legs removed in Turkey.

You don't cheap out on a surgery like that.
Cope. Turkey is looksmaxxing central. Imagine paying 100k for this surgery. Turkey has much better price-performance-ratio
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what car u drive?
21457982 1829022160448522 8304859159625420735 o

When it first came out in the west, I was one of the first to have it. People thought it was a Bugatti :LOL: easily thought it was a 100k+ car ($38k msrp)

Lease finished in december, wanted to get this baby

2020 Chevrolet Corvette 3LT Z51 front three quarter in motion 2

But prices got over-inflated (over 1.5x msrp) due to covid

So now I'm without a car, and without pussy :feelswhy:
too many stacy blocking my door after i get it
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You plan on getting it? Tbh I think the benefits outweigh the risks by so much its ridiculous
the long term effects of comestic limb lengthening is too recent to have much data on it. most of the pain reported on the forum is because of insertion of nail from the knee and shit surgeons fucking up the tibia nerve(mostly the russian because they are cheap). just get external tibia and stryde with a good surgeon it might age your mobility by 10 years but its worth it
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the long term effects of comestic limb lengthening is too recent to have much data on it. most of the pain reported on the forum is because of insertion of nail from the knee and shit surgeons fucking up the tibia nerve(mostly the russian because they are cheap). just get external tibia and stryde with a good surgeon it might age your mobility by 10 years but its worth it
So you plan on getting the surgery? https://www.limblengtheningsurgery.istanbul/ I will visit this guy. Check him out please. Is stryde really necessary?
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So you plan on getting the surgery? https://www.limblengtheningsurgery.istanbul/ I will visit this guy. Check him out please. Is stryde really necessary?
i have no plans yet
styrde is off the market because it corrodes in your body and maybe some other reasons. the benefits of it is you can walk earlier after lengthening before you need the nail taken out which is around a year after surgery.
you have to check dairies of this surgeon. thats how i figured out solomin ans kelush are the guys fucking up tibia nerves. also make sure they are not fake dairies
i have no plans yet
styrde is off the market because it corrodes in your body and maybe some other reasons. the benefits of it is you can walk earlier after lengthening before you need the nail taken out which is around a year after surgery.
you have to check dairies of this surgeon. thats how i figured out solomin ans kelush are the guys fucking up tibia nerves. also make sure they are not fake dairies
The doctor doesn’t have any fake dairies online. Man I’m 177.2 cm in the morning, I need this surgery.

do you think LON on tibia is not worth it?
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the -50k part affects your life the most
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Train your legs beforehand. Fork out and go to surgeon worth their shit. Seek treatments for your fractures after that aren't the water shit like Diet and Physical Therapy. (eg. stem cells, LIPUS) And don't go above 5cm on fibias and 3cm on tibias.

I doubt it's as bad as it's scaremonged, people just don't want to see manlets ascend.

The most you'll feel is the pain during and after the surgery, and the slight loss of mobility. It's not as bad as the "muh proportions" and "muh wheelchair 60's" copers say.
Locationmaxxing is not bs. I'm considered above average in my country and get attention from foids and respect from men, USA just a normie and a lot harder. Locationmax is legit. There was this ugly white dude on here (forgot his username) who slayed in Indonesia just for being white

No, it's not an exaggeration. You're literally crippling yourself. Your leg muscles would be unnaturally stretched as well

Whether you come out good or bad is a stroke of luck, but you will not be able to do athletic sports anymore, that's a guarantee
How does this forum defend lefort 2 and 3 like it’s nothing and yet acts scared of this?!
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