What do I text my oneitis after not texting her for a long time?



morph king
May 16, 2020
What do I text my oneitis after not texting her for a long time?

Serious advice only.

Experienced NT sex-havers, post a step-by-step game plan to get a subhuman laid.
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Ask ChatGPT.
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ask her if she wants to share in some naughtiness
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tell her that you miss talking to her
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Reactions: chaddyboi66, Danish_Retard, Deleted member 32425 and 1 other person
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You serious or trolling? This sounds like a beta thing to say.
nigga if you miss talking to her tell her that. she will like the honesty and if she misses talking to you too she will tell you
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Reactions: chaddyboi66, Danish_Retard, Deleted member 32425 and 1 other person
nigga if you miss talking to her tell her that. she will like the honesty and if she misses talking to you too she will tell you

Show me one redpill coach who ever advised this bluepilled cuck strategy.

I know you’re just trying to take out your competition (me) so you can have my oneitis to yourself. Fuck outta here with your bluepills.
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nigga if you miss talking to her tell her that. she will like the honesty and if she misses talking to you too she will tell you

What do I say after this?
Show me one redpill coach who ever advised this.
depends if you want an ltr or just a fuck tbh. redpill scammers only teach you how to fuck, not be a real nigga
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Reactions: dirtydorito, Ken and thecel
What do I say after this?
bro youre talking to her not me, just say the type of shit you say. if youre scared of her knowing the real you thats probably the problem
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I texted mine How have you been?

Its been a week with no response

groundhog day suicide GIF

Its most likely over. Just text her whatever without sounding too despserate. If she likes you she will respond.
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bro youre talking to her not me, just say the type of shit you say. if youre scared of her knowing the real you thats probably the problem

You do understand that not everyone is neurotypical enough to have things to talk about?

I’m not scared of her knowing the real me.
I’m scared that the real me is nothing.
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The forum’s advice is shit. I’ll just binge PWF videos and run lines.
You do understand that not everyone is neurotypical enough to have things to talk about?

I’m not scared of her knowing the real me.
I’m scared that the real me is nothing.
bro i fucking promise you there is a real you. i used to think the same shit. your brain is shutting down your true response before you are even aware of it because you have learned to not be your true self to people as a way of saving yourself from rejection.

it feels weird as fuck at first to talk to people as your real self but if you dont learn how to do it you will keep having shallow relationships and never find people you are truly alike. this is some real shit and it took me a long time of questioning my beliefs to get better at it.

i guess the core message is that people knowing your real personality is actually a good thing even if you get rejected, because its just going to save you a lot of time trying to fit in with people you arent anything like and help you find people you actually like.

when you overcome this shit it will feel easy and natural to talk to people. at least for me the thing holding me back was my beliefs about rejection and how i feel when someone doesnt reciprocate my energy. it would ruin my day and make me extremely depressed if some random mf didnt like me, but you need to believe it as a good thing when someone doesnt like you. it happens very quickly when you get healthier beliefs about rejection and almost instantly you will find yourself having deeper conversations etc. stop looking for the response that will make the other person happy and respond how YOU would respond, even if you get rejected.
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What do I text my oneitis after not texting her for a long time?

Serious advice only.

Experienced NT sex-havers, post a step-by-step game plan to get a subhuman laid.
If you have to try, it's over.

Just become Muslim, you will find a chaste virgin wife who likes you and will cook for you and tries to impress you instead of you having to chase random girls.

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Sing her a number
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If you have to try, it's over.

Just become Muslim, you will find a chaste virgin wife who likes you and will cook for you and tries to impress you instead of you having to chase random girls.

typical Muslim girl’s bodycount in 2023 increases each time she prays
wrong forum bro wtf

I wish you were right, but you’re wrong. I want this forum to be full of incels, but it’s full of sex-having normies.
Send her a voice message singing for her
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I still need a game plan

I got my oneitis to reply by apologizing like a cuck for not texting her for so long. I told her I had some family issues I was dealing with.

She finally replied but is being cold and distant. I asked her out but she said she was busy. Im gonna try one more time.
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You're MtF so i assume this is the oneitis in question?
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