What can be done to my eye area to fix it. And what am i missing



Chadlite or suicide. Trying to look classy
Jun 12, 2023
I have alot of current thibgs i am working on, but the eye area isn't one of them yet. What is the problem with ny eye area and what problems are there on general with my face. I might not see them all myself.
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I have alot of current thibgs i am working on, but the eye area isn't one of them yet. What is the problem with ny eye area and what problems are there on general with my face. I might not see them all myself. View attachment 2485125
I know i have used this pic before, but I am not gonna make a new pic for every post. The lighting where I live is shit now in autumn so this is the best I could get.
I have alot of current thibgs i am working on, but the eye area isn't one of them yet. What is the problem with ny eye area and what problems are there on general with my face. I might not see them all myself. View attachment 2485125
you are already lean i dont think you can do any softmaxxing that will make a difference your face is solid
you are already lean i dont think you can do any softmaxxing that will make a difference your face is solid
I am not lean at all, I am bulking for almost a year now and my abs are not showing anymore. I also consume more salt then i should.
you are already lean i dont think you can do any softmaxxing that will make a difference your face is solid
What would you rate me, considering the fact I am 6.6ft
no wayy your 6 foot 6?
Yea, but I still get 0 attention, i am not even autistic. I live a normal life, but I get 0 female attention, even if I try. I get rejected alot this picture is very old, before i started bulking and before I had contacts


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Yea, but I still get 0 attention, i am not even autistic. I live a normal life, but I get 0 female attention, even if I try. I get rejected alot this picture is very old, before i started bulking and before I had contacts
nahh as tall as the door thats crazy and you actually have a good physique with wide shoulders,maybe they just find you intimadating tbh,your in the top 1 percent of heights that alone sets you high
Yea, but I still get 0 attention, i am not even autistic. I live a normal life, but I get 0 female attention, even if I try. I get rejected alot this picture is very old, before i started bulking and before I had contacts
I need to get a thicker neck, eyelash max, get lean again, longer hair, jaw max by chewing(targeting my left side first cause of the less developed jaw), lower my sodium intake, get rid of my dark undereye area and make it less thin using volufiline, testosterone max for late puberty face development using enclomiphene and if that won't work, hardet PEDs, eyebrow max by derma stamping and using castor (already doing that).

And then I can think about surgery, depending on the chewing progress i need jaw implants, maby flattening of my chin. Eye reshaping and some symmetry work or face fat removal or more titanium implants.
I have alot of current thibgs i am working on, but the eye area isn't one of them yet. What is the problem with ny eye area and what problems are there on general with my face. I might not see them all myself. View attachment 2485125
Ngl bro you kinda look like O'Pry lol. Try to grow your eyelashes and do some eye pulling
nahh as tall as the door thats crazy and you actually have a good physique with wide shoulders,maybe they just find you intimadating tbh,your in the top 1 percent of heights that alone sets you high
Don't know man, tinder isn't working, a guy friend of mine with good presentation, a super nice physique but only 1.83cm of hight and an average face got attention like crazy in my area. But I am not really interested in short term hookups so Tinder isn't the call anyways, but I don't even get replys on insta lol.
I need to get a thicker neck, eyelash max, get lean again, longer hair, jaw max by chewing(targeting my left side first cause of the less developed jaw), lower my sodium intake, get rid of my dark undereye area and make it less thin using volufiline, testosterone max for late puberty face development using enclomiphene and if that won't work, hardet PEDs, eyebrow max by derma stamping and using castor (already doing that).

And then I can think about surgery, depending on the chewing progress i need jaw implants, maby flattening of my chin. Eye reshaping and some symmetry work or face fat removal or more titanium implants.
you have a good eye shape lol,dont do eye surgery that will make things worse you have zero eyelid exposure and a neurtral tilt, your left eye is a little higher so dont target your left jaw too hard or it might raise it more,everything you said before will help your appearance also,dont feel insecure about the eye symetry,first of all most people have it and this model has it too,as long as the rest of your features are good it wont matter at all
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Ngl bro you kinda look like O'Pry lol. Try to grow your eyelashes and do some eye pulling
O pry if his parents where a gnome with down syndrom and a giraffe maby 💀.
Don't know man, tinder isn't working, a guy friend of mine with good presentation, a super nice physique but only 1.83cm of hight and an average face got attention like crazy in my area. But I am not really interested in short term hookups so Tinder isn't the call anyways, but I don't even get replys on insta lol.
but cant tinder end up being more then short team hookups? has to be better then getting ignored by dumb bitches on insta
but cant tinder end up being more then short team hookups? has to be better then getting ignored by dumb bitches on insta
No, I get 0 attention on tinder
you are already lean i dont think you can do any softmaxxing that will make a difference your face is solid
I hated having pictures of me taken and I still do, so pictures from before i was lean, before I started to bulk or at least eat more ro gain don't really exist, most of them where deleted, but my cheeks weren't bad, maby you can tell in this picture
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i mean maybe just try approaching bitches at 6'6 how bad can it really go
I do bro, I do, it ain't working, I got friendzoned by some bavarian girl recently and more often then not I am just like pushed out of the conversation. I can make people laugh and also hold a serious conversation, that's not the problem, I use perfume and I am not too stupid. But it never works out, i even got my life in order, have the goal of becoming a doctor and do combat sports aswell. I hate the way I look
Ngl bro you kinda look like O'Pry lol. Try to grow your eyelashes and do some eye pulling
I was also told i look like iman gadzhi if he never went outside💀
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I do bro, I do, it ain't working, I got friendzoned by some bavarian girl recently and more often then not I am just like pushed out of the conversation. I can make people laugh and also hold a serious conversation, that's not the problem, I use perfume and I am not too stupid. But it never works out, i even got my life in order, have the goal of becoming a doctor and do combat sports aswell. I hate the way I look
idk maybe the self hatrid is your biggest problem,because obviously if you hate everything about yourself its gonna affect how other ppl see you
I hated having pictures of me taken and I still do, so pictures from before i was lean, before I started to bulk or at least eat more ro gain don't really exist, most of them where deleted, but my cheeks weren't bad, maby you can tell in this picture View attachment 2485203
thats the problem if you take this cringe ass lookmsaxing type of selfies no matter how good you look,bitches wont swipe right they think its corny,even if you look worse in back camera photos from range pictures like that while doing activities will get you matches
idk maybe the self hatrid is your biggest problem,because obviously if you hate everything about yourself its gonna affect how other ppl see you

thats the problem if you take this cringe ass lookmsaxing type of selfies no matter how good you look,bitches wont swipe right they think its corny,even if you look worse in back camera photos from range pictures like that while doing activities will get you matches
This picture is from looong before i even knew looksmaxxing, i didn't take it and i was drunk. I know the glasses and head make me look like a drorq, but as i said, it's one of a few pictures a have from the time i was leaner and I just wanted to show that I could get leaner
This picture is from looong before i even knew looksmaxxing, i didn't take it and i was drunk. I know the glasses and head make me look like a drorq, but as i said, it's one of a few pictures a have from the time i was leaner and I just wanted to show that I could get leaner
i get you,your gonna look better leaner just get lean,get good photos witthout glasses try and smile in photos so you look less intimidating and its better in activities and you will 100 percent get attention
it would be over if your eyes were a little better
Nah, there are lots of other things I lack. But eyes are the biggest failo. I might try volufiline on the under eye area for more support and less hollowing, csstor and derma stamping to shape my brows and eye lash maxing. I haven't looked in to what is possible with eyelasges yet, hopefully there are some methods
i get you,your gonna look better leaner just get lean,get good photos witthout glasses try and smile in photos so you look less intimidating and its better in activities and you will 100 percent get attention
I will bulk till I weigh 105kg,that's like 8kg away, simultaneously i will max my eye area, chew and take enclo. Then I will lean out and hopefully slay as soon as I am 20yo
Nah, there are lots of other things I lack. But eyes are the biggest failo. I might try volufiline on the under eye area for more support and less hollowing, csstor and derma stamping to shape my brows and eye lash maxing. I haven't looked in to what is possible with eyelasges yet, hopefully there are some methods
just get surgery. o’pry in the making.
You look good enough overall to atleast be able to get ltrs and with that height and physique I think you can slay?

Unironicslly how is your personality
Should raise your eyes possibly. Do some research
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I have alot of current thibgs i am working on, but the eye area isn't one of them yet. What is the problem with ny eye area and what problems are there on general with my face. I might not see them all myself. View attachment 2485125
your eye area is so raised on the right side (left side IRL). If you have the money to get surgery i’d get orthognathic.
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your eye area is so raised on the right side (left side IRL). If you have the money to get surgery i’d get orthognathic.
Yea, I need some money. But three main things I'll probably get are jaw implants, infra orbital implants and maby, if that isn't enough and I need more symmetry I'll level out my eye area.
You look good enough overall to atleast be able to get ltrs and with that height and physique I think you can slay?

Unironicslly how is your personality
I am kind of jester maxxed and I can't get rid of it. I make myself a clown everywhere I go. Lmao, fuck my life. It's just easy to go around like this, it makes coping with rejection easy af.
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Should raise your eyes possibly. Do some research
You mean by surgery right? No other way really. I'll defenetly try to soft max it first, u lack under eye support so volifiline under my eyes might fill the ubder eye area a bit (probably will need infra orbitals, but I will give this a try before).
Ngl bro you kinda look like O'Pry lol. Try to grow your eyelashes and do some eye pulling
O pry is imo the most beautiful man go ever exist if I could even look like him a tiny bit, I would be happy af
O pry is imo the most beautiful man go ever exist if I could even look like him a tiny bit, I would be happy af
You have similar features to him imo, you're not as attractive as him (no offense) but you look alike, it's like when your grandma sees you and is like "you look just like your father"
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You have similar features to him imo, you're not as attractive as him (no offense) but you look alike, it's like when your grandma sees you and is like "you look just like your father"
Yea, maby if I surgery max I can be half of his might lol

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