what did richard ramirez even do



Oct 3, 2020
i know he is nighsomething but i dont even know why hes in jail tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19281
hard to google?
google you donkey
  • JFL
Reactions: Pussyslayer
On April 10, 1984, Ramirez murdered 9-year-old Mei Leung in the basement of the hotel where he was living, in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. He raped and beat the girl before stabbing her to death, and hanged her body from a pipe.[23] This, Ramirez's first known killing, was not initially identified as being connected to the subsequent crime spree. In 2009, Ramirez's DNA was matched to a sample obtained at this crime scene.[24] In 2016, officials disclosed evidence of a second suspect, identified through a DNA sample retrieved from the scene, who is believed to have been present at Leung's murder. Authorities have not publicly identified the suspect, described as being a juvenile at the time, and have not brought charges due to the lack of evidence.[25]

"Night Stalker" crimes
On June 28, 1984, 79-year-old Jennie Vincow was found brutally murdered in her apartment in Glassell Park, Los Angeles.[26] She had been stabbed repeatedly while asleep in her bed, and her throat slashed so deeply that she was nearly decapitated.[27] Ramirez's fingerprint was found on a mesh screen he removed to gain access through an open window.[28]

On March 17, 1985, Ramirez attacked 22-year-old Maria Hernandez outside her home in Rosemead, California, shooting her in the face with a .22 caliber handgun after she pulled into her garage.[29] She survived when the bullet ricocheted off the keys she held in her hands as she lifted them to protect herself.[30] Inside the house was her roommate, Dayle Yoshie Okazaki, 34, who heard the gunshot and ducked behind a counter when she saw Ramirez enter the kitchen. When she raised her head he shot her once in the forehead, killing her.[31]

Within an hour of the Rosemead home invasion, Ramirez pulled 30-year-old Tsai-Lian "Veronica" Yu out of her car in Monterey Park, California, shot her twice with a .22 caliber handgun, and fled.[32] She was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.[33] The two murders, and attempted third, in a single day attracted extensive coverage from news media, who dubbed the curly-haired attacker with bulging eyes and wide-spaced, rotting teeth "The Walk-in Killer" and "The Valley Intruder."

On March 27, 1985, Ramirez entered a home that he had burglarized a year earlier in Whittier, California, at approximately 2 a.m. and killed the sleeping Vincent Charles Zazzara, age 64, with a gunshot to his head from a .22 caliber handgun.[34] Zazzara's wife Maxine Levenia Zazzara, age 44, was awakened by the gunshot, and Ramirez beat her and bound her hands while demanding to know where her valuables were.[35] While he ransacked the room, Maxine escaped her bonds and retrieved a shotgun from under the bed, which was not loaded.[36] The infuriated Ramirez shot her three times with the .22, then fetched a large carving knife from the kitchen.[37] He mutilated her body by stabbing her several times, then gouged out her eyes and placed them in a jewelry box, which he left with.[37] The autopsy determined that the mutilations were post-mortem. Ramirez left footprints from a pair of Avia sneakers in the flower beds, which the police photographed and cast. This was virtually the only evidence that the police had at the time. Bullets found at the scene were matched to those found at previous attacks, and the police realized a serial killer was at large. Vincent and Maxine's bodies were discovered by their son, Peter.[38]

On May 14, 1985, Ramirez returned to Monterey Park and entered the home of Bill Doi, 66, and his disabled wife, Lillian, 56.[39] Surprising Doi in his bedroom, Ramirez shot him in the face with a .22 semi-automatic pistol as Doi went for his own handgun.[40] After beating the mortally wounded man into unconsciousness, Ramirez entered Lillian's bedroom, bound her with thumbcuffs, then raped her after he had ransacked the home for valuables.[41] Bill Doi died of his injuries while in the hospital.[42]

On the night of May 29, 1985, Ramirez drove a stolen car to Monrovia, California, and stopped at the house of Mabel "Ma" Bell, 83, and her disabled sister, Florence "Nettie" Lang, 81.[43] Finding a hammer in the kitchen, he bludgeoned and bound Lang in her bedroom, then bound and bludgeoned Bell before using an electrical cord to shock the woman.[44] After raping Lang, he used Bell's lipstick to draw a pentagram on her thigh as well as on the walls of both bedrooms.[44] The women were found two days later, alive but comatose. Bell later died of her injuries.[45]

The next day, Ramirez drove the same car to Burbank, California, and sneaked into the home of Carol Kyle, 42.[46] At gunpoint, he bound Kyle and her 11-year-old son with handcuffs, then ransacked the house.[47] He released Kyle to direct him to where the family's valuables were; he then raped her repeatedly.[48] Ramirez also repeatedly ordered her not to look at him, telling her at one point that he would "cut her eyes out". He fled the scene after retrieving the child from the closet and binding the two together again with the handcuffs.[49]

On the night of July 2, 1985, he drove a stolen car to Arcadia, California, and randomly selected the house of Mary Louise Cannon, 75.[50] After quietly entering the widowed grandmother's home, he found her asleep in her bedroom. He bludgeoned her into unconsciousness with a lamp and then repeatedly stabbed her using a 10-inch butcher knife from her kitchen. She was found dead at the scene.[50]

On July 5, 1985, Ramirez broke into a home in Sierra Madre, California, and bludgeoned 16-year-old Whitney Bennett with a tire iron as she slept in her bedroom. After searching in vain for a knife in the kitchen, Ramirez attempted to strangle the girl with a telephone cord. He was startled to see electrical sparks emanate from the cord, and when his victim began to breathe, he fled the house believing that Jesus Christ had intervened and saved her.[51] Bennett survived the savage beating although 478 stitches were required to close the lacerations to her scalp.[52]

On July 7, 1985, Ramirez burglarized the home of Joyce Lucille Nelson, 61, in Monterey Park. Finding her asleep on her living room couch, he beat her to death using his fists and kicking her in the head. A shoe print from an Avia sneaker was left imprinted on her face.[53] After cruising two other neighborhoods, he returned to Monterey Park and chose the home of Sophie Dickman, 63.[54] Ramirez assaulted and handcuffed Dickman at gunpoint, attempted to rape her, and stole her jewelry; when she swore to him that he had taken everything of value, he told her to "swear on Satan".[55]

On July 20, 1985, Ramirez purchased a machete before driving a stolen Toyota to Glendale, California.[56] He chose the home of Lela Kneiding, 66, and her husband Maxon, 68.[57] He burst into the sleeping couple's bedroom and hacked them with the machete, then killed them with shots to the head from a .22 caliber handgun.[58] He further mutilated their bodies with the machete before robbing the house of valuables.[58] After quickly fencing the stolen items from the Kneiding residence, Ramirez drove to Sun Valley.[59]

At approximately 4:15 am, he broke into the home of the Khovananth family.[59] He shot the sleeping Chainarong Khovananth in the head with a .25 caliber handgun, killing him instantly,[60] then repeatedly raped and beat Somkid Khovananth. He bound the couple's terrified 8-year-old son before dragging Somkid around the house to reveal the location of any valuable items, which he stole. During his assault he demanded that she "swear to Satan" that she was not hiding any money from him.[61]

On August 6, 1985, Ramirez drove to Northridge, California, and broke into the home of Chris and Virginia Peterson.[62][63] He crept into the bedroom, startled Virginia, 27, and shot her in the face with a .25 caliber semi-automatic handgun.[64] He then shot Chris in the neck and attempted to flee; Chris fought back while avoiding being hit by two more shots during the struggle before Ramirez managed to escape.[65] The couple survived their injuries.[66]

On August 8, 1985, Ramirez drove a stolen car to Diamond Bar, California, and chose the home of Sakina Abowath, 27, and her husband Elyas Abowath, 31.[67] Sometime after 2:30 am he entered the house and went into the master bedroom. He instantly killed the sleeping Elyas with a shot to the head from a .25 caliber handgun.[68] He handcuffed and beat Sakina while forcing her to reveal the locations of the family's jewelry, and then brutally raped her. He repeatedly demanded that she "swear on Satan" that she would not scream during his assaults.[69][70] When the couple's 3-year-old son entered the bedroom, Ramirez tied the child up and then continued to rape Sakina.[71] After Ramirez left the home, Sakina untied her son and sent him to the neighbors for help.[72]

Ramirez, who had been following the media coverage of his crimes, left Los Angeles and headed to the San Francisco Bay area.[73] On August 18, 1985, he entered the home of Peter and Barbara Pan. He shot the sleeping Peter, 66, in the temple with a .25 caliber handgun.[74] He then beat and sexually assaulted Barbara, 62, before shooting her in the head and leaving her for dead.[75] At the crime scene, Ramirez used lipstick to scrawl a pentagram and the phrase "Jack the Knife" on the bedroom wall.[75] When it was discovered that the ballistics and shoe print evidence from the Los Angeles crime scenes matched the Pan crime scene, San Francisco's then-mayor Dianne Feinstein divulged the information in a televised press conference.[76] This leak infuriated the detectives in the case, as they knew the killer would be following media coverage, which gave him opportunity to destroy crucial forensic evidence.[76] Ramirez, who had indeed been watching the press, dropped his size 11 1/2 Avia sneakers over the side of the Golden Gate Bridge that night.[77] He remained in the area for a few more days before heading back to the Los Angeles area.[77]

On August 24, 1985, Ramirez traveled 76 miles south of Los Angeles, in a stolen orange Toyota, to Mission Viejo. That night, he arrived at the home of James Romero, Jr., who had just returned from a family vacation to Rosarito Beach in Mexico. Romero's son, 13-year-old James Romero III, happened to be awake and heard Ramirez's footsteps outside the house. Thinking there was a prowler, James went to wake his parents, and Ramirez fled the scene. James raced outside and noted the color, make, and style of the car, as well as a partial license plate number. Romero contacted the police with this information, believing James had chased away a thief.[78]

After this encounter, Ramirez broke into the house of Bill Carns, 30, and his fiancée, Inez Erickson, 29,[79] through a back door.[80] Ramirez entered the sleeping couple's bedroom and awakened Carns when he cocked his .25 caliber handgun. He shot Carns three times in the head before turning his attention to Erickson. Ramirez told the terrified woman that he was the "Night Stalker" and forced her to swear she loved Satan as he beat her with his fists and bound her with neckties from the closet.[81] After stealing what he could find, Ramirez dragged Erickson to another room to rape her. He then demanded cash and more jewelry, and made her "swear on Satan" there was no more. Before leaving the home, Ramirez told Erickson, "Tell them the Night Stalker was here."[82] Erickson untied herself and went to a neighbor's house to get help for her severely injured fiancé. Surgeons removed two of the bullets from his head, and he survived his injuries.[83]

Erickson gave a detailed description of the assailant to investigators,[84] and police obtained a cast of Ramirez's footprint from the Romero house.[78] The stolen car was found on August 28 in Wilshire Center, Los Angeles, and police obtained a single fingerprint from the rear-view mirror despite Ramirez's careful efforts to wipe the car clean of his prints.[83] The print was positively identified as belonging to Ramirez, who was described as a 25-year-old drifter from Texas, with a long rap sheet that included many arrests for traffic and illegal drug violations.[85] Law enforcement officials decided to release to the media a mug shot of Ramirez from a December 12, 1984, arrest (photo, below right) for auto theft, and the "Night Stalker" finally had a face.[86] At the police press conference it was announced: "We know who you are now, and soon everyone else will. There will be no place you can hide."[87]


Ramirez was 24 years old when he began his serial murders. This mugshot of Ramirez, taken on December 12, 1984, after an arrest for auto theft, directly led to his apprehension.[86]
On August 30, 1985, Ramirez took a bus to Tucson, Arizona, to visit his brother, unaware that he had become the lead story in virtually every major newspaper and television news program across California.[88][89] After failing to meet his brother, he returned to Los Angeles early on the morning of August 31. He walked past police officers, who were staking out the bus terminal in hopes of catching the killer should he attempt to flee on an outbound bus, and into to a convenience store in East Los Angeles.[90]

After noticing a group of elderly Mexican women fearfully identifying him as "El Matador" (or "The Killer"), Ramirez saw his face on the front pages on the newspaper rack and fled the store in a panic.[90] After running across the Santa Ana Freeway, he attempted to carjack a woman but was chased away by bystanders, who pursued him.[91] After hopping over several fences and attempting two more carjackings, he was eventually subdued by a group of residents, one of whom had struck him over the head with a metal bar in the pursuit. The group held Ramirez down and relentlessly beat him until the police arrived and took him into custody.[92]
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 13787, Deleted member 13137, Stare and 5 others
hard to google?
google you donkey

take some notes how to answer

On April 10, 1984, Ramirez murdered 9-year-old Mei Leung in the basement of the hotel where he was living, in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. He raped and beat the girl before stabbing her to death, and hanged her body from a pipe.[23] This, Ramirez's first known killing, was not initially identified as being connected to the subsequent crime spree. In 2009, Ramirez's DNA was matched to a sample obtained at this crime scene.[24] In 2016, officials disclosed evidence of a second suspect, identified through a DNA sample retrieved from the scene, who is believed to have been present at Leung's murder. Authorities have not publicly identified the suspect, described as being a juvenile at the time, and have not brought charges due to the lack of evidence.[25]

"Night Stalker" crimes
On June 28, 1984, 79-year-old Jennie Vincow was found brutally murdered in her apartment in Glassell Park, Los Angeles.[26] She had been stabbed repeatedly while asleep in her bed, and her throat slashed so deeply that she was nearly decapitated.[27] Ramirez's fingerprint was found on a mesh screen he removed to gain access through an open window.[28]

On March 17, 1985, Ramirez attacked 22-year-old Maria Hernandez outside her home in Rosemead, California, shooting her in the face with a .22 caliber handgun after she pulled into her garage.[29] She survived when the bullet ricocheted off the keys she held in her hands as she lifted them to protect herself.[30] Inside the house was her roommate, Dayle Yoshie Okazaki, 34, who heard the gunshot and ducked behind a counter when she saw Ramirez enter the kitchen. When she raised her head he shot her once in the forehead, killing her.[31]

Within an hour of the Rosemead home invasion, Ramirez pulled 30-year-old Tsai-Lian "Veronica" Yu out of her car in Monterey Park, California, shot her twice with a .22 caliber handgun, and fled.[32] She was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.[33] The two murders, and attempted third, in a single day attracted extensive coverage from news media, who dubbed the curly-haired attacker with bulging eyes and wide-spaced, rotting teeth "The Walk-in Killer" and "The Valley Intruder."

On March 27, 1985, Ramirez entered a home that he had burglarized a year earlier in Whittier, California, at approximately 2 a.m. and killed the sleeping Vincent Charles Zazzara, age 64, with a gunshot to his head from a .22 caliber handgun.[34] Zazzara's wife Maxine Levenia Zazzara, age 44, was awakened by the gunshot, and Ramirez beat her and bound her hands while demanding to know where her valuables were.[35] While he ransacked the room, Maxine escaped her bonds and retrieved a shotgun from under the bed, which was not loaded.[36] The infuriated Ramirez shot her three times with the .22, then fetched a large carving knife from the kitchen.[37] He mutilated her body by stabbing her several times, then gouged out her eyes and placed them in a jewelry box, which he left with.[37] The autopsy determined that the mutilations were post-mortem. Ramirez left footprints from a pair of Avia sneakers in the flower beds, which the police photographed and cast. This was virtually the only evidence that the police had at the time. Bullets found at the scene were matched to those found at previous attacks, and the police realized a serial killer was at large. Vincent and Maxine's bodies were discovered by their son, Peter.[38]

On May 14, 1985, Ramirez returned to Monterey Park and entered the home of Bill Doi, 66, and his disabled wife, Lillian, 56.[39] Surprising Doi in his bedroom, Ramirez shot him in the face with a .22 semi-automatic pistol as Doi went for his own handgun.[40] After beating the mortally wounded man into unconsciousness, Ramirez entered Lillian's bedroom, bound her with thumbcuffs, then raped her after he had ransacked the home for valuables.[41] Bill Doi died of his injuries while in the hospital.[42]

On the night of May 29, 1985, Ramirez drove a stolen car to Monrovia, California, and stopped at the house of Mabel "Ma" Bell, 83, and her disabled sister, Florence "Nettie" Lang, 81.[43] Finding a hammer in the kitchen, he bludgeoned and bound Lang in her bedroom, then bound and bludgeoned Bell before using an electrical cord to shock the woman.[44] After raping Lang, he used Bell's lipstick to draw a pentagram on her thigh as well as on the walls of both bedrooms.[44] The women were found two days later, alive but comatose. Bell later died of her injuries.[45]

The next day, Ramirez drove the same car to Burbank, California, and sneaked into the home of Carol Kyle, 42.[46] At gunpoint, he bound Kyle and her 11-year-old son with handcuffs, then ransacked the house.[47] He released Kyle to direct him to where the family's valuables were; he then raped her repeatedly.[48] Ramirez also repeatedly ordered her not to look at him, telling her at one point that he would "cut her eyes out". He fled the scene after retrieving the child from the closet and binding the two together again with the handcuffs.[49]

On the night of July 2, 1985, he drove a stolen car to Arcadia, California, and randomly selected the house of Mary Louise Cannon, 75.[50] After quietly entering the widowed grandmother's home, he found her asleep in her bedroom. He bludgeoned her into unconsciousness with a lamp and then repeatedly stabbed her using a 10-inch butcher knife from her kitchen. She was found dead at the scene.[50]

On July 5, 1985, Ramirez broke into a home in Sierra Madre, California, and bludgeoned 16-year-old Whitney Bennett with a tire iron as she slept in her bedroom. After searching in vain for a knife in the kitchen, Ramirez attempted to strangle the girl with a telephone cord. He was startled to see electrical sparks emanate from the cord, and when his victim began to breathe, he fled the house believing that Jesus Christ had intervened and saved her.[51] Bennett survived the savage beating although 478 stitches were required to close the lacerations to her scalp.[52]

On July 7, 1985, Ramirez burglarized the home of Joyce Lucille Nelson, 61, in Monterey Park. Finding her asleep on her living room couch, he beat her to death using his fists and kicking her in the head. A shoe print from an Avia sneaker was left imprinted on her face.[53] After cruising two other neighborhoods, he returned to Monterey Park and chose the home of Sophie Dickman, 63.[54] Ramirez assaulted and handcuffed Dickman at gunpoint, attempted to rape her, and stole her jewelry; when she swore to him that he had taken everything of value, he told her to "swear on Satan".[55]

On July 20, 1985, Ramirez purchased a machete before driving a stolen Toyota to Glendale, California.[56] He chose the home of Lela Kneiding, 66, and her husband Maxon, 68.[57] He burst into the sleeping couple's bedroom and hacked them with the machete, then killed them with shots to the head from a .22 caliber handgun.[58] He further mutilated their bodies with the machete before robbing the house of valuables.[58] After quickly fencing the stolen items from the Kneiding residence, Ramirez drove to Sun Valley.[59]

At approximately 4:15 am, he broke into the home of the Khovananth family.[59] He shot the sleeping Chainarong Khovananth in the head with a .25 caliber handgun, killing him instantly,[60] then repeatedly raped and beat Somkid Khovananth. He bound the couple's terrified 8-year-old son before dragging Somkid around the house to reveal the location of any valuable items, which he stole. During his assault he demanded that she "swear to Satan" that she was not hiding any money from him.[61]

On August 6, 1985, Ramirez drove to Northridge, California, and broke into the home of Chris and Virginia Peterson.[62][63] He crept into the bedroom, startled Virginia, 27, and shot her in the face with a .25 caliber semi-automatic handgun.[64] He then shot Chris in the neck and attempted to flee; Chris fought back while avoiding being hit by two more shots during the struggle before Ramirez managed to escape.[65] The couple survived their injuries.[66]

On August 8, 1985, Ramirez drove a stolen car to Diamond Bar, California, and chose the home of Sakina Abowath, 27, and her husband Elyas Abowath, 31.[67] Sometime after 2:30 am he entered the house and went into the master bedroom. He instantly killed the sleeping Elyas with a shot to the head from a .25 caliber handgun.[68] He handcuffed and beat Sakina while forcing her to reveal the locations of the family's jewelry, and then brutally raped her. He repeatedly demanded that she "swear on Satan" that she would not scream during his assaults.[69][70] When the couple's 3-year-old son entered the bedroom, Ramirez tied the child up and then continued to rape Sakina.[71] After Ramirez left the home, Sakina untied her son and sent him to the neighbors for help.[72]

Ramirez, who had been following the media coverage of his crimes, left Los Angeles and headed to the San Francisco Bay area.[73] On August 18, 1985, he entered the home of Peter and Barbara Pan. He shot the sleeping Peter, 66, in the temple with a .25 caliber handgun.[74] He then beat and sexually assaulted Barbara, 62, before shooting her in the head and leaving her for dead.[75] At the crime scene, Ramirez used lipstick to scrawl a pentagram and the phrase "Jack the Knife" on the bedroom wall.[75] When it was discovered that the ballistics and shoe print evidence from the Los Angeles crime scenes matched the Pan crime scene, San Francisco's then-mayor Dianne Feinstein divulged the information in a televised press conference.[76] This leak infuriated the detectives in the case, as they knew the killer would be following media coverage, which gave him opportunity to destroy crucial forensic evidence.[76] Ramirez, who had indeed been watching the press, dropped his size 11 1/2 Avia sneakers over the side of the Golden Gate Bridge that night.[77] He remained in the area for a few more days before heading back to the Los Angeles area.[77]

On August 24, 1985, Ramirez traveled 76 miles south of Los Angeles, in a stolen orange Toyota, to Mission Viejo. That night, he arrived at the home of James Romero, Jr., who had just returned from a family vacation to Rosarito Beach in Mexico. Romero's son, 13-year-old James Romero III, happened to be awake and heard Ramirez's footsteps outside the house. Thinking there was a prowler, James went to wake his parents, and Ramirez fled the scene. James raced outside and noted the color, make, and style of the car, as well as a partial license plate number. Romero contacted the police with this information, believing James had chased away a thief.[78]

After this encounter, Ramirez broke into the house of Bill Carns, 30, and his fiancée, Inez Erickson, 29,[79] through a back door.[80] Ramirez entered the sleeping couple's bedroom and awakened Carns when he cocked his .25 caliber handgun. He shot Carns three times in the head before turning his attention to Erickson. Ramirez told the terrified woman that he was the "Night Stalker" and forced her to swear she loved Satan as he beat her with his fists and bound her with neckties from the closet.[81] After stealing what he could find, Ramirez dragged Erickson to another room to rape her. He then demanded cash and more jewelry, and made her "swear on Satan" there was no more. Before leaving the home, Ramirez told Erickson, "Tell them the Night Stalker was here."[82] Erickson untied herself and went to a neighbor's house to get help for her severely injured fiancé. Surgeons removed two of the bullets from his head, and he survived his injuries.[83]

Erickson gave a detailed description of the assailant to investigators,[84] and police obtained a cast of Ramirez's footprint from the Romero house.[78] The stolen car was found on August 28 in Wilshire Center, Los Angeles, and police obtained a single fingerprint from the rear-view mirror despite Ramirez's careful efforts to wipe the car clean of his prints.[83] The print was positively identified as belonging to Ramirez, who was described as a 25-year-old drifter from Texas, with a long rap sheet that included many arrests for traffic and illegal drug violations.[85] Law enforcement officials decided to release to the media a mug shot of Ramirez from a December 12, 1984, arrest (photo, below right) for auto theft, and the "Night Stalker" finally had a face.[86] At the police press conference it was announced: "We know who you are now, and soon everyone else will. There will be no place you can hide."[87]


Ramirez was 24 years old when he began his serial murders. This mugshot of Ramirez, taken on December 12, 1984, after an arrest for auto theft, directly led to his apprehension.[86]
On August 30, 1985, Ramirez took a bus to Tucson, Arizona, to visit his brother, unaware that he had become the lead story in virtually every major newspaper and television news program across California.[88][89] After failing to meet his brother, he returned to Los Angeles early on the morning of August 31. He walked past police officers, who were staking out the bus terminal in hopes of catching the killer should he attempt to flee on an outbound bus, and into to a convenience store in East Los Angeles.[90]

After noticing a group of elderly Mexican women fearfully identifying him as "El Matador" (or "The Killer"), Ramirez saw his face on the front pages on the newspaper rack and fled the store in a panic.[90] After running across the Santa Ana Freeway, he attempted to carjack a woman but was chased away by bystanders, who pursued him.[91] After hopping over several fences and attempting two more carjackings, he was eventually subdued by a group of residents, one of whom had struck him over the head with a metal bar in the pursuit. The group held Ramirez down and relentlessly beat him until the police arrived and took him into custody.[92]
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: NaturalDisaster and RAITEIII
you will look fucking unreal, like a panther stalking its prey

like richard ramirez crawling through her garage window

like a zyros without the upset stomach
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Toth's thot, Deleted member 15099 and Deleted member 10679
He became a male model for .me
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099
google you donkey
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
On April 10, 1984, Ramirez murdered 9-year-old Mei Leung in the basement of the hotel where he was living, in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. He raped and beat the girl before stabbing her to death, and hanged her body from a pipe.[23] This, Ramirez's first known killing, was not initially identified as being connected to the subsequent crime spree. In 2009, Ramirez's DNA was matched to a sample obtained at this crime scene.[24] In 2016, officials disclosed evidence of a second suspect, identified through a DNA sample retrieved from the scene, who is believed to have been present at Leung's murder. Authorities have not publicly identified the suspect, described as being a juvenile at the time, and have not brought charges due to the lack of evidence.[25]

"Night Stalker" crimes
On June 28, 1984, 79-year-old Jennie Vincow was found brutally murdered in her apartment in Glassell Park, Los Angeles.[26] She had been stabbed repeatedly while asleep in her bed, and her throat slashed so deeply that she was nearly decapitated.[27] Ramirez's fingerprint was found on a mesh screen he removed to gain access through an open window.[28]

On March 17, 1985, Ramirez attacked 22-year-old Maria Hernandez outside her home in Rosemead, California, shooting her in the face with a .22 caliber handgun after she pulled into her garage.[29] She survived when the bullet ricocheted off the keys she held in her hands as she lifted them to protect herself.[30] Inside the house was her roommate, Dayle Yoshie Okazaki, 34, who heard the gunshot and ducked behind a counter when she saw Ramirez enter the kitchen. When she raised her head he shot her once in the forehead, killing her.[31]

Within an hour of the Rosemead home invasion, Ramirez pulled 30-year-old Tsai-Lian "Veronica" Yu out of her car in Monterey Park, California, shot her twice with a .22 caliber handgun, and fled.[32] She was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.[33] The two murders, and attempted third, in a single day attracted extensive coverage from news media, who dubbed the curly-haired attacker with bulging eyes and wide-spaced, rotting teeth "The Walk-in Killer" and "The Valley Intruder."

On March 27, 1985, Ramirez entered a home that he had burglarized a year earlier in Whittier, California, at approximately 2 a.m. and killed the sleeping Vincent Charles Zazzara, age 64, with a gunshot to his head from a .22 caliber handgun.[34] Zazzara's wife Maxine Levenia Zazzara, age 44, was awakened by the gunshot, and Ramirez beat her and bound her hands while demanding to know where her valuables were.[35] While he ransacked the room, Maxine escaped her bonds and retrieved a shotgun from under the bed, which was not loaded.[36] The infuriated Ramirez shot her three times with the .22, then fetched a large carving knife from the kitchen.[37] He mutilated her body by stabbing her several times, then gouged out her eyes and placed them in a jewelry box, which he left with.[37] The autopsy determined that the mutilations were post-mortem. Ramirez left footprints from a pair of Avia sneakers in the flower beds, which the police photographed and cast. This was virtually the only evidence that the police had at the time. Bullets found at the scene were matched to those found at previous attacks, and the police realized a serial killer was at large. Vincent and Maxine's bodies were discovered by their son, Peter.[38]

On May 14, 1985, Ramirez returned to Monterey Park and entered the home of Bill Doi, 66, and his disabled wife, Lillian, 56.[39] Surprising Doi in his bedroom, Ramirez shot him in the face with a .22 semi-automatic pistol as Doi went for his own handgun.[40] After beating the mortally wounded man into unconsciousness, Ramirez entered Lillian's bedroom, bound her with thumbcuffs, then raped her after he had ransacked the home for valuables.[41] Bill Doi died of his injuries while in the hospital.[42]

On the night of May 29, 1985, Ramirez drove a stolen car to Monrovia, California, and stopped at the house of Mabel "Ma" Bell, 83, and her disabled sister, Florence "Nettie" Lang, 81.[43] Finding a hammer in the kitchen, he bludgeoned and bound Lang in her bedroom, then bound and bludgeoned Bell before using an electrical cord to shock the woman.[44] After raping Lang, he used Bell's lipstick to draw a pentagram on her thigh as well as on the walls of both bedrooms.[44] The women were found two days later, alive but comatose. Bell later died of her injuries.[45]

The next day, Ramirez drove the same car to Burbank, California, and sneaked into the home of Carol Kyle, 42.[46] At gunpoint, he bound Kyle and her 11-year-old son with handcuffs, then ransacked the house.[47] He released Kyle to direct him to where the family's valuables were; he then raped her repeatedly.[48] Ramirez also repeatedly ordered her not to look at him, telling her at one point that he would "cut her eyes out". He fled the scene after retrieving the child from the closet and binding the two together again with the handcuffs.[49]

On the night of July 2, 1985, he drove a stolen car to Arcadia, California, and randomly selected the house of Mary Louise Cannon, 75.[50] After quietly entering the widowed grandmother's home, he found her asleep in her bedroom. He bludgeoned her into unconsciousness with a lamp and then repeatedly stabbed her using a 10-inch butcher knife from her kitchen. She was found dead at the scene.[50]

On July 5, 1985, Ramirez broke into a home in Sierra Madre, California, and bludgeoned 16-year-old Whitney Bennett with a tire iron as she slept in her bedroom. After searching in vain for a knife in the kitchen, Ramirez attempted to strangle the girl with a telephone cord. He was startled to see electrical sparks emanate from the cord, and when his victim began to breathe, he fled the house believing that Jesus Christ had intervened and saved her.[51] Bennett survived the savage beating although 478 stitches were required to close the lacerations to her scalp.[52]

On July 7, 1985, Ramirez burglarized the home of Joyce Lucille Nelson, 61, in Monterey Park. Finding her asleep on her living room couch, he beat her to death using his fists and kicking her in the head. A shoe print from an Avia sneaker was left imprinted on her face.[53] After cruising two other neighborhoods, he returned to Monterey Park and chose the home of Sophie Dickman, 63.[54] Ramirez assaulted and handcuffed Dickman at gunpoint, attempted to rape her, and stole her jewelry; when she swore to him that he had taken everything of value, he told her to "swear on Satan".[55]

On July 20, 1985, Ramirez purchased a machete before driving a stolen Toyota to Glendale, California.[56] He chose the home of Lela Kneiding, 66, and her husband Maxon, 68.[57] He burst into the sleeping couple's bedroom and hacked them with the machete, then killed them with shots to the head from a .22 caliber handgun.[58] He further mutilated their bodies with the machete before robbing the house of valuables.[58] After quickly fencing the stolen items from the Kneiding residence, Ramirez drove to Sun Valley.[59]

At approximately 4:15 am, he broke into the home of the Khovananth family.[59] He shot the sleeping Chainarong Khovananth in the head with a .25 caliber handgun, killing him instantly,[60] then repeatedly raped and beat Somkid Khovananth. He bound the couple's terrified 8-year-old son before dragging Somkid around the house to reveal the location of any valuable items, which he stole. During his assault he demanded that she "swear to Satan" that she was not hiding any money from him.[61]

On August 6, 1985, Ramirez drove to Northridge, California, and broke into the home of Chris and Virginia Peterson.[62][63] He crept into the bedroom, startled Virginia, 27, and shot her in the face with a .25 caliber semi-automatic handgun.[64] He then shot Chris in the neck and attempted to flee; Chris fought back while avoiding being hit by two more shots during the struggle before Ramirez managed to escape.[65] The couple survived their injuries.[66]

On August 8, 1985, Ramirez drove a stolen car to Diamond Bar, California, and chose the home of Sakina Abowath, 27, and her husband Elyas Abowath, 31.[67] Sometime after 2:30 am he entered the house and went into the master bedroom. He instantly killed the sleeping Elyas with a shot to the head from a .25 caliber handgun.[68] He handcuffed and beat Sakina while forcing her to reveal the locations of the family's jewelry, and then brutally raped her. He repeatedly demanded that she "swear on Satan" that she would not scream during his assaults.[69][70] When the couple's 3-year-old son entered the bedroom, Ramirez tied the child up and then continued to rape Sakina.[71] After Ramirez left the home, Sakina untied her son and sent him to the neighbors for help.[72]

Ramirez, who had been following the media coverage of his crimes, left Los Angeles and headed to the San Francisco Bay area.[73] On August 18, 1985, he entered the home of Peter and Barbara Pan. He shot the sleeping Peter, 66, in the temple with a .25 caliber handgun.[74] He then beat and sexually assaulted Barbara, 62, before shooting her in the head and leaving her for dead.[75] At the crime scene, Ramirez used lipstick to scrawl a pentagram and the phrase "Jack the Knife" on the bedroom wall.[75] When it was discovered that the ballistics and shoe print evidence from the Los Angeles crime scenes matched the Pan crime scene, San Francisco's then-mayor Dianne Feinstein divulged the information in a televised press conference.[76] This leak infuriated the detectives in the case, as they knew the killer would be following media coverage, which gave him opportunity to destroy crucial forensic evidence.[76] Ramirez, who had indeed been watching the press, dropped his size 11 1/2 Avia sneakers over the side of the Golden Gate Bridge that night.[77] He remained in the area for a few more days before heading back to the Los Angeles area.[77]

On August 24, 1985, Ramirez traveled 76 miles south of Los Angeles, in a stolen orange Toyota, to Mission Viejo. That night, he arrived at the home of James Romero, Jr., who had just returned from a family vacation to Rosarito Beach in Mexico. Romero's son, 13-year-old James Romero III, happened to be awake and heard Ramirez's footsteps outside the house. Thinking there was a prowler, James went to wake his parents, and Ramirez fled the scene. James raced outside and noted the color, make, and style of the car, as well as a partial license plate number. Romero contacted the police with this information, believing James had chased away a thief.[78]

After this encounter, Ramirez broke into the house of Bill Carns, 30, and his fiancée, Inez Erickson, 29,[79] through a back door.[80] Ramirez entered the sleeping couple's bedroom and awakened Carns when he cocked his .25 caliber handgun. He shot Carns three times in the head before turning his attention to Erickson. Ramirez told the terrified woman that he was the "Night Stalker" and forced her to swear she loved Satan as he beat her with his fists and bound her with neckties from the closet.[81] After stealing what he could find, Ramirez dragged Erickson to another room to rape her. He then demanded cash and more jewelry, and made her "swear on Satan" there was no more. Before leaving the home, Ramirez told Erickson, "Tell them the Night Stalker was here."[82] Erickson untied herself and went to a neighbor's house to get help for her severely injured fiancé. Surgeons removed two of the bullets from his head, and he survived his injuries.[83]

Erickson gave a detailed description of the assailant to investigators,[84] and police obtained a cast of Ramirez's footprint from the Romero house.[78] The stolen car was found on August 28 in Wilshire Center, Los Angeles, and police obtained a single fingerprint from the rear-view mirror despite Ramirez's careful efforts to wipe the car clean of his prints.[83] The print was positively identified as belonging to Ramirez, who was described as a 25-year-old drifter from Texas, with a long rap sheet that included many arrests for traffic and illegal drug violations.[85] Law enforcement officials decided to release to the media a mug shot of Ramirez from a December 12, 1984, arrest (photo, below right) for auto theft, and the "Night Stalker" finally had a face.[86] At the police press conference it was announced: "We know who you are now, and soon everyone else will. There will be no place you can hide."[87]


Ramirez was 24 years old when he began his serial murders. This mugshot of Ramirez, taken on December 12, 1984, after an arrest for auto theft, directly led to his apprehension.[86]
On August 30, 1985, Ramirez took a bus to Tucson, Arizona, to visit his brother, unaware that he had become the lead story in virtually every major newspaper and television news program across California.[88][89] After failing to meet his brother, he returned to Los Angeles early on the morning of August 31. He walked past police officers, who were staking out the bus terminal in hopes of catching the killer should he attempt to flee on an outbound bus, and into to a convenience store in East Los Angeles.[90]

After noticing a group of elderly Mexican women fearfully identifying him as "El Matador" (or "The Killer"), Ramirez saw his face on the front pages on the newspaper rack and fled the store in a panic.[90] After running across the Santa Ana Freeway, he attempted to carjack a woman but was chased away by bystanders, who pursued him.[91] After hopping over several fences and attempting two more carjackings, he was eventually subdued by a group of residents, one of whom had struck him over the head with a metal bar in the pursuit. The group held Ramirez down and relentlessly beat him until the police arrived and took him into custody.[92]
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that evil inkler should have taken his meds
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He dindu nuffis, he wuz a goodboy, he was going bac to college.
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