What does sentience mean?



This Too Shall Pass
Oct 9, 2019
Oftentimes people talk about "low sentience" or "high sentience". This guide is going to address exactly what "sentience" is and how it differs from its close companion, IQ.
To start off with some motivation:
ISentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively.[1] Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience). In modern Western philosophy, sentience is the ability to experience sensations (known in philosophy of mind as "qualia").
In the philosophy of consciousness, sentience can refer to the ability of any entity to have subjective perceptual experiences, or as some philosophers refer to them, "qualia".[2] This is distinct from other aspects of the mind and consciousness, such as creativity, intelligence, sapience, self-awareness, and intentionality (the ability to have thoughts about something). Sentience is a minimalistic way of defining consciousness, which otherwise commonly and collectively describes sentience plus other characteristics of the mind.

We're going to borrow from the ideas above in this guide.

What is Sentience?
Sentience is basically "consciousness", in its most pure sense and without attachment to any form of expression consciousness might undergo, like say for example the use of language, art, emotion, etc. It is not the same as intelligence, which is a function or attribute of consciousness, but not consciousness itself. Sentience is the term we use to describe the idea that behind the machinery of the body, then behind the machinery of the mind and all its workings, there is a "someone". Borrowing from the second quote above, it is consciousness if we subtract all the "characteristics of the mind". In other words, pure consciousness.
Here's our first thought experiment to describe this further: let's see we created an android that perfectly resembled a human being in all ways, except that all of its actions and responses are determined by us. If you interact with it it has not only a human body but also a personality. It responds and interacts dynamically and displays emotion and reason. Supposing that there is something separating this android and a real human - some "spark". What is that spark? Sentience.

High Sentience
Someone who is high sentience has a deep sense of being a "real" person. Although its impossible to perfect detect sentience, when someone is described as "high sentience" it means that how they dynamically express themselves gives a sense of there being someone "behind the wheel". There is a real person who is experiencing existence and not just an amalgation of mental patterns. A "high sentience" person is usually introspective and is capable of fundamental realizations about themselves and existence. They are non-robotic and multi-dimensional.

Low Sentience
If someone is described as "low sentience", the fundamental insight is that you are missing that sense of person-to-person connection you have with a sentient person. You don't feel as though there is someone "behind the wheel", you feel like the person you're talking to is flat and one-dimensional. Someone with a strong personality who is high sentience is a "persona". Someone with a strong personality who is low sentience is a walking meme.
You've encountered many people like this even on this forum. People who have little self-awareness, seem incapable of changing their thought patterns, who respond to very predictable ways to stimuli, so much so that they become the butt of the community's jokes due to how "familiar" everyone becomes with their programming. You read one of their posts and you feel like you've read a thousand from them just like it. Or you hear them talk IRL and you can almost predict what they're going to say next to a T. At its most extreme levels, low sentience results in a person who is not really a person and is more so just a collection of repeating patterns. There is nobody home and nobody behind the wheel. The "person" has checked out, if they were ever there at all.
Many of you might be aware of the NPC meme that went around a while ago on 4chan and other places. This is basically commentary on the phenomenon of low sentience.

Sentience and IQ
While it may be tempting to think that there is a relationship between sentience and IQ, by definition there is not one. This is because, again, sentience is just pure consciousness without the associated baggage of any mental characteristics. Yes this includes even personality!
IQ is so fundamental and so related to how you express yourself as a human being that its easy to confuse it for sentience if you aren't one who is given to examining these concepts carefully. But IQ is not sentience, and in fact its useful to treat it perpendicularly to sentience.

Low IQ, Low Sentience
These are your typical NPCs, and are probably what most people referred to when they used the term "NPC". Kinda dumb, manipulated easily by media, not really creative or personable, etc. etc. The average person probably oscillates in this quadrant.

Low IQ, High Sentience
These people are not intelligent, but have a kind of brightness about them. They are charming, personable, street-smart, relatable, or "wise". They can also be observant. Probably many comedians are in the upper part of this area, closer to average IQ ranges but high sentience. The "drunk uncle" archetype could be this also, or the rogue, or many other archetypes.

High IQ, Low Sentience
These are the people we refer to when we say "intellectual yet idiot".

Intellectual Yet Idiot (IYI) is a term coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his essay by the same name that refers to the semi-intelligent well-pedigreed "who are telling us 1) what to do, 2) what to eat, 3) how to speak, 4) how to think… and 5) who to vote for".
Taleb points out that being educated and "intellectual" does not always mean that someone isn't an idiot for most purposes. "You can be an intellectual yet still be an idiot. 'Educated philistines' have been wrong on everything from Stalinism to Iraq to low-carb diets."

The term is used slightly differently on here, I have seen it used in the sense that someone is book-smart, and clearly has a high degree of mental operation efficiency, but is still kinda dumb - he's non-intuitive, not really there, thinks in fixed ways, is uncreative etc. He often surprises you by acting below his intelligence level in spontaneous situations. He makes you think "how can you be so smart, but not get this", not in these of a fact he's missing, but an intuitive judgment. There's a distinct lack of "common sense", and this high level intelligence as a result often seems cold and inhuman. You've probably had a professor two like this.

High IQ, High Sentience
Just like its low IQ counterpart, there are plenty of archetypes and variants on this type of person. These types are philosophers, creatives, spiritualists etc. They are people who have the IQ level to have that spark of genius but also have that human insight from being very sentient - very conscious. They're the kind of people where a conversation with them is inspiring.

IQ is not sentience, but merely an attribute of the mind that is under the purview of sentience. A good way to put it is that IQ is how efficient or able the machinery is, but sentience describes whether someone is actually there piloting it.

@PrettyBoyMaxxing @Fuk @Blackout.xl @EthnicelAscension
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high sentience iq
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High IQ thread, initially thought it was going to be blue pilled but I was wrong
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No sentience for your face
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mi cara when lord norwood se avienta un momo but no le entiendo por que olvide como hablar ingles :-v xdxd
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1. read every word
2. what prompted u to make this thread anyways?
3. the sad part is that most low sentience people would probably think they're high sentience
4. going to sleep literally rn, so if u reply I will reply tomorrow chad
5. Impact of sentience on your life? does it give extra meaning? Is it possible or important to maximize one's own sentience?
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mi cara when lord norwood se avienta un momo but no le entiendo por que olvide como hablar ingles :-v xdxd

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1. read every word
2. what prompted u to make this thread anyways?
3. the sad part is that most low sentience people would probably think they're high sentience
4. going to sleep literally rn, so if u reply I will reply tomorrow chad
5. Impact of sentience on your life? does it give extra meaning? Is it possible or important to maximize one's own sentience?
Same. I dont understand the point of this thread @LordNorwood
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ultra iq thread son
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extremely based thread. i might add that at least 80% of all users here are either low iq or low sentience and will never be able to properly looksmaxx due to this, so yes, sentience matters for looksmaxxing.

sentience maxx -> looks maxx is the best way to life maxx.

Mods pin this thread tbh
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good thread, this is the first time I have read fresh based content here in a while
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Would you call high iq low sentience people efficient NPC? Is there easy way to differentiate people into categories irl?
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read every word.

a really good thread with lots of good points made.

would you equate high sentience to high charisma?
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Kind of explains why people with high sentience and high iq become depressed pretty easily.
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Imagine beeing Med sentience
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Would you call high iq low sentience people efficient NPC? Is there easy way to differentiate people into categories irl?
Yes that's a good way to describe those types of people. Just NPCs with better machinery is all.
I think it's difficult to sort people in real life. Sometimes it's easy to tell someone is high sentience or low sentience. But a lot of people do operate in a middle ground. I also think its possible that some people can become higher sentience or lower sentience - indeed I think a spiritual awakening often describes this exact phenomenon, of suddenly shifting to a higher degree of sentience.
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People who have little self-awareness, seem incapable of changing their thought patterns, who respond to very predictable ways to stimuli, so much so that they become the butt of the community's jokes due to how "familiar" everyone becomes with their programming. You read one of their posts and you feel like you've read a thousand from them just like it. Or you hear them talk IRL and you can almost predict what they're going to say next to a T.
@Blackout.xl :feelshehe:
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good thread tbh. you can't buy sensitivity
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@Blackout.xl :feelshehe:

Removing myself from the PSL meme, guys like Slime and Blackout are obviously fucking around (though in their case, it's pretty obvious tbh)

a lot of this site is just people memeing around, but not to the point where is painfully obvious
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¿Que putas chingadas madres dijiste de mí, pinche escuincle baboso? para que sepas yo entrené en el gimnasio del señor Julio Cesar Chavez, tengo un record de 50 knockouts, fui al colegio militar de la ciudad de México y un doctorado en ingenieria nuclear, ¿sabes que significa eso? que pudo volar tu pinche cabecita hueca con una bomba que estoy preparando especialmente para tí, y no sólo eso tambien soy experto en el manejo de armas largas y tengo acceso a todo un arsenal de Uzis AK 47 y R-15s, si tan solo hubieras pensado un poquito más y no hubieras abierto el pinche hocico de perro que tienes, no tendrías que rezar por tu vida. En estos momentos estoy rastreando tu direción IP para ubicar tu domicilio, te vas cagar cuando veas un chingo de camionetas esperando en la entrada de tu casa para acriibillarte. Mis hombres estan bien armados y son muy temerarios, saben hacer muy bien su trabajo y están dispuestos a exterminar hasta la ultima puta celúla más pequeña e insignificantede tu puta miserable existencia, escucha bien mis palabras nene, que ya no hay vuelta atrás, vete despidiendo de tu miserable existencia, escucha bien mis palabras nene, que ya no hay vuelta atrás, vete despidiendo de tu miserable vida cabrón, voy a convertir tus ultimas horas de vida en un autentico infierno, estas bien pinche muerto nene, estas bien pinche muerto.
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  • JFL
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Damn jfl been thinking about this now, this is actually one of the best threads I've seen on this site.

Someone like blackout who is (or larps as) low sentience vs. someone like chadpreetinthemaking.

both say weird shit all the time, but blackout isn't someone i see as a person. he's like a toy, you can't really interact with him--the opposite of chadpreet, someone you could trust to have a serious conversation with.

psl9 thread

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Reactions: Turanid_Bull, Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 4991 and 4 others
1. read every word
2. what prompted u to make this thread anyways?
3. the sad part is that most low sentience people would probably think they're high sentience
4. going to sleep literally rn, so if u reply I will reply tomorrow chad
5. Impact of sentience on your life? does it give extra meaning? Is it possible or important to maximize one's own sentience?
2. Discord convos with @PrettyBoyMaxxing and @Fuk inspired the thread.
5. Ngl I believe sentience is itself the meaning of life, or rather it is what "life" actually is. Without sentience life is nihilistic, just atoms bouncing around or w/e. With sentience life is actually life.
I think it is possible to become more sentient, and at its core this is what spiritual teachings are trying to accomplish imo.
However I dont think it's possible for everyone. Some people just might not be sentient and also might not be capable of ever becoming sentient.
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self aware
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So most people, aka normies, evolved to be mindless slave drones. Would that mean that people like Ashkenazi Jews who are in most top positions and pretty much rule the world evolved to be higher sentience? That would mean that we have a breed of slaves and a breed of masters.
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Don’t know tbh
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So most people, aka normies, evolved to be mindless slave drones. Would that mean that people like Ashkenazi Jews who are in most top positions and pretty much rule the world evolved to be higher sentience? That would mean that we have a breed of slaves and a breed of masters.
Interesting topic and at this point it becomes more a conversation imo as I haven't thought all the implications though.
My immediate response to this though is that I think sentience operates perpendicularly to the power games of life similarly to how it operates perpendicularly to IQ and other mental characteristics. I'm sure some people in power are high sentience while others may not be
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still mirin thread
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¿Que putas chingadas madres dijiste de mí, pinche escuincle baboso? para que sepas yo entrené en el gimnasio del señor Julio Cesar Chavez, tengo un record de 50 knockouts, fui al colegio militar de la ciudad de México y un doctorado en ingenieria nuclear, ¿sabes que significa eso? que pudo volar tu pinche cabecita hueca con una bomba que estoy preparando especialmente para tí, y no sólo eso tambien soy experto en el manejo de armas largas y tengo acceso a todo un arsenal de Uzis AK 47 y R-15s, si tan solo hubieras pensado un poquito más y no hubieras abierto el pinche hocico de perro que tienes, no tendrías que rezar por tu vida. En estos momentos estoy rastreando tu direción IP para ubicar tu domicilio, te vas cagar cuando veas un chingo de camionetas esperando en la entrada de tu casa para acriibillarte. Mis hombres estan bien armados y son muy temerarios, saben hacer muy bien su trabajo y están dispuestos a exterminar hasta la ultima puta celúla más pequeña e insignificantede tu puta miserable existencia, escucha bien mis palabras nene, que ya no hay vuelta atrás, vete despidiendo de tu miserable existencia, escucha bien mis palabras nene, que ya no hay vuelta atrás, vete despidiendo de tu miserable vida cabrón, voy a convertir tus ultimas horas de vida en un autentico infierno, estas bien pinche muerto nene, estas bien pinche muerto.
Pinche wey mamon
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I’m not low sentience
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I'm I low sentience

Larp I will become an enlightened being, I will become the hero with a thousand faces, I will undo the mind-forged manacles of modern life, I will ascend into a higher being.
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legendary thread
rip my lord
low iq low sentience thread

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