What do I need to do to looksmax



Nov 15, 2019


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Dying your eyebrows darker should be the first thing you do. It’s easy and will make a big difference. I can write more looksmaxes later when I get the time
Dying your eyebrows darker should be the first thing you do. It’s easy and will make a big difference. I can write more looksmaxes later when I get the time
Ok thank you
Try using some skin cream on your face.
You look high bf%
Improve skin, lose fat, and if you're feeling adventurous consider straightening your hair (IF it's very coarse and wavy, tough to tell from this one pic) and dye it darker
start increasing protein consumption and working out, doesn't have to be weight lifting, it can even be calisthenics. I can tell you are skinny fat.
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Reactions: Dicklet.4.3, ShredPill and Schönling
grow facial hair and get longer hair, also go outside for once
You look high bf%
I've got 14 percent so fairly average just alot fat is stored on my face and legs
grow facial hair and get longer hair, also go outside for once
I do just right now can't getting back out again on Thursday then every other day that ain't on weekend on sport course so yea I stay active just not lately
please show us the side profile too
Improve skin, lose fat, and if you're feeling adventurous consider straightening your hair (IF it's very coarse and wavy, tough to tell from this one pic) and dye it darker
Maybe I'll straighten my hair


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go to gym tan skin darken eyebrows
  • +1
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Your colouring Is a failo. I'd colour your hair darker too. Probs get some comments from people you know but who cares you'll look 100x better
Your colouring Is a failo. I'd colour your hair darker too. Probs get some comments from people you know but who cares you'll look 100x better
Dark hair has been the suggested thing gonna get some hair dye then
>Get a bit of tan
>Make eyebrows lil thick
>Get a better hairstyle
3E1C0155 5067 443A A125 23E4B9476222

Tan+darker colouring
lol. everyone in this thread is coping.

just go ER buddy boyo. you are literally 3 PSL.
  • JFL
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Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer, incubus and Norwooder
Surgerymaxx on face boyo.
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what is cringe is you thinking that looksmaxxing can save you.

you are literally an ugly bloated skinnyfat microframed NCT victim with a melted maxilla and >130 degree gonial angle,

ur asymmetries are beyond saving, it’s literally not even worth surgerymaxxing at this point. ur children will end up just as deformed, if not worse
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  • +1
Reactions: incubus
what is cringe is you thinking that looksmaxxing can save you.

you are literally an ugly bloated skinnyfat microframed NCT victim with a melted maxilla and >130 degree gonial angle,

ur asymmetries are beyond saving, it’s literally not even worth surgerymaxxing at this point. ur children will end up just as deformed, if not worse
Yea thats cringe just sound like a neek
This is your 4th thread about the same subject lol
  • +1
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@n33tf1f he could probably get like 6 different surgeries and settle with a hag when he's like 35
  • +1
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Sound cringe mate don't care

what is so cringe about me telling you the truth?

do you even know where you are, retard??

you are on a blackpilled forum. i dont care for the niceties, i tell it how it is, as do most others on this site.

if you’re that fucking delusional i suggest you go here:

there are more people like you over there ^
  • JFL
Reactions: incubus
@n33tf1f he could probably get like 6 different surgeries and settle with a hag when he's like 35
Nope at least like 3 6s wanted to fuck me but I didn't want to
what is so cringe about me telling you the truth?

do you even know where you are, retard??

you are on a blackpilled forum. i dont care for the niceties, i tell it how it is, as do most others on this site.

if you’re that fucking delusional i suggest you go here:

there are more people like you over there ^
Its funny this like
what is so cringe about me telling you the truth?

do you even know where you are, retard??

you are on a blackpilled forum. i dont care for the niceties, i tell it how it is, as do most others on this site.

if you’re that fucking delusional i suggest you go here:

there are more people like you over there ^
And again fucking cringe mate
Nope at least like 3 6s wanted to fuck me but I didn't want to

yeah, i'm sure dude. that's why you ended up here after all, right? because you got offered sex by 3 6s.

how old are you and where you from kid?
  • +1
Reactions: n33tf1f
And again fucking cringe mate


you’d think that if you had a morsel of intelligence, you’d be able to understand the necessary steps to perhaps (eventually) looking like a normie and not a fat deformed sick looking mutant

but i’m convinced now that it’s over.
you couldnt even hope to understand how over it is as you dont and will never know jack shit about craniofacial morphology

0 practical and theoretical understanding about anything you talk about

why are u even here
yeah, i'm sure dude. that's why you ended up here after all, right? because you g
yeah, i'm sure dude. that's why you ended up here after all, right? because you got offered sex by 3 6s.

how old are you and where you from kid?

t offered sex by 3 6s.

how old are you and where you from kid?
U I'm 18
yeah, i'm sure dude. that's why you ended up here after all, right? because you got offered sex by 3 6s.

how old are you and where you from kid?
19 next year I didn't end up here idiot I started of with the getting recommended the blue pua videos then not long after red pill discovered then like a month or 2 later I discover face and lms there you go mate
that canthal tilt

you’d think that if you had a morsel of intelligence, you’d be able to understand the necessary steps to perhaps (eventually) looking like a normie and not a fat deformed sick looking mutant

but i’m convinced now that it’s over.
you couldnt even hope to understand how over it is as you dont and will never know jack shit about craniofacial morphology

0 practical and theoretical understanding about anything you talk about

why are u even here
Dont care what words you use 😂
  • JFL
Reactions: n33tf1f
^^^, i just darkened my eyebrows as aryan guy. it works
I’ve got thick hair and thick brows but they’re pretty light brown which doesn’t work with pale skin and blue eyes. Melanotan and dying my hair and brows should be a great contrast boost. I remember chicas telling me “you’re eyes look so blue and you’re teeth look so white” when I was sunburnt as fuck

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