what do you use to tape mouth at night?



May 6, 2019
Duct tape
Duct tape
Medical tape. the white ones for wounds etc. Not only is it hygienic, safe to use for skin but it also sticks better than any other tape
Medical tape. the white ones for wounds etc. Not only is it hygienic, safe to use for skin but it also sticks better than any other tape
high iq
Taping your mouth vertically every night couldn't extend the philtrum in the long term ?

Since as you get older that's what happens naturally, making it worse would be worse...
Taping your mouth vertically every night couldn't extend the philtrum in the long term ?

Since as you get older that's what happens naturally, making it worse would be worse...
? where did you get this info and can you elab
? where did you get this info and can you elab

Technically, you pull on the philtrum by doing this, maybe in the long term it could alter the position of the upper lip by "pushing it inward" and thus give the illusion of a longer philtrum?
Technically, you pull on the philtrum by doing this, maybe in the long term it could alter the position of the upper lip by "pushing it inward" and thus give the illusion of a longer philtrum?
did you come up with this theory yourself or did you hear it from someone?
I dont think your really pulling down on it, its just lying over the lips
did you come up with this theory yourself or did you hear it from someone?
I dont think your really pulling down on it, its just lying over the lips

This is a deduction I had myself, but it is clear that it could not directly "lengthen" the philtrum, it is of a size in itself suitable to reach the lower face, if the philtrum of older people grows it is because their face "falls".

I just thought it might have a bad impact on the upper lip, or even the lower one, I really don't know if it's ideal to do it in the long term, that's what I'm doing now, and I'm thinking about moving on to chin strap.
This is a deduction I had myself, but it is clear that it could not directly "lengthen" the philtrum, it is of a size in itself suitable to reach the lower face, if the philtrum of older people grows it is because their face "falls".

I just thought it might have a bad impact on the upper lip, or even the lower one, I really don't know if it's ideal to do it in the long term, that's what I'm doing now, and I'm thinking about moving on to chin strap.
i think mouthbreathing would be worse for lips?
i think mouthbreathing would be worse for lips?

For lips, I don't think so, but for facial development, it certainly has an impact, even if in my experience, it's probably not so significant that what people want people to believe, taping your mouth is always better than mouth breathing anyway, because mouth breathing negatively impacts sleep, in addition, you wake up with your mouth extremely dry and it's really a bad feeling.
Taping your mouth at sleep seems retarded ngl
Taping your mouth at sleep seems retarded ngl
Sometimes mouth breathers like myself have to force our mouths to get used to breathing through our noses. After I got my nose polyp removed, I taped my mouth shut for like 2 months straight and now 80% of the time wake up breathing through my nose

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