What do people expect from DHT gel (dimorphism)?



May 29, 2023
What exactly do people expect when applying DHT gel? I'm aware of the claims surrounding penile growth.

When people say they will use it to increase their dimorphism/ get better clavicles are they just retarded or is it actually legit? If legit what does the mechanism of action look like? E.g. when people say they want better clavicles I assume they mean wider. But doesn't DHT close growth plates? How would it be beneficial when topically applied to the collar bones?
And if they want to increase dimorphism do they just apply the gel on the face?
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bro science
Apart from dick growth, the reason I’m applying high doses of transdermal 20% DHT gel is:
- beard density (100% worked for me)
- aggression
- motivation
- bone density (thicker wrists, brow ridge, more angular face/jaw)
- harder boners
- pheromones (could be bro science but I’ve had a lot more success with women since)
- harder and more vascular muscles
- less puffiness and water retention

Wider clavicles probably can only happen during puberty and needs HGH + high doses of DHT gel. I’m not expecting wider clavicles in my mid 20’s.
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  • JFL
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DHT gel will grow hair.
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DHT gel will grow hair.
It definitely has done that for me. I’ve noticed the largest increase in my beard growth. My cheeks used to be patchy and using DHT gel has filled them in and increased the thickness/density of the follicles.
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where do you find it ?

Side effect ?
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Apart from dick growth
have you gotten results? Most people I see talking about this claim it doesn't produce noticeable results

- aggression
- motivation
ChatGPT told me that DHT gel just has a local effect, so where do you apply it for agression/ motivation?

- bone density (thicker wrists, brow ridge, more angular face/jaw)
Increased bone density doesn't mean bigger bones though, right? It's more bone mass but compressed into the same volume as before.

Have you measured any wrist size increase? And did you get a bigger jaw e.g. by applying the gel on the gonions?

- harder and more vascular muscles
- less puffiness and water retention
these are temporary effects that fade when usage stops, right?

Wider clavicles probably can only happen during puberty and needs HGH + high doses of DHT gel. I’m not expecting wider clavicles in my mid 20’s.
Clavicles usually grow up until your mid 20's. But I still don't get how people want them to widen if DHT only increases bone density. Makes a bit more sense if combined with HGH but in that case the DHT wouldn't be responsible for their widening, right?
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have you gotten results? Most people I see talking about this claim it doesn't produce noticeable results

ChatGPT told me that DHT gel just has a local effect, so where do you apply it for agression/ motivation?

Increased bone density doesn't mean bigger bones though, right? It's more bone mass but compressed into the same volume as before.

Have you measured any wrist size increase? And did you get a bigger jaw e.g. by applying the gel on the gonions?

these are temporary effects that fade when usage stops, right?

Clavicles usually grow up until your mid 20's. But I still don't get how people want them to widen if DHT only increases bone density. Makes a bit more sense if combined with HGH but in that case the DHT wouldn't be responsible for their widening, right?
I have had results in terms of dick growth, beard gains, harder muscles, loss of some stubborn body fat, strength gains and aggression.

I apply it to my dick as well as my shoulders and traps for a full body effect. I haven’t measured my wrists before and after but have had to increase the size of my watch as it got noticeably tighter so I’m certain that it has caused a degree of bone widening in my case. DHT promotes bone growth/thickening, not just bone density.

I have no idea if any clavicle growth occurred, I’ve never taken measurements there so can’t make a fair comparison.
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  • JFL
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I have had results in terms of dick growth
name checks out
how much did you gain?

I apply it to my dick as well as my shoulders and traps for a full body effect
so in your experience DHT gel only having a local effect is untrue?

I haven’t measured my wrists before and after but have had to increase the size of my watch as it got noticeably tighter so I’m certain that it has caused a degree of bone widening in my case. DHT promotes bone growth/thickening, not just bone density.
Thicker bones are always welcome so might give this a try
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name checks out
how much did you gain?

so in your experience DHT gel only having a local effect is untrue?

Thicker bones are always welcome so might give this a try
0.7” so far. It’s mainly from DHT gel as I haven’t been consistent with jelqing.

If you apply it to your penis only I’ve heard the effects are mainly localized. Applying it to larger surfaces like the shoulders gives a full body effect.
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0.7” so far. It’s mainly from DHT gel as I haven’t been consistent with jelqing.

If you apply it to your penis only I’ve heard the effects are mainly localized. Applying it to larger surfaces like the shoulders gives a full body effect.
Doesnt DHT cream shut down your natural hormone production
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0.7” so far. It’s mainly from DHT gel as I haven’t been consistent with jelqing.

If you apply it to your penis only I’ve heard the effects are mainly localized. Applying it to larger surfaces like the shoulders gives a full body effect.
last question

is there anything you have done to circumvent the negative feedback loop (potentially) lowering your testosterone?
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last question

is there anything you have done to circumvent the negative feedback loop (potentially) lowering your testosterone?
I’ve been using HCG with it to keep my balls running.
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please tell me dht gel gives outward gonions
please tell me dht gel gives outward gonions
Can confirm my brow ridge and jawline have become more dense and caveman looking since using DHT.
  • JFL
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Apart from dick growth, the reason I’m applying high doses of transdermal 20% DHT gel is:
- beard density (100% worked for me)
- aggression
- motivation
- bone density (thicker wrists, brow ridge, more angular face/jaw)
- harder boners
- pheromones (could be bro science but I’ve had a lot more success with women since)
- harder and more vascular muscles
- less puffiness and water retention

Wider clavicles probably can only happen during puberty and needs HGH + high doses of DHT gel. I’m not expecting wider clavicles in my mid 20’s.
nigga youve been exposed as a salesmen promoting ur own dht gel on this forum, stop it
Apart from dick growth, the reason I’m applying high doses of transdermal 20% DHT gel is:
- beard density (100% worked for me)
- aggression
- motivation
- bone density (thicker wrists, brow ridge, more angular face/jaw)
- harder boners
- pheromones (could be bro science but I’ve had a lot more success with women since)
- harder and more vascular muscles
- less puffiness and water retention

Wider clavicles probably can only happen during puberty and needs HGH + high doses of DHT gel. I’m not expecting wider clavicles in my mid 20’s.
what are the side effects?
You can also use dht deritave steriods

I readed one steriod that is dht deritave one of that side effect was literaly masculination
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You can also use dht deritave steriods

I readed one steriod that is dht deritave one of that side effect was literaly masculination
DHT derivatives don’t give the same Masculinization as pure DHT. They’re not as androgenic.

I’ve tried winstrol and proviron in the past and they were nowhere near as androgenic as 20% DHT gel in my experience.
nigga youve been exposed as a salesmen promoting ur own dht gel on this forum, stop it
lmao yeah I see him on every thread talking about dht gel
  • JFL
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