What do you regret during your looksmax journey?



we are all irrelevant
Feb 27, 2020
-starting chewing and ruining my faces by making it bloated and hiding my kiryu kazumatier cheekbones
-also not doing rhinoplasty earlier, now I have to wait another year or maybe two for my nosetip to become small
-not taking finasteride when I first realized that I was starting balding.
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Not killing myself.
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user above me is depressed
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-starting chewing and ruining my faces by making it bloated and hiding my kiryu kazumatier cheekbones
-also not doing rhinoplasty earlier, now I have to wait another year or maybe two for my nosetip to become small
-not taking finasteride when I first realized that I was starting balding.

No regrets as of now but I may regret not starting fin since the Norwood Reaper decided to make an appearance as I am up in age. Hoping inversion and scalp massages can at least freeze things where they are at as I can still hide it mostly now.
Not starting to mew at 5 years old.
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Nothing yet I just wish I discovered this site earlier
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not taking mewing and chewing seriously when i first stumbled upon it
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Unironically if you looksminned while being here kys you low IQ singularity

Anyways, here is what I accomplished:
- Clear skin
- Angular jawline
- Healtier lifestyle
- 100x better at taking pics
- Became more hostile and demanding towards other people
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Unironically if you looksminned while being here kys you low IQ singularity

Anyways, here is what I accomplished:
- Clear skin
- Angular jawline
- Healtier lifestyle
- 100x better at taking pics
- Became more hostile and demanding towards other people
I looksmaxxed and looksminned at the same time, however the looksmax prevails. chewing ruined my face
I looksmaxxed and looksminned at the same time, however the looksmax prevails. chewing ruined my face
You probably hypertrophied the upper masseter
Wasting $16,000 on pharma grade hgh

pharma grade hgh was a cope on this forum at the time
I looksmaxxed and looksminned at the same time, however the looksmax prevails. chewing ruined my face
How did you looksminned? And how could chewing ruin your face lmao
not fucking your mom
yes cuz this is what chewing is all about lol
Absolutely not, chewing is not about hypertrophing where did you learn that from jfl, you need to keep your face defined not bloated
Not discovering it earlier and not heightmaxxing in teens.
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Dn rd the text, but I kinda regret not getting a better rhino. It is better than it used to be, but it still sucks
Not discovering it earlier and not heightmaxxing in teens.
Bro exactly this

I wish I discovered this site at. 14-15 I would have been like 6ft1 or 6ft2 now instead of. 5ft11
Not finding about looksmaxing sooner.
not going hard enough
Going too hard.
not training neck hard enough
Absolutely not, chewing is not about hypertrophing where did you learn that from jfl, you need to keep your face defined not bloated
dude, there is no definition by chewing as the chewing muscle itself is rounded. who can there be definition? chewing makes a face loated. chewing can only ascend guys who have literal zero jaw and no cheekbones.
I had very wide cheekbones and a wide jaw, I was stupid to starting to chew
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dude, there is no definition by chewing as the chewing muscle itself is rounded. who can there be definition? chewing makes a face loated. chewing can only ascend guys who have literal zero jaw and no cheekbones.
I had very wide cheekbones and a wide jaw, I was stupid to starting to chew
Seriously I also fell for the chewing meme
I become super bloated and even after stopping I think a lot of bloat stayed

thinking about Botox for masseters now lol
Seriously I also fell for the chewing meme
I become super bloated and even after stopping I think a lot of bloat stayed

thinking about Botox for masseters now lol
you should do it.
I had already 3 sessions. After my second session, my masseters were almost completly down but they regrow, I think because I started mewing again. So Im on my third session.
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you should do it.
I had already 3 sessions. After my second session, my masseters were almost completly down but they regrow, I think because I started mewing again. So Im on my third session.
Yeah what sucks that you need them every 6 months or so
Will be probably my last looksmax step

did your smile or something like that effected?
dude, there is no definition by chewing as the chewing muscle itself is rounded. who can there be definition? chewing makes a face loated. chewing can only ascend guys who have literal zero jaw and no cheekbones.
I had very wide cheekbones and a wide jaw, I was stupid to starting to chew

That's because chewing does not make a jaw wider, its true objective is getting the masseter to stretch the skin a little bit in order to create the hollow cheeks effect.
No softmaxx for a truly narrow palate.
Yeah what sucks that you need them every 6 months or so
Will be probably my last looksmax step

did your smile or something like that effected?
no, the surgeon injected it correctly,
also like I was told you need to repeat it but over the time the masseter keeps getting down until the masseters arent that strong anymore. I dont know how many sessions will I need till I dont look like baloon anymore.
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That's because chewing does not make a jaw wider, its true objective is getting the masseter to stretch the skin a little bit in order to create the hollow cheeks effect.
No softmaxx for a truly narrow palate.
how can chewing create a hollow cheeks effect when it can only make someone bloated?
the thing is I already had a wide jaw, I just was too stupid to understand it. my jaw width is actually perfect since its wide but not as wide as my cheekbones. I think only ultra terachads like drago can pull off a jaw that is almost as wide as the cheekbones
no, the surgeon injected it correctly,
also like I was told you need to repeat it but over the time the masseter keeps getting down until the masseters arent that strong anymore.

did you also noticed debloating under zygos?

did you also noticed debloating under zygos?
of course, like 3-2 months ago when my masseters were down, they were protuding as fuck. After foids saw my mogtier browridge and my zygos, I actually got compliments given that my disgusting nose and disgusting maxilla were hidden behind a mask
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of course, like 3-2 months ago when my masseters were down, they were protuding as fuck. After foids saw my mogtier browridge and my zygos, I actually got compliments given that my disgusting nose and disgusting maxilla were hidden behind a mask
Nice to hear!

do you mind sending some before/after?
Nice to hear!

do you mind sending some before/after?
Sadly, like the idiot cuck I am I didint make a photo after my masseters were down. I know Im such a idiot of a guy. i can give you only a old pic of mine were I was younger and were I was overweight. I still had visible cheekbones and a wide jaw even when i was fat.
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overusing retin a to the point where it caused perioral dermatitis which is very stubborn since 4 months
Sadly, like the idiot cuck I am I didint make a photo after my masseters were down. I know Im such a idiot of a guy. i can give you only a old pic of mine were I was younger and were I was overweight. I still had visible cheekbones and a wide jaw even when i was fat.
Can you not make a new photo?
Wish i coulda heightmaxxed as a kid

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