What causes low T in young men these days?



Jul 12, 2019
I had bloodwork done when I was like 26-27 and tested low T. T levels of a 90 year old man. I am now a 34 year old man and I'm sure my T levels aren't any better. Since the levels drop with age.
What causes low testosterone in men? Maybe if I can just do the opposite of what's causing it, I can reverse it without having to inject.
I had bloodwork done when I was like 26-27 and tested low T. T levels of a 90 year old man. I am now a 34 year old man and I'm sure my T levels aren't any better. Since the levels drop with age.
What causes low testosterone in men? Maybe if I can just do the opposite of what's causing it, I can reverse it without having to inject.
Lift, avoid plastic, sugar, filter your water
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lack of exercise bad diet obesity
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I had bloodwork done when I was like 26-27 and tested low T. T levels of a 90 year old man. I am now a 34 year old man and I'm sure my T levels aren't any better. Since the levels drop with age.
What causes low testosterone in men? Maybe if I can just do the opposite of what's causing it, I can reverse it without having to inject.

the (((tribe)))
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High inhibition and severe autism.
Masturbation, soy milk
Or anything with soy in it for that matter
Also a sedentary lifestyle will as well
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  • Ugh..
  • JFL
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Almost everything
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I guess sugar and fast food
shit diet/lifestyle
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I lift weights 3-4x a week (I have been slacking off since Sunday though. I did 5 workouts yesterday and 1 workout on Wednesday).
I have been cutting back on sugar
I don't watch porn anymore. I quit 2-3 weeks ago.
I fap sometimes (without orgasm usually, edging)

My erectile health has improved. I have noticed a significant improvement. But it is still not where it needs to be.
I think the most prominent t killer is the inactive lifestyle everyone lives
I think the most prominent t killer is the inactive lifestyle everyone lives
I don't live a sedentary lifestyle anymore (I lift weights 3-4x a week) and I still have erectile dysfunction to some extent. It hasn't cured it 100%. Maybe it just takes time for my body to make the adjusment.
Shit genetics and poor prenatal development
I don't live a sedentary lifestyle anymore (I lift weights 3-4x a week) and I still have erectile dysfunction to some extent. It hasn't cured it 100%. Maybe it just takes time for my body to make the adjusment.
>he thinks lifting for 4 hours a week makes his lifestyle active

Jfl, that’s not even close to enough. An “active lifestyle” means your walking around all the time, and socializing a lot. Most people here including me probably spend atleast 5+ hours a day on phone and computer when they have the chance, and that shit is fucking awful for you
>he thinks lifting for 4 hours a week makes his lifestyle active

Jfl, that’s not even close to enough. An “active lifestyle” means your walking around all the time, and socializing a lot. Most people here including me probably spend atleast 5+ hours a day on phone and computer when they have the chance, and that shit is fucking awful for you
So basically we need to go back to working on farms or becoming hunter-gatherers and shit?
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So basically we need to go back to working on farms or becoming hunter-gatherers and shit?
That would be a start. Why do you think mental illness is so rampant? Humans aren’t meant to be cooped up on a screen for 8 hours a day. Just look at pictures of people from the 40s, they are all significantly better looking than the average white “male” today because they actually had to walk around and shit
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That would be a start. Why do you think mental illness is so rampant? Humans aren’t meant to be cooped up on a screen for 8 hours a day. Just look at pictures of people from the 40s, they are all significantly better looking than the average white “male” today because they actually had to walk around and shit
Yeah it's emasculating when I can't get my dick hard for a woman when I take her to bed. Which is an issue that I frequently have. Though not always. I have a libido. But I only get erections now and then spontaneously when I'm aroused or when I wake up with morning wood. I don't get them on command.
I had bloodwork done when I was like 26-27 and tested low T. T levels of a 90 year old man. I am now a 34 year old man and I'm sure my T levels aren't any better. Since the levels drop with age.
What causes low testosterone in men? Maybe if I can just do the opposite of what's causing it, I can reverse it without having to inject.
Plastic, sugar, hormones in the meat, obesity epidemic, lack of exercise, apparently blue light from cellphones was shown to delay puberty, shampoo containing phtalates

then again, its all about when your mom was pregnant.

"Oh X cream will help my baby look his great!"
Then you're born with a micropenis. Life sucks
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  • JFL
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Most women have shitty diets, which causes low prenatal T, which in the end results in low T later in life
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These are all bluepill copes. I had a T test a month ago and got 965 and i look like a kid. All i do is wank cry smoke hashish and drink alcohol

It is all genetics
I had bloodwork done when I was like 26-27 and tested low T. T levels of a 90 year old man. I am now a 34 year old man and I'm sure my T levels aren't any better. Since the levels drop with age.
What causes low testosterone in men? Maybe if I can just do the opposite of what's causing it, I can reverse it without having to inject.
in our society low T levels are mainly caused by high bodyFat level, lack of exercise, polinsaturated fats, genetics.
if your T level is low despite of healthy lifestyle start weight training. If it's not enought start injecting testosterone or take SARMs
  • Woah
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People told me I look soy need to get my t levels checked af.
>he thinks lifting for 4 hours a week makes his lifestyle active

Jfl, that’s not even close to enough. An “active lifestyle” means your walking around all the time, and socializing a lot. Most people here including me probably spend atleast 5+ hours a day on phone and computer when they have the chance, and that shit is fucking awful for you
Plastic, sugar, hormones in the meat, obesity epidemic, lack of exercise, apparently blue light from cellphones was shown to delay puberty, shampoo containing phtalates

then again, its all about when your mom was pregnant.

"Oh X cream will help my baby look his great!"
Then you're born with a micropenis. Life sucks
This ngl.
-estradiol (birth control pill)
-xenoestrogens (pesticides, plastics)
-lack of sleep
-lack of sunlight
-bad genetics
-nutrient deficient diet
Pale basement dwelling sleep deprived subhuman conveniently declares scientific fact as "cope".

The utter state of the forum.
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  • JFL
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i actually did a T test
from all the people you would have thought i had low t
but apparently according to the doctors i have normal levels
Pale basement dwelling sleep deprived subhuman conveniently declares scientific fact as "cope".

The utter state of the forum.

Me and my friend stay up for days playing video games, not leaving home to get sun, and not making exercise, but you still can see hair all over my body, and much more than the most people.
i actually did a T test
from all the people you would have thought i had low t
but apparently according to the doctors i have normal levels
normal literally ranges between 300 and 700. Some even consider 250 normal
Me and my friend stay up for days playing video games, not leaving home to get sun, and not making exercise, but you still can see hair all over my body, and much more than the most people.
Still lowers it significantly so.... what’s your point
Still lowers it significantly so.... what’s your point

Hormone seems genetic to me, for example, my dad is extremely muscular and have much hair in the body, even though he spends most of his time watching TV, my friend have much veins in the arm, much hair in the body, and his skin is very low bf, and he spends all his time in PC and stay wake many nights, so i dont understand people saiyng that not getting sun and dont making exercise can lower testosterone.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken, testosterone levels fluctuate a lot in just one day, so I don't know if the effect is extreme as they are saying here.
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Hormone seems genetic to me, for example, my dad is extremely muscular and have much hair in the body, even though he spends most of his time watching TV, my friend have much veins in the arm, much hair in the body, and his skin is very low bf, and he spends all his time in PC and stay wake many nights, so i dont understand people saiyng that not getting sun and dont making exercise can lower testosterone.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken, testosterone levels fluctuate a lot in just one day, so I don't know if the effect is extreme as they are saying here.
hair doesnt mean high t
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it's the culture mostly
I guess sugar and fast food
0D219CFE F052 4AC2 94E0 0DE6942149F6
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hair doesnt mean high t

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in adult men include:
  • Reduced body and facial hair
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Low libido, impotence, small testicles, reduced sperm count and infertility
  • Increased breast size
  • Hot flashes
  • Irritability, poor concentration and depression
  • Loss of body hair
  • Brittle bones and an increased risk of fracture"
Me, my dad and my friend looks like monkeys, so, if this is not highT, so i dont know what High T is.
  • Hmm...
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Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in adult men include:
  • Reduced body and facial hair
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Low libido, impotence, small testicles, reduced sperm count and infertility
  • Increased breast size
  • Hot flashes
  • Irritability, poor concentration and depression
  • Loss of body hair
  • Brittle bones and an increased risk of fracture"
Me, my dad and my friend looks like monkeys, so, if this is not highT, so i dont know what High T is.
thats t deficiency not high t
Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in adult men include:
  • Reduced body and facial hair".
thats t deficiency not high t
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There this old cell in the gym who looks Putin super shredded with 16 inch arms but can only bench 140lb. It’s crazy lol
thats t deficiency not high t

But what your mean with High T? obviously if a person have High T they will have hair in the body
The signs of High T dont looks good

"Problems associated with excessive testosterone in men include:

  • Low sperm counts, shrinking of the testicles and impotence (seems odd, doesn't it?)
  • Heart muscle damage and increased risk of heart attack
  • Prostate enlargement with difficulty urinating
  • Liver disease
  • Acne
  • Fluid retention with swelling of the legs and feet
  • Weight gain, perhaps related in part to increased appetite
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Increased risk of blood clots
  • Stunted growth in adolescents
  • Uncharacteristically aggressive behavior (although not well studied or clearly proven)
  • Mood swings, euphoria, irritability, impaired judgment, delusions"
normal literally ranges between 300 and 700. Some even consider 250 normal
Just cause the average t has decreased a shit load doesn't fucking make it normal, it means everyone's t levels are fucking shit.
There this old cell in the gym who looks Putin super shredded with 16 inch arms but can only bench 140lb. It’s crazy lol
He can bench more just chooses not to
Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in adult men include:
  • Reduced body and facial hair".
Lowest of IQ’s
Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in adult men include:
  • Reduced body and facial hair
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Low libido, impotence, small testicles, reduced sperm count and infertility
  • Increased breast size
  • Hot flashes
  • Irritability, poor concentration and depression
  • Loss of body hair
  • Brittle bones and an increased risk of fracture"
Me, my dad and my friend looks like monkeys, so, if this is not highT, so i dont know what High T is.
Shit I got increased breast size 3 years ago starting a job where I ate a shit load of sugar for months, maybe that's why I look so soy now compared to before.
Shit I got increased breast size 3 years ago starting a job where I ate a shit load of sugar for months, maybe that's why I look so soy now compared to before.

Oh man, really sad, what your age?

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