What I learned about becoming more NT


Deleted member 22354

Sep 16, 2022
First of all, its true, you will never really be NT if you were not NT all the time, but you can learn to fake it. You can learn to interpret emotions and react accordingly, you can learn to fake emotions. I learned all this post 18, in the beginning I still reacted wrong in certain situations, nowadays it hardly happens. Of course, to this day I don't enjoy social situations, but I can act very well by now, regardless of with foids or at work. + looks carry you well, use this halo to your adventage.

Mindset-wise, you should always have your goal in mind, whether it is to be successful with the foid, to give a convincing presentation at work, to close a new customer for your company, or simply to be the most popular in your class. Have your goal in mind, use your knowledge to win the others over.

Also a good rhetorician is always prepared for any situation, normies, on the other hand, conduct conversations without a goal and a common thread, therefore they do not progress, this can be applied to work, dating, friends and so on.

Good methods to learn being more NT:
  • learn the basic Emotional expressions and facial expression and gestures from reading and watching videos
  • observe people IRL: listen how the talk, how they react to certain expressions and so on
  • apply this knowledge systematically in all IRL situations.
  • Bonus: learn basic NLP and manipulations techniques (funny and it works most of the time jfl)
General tips on improving social skills:
  • practice active listening: Pay attention to what others are saying, and try to show genuine interest in their words and thoughts. This can involve nodding, making eye contact, and asking followup questions
  • Use nonverbal communication: In addition to listening, its important to pay attention to your body language and facial expressions. Smiling, maintaining eye contact, and using appropriate gestures can help you connect with others and communicate effectively
  • practice self-awareness: pay attention to your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and try to understand how they might be impacting your interactions with others.
  • practice empathy: try to empathize with how the other person thinks and feels and what you can do best to achieve your goal
  • Find common interests: Look for things that you both enjoy, and use those as a starting point for conversation
  • join social groups or clubs: Participating in activities that you enjoy with others can be a great way to make new friends and improve your social skills.
  • seek for feedback on your social skills
  • get a job in sales for a few months
  • Take breaks: If youre feeling overwhelmed or anxious in social situations, it's okay to take a break and step away for a few minutes.
  • Be the Initiatior: Invite others to activities, dont wait until you get invited
  • be open to new experiences: Try to be open to meeting new people and trying new things, even if they make you feel uncomfortable at first

Always remember:
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First of all, its true, you will never really be NT if you were not NT all the time, but you can learn to fake it. You can learn to interpret emotions and react accordingly, you can learn to fake emotions. I learned all this post 18, in the beginning I still reacted wrong in certain situations, nowadays it hardly happens. Of course, to this day I don't enjoy social situations, but I can act very well by now, regardless of with foids or at work. + looks carry you well, use this halo to your adventage.

Mindset-wise, you should always have your goal in mind, whether it is to be successful with the foid, to give a convincing presentation at work, to close a new customer for your company, or simply to be the most popular in your class. Have your goal in mind, use your knowledge to win the others over.

Also a good rhetorician is always prepared for any situation, normies, on the other hand, conduct conversations without a goal and a common thread, therefore they do not progress, this can be applied to work, dating, friends and so on.

Good methods to learn being more NT:
  • learn the basic Emotional expressions and facial expression and gestures from reading and watching videos
  • observe people IRL: listen how the talk, how they react to certain expressions and so on
  • apply this knowledge systematically in all IRL situations.
  • Bonus: learn basic NLP and manipulations techniques (funny and it works most of the time jfl)
General tips on improving social skills:
  • practice active listening: Pay attention to what others are saying, and try to show genuine interest in their words and thoughts. This can involve nodding, making eye contact, and asking followup questions
  • Use nonverbal communication: In addition to listening, its important to pay attention to your body language and facial expressions. Smiling, maintaining eye contact, and using appropriate gestures can help you connect with others and communicate effectively
  • practice self-awareness: pay attention to your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and try to understand how they might be impacting your interactions with others.
  • practice empathy: try to empathize with how the other person thinks and feels and what you can do best to achieve your goal
  • Find common interests: Look for things that you both enjoy, and use those as a starting point for conversation
  • join social groups or clubs: Participating in activities that you enjoy with others can be a great way to make new friends and improve your social skills.
  • seek for feedback on your social skills
  • get a job in sales for a few months
  • Take breaks: If youre feeling overwhelmed or anxious in social situations, it's okay to take a break and step away for a few minutes.
  • Be the Initiatior: Invite others to activities, dont wait until you get invited
  • be open to new experiences: Try to be open to meeting new people and trying new things, even if they make you feel uncomfortable at first

Always remember:
More threads like these for autistcels!!!
Be HTN+ or be massively handicapped
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is this another ai thread
Be HTN+ or be massively handicapped
Water. Looks are everything. It’s not really that hard to socialise. Subhumans like me just aren’t comfortable in their own skin because we’re genetic garbage. And even if we NTmaxx we’ll just be the subhuman jester that gets used and mocked behind his back.

Learning to get along with normies is a waste of time and not even NT anyway. Why are you talking rubbish with randoms you don’t even like? Are you retarded

NTs learn from a young age that all you need is a few friends to hang around with and some formal connects (plugs, networking, business) that you use for benefits. Only weirdos try to socialise.
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