What does org think about pedo hunters?

What do you think of pedo hunters?

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My biggest enemy is my brain
Sep 4, 2022

Videoes like this where random pedos get beat up?
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿, lemonnz and 8 others
@Gengar Do you mind pinning this? I want to hear what org thinks.
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Reactions: T50 Demon, futureashtray, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿 and 6 others
even if they care about it so much why dont they just report them to the police instead of just beating them up for no reason
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Framemogger69, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿 and 8 others
Retards who prey on clearly mentally challenged people to make out like they are heroes to compensate for their shitty lives.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: trueceI, Rhinoplastyordie, Melly and 28 others
They have a chance to get them help but instead they ruin their life
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Reactions: Melly, Framemogger69, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿 and 5 others
good, unless the girl is like 17 and the guy is 19, which alot of these videos have this sort of age gap

just enforces non existent age cuck laws

they don't really care about the children, just views
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Reactions: trueceI, Framemogger69, tense1983 and 12 others
These are the type of dudes that have nothing going on in their life they do that to feel themselfes better.
You have to be a piece of shit to to beat a mentally ill person as a group.
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿, beefliverontop and 4 others
They have a chance to get them help but instead they ruin their life
I don’t think pedophilia is a treatable disease. There are certain wings in the LGTVHD group that want to integrate them in the future since you don’t choose to be attracted to kids.

After 30-40 years when this trans agenda has been thoroughly integrated into society I think this is the next thing they’ll push for.
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They are clearly disturbed individuals themselves.

It's often the case with these 'pedo hunters'. I've seen it so many times, people literally being obsessed with the violence that they want to inflict on pedophiles.
And as much as everyone hates (and should hate) pedophiles, there's something deeply disturbing about that mindset because they are clearly trying to mask something.

They disguise and hide their own darkness because they know the majority of people find it unacceptable. So what they will do instead, is find something/someone, a target that society deems acceptable to hate, like pedos, and use it as a conduit to channel their hatred.

It's the same with these pedo killers in prison. I have to laugh when people act as if these pedo killers are so morally upstanding and horrified that some pedo abused a kid and that's what motivates them to kill pedos. Some of these pedophile killers have literally murdered entire families (including children) and yet somehow they are viewed as morally upstanding lol.
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Reactions: trueceI, Melly, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿 and 8 others
Follow up question: If a man molests male children is he then only a pedophile or a gay pedophile?
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Reactions: RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿 and beefliverontop
Virtue signalling to reset their careers
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, futureashtray, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿 and 8 others
@Gargantuan what’s the alternative then? If you make the hard yards and unearth a pedophile, do you just let the police handle the case and hand over together with the evidence? In most cases the police departments are too busy to handle new work, especially if a crime hasn’t actually been committed.

It might not be justified, but with social pressure the pedo hunter can have his life tarnished in the community - especially if it’s small.
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Reactions: RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿, beefliverontop and Gargantuan
@Gargantuan what’s the alternative then? If you make the hard yards and unearth a pedophile, do you just let the police handle the case and hand over together with the evidence? In most cases the police departments are too busy to handle new work, especially if a crime hasn’t actually been committed.

It might not be justified, but with social pressure the pedo hunter can have his life tarnished in the community - especially if it’s small.
Taking matters into their own hands can certainly work, especially if law enforcement isn't doing what is necessary, it's just that these pedo hunters have the wrong mindset, imo.
They seem to prioritise 'punishing' pedos over ensuring the safety of these kids.

I believe they would not bother catching these pedos at all if they could only facilitate and let law enforcement handle it without broadcasting their involvement/getting to inflict damage themselves.
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Reactions: Melly, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿, Kanye West's Cousin and 6 others
More context needed really. If they bust an actual pedophile I'm all for it, but if they bust someone meeting a 15yo it's kinda wack
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Reactions: trueceI, itzyaboyJJ, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿 and 3 others
idk even though they’re pedophiles, beating them up clearly isn’t the answer and completely ruining their life, just do what i used to do and scam them instead 😆
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Reactions: beefliverontop
Its legal bullying. Just an excuse to beat someone up. And these guys are faggots because most of these people are physically weak and mentally retarded so they can't defend themselves in any way.

Beating up someone 1. For no reason 2. Who can't defend themselves is pussyfaggot behaviour.

The true definition of a pedophile is somebody who is sexually attracted to prepubescent girls/boys. True pedophiles are extremely rare.

There are people on the internet who think the age of consent should be over 20 and genuinely even believe a mere 1 year age gap is wrong. Why is it wrong? They can't tell you. The real reason they believe it's wrong because they think that's what they're supposed to believe because they can't think for themselves.

I find it so strange that the majority of people find this okay. Actually why is it strange? The people are fucking retarded simpleton slaves why is this surprising?

Let's say if the guy in the video actually physically dated and perhaps also did stuff with a 15 year old girl that they knew personally e.g. she was one of their daughters and they didn't like him dating her then it's completely different and if they felt like beating him up they could. But he's a mentally retarded loser complete stranger who merely messaged someone, a middle aged man probably, pretending to be a young woman.

The real predators are the people beating them up. They are literally predators by every definition of the word lol.
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, futureashtray, Offensive Bias and 2 others
I'm for these, but it would be better if someone normal did it, like the chris hensen

He invites them over, has all the evidence and lets police handle it

Most of these youtubers are just using it for cloud, as long as they involve police in it, i am for it
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Reactions: beefliverontop
I don’t think pedophilia is a treatable disease. There are certain wings in the LGTVHD group that want to integrate them in the future since you don’t choose to be attracted to kids.

After 30-40 years when this trans agenda has been thoroughly integrated into society I think this is the next thing they’ll push for.
.org users praying for pedo acceptance as we speak
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, 97baHater, rael and 1 other person
the guy in black punches like a faggot
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Reactions: 97baHater and beefliverontop
Its bad because vigliantism is bad genrally but most user here are against them because they are pedos
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Reactions: beefliverontop
i will just kill pedos:ROFLMAO:i dont care about their life
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Reactions: Framemogger69, lemonnz, rael and 1 other person
Yeah those videos are good I still feel bad for the guy tough I am way to compassionate
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Reactions: beefliverontop
Awful bro, its literal entrapment to ask incels to fuck even if they are underage, they never got that treatment so its unexpected to them
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  • JFL
Reactions: aber, futureashtray, 97baHater and 3 others
No, this is amazing. Music to my fucking ears. These guys are sadly pussies tho.
I caged so hard at the “leave me alone”. This black nigger is acting like a cuck haha:lul::lul:

Do you not realize what he would do with this kid? All of you saying its going to far are retarded. Imagine if it was your daughter. Your 11 year old daughter meets up with a fat obese hairy low T pedofile. The pedofile would fuck her, Skullfuck her, cum inside her or in her mouth. She would probally say “no im not ready” then he would say “i can teach u”. Boom, your daughter is fucked now. Maybe even without her consent. And dont think that this would be the only time.
They would meet up multiple times.

Imagine if this wasnt a pedofile hunting video.
He would of definitely fucked the poor child if this was a real situation.
If something like this happened to my daughter I wouldnt only just throw a few weak punches like they did. I would torture this guy
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  • +1
Reactions: aber, lemonnz and 97baHater
Plus who knows.
Maybe the pedo would wanna fuck a 7 year old aswell. Its disgusting. They deserve way more than this
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If anyone ever encounters a pedophile, they should report it to all relevant authorities.

Anything else such as filming him, revealing his identity and all that follows after in the case of videos like this, is just virtue signaling and taking advantage of mentally ill people for the cloud, which is subhuman behavior..

But from a parent's perspective, coming face to face with a pedophile of the kind who contacted your daughter, in theory you could shoot/beat him on the spot, but that's not how society is supposed to work..
Awful bro, its literal entrapment to ask incels to fuck even if they are underage, they never got that treatment so its unexpected to them
Well I don’t think any self proclaimed incel would fall for this
No, this is amazing. Music to my fucking ears. These guys are sadly pussies tho.
I caged so hard at the “leave me alone”. This black nigger is acting like a cuck haha:lul::lul:

Do you not realize what he would do with this kid? All of you saying its going to far are retarded. Imagine if it was your daughter. Your 11 year old daughter meets up with a fat obese hairy low T pedofile. The pedofile would fuck her, Skullfuck her, cum inside her or in her mouth. She would probally say “no im not ready” then he would say “i can teach u”. Boom, your daughter is fucked now. Maybe even without her consent. And dont think that this would be the only time.
They would meet up multiple times.

Imagine if this wasnt a pedofile hunting video.
He would of definitely fucked the poor child if this was a real situation.
If something like this happened to my daughter I wouldnt only just throw a few weak punches like they did. I would torture this guy
If anyone ever encounters a pedophile, they should report it to all relevant authorities.

Anything else such as filming him, revealing his identity and all that follows after in the case of videos like this, is just virtue signaling and taking advantage of mentally ill people for the cloud, which is subhuman behavior..

But from a parent's perspective, coming face to face with a pedophile of the kind who contacted your daughter, in theory you could shoot/beat him on the spot, but that's not how society is supposed to work..
I agree with both. Pedos should be reported asap they are evil individual and should get punished.
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ and beefliverontop
foids treat pedophiles better than incels ramirez is an example

in 2026 they will intregrate chemical castration to all incel sub 6psl
it’s hilarious
Plus who knows.
Maybe the pedo would wanna fuck a 7 year old aswell. Its disgusting. They deserve way more than this
Why is it always a 15 year old girl they pretend to be and not 7
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Reactions: beefliverontop
even if they care about it so much why dont they just report them to the police instead of just beating them up for no reason
Because they just need something to vent their violence with they deserve jail as much as the pedo
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Extremely cringe virtue signallers
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ
i fucking hate those videos

The guy can’t even defend himself.

I hope that one day in the near future one of those “pedos” they catch is armed with a gun

I would personally call a hit on those fucking vigilantes

record it and everything, then I would spread it out onto the internet showing the execution of the vigilantes

I would personally pay someone to kidnap, torture, and execute those fucking vigilantes

cartel style

first you kidnap them

then you sodomize them, peel their nails, let a pitbull eat their genitals alive, pour boiling water on their wounds, waterboard them

then when it’s time to execute I would ask for them to get their head skinned alive then i would ask for them to pull the heart out and show it to the camera
  • JFL
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sweden has a group called PHS (pedo hunting sweden) and they dress up in masks and attack pedophiles, steal their money, break their belongings etc, but this is after they confront them and ask why they were meeting up with minors

i think they are great, i mean sweden let an illegal immigrant free from jail after 12 days, he raped and killed an 11 year old girl, the government is cucked and jewish

the people in this thread that disagree are either uneducated on this topic, liberals or just downright pedophiles or pedo defenders, jfl kill yourself
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Age of consent should be 14 in the US
I like to see videos like this but i am aware "pedo hunters" are just sadistic lower class subhumans that found a socially accepted way to bully/assault people. Cant blame them since i'd do the same (im also low class)
Wtf is attractive about a 14-16 year old they are all retarded loud and obnoxious I like older women tbh

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