What are the reasons some of you guys don't mew?



Feb 8, 2019
Because the evidence from the internet wasn't compelling enough?
Because you did it for a while and it didn't work?

I wanna know
I can't
No idea how you can 24/7 flex your swallowing muscle for it
No mewing for your autism
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I always forget to do it,
Also I dont know if I’m doing it properly
Are you supposed to have your teeth closed?
There's no mewing for your face.
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24/7 is pretty impossibile.
Anyway i try... i have nothing to lose, and i started 2 years ago... i can see changes, even if people keep saying i'm 3 psl. lol


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I always forget to do it,
Also I dont know if I’m doing it properly
Are you supposed to have your teeth closed?
NIGGA how u still don't know?

What to do:

Tuck your head in, try to make as many chin folds as possible basically, that way you force your tongue on the roof on the mouth. Now apply pressure.
Teeth need to be in very light contact.

That's it, that's all there is to know.
I can't
No idea how you can 24/7 flex your swallowing muscle for it
do you also tuck your head in? Because if not then of course you are going to struggle
24/7 is pretty impossibile.
Anyway i try... i have nothing to lose, and i started 2 years ago... i can see changes, even if people keep saying i'm 3 psl. lol
The only times you should not be able to mew is when you are talking or eating, so it's still going to be at least 22 hours a day.
Yes, you can mew in your sleep, just don't use a pillow.
no mew for your nose
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because it DOESN'T WORK
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I always did it since I was a little faggot.
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No mewing for your hairline..
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Answer the question regarding lip surgery at birth I asked you in another thread before you dare to show up in another one of my threads... With this non insightful bullshid on top of that.

You don't need hair at all if you have a warrior skull
doctors fix cleft lips at birth retard they literally ask the parent what do u want? also this isnt non insightful as mewing doesn't fuckign work
mouthbreathers are the future of mankind.
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doctors fix cleft lips at birth retard they literally ask the parent what do u want? also this isnt non insightful as mewing doesn't fuckign work
I don't get it, what's so wrong about fixing a cleft lip at birth? You didn't answer my question at all.
Also you can't just say "it doesn't work", you have to explain why you think so, I presented the options in my thread:
  1. The evidence is not compelling
  2. I tried it out and it hasn't worked for me
I don't get it, what's so wrong about fixing a cleft lip at birth? You didn't answer my question at all.
Also you can't just say "it doesn't work", you have to explain why you think so, I presented the options in my thread:
  1. The evidence is not compelling
  2. I tried it out and it hasn't worked for me
I didn't say fixing a cleft lip at birth is wrong you fucking nigger i said the parents were bluepilled for not letting them fix it. Also, for the mew thing, all of the "evidence" has been from during/before puberty, to after puberty to where the chin moves a little/a lot depending. Putting your fucking tongue in a different area won't do SHIT! Maybe promote slight growth, even then you need to be uncomfortable 24/7 for a tiny bit of growth when you can get more, better and more reliable growth from a procedure such as sliding genio.
sounds like cope ngl
Hair is cope for lacking facial aesthetics. The reason people fear balding is because they lose something that covers up their subhumanity.
It's hard to remember to do, and it's hard to stay motivated when there's a good chance it's a bunch of bs.

However, I was a major mouth breather, I couldn't breath through my nose until like 15, and I have a long midface, super recessed maxilla and cheekbones, and a hook nose. I definitely believe in the bad effects of mouth breathing.
I got a good foward growth ,good chin and a good jawline all naturerly.
So i don't see the point in mewing
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There is no physiological basis for which Mewing could possibly change bone structure. None. The force is not sufficient. The only benefit is it will stop mouth breathing.
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keep coping genetics= everything randy orthon could of taped his nose and have a iron jaw
Mewing = cope
I just try not to mouth breathe
keep coping genetics= everything randy orthon could of taped his nose and have a iron jaw
Empty words. How do you know that he'd still look like that? You just pulled this claim out of your ass and called it an argument jfl
So far almost no one has really answered my question, all I'm hearing is a plain "it doesn't work". I didn't ask if it works or not you fools, I asked you why you don't think that it works.
Is it because the evidence is not compelling, because you have tried it for a month or two and it hasn't changed your face? Or because you just don't give a fuck?
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