What can I expect on a Test only cycle?

Deleted member 14274

Deleted member 14274

Steroids shoe lifts and 5ar inhibitors
Jun 15, 2021
My current cycle is:

500 mg Test E per week
12.5 mg MK-677
Fin + RU58841 + Minox + Nizoral

I plan on running this cycle for 12-16 weeks depending on results at week 12. I am close to my natural genetic potential and probably have the best physique at my gym (most muscle for leaner bf%). What can I expect out of this first cycle? How much bigger will I look?

@CupOfCoffee @Gaia262
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My current cycle is:

500 mg Test E per week
12.5 mg MK-677
Fin + RU58841 + Minox + Nizoral

I plan on running this cycle for 12-16 weeks depending on results at week 12. I am close to my natural genetic potential and probably have the best physique at my gym (most muscle for leaner bf%). What can I expect out of this first cycle? How much bigger will I look?

@CupOfCoffee @Gaia262
A good amount of lean mass gain, what’s your pct looking like?
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  • JFL
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My current cycle is:

500 mg Test E per week
12.5 mg MK-677
Fin + RU58841 + Minox + Nizoral

I am close to my natural genetic potential and probably have the best physique at my gym (most muscle for leaner bf%). What can I expect out of this first cycle? How much bigger will I look?

@CupOfCoffee @Gaia262
500mg test E is a meme , it's too much , start at a trt dose (100mg) and work your way up. I'm on 100mg and I think it's too much tbh

Consider some anavar aswell for an overall aesthetic look.

The cycle you have now you will be a bloated mess with side effects.

I don't comment on hairloss drugs it's up to you, but I keep away from them and stick to hair systems.

Just to add I'm no medical professional or nor am I an advanced user so it's just an opinion

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500mg test E is a meme , it's too much , start at a trt dose (100mg) and work your way up.

Consider some anavar aswell for an overall aesthetic look.

The cycle you have now you will be a bloated mess with side effects.

I don’t mind being bloated because I can always cut later with EC stack. Ephedrine is really affective for appetite suppression. I want to pack on as much lean tissue as possible and 500 test is very effective at doing this. I think that this is Chris Hemsworths exact cycle and that is the physique I am going for. I will just increase my cardio and keep my surplus at 300 calories.
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Hairloss, heart problems and gyno from test
watery and bloated face from mk677, worst case even diabetes
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  • JFL
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500mg test E is a meme , it's too much , start at a trt dose (100mg) and work your way up. I'm on 100mg and I think it's too much tbh

Consider some anavar aswell for an overall aesthetic look.

The cycle you have now you will be a bloated mess with side effects.

I don't comment on hairloss drugs it's up to you, but I keep away from them and stick to hair systems.

I do very well with Finasteride and am a massive fan of running 5ar inhibitors whether on cycle or not. Systemic DHT suppression via Fin + topical anti androgen (RU) is the way to go when blasting, especially since Fin will protect against 5ar reducing compounds like test.
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Hairloss, heart problems and gyno from test
watery and bloated face from mk677, worst case even diabetes
My dose of MK is low, will drop it if I get too bloated.
I don’t mind being bloated because I can always cut later with EC stack. Ephedrine is really affective for appetite suppression. I want to pack on as much lean tissue as possible and 500 test is very effective at doing this. I think that this is Chris Hemsworths exact cycle and that is the physique I am going for. I will just increase my cardio and keep my surplus at 300 calories.

You need to research , what you said is counter intuitive , bloating up doesn't mean lean tissue .testosterone isn't the best for gaining muscle , the whole point other steroids were made were to be more effecacious at building muscle i.e. anavar.

If you want lean tissue anavar, primobolan ect give dry lean gains and are safer then other steroids.

Just to add I'm no medical professional or nor am I an advanced user so it's just an opinion
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You need to research , what you said is counter intuitive , bloating up doesn't mean lean tissue .testosterone isn't the best for gaining muscle , the whole point other steroids were made were to be more effecacious at building muscle i.e. anavar.

If you want lean tissue anavar, primobolan ect give dry lean gains
First cycle should be test only. JFL at adding in hepatoxic orals when you can just run test which is just as effective.
If it's your first cycle I advise you it down to 250-300. Then increase it later in the cycle
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First cycle should be test only. JFL at adding in hepatoxic orals when you can just run test which is just as effective.

Primobolan is a injectable

Anavar is metabolized through the kidney not the liver and is mild.

Keep researching before you commit to anything , listening to bozos on forums will get you messed up.

If you want to try test first then that's your right , get blood work before and after .

Just remember less is more

These guys will put you right.

Just to add I'm no medical professional or nor am I an advanced user so it's just an opinion
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Primobolan is a injectable

Anavar is metabolized through the kidney not the liver and is mild.

Keep researching before you commit to anything , listening to bozos on forums will get you messed up.

If you want to try test first then that's your right , get blood work before and after .

Just remember less is more

These guys will put you right.

Just to add I'm no medical professional or nor am I an advanced user so it's just an opinion
I'm already a week into my cycle. Primo is not hair safe. Anavar is supposed to be hair safe but is still more hepatoxic than test. Test is literally produced by your body so while other compounds might be effective, test is more tolerable and is more hair safe since it is 5ar reduced.
If it's your first cycle I advise you it down to 250-300. Then increase it later in the cycle
Why do you say that? Wouldn't that be leaving gains on the table when you can run 500 mg throughout your cycle?
Primobolan is a injectable

Anavar is metabolized through the kidney not the liver and is mild.

Keep researching before you commit to anything , listening to bozos on forums will get you messed up.

If you want to try test first then that's your right , get blood work before and after .

Just remember less is more

These guys will put you right.

Just to add I'm no medical professional or nor am I an advanced user so it's just an opinion
Also you said that 100 mg can be too much but you are running that dose stacked with Var and Primo vs. me running a higher dose of test alone.
Why do you say that? Wouldn't that be leaving gains on the table when you can run 500 mg throughout your cycle?
No you can milk more gains if you start lower. Your androgen receptors dont down regulate as quickly and less side effects
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dont ask for cycle advice here bro these clowns don't know what they're talking about, 100mg literally wont do anything for you, I'm on 350 rn and its moderate, you really have to be at 350+ to see any performance benefits, ill probably up my dose to 500 in a couple weeks, id say drop the mk, and you most likely wont experience any balding, shit takes years to occur, id drop the fin as well. the nizoral wont do anything for mpb but I guess it couldn't hurt u also wont get leaner unless u actually diet hard and do cardio, test is not a miracle ped like people think it is, you'll just look like a bigger and fuller natural version of yourself.
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dont ask for cycle advice here bro these clowns don't know what they're talking about, 100mg literally wont do anything for you, I'm on 350 rn and its moderate, you really have to be at 350+ to see any performance benefits, ill probably up my dose to 500 in a couple weeks, id say drop the mk, and you most likely wont experience any balding, shit takes years to occur, id drop the fin as well. the nizoral wont do anything for mpb but I guess it couldn't hurt u also wont get leaner unless u actually diet hard and do cardio, test is not a miracle ped like people think it is, you'll just look like a bigger and fuller natural version of yourself.

it's user dependant.

350mg could give him gyno flare ups and water weight or it might be great, that's why I said start low on 100mg and work your way up to a level good for him.

I guess the 8lb I got so far from 4 weeks in on my 100mg test, 20mg ed anavar and 100mg ew primobolan is a hallucination.

You have an opinion based on your experience , I have an opinion based on my experience. So no one is a "clown" .
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dont ask for cycle advice here bro these clowns don't know what they're talking about, 100mg literally wont do anything for you, I'm on 350 rn and its moderate, you really have to be at 350+ to see any performance benefits, ill probably up my dose to 500 in a couple weeks, id say drop the mk, and you most likely wont experience any balding, shit takes years to occur, id drop the fin as well. the nizoral wont do anything for mpb but I guess it couldn't hurt u also wont get leaner unless u actually diet hard and do cardio, test is not a miracle ped like people think it is, you'll just look like a bigger and fuller natural version of yourself.
I’ve been on fin for over 6 months so I plan on staying on it. I may drop the MK depending on if I gain too much water weight but I want to keep it for now to enhance my recovery. Yeah Nizoral doesn’t do much but it’s a weak anti androgen and atleast cleans out your scalp which makes topicals like RU and Minox easier to absorb.
You can expect to gain 5-10kg of water/glicogen, that will go away when you stop the test and mk. Lean mass and fat depends on how far you are from your genetic limit, what, when and how much you eat, how hard you train, how you react to steroids, etc.
Your DHT will probably be way over the range, you must do duta or you will rkt your hair.
I heard best dose for MK is 20mg.
dont ask for cycle advice here bro these clowns don't know what they're talking about, 100mg literally wont do anything for you, I'm on 350 rn and its moderate, you really have to be at 350+ to see any performance benefits, ill probably up my dose to 500 in a couple weeks, id say drop the mk, and you most likely wont experience any balding, shit takes years to occur, id drop the fin as well. the nizoral wont do anything for mpb but I guess it couldn't hurt u also wont get leaner unless u actually diet hard and do cardio, test is not a miracle ped like people think it is, you'll just look like a bigger and fuller natural version of yourself.

Retarded greycel, bad advice.
I did 350mg/week and looked like i had mutated, gained 17 kilos at my peak within 2 months, put 70 kilos in my deadlift, 25 in my bench, etc.
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You can expect to gain 5-10kg of water/glicogen, that will go away when you stop the test and mk. Lean mass and fat depends on how far you are from your genetic limit, what, when and how much you eat, how hard you train, how you react to steroids, etc.
Your DHT will probably be way over the range, you must do duta or you will rkt your hair.
I heard best dose for MK is 20mg.

Retarded greycel, bad advice.
I did 350mg/week and looked like i had mutated, gained 17 kilos at my peak within 2 months, put 70 kilos in my deadlift, 25 in my bench, etc.
Did you look like a steroid user as in unnaturally big after your 350 mg a week cycle?
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Did you look like a steroid user as in unnaturally big after your 350 mg a week cycle?
I looked like a steroid user while on, since my muscles stored so much more glycogen, the traps were over the roof and the delts too, women would stare at me and call me hot from their car. I was pinning daily.
You may not blow up, but if you want to be sure you don't look like you are on steroids you should start with a lower dose, and maybe add an AI (or winstrol), i used a serm for gyno prevention (ralox) which i belive is milder on your system than an AI, and i wanted to keep strogen high.

I would do serms on PCT and try to keep strenght during PCT, training like a powerlifter, i droped 5-10kgs in my bench and 10kgs in my squat, but kept my deadlift, with longer rest times though. Im also training for athletic performance, so my last 2 weeks i cut and im cutting again.
I looked like a steroid user while on, since my muscles stored so much more glycogen, the traps were over the roof and the delts too, women would stare at me and call me hot from their car. I was pinning daily.
You may not blow up, but if you want to be sure you don't look like you are on steroids you should start with a lower dose, and maybe add an AI (or winstrol), i used a serm for gyno prevention (ralox) which i belive is milder on your system than an AI, and i wanted to keep strogen high.

I would do serms on PCT and try to keep strenght during PCT, training like a powerlifter, i droped 5-10kgs in my bench and 10kgs in my squat, but kept my deadlift, with longer rest times though. Im also training for athletic performance, so my last 2 weeks i cut and im cutting again.
No my goal is to look like a steroid user. I want to get as big as possible while staying around 15% body fat. My goal physique is like Chris Hemsworth and I think his cycle is similar to mine. I also plan on cruising instead of pct because I don’t want to lose gains and I want to retain all the size I get from my cycle. I have an AI on hand and will use if necessary. Did you use Dut while blasting and are you still running Dut?
No my goal is to look like a steroid user. I want to get as big as possible while staying around 15% body fat. My goal physique is like Chris Hemsworth and I think his cycle is similar to mine. I also plan on cruising instead of pct because I don’t want to lose gains and I want to retain all the size I get from my cycle. I have an AI on hand and will use if necessary. Did you use Dut while blasting and are you still running Dut?
I started duta mid cycle, my DHT was way too high on fin alone. I stopped duta after the blast.
I would use an AI if the water bloat is too much, and for example you get numb fingers and whatnot.
I started duta mid cycle, my DHT was way too high on fin alone. I stopped duta after the blast.
I would use an AI if the water bloat is too much, and for example you get numb fingers and whatnot.
Yeah I’m running Fin and RU58841 right now but I wasn’t sure whether to add Dut or not, it sounds like overkill. Do you think I should get some Dut from all day chemist and keep it on hand if I need it?
I started duta mid cycle, my DHT was way too high on fin alone. I stopped duta after the blast.
I would use an AI if the water bloat is too much, and for example you get numb fingers and whatnot.
Also RU is much better than Dut because it acts directly on the scalp. Fin already targets systemic DHT so adding in a topical anti androgen makes more sense than crushing systemic DHT by deploying Dut.
Yeah I’m running Fin and RU58841 right now but I wasn’t sure whether to add Dut or not, it sounds like overkill. Do you think I should get some Dut from all day chemist and keep it on hand if I need it?
You must go on duta few weeks before you start the blast, or the DHT will rkt your hair, fin is not enough. So get the duta already, maybe you can buy it at your local pharmacy.
You must go on duta few weeks before you start the blast, or the DHT will rkt your hair, fin is not enough. So get the duta already, maybe you can buy it at your local pharmacy.
I’m on RU! MPMD says that RU is effective for steroid users because it acts on the scalp. I can’t get a script for Dut so the only way to source it is through an online pharmacy.
Also RU is much better than Dut because it acts directly on the scalp. Fin already targets systemic DHT so adding in a topical anti androgen makes more sense than crushing systemic DHT by deploying Dut.
When you are on supraphisiological levels of androgens, RU, fin and all the rest just aren't enough.
I had duta pills and powder, and would mix powder with my minox and use ED and take a pill EOD.
You just can't play with your hair, just get on duta.
When you are on supraphisiological levels of androgens, RU, fin and all the rest just aren't enough.
I had duta pills and powder, and would mix powder with my minox and use ED and take a pill EOD.
You just can't play with your hair, just get on duta.
Ok I will order from all day chemist today.
When you are on supraphisiological levels of androgens, RU, fin and all the rest just aren't enough.
I had duta pills and powder, and would mix powder with my minox and use ED and take a pill EOD.
You just can't play with your hair, just get on duta.
What was your dosage of Dut? 0.5 mg daily?
What was your dosage of Dut? 0.5 mg daily?
0,5mg EOD pills and 1mg/ml topical ED. I would do 0,5mg ED pills, i just didn't have enough. Losing hair is pretty much the hardest side effect of roids for a normal healthy person, so it's better to go overboard with it.
0,5mg EOD pills and 1mg/ml topical ED. I would do 0,5mg ED pills, i just didn't have enough. Losing hair is pretty much the hardest side effect of roids for a normal healthy person, so it's better to go overboard with it.
I won’t need topical since I am using RU and I am already on 1 mg Fin per day. So you think using Dut 0.5 mg 3x a week alongside 1 mg Fin ED and RU ED should be ok? Also would you trust Dut sourced from online pharmacies?
Why do people always say 'TRT is for life'.
So taking a highish TRT dose 'is for life', but they never say 'it's for life' for people who blast much larger amounts?

Either way you shut yourself down, right?
I do very well with Finasteride and am a massive fan of running 5ar inhibitors whether on cycle or not. Systemic DHT suppression via Fin + topical anti androgen (RU) is the way to go when blasting, especially since Fin will protect against 5ar reducing compounds like test.
but if you take fin on 500 mg Test, a lot of T will convert on estrogen. I think you'll need an Aromatase inhibitor...will you take AI too?
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but if you take fin on 500 mg Test, a lot of T will convert on estrogen. I think you'll need an Aromatase inhibitor...will you take AI too?
I have an AI on hand in case I need it. No point taking it preemptively and crushing estrogen when you don’t need to.
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When you are on supraphisiological levels of androgens, RU, fin and all the rest just aren't enough.
I had duta pills and powder, and would mix powder with my minox and use ED and take a pill EOD.
You just can't play with your hair, just get on duta.
I have the balding problem and just got my norwood under control with 1mg finasteride per day.
I am thinking about injecting t, but i am not sure which dose would be the safest option for my hair.
Maybe only trt with 150mg? Should i better switch to dutasteride with it? Is trt worth for a guy with average t levels?
Also how risky is T for heart? I have arrythmias sometimes.
TRT is retarded unless you are old or very low T. You can do a 250-350mg/week blast and PCT. Get on duta and lower the amount of fin to twice per week maybe. I don't know about the heart, most likely peds are dangerous in that regard, several dudes died from that.
My current cycle is:

500 mg Test E per week
12.5 mg MK-677
Fin + RU58841 + Minox + Nizoral

I plan on running this cycle for 12-16 weeks depending on results at week 12. I am close to my natural genetic potential and probably have the best physique at my gym (most muscle for leaner bf%). What can I expect out of this first cycle? How much bigger will I look?

@CupOfCoffee @Gaia262
dont need as much test as that tbh. where is your estrogen control? have it on hand just in case
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dont ask for cycle advice here bro these clowns don't know what they're talking about, 100mg literally wont do anything for you, I'm on 350 rn and its moderate, you really have to be at 350+ to see any performance benefits, ill probably up my dose to 500 in a couple weeks, id say drop the mk, and you most likely wont experience any balding, shit takes years to occur, id drop the fin as well. the nizoral wont do anything for mpb but I guess it couldn't hurt u also wont get leaner unless u actually diet hard and do cardio, test is not a miracle ped like people think it is, you'll just look like a bigger and fuller natural version of yourself.
im on 250mgs test and feel fucking fantastic, that's retarded you don't need "350+" . sounds like your gear is underdosed tbh.
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im on 250mgs test and feel fucking fantastic, that's retarded you don't need "350+" . sounds like your gear is underdosed tbh.
Do you look non natty on 250 mg test? Or do you look like you’re at natty potential. My goal is the Chris Hemsworth physique and I’m pretty sure you need 500 test to achieve that look he looks like he is clearly not natty.
Do you look non natty on 250 mg test? Or do you look like you’re at natty potential. My goal is the Chris Hemsworth physique and I’m pretty sure you need 500 test to achieve that look he looks like he is clearly not natty.
i certainly do not look natural for a 6"6.5 16 year old. (I use ais and more)
i certainly do not look natural for a 6"6.5 16 year old. (I use ais and more)
Damn you are tall. It’s hard to pack on size at that height even with roids. That’s the thing why run 250 mg when you are leaving gains on the table and can look better running 500 mg?
You can expect to gain 5-10kg of water/glicogen, that will go away when you stop the test and mk. Lean mass and fat depends on how far you are from your genetic limit, what, when and how much you eat, how hard you train, how you react to steroids, etc.
Your DHT will probably be way over the range, you must do duta or you will rkt your hair.
I heard best dose for MK is 20mg.

Retarded greycel, bad advice.
I did 350mg/week and looked like i had mutated, gained 17 kilos at my peak within 2 months, put 70 kilos in my deadlift, 25 in my bench, etc.
Do you reccomend overeating to gain as much mass as possible or just a 300-500 calorie surplus.
Damn you are tall. It’s hard to pack on size at that height even with roids. That’s the thing why run 250 mg when you are leaving gains on the table and can look better running 500 mg?
The thing is with 500mg you may get more estrogen convertion, more water bloat, and you may start getting discomfort while asleep, numb arms, and whatnot. If it's your first cycle you need to do bloodtests to know where your strogen is at, and tinker with AI dosages, etc. So in the end, if you get sides on 500mg and you dont rest as you should, etc. you may not be leaving that many gains out.
I would start lower and see how it goes for 2-4 weeks, and if everything is fine, i would frontload aditional 100mg/week, and so on.
Do you reccomend overeating to gain as much mass as possible or just a 300-500 calorie surplus.
I recomend cutting before the blast, so your metabolism is primed for growth and you have more margin to increase calories. 500 calorie increase the first week minimum. You should be training double volume in the gym and hopefully a lot of cardio too, so maybe you need more than 500.
I would eat depending on your goals, if you don't mind some extra fat you have more leeway, and i rather overeat and get the most out of it.
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The thing is with 500mg you may get more estrogen convertion, more water bloat, and you may start getting discomfort while asleep, numb arms, and whatnot. If it's your first cycle you need to do bloodtests to know where your strogen is at, and tinker with AI dosages, etc. So in the end, if you get sides on 500mg and you dont rest as you should, etc. you may not be leaving that many gains out.
I would start lower and see how it goes for 2-4 weeks, and if everything is fine, i would frontload aditional 100mg/week, and so on.

I recomend cutting before the blast, so your metabolism is primed for growth and you have more margin to increase calories. 500 calorie increase the first week minimum. You should be training double volume in the gym and hopefully a lot of cardio too, so maybe you need more than 500.
I would eat depending on your goals, if you don't mind some extra fat you have more leeway, and i rather overeat and get the most out of it.
Yeah I got bloodwork done before starting my cycle and my E2 was in the normal range. Agree with the diet, I am at a 500 calorie surplus on my second week and will keep at it. I am not feeling the Test yet and am not noticing anything crazy but I’ve heard it takes some time to start working. Is this true? Also how much cardio do you recommend doing?
Yeah I got bloodwork done before starting my cycle and my E2 was in the normal range. Agree with the diet, I am at a 500 calorie surplus on my second week and will keep at it. I am not feeling the Test yet and am not noticing anything crazy but I’ve heard it takes some time to start working. Is this true? Also how much cardio do you recommend doing?
You got to frontload the test e if you want it to kick faster, by doing like 700mg the first day, or using aditional test prop the first weeks.
Cardio as much as you can as far from the lifting session as possible. Like doing cardio in the morning and lifting in the afternoon.

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