What I learned from 1 week of clubbing as a Chadlite



Traded my sanity for ascension
Jan 24, 2024
So last week me and 4 friends went to Portugal to go clubbing. We went to a tourist destination which is really populair amongst Irish, German and Dutch people. (there were pretty much no Portugese people).

There was this 1 street which had nightclubs from left to right. I think around 10 clubs in total. This street was very crowded with people from 17-26.

I would take around 10-15 shots as pregame before going out to the clubs. And i would also take a bottle of vodka with me in my pocket. To keep drinking. I did this to lower my inhib and become more NT.

Here im gonna talk about the best ways to actually get in contact with the girls. There are two types of ways. I'll first state the obvious, which is going to the dance floor in a club and moving your friend group towards a friend group of approximately the same amount of girls. Then everyone of you guys take one girl and just dance with her. After a while get closer, then kiss. Easy for a Chadlite :LOL:. But this method is my least favorite since it takes a lot of time and the clubs are crowded with ugly men most of the time. So here is the holy grail of kissing foids. :ROFLMAO:

Walking around the street :feelsgood:

Okay hear me out, I know this sounds super non NT, But me and my best friend would just walk around the strip looking for good looking foids. If we found some girls we just approached them and made a little small talk like "how are you guys?" or "Where are you guys going?". Since we are both 6'2 and not ugly. This worked flawlessly. Sometimes we would just invite them to go to a club to dance with them and then kiss them in the club. But often i would just ask their socials, call them pretty :LOL: got a little closer, and 9/10 times i would just go for a kiss on the street and walk away after that. Which was a mistake i learned to correct myself later on.

I have no idea why, but when i was drunk i liked the idea of kissing as many girls as possible. Sounds pointless right? Since it is. So the first 3 days I was just wandering around the nightclubs and the street and I got a personal record of kissing 16 girls in 1 night. :soy: Seems unbreakable i guess. So when i realised that if I were to continue this behaviour i would only dissappoint myself by not being able to kiss more then last time. So I changed up my strategy. I actually sticked around with a girl that had high interest in me. Doing this was way more fun. I have been active in other threads last week live blogging my experience and the things that happened so i will quickly summarize some events that occurred whilest i was trying this new strategy.
I got a handjob in an alleyway
I got a blowjob in an alleyway
I went to a girls appartment and I slayed
I went to the beach and I slayed.

Now these things are way better then kissing I can promise you that. That's why I recommend to stick around with the higher tier Beckies rather then just kissing as much as possible.

Now I'll give a quick list of things you should keep an eye on.
DON'T WASTE TIME ON SOBER GIRLS. If you are talking to a girl and she seems boring or dry, it's most likely that she is sober, which means she is just a boring ass person JFL. Who the fuck goes clubbing whilst being sober. That's gay as fuck.
NOT EVERY GIRLS IS GONNA LIKE YOU. I mean the higher appeal you have and the better you look the more girls are gonna like you. Even though im Chadlite and I have high appeal, I still got REJECTED. What did I do about it? Nothing, I just walked on to the next girl. Intoxicating yourself with alcohol helps you realise that getting rejected is okay, it literally does NOT matter. Not even in the slightest. That's why it is so important to be drunk as fuck.

I was wearing a very niche skater type of clothing style since that's just what i wear. Now let me tell you that i got lots of compliments about good clothing style. (Of course also about my looks) but thats off topic rn.
Here is one fit i wore that worked good.
Polar big boys, Vlone t shirt and Los angeles dodgers SB dunks.

Also wore a lot of accesories like earrings, chain, sunglasses, gucci belt, supreme shoulder bag. :soy:
Now, the last day i wore a completely different type of clothing style just as a test, I wore gymshorts and a tight ass vans T shirt :ROFLMAO:. And guess what It did not fucking matter that much. No i did not get any compliments but i still got a slay. So you can draw your own conclusion out of that. Even though clothes don't matter too much, it still does a little since if a girl is into your Niche she is more likely to be interested in you. That's why i wear the clothing style that I wear.

Something else i noticed is I rather go for UK girls since they are way better people then Dutch whores. The way they treat you their manners, everything is just so much better. So that's why i rather approached them. Also Dutch girls are tall as fuck most of the time which is not attractive. And since my English is very good all of them thought I was American because of an American accent :ROFLMAO:. (Don't know why I sound American).

Now let me also tell you that girls should not be the main reason for going on a vacation. The amount of fun I had with my homies is priceless. So I'll list some funny moments that I can remember.
I threw a bottle of vodka and it bounced on a car. So when I walked away there were these police officers standing right behind me. They started yapping to me in Portugese, so I told them that I do not speak Portugese. Then they replied to me with "You are under arrest". So I said "Okay :D". And i turned around so they could cuff me. Then my friend took his phone out to take a picture but his flash was still on :ROFLMAO:. So his coworker turned around and smacked the fuck out of him :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. Then my friend just apologized and started deleting the picutre. Then the police said "Go away". and we were free to leave thankfully.

Another thing that happened was that i got mugged by transgender prostitutes from Colombia :ROFLMAO:.
There was these 2 whores, one of them was built like a massive donkey kong, and the other was a slim surgerymaxxed femboy looking ass. So they offered their service. But even with 20 shots in I could tell that they were trans. So I took out my phone and starting recording them and calling them slurs. Spoiler alert they did NOT like that. So they grabbed my by my shirt and robbed my pockets. Then they started yelling at me to delete the video, so I did. After that they gave my loot back and we was good n shi (y).

These are just some of the highlights of all the funny things that happened.

I'll end this thread here but if you guys have some questions or if you want me to go deeper in certain subjects you can just ask me down below. Thanks for reading
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10-15 shots ?? how
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the jeans got stretched so it look like they were jorts. was gonna cry laughing if u walked around portugal clubbing in jean shorts. mirin tho
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@sub5c3l is closer to being a chadlire than u
And hes an indian ltn
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as a slayer i can say this is the most accurate guide on how to get girls ive ever seen, botb

im proud of u my friend:feelsokman:
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@sub5c3l is closer to being a chadlire than u
And hes an indian ltn
he is clearly chadlite nigga . wtf are you on
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also just ignore every comment doubting you/saying something negative, i promise incels will flock to this thread to try to smoke you:lul:
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  • JFL
  • Woah
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also just ignore every comment doubting you/saying something negative, i promise incels will flock to this thread to try to smoke you:lul:
Yeah, you always can expect hate when you winning
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mirin the fact that u got blowjob and handjob on an alleywey and that u slayd on a beach, personally ive never done that in my 17 bodies, u rly are good at this brah:feelsokman:
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Yeah, you always can expect hate when you winning
100%, 99,9% of this forum has never experienced anything like u did in one trip so expect people to come ramble
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DNRD chad ramblings
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also bookmarked, red whole thread twice, good shit fr
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have u thought about growing longer hair? i would imagine it could fit u well
I try too, but scared of bad results and unhealthy looking hair. So i never do.
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Reactions: Deleted member 66828
I try too, but scared of bad results and unhealthy looking hair. So i never do.
that hairstyle u have now suits u well too tbh
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Slayers GTFIH!!!
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Something else i noticed is I rather go for UK girls since they are way better people then Dutch whores. The way they treat you their manners, everything is just so much better. So that's why i rather approached them.
Never thought I'd hear this since UK foids are probably the must crude and stuck up in the world but I guess maybe they're only like that for sub Chadlites whereas I noticed when I was in NL the foids dont even bat an eyelid when a Chad walks past whereas UK foids will be low inhib to get his attention.

is very good all of them thought I was American because of an American accent :ROFLMAO:. (Don't know why I sound American).
Are you Dutch? many Dutchcels are rocking an American accent

Congrats on your life position, what made you join this forum tbh?
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Are you Dutch? many Dutchcels are rocking an American accent
I noticed when I was in NL the foids dont even bat an eyelid when a Chad walks past whereas UK foids will be low inhib to get his attention.

Congrats on your life position, what made you join this forum tbh?
Thank you, I needed help with skincare and I did not slay when i joined so talking to people on here helped me a lot.
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  • Hmm...
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finished reading every single molecule.
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I got a handjob in an alleyway
I got a blowjob in an alleyway
I went to a girls appartment and I slayed
I went to the beach and I slayed.
chad only
needa heightmax 6'1 by 18 or death
buying aromasin and hgh good enough?
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chad only
needa heightmax 6'1 by 18 or death
buying aromasin and hgh good enough?
Have no knowledge about that, good luck tho :love:
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Ascendinglad087, greywind, Debetro and 1 other person
What part of Portugal
So last week me and 4 friends went to Portugal to go clubbing. We went to a tourist destination which is really populair amongst Irish, German and Dutch people. (there were pretty much no Portugese people).

There was this 1 street which had nightclubs from left to right. I think around 10 clubs in total. This street was very crowded with people from 17-26.

I would take around 10-15 shots as pregame before going out to the clubs. And i would also take a bottle of vodka with me in my pocket. To keep drinking. I did this to lower my inhib and become more NT.

Here im gonna talk about the best ways to actually get in contact with the girls. There are two types of ways. I'll first state the obvious, which is going to the dance floor in a club and moving your friend group towards a friend group of approximately the same amount of girls. Then everyone of you guys take one girl and just dance with her. After a while get closer, then kiss. Easy for a Chadlite :LOL:. But this method is my least favorite since it takes a lot of time and the clubs are crowded with ugly men most of the time. So here is the holy grail of kissing foids. :ROFLMAO:

Walking around the street :feelsgood:

Okay hear me out, I know this sounds super non NT, But me and my best friend would just walk around the strip looking for good looking foids. If we found some girls we just approached them and made a little small talk like "how are you guys?" or "Where are you guys going?". Since we are both 6'2 and not ugly. This worked flawlessly. Sometimes we would just invite them to go to a club to dance with them and then kiss them in the club. But often i would just ask their socials, call them pretty :LOL: got a little closer, and 9/10 times i would just go for a kiss on the street and walk away after that. Which was a mistake i learned to correct myself later on.

I have no idea why, but when i was drunk i liked the idea of kissing as many girls as possible. Sounds pointless right? Since it is. So the first 3 days I was just wandering around the nightclubs and the street and I got a personal record of kissing 16 girls in 1 night. :soy: Seems unbreakable i guess. So when i realised that if I were to continue this behaviour i would only dissappoint myself by not being able to kiss more then last time. So I changed up my strategy. I actually sticked around with a girl that had high interest in me. Doing this was way more fun. I have been active in other threads last week live blogging my experience and the things that happened so i will quickly summarize some events that occurred whilest i was trying this new strategy.
I got a handjob in an alleyway
I got a blowjob in an alleyway
I went to a girls appartment and I slayed
I went to the beach and I slayed.

Now these things are way better then kissing I can promise you that. That's why I recommend to stick around with the higher tier Beckies rather then just kissing as much as possible.

Now I'll give a quick list of things you should keep an eye on.
DON'T WASTE TIME ON SOBER GIRLS. If you are talking to a girl and she seems boring or dry, it's most likely that she is sober, which means she is just a boring ass person JFL. Who the fuck goes clubbing whilst being sober. That's gay as fuck.
NOT EVERY GIRLS IS GONNA LIKE YOU. I mean the higher appeal you have and the better you look the more girls are gonna like you. Even though im Chadlite and I have high appeal, I still got REJECTED. What did I do about it? Nothing, I just walked on to the next girl. Intoxicating yourself with alcohol helps you realise that getting rejected is okay, it literally does NOT matter. Not even in the slightest. That's why it is so important to be drunk as fuck.

I was wearing a very niche skater type of clothing style since that's just what i wear. Now let me tell you that i got lots of compliments about good clothing style. (Of course also about my looks) but thats off topic rn.
Here is one fit i wore that worked good.
Polar big boys, Vlone t shirt and Los angeles dodgers SB dunks.
View attachment 2963186View attachment 2963187View attachment 2963189

Also wore a lot of accesories like earrings, chain, sunglasses, gucci belt, supreme shoulder bag. :soy:
Now, the last day i wore a completely different type of clothing style just as a test, I wore gymshorts and a tight ass vans T shirt :ROFLMAO:. And guess what It did not fucking matter that much. No i did not get any compliments but i still got a slay. So you can draw your own conclusion out of that. Even though clothes don't matter too much, it still does a little since if a girl is into your Niche she is more likely to be interested in you. That's why i wear the clothing style that I wear.

Something else i noticed is I rather go for UK girls since they are way better people then Dutch whores. The way they treat you their manners, everything is just so much better. So that's why i rather approached them. Also Dutch girls are tall as fuck most of the time which is not attractive. And since my English is very good all of them thought I was American because of an American accent :ROFLMAO:. (Don't know why I sound American).

Now let me also tell you that girls should not be the main reason for going on a vacation. The amount of fun I had with my homies is priceless. So I'll list some funny moments that I can remember.
I threw a bottle of vodka and it bounced on a car. So when I walked away there were these police officers standing right behind me. They started yapping to me in Portugese, so I told them that I do not speak Portugese. Then they replied to me with "You are under arrest". So I said "Okay :D". And i turned around so they could cuff me. Then my friend took his phone out to take a picture but his flash was still on :ROFLMAO:. So his coworker turned around and smacked the fuck out of him :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. Then my friend just apologized and started deleting the picutre. Then the police said "Go away". and we were free to leave thankfully.

Another thing that happened was that i got mugged by transgender prostitutes from Colombia :ROFLMAO:.
There was these 2 whores, one of them was built like a massive donkey kong, and the other was a slim surgerymaxxed femboy looking ass. So they offered their service. But even with 20 shots in I could tell that they were trans. So I took out my phone and starting recording them and calling them slurs. Spoiler alert they did NOT like that. So they grabbed my by my shirt and robbed my pockets. Then they started yelling at me to delete the video, so I did. After that they gave my loot back and we was good n shi (y).

These are just some of the highlights of all the funny things that happened.

I'll end this thread here but if you guys have some questions or if you want me to go deeper in certain subjects you can just ask me down below. Thanks for reading
Fuckkkk I have to try alleys, never thiught of that

Iqmaxxed chad, forum is happy to have you
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So last week me and 4 friends went to Portugal to go clubbing. We went to a tourist destination which is really populair amongst Irish, German and Dutch people. (there were pretty much no Portugese people).

There was this 1 street which had nightclubs from left to right. I think around 10 clubs in total. This street was very crowded with people from 17-26.

I would take around 10-15 shots as pregame before going out to the clubs. And i would also take a bottle of vodka with me in my pocket. To keep drinking. I did this to lower my inhib and become more NT.

Here im gonna talk about the best ways to actually get in contact with the girls. There are two types of ways. I'll first state the obvious, which is going to the dance floor in a club and moving your friend group towards a friend group of approximately the same amount of girls. Then everyone of you guys take one girl and just dance with her. After a while get closer, then kiss. Easy for a Chadlite :LOL:. But this method is my least favorite since it takes a lot of time and the clubs are crowded with ugly men most of the time. So here is the holy grail of kissing foids. :ROFLMAO:

Walking around the street :feelsgood:

Okay hear me out, I know this sounds super non NT, But me and my best friend would just walk around the strip looking for good looking foids. If we found some girls we just approached them and made a little small talk like "how are you guys?" or "Where are you guys going?". Since we are both 6'2 and not ugly. This worked flawlessly. Sometimes we would just invite them to go to a club to dance with them and then kiss them in the club. But often i would just ask their socials, call them pretty :LOL: got a little closer, and 9/10 times i would just go for a kiss on the street and walk away after that. Which was a mistake i learned to correct myself later on.

I have no idea why, but when i was drunk i liked the idea of kissing as many girls as possible. Sounds pointless right? Since it is. So the first 3 days I was just wandering around the nightclubs and the street and I got a personal record of kissing 16 girls in 1 night. :soy: Seems unbreakable i guess. So when i realised that if I were to continue this behaviour i would only dissappoint myself by not being able to kiss more then last time. So I changed up my strategy. I actually sticked around with a girl that had high interest in me. Doing this was way more fun. I have been active in other threads last week live blogging my experience and the things that happened so i will quickly summarize some events that occurred whilest i was trying this new strategy.
I got a handjob in an alleyway
I got a blowjob in an alleyway
I went to a girls appartment and I slayed
I went to the beach and I slayed.

Now these things are way better then kissing I can promise you that. That's why I recommend to stick around with the higher tier Beckies rather then just kissing as much as possible.

Now I'll give a quick list of things you should keep an eye on.
DON'T WASTE TIME ON SOBER GIRLS. If you are talking to a girl and she seems boring or dry, it's most likely that she is sober, which means she is just a boring ass person JFL. Who the fuck goes clubbing whilst being sober. That's gay as fuck.
NOT EVERY GIRLS IS GONNA LIKE YOU. I mean the higher appeal you have and the better you look the more girls are gonna like you. Even though im Chadlite and I have high appeal, I still got REJECTED. What did I do about it? Nothing, I just walked on to the next girl. Intoxicating yourself with alcohol helps you realise that getting rejected is okay, it literally does NOT matter. Not even in the slightest. That's why it is so important to be drunk as fuck.

I was wearing a very niche skater type of clothing style since that's just what i wear. Now let me tell you that i got lots of compliments about good clothing style. (Of course also about my looks) but thats off topic rn.
Here is one fit i wore that worked good.
Polar big boys, Vlone t shirt and Los angeles dodgers SB dunks.
View attachment 2963186View attachment 2963187View attachment 2963189

Also wore a lot of accesories like earrings, chain, sunglasses, gucci belt, supreme shoulder bag. :soy:
Now, the last day i wore a completely different type of clothing style just as a test, I wore gymshorts and a tight ass vans T shirt :ROFLMAO:. And guess what It did not fucking matter that much. No i did not get any compliments but i still got a slay. So you can draw your own conclusion out of that. Even though clothes don't matter too much, it still does a little since if a girl is into your Niche she is more likely to be interested in you. That's why i wear the clothing style that I wear.

Something else i noticed is I rather go for UK girls since they are way better people then Dutch whores. The way they treat you their manners, everything is just so much better. So that's why i rather approached them. Also Dutch girls are tall as fuck most of the time which is not attractive. And since my English is very good all of them thought I was American because of an American accent :ROFLMAO:. (Don't know why I sound American).

Now let me also tell you that girls should not be the main reason for going on a vacation. The amount of fun I had with my homies is priceless. So I'll list some funny moments that I can remember.
I threw a bottle of vodka and it bounced on a car. So when I walked away there were these police officers standing right behind me. They started yapping to me in Portugese, so I told them that I do not speak Portugese. Then they replied to me with "You are under arrest". So I said "Okay :D". And i turned around so they could cuff me. Then my friend took his phone out to take a picture but his flash was still on :ROFLMAO:. So his coworker turned around and smacked the fuck out of him :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. Then my friend just apologized and started deleting the picutre. Then the police said "Go away". and we were free to leave thankfully.

Another thing that happened was that i got mugged by transgender prostitutes from Colombia :ROFLMAO:.
There was these 2 whores, one of them was built like a massive donkey kong, and the other was a slim surgerymaxxed femboy looking ass. So they offered their service. But even with 20 shots in I could tell that they were trans. So I took out my phone and starting recording them and calling them slurs. Spoiler alert they did NOT like that. So they grabbed my by my shirt and robbed my pockets. Then they started yelling at me to delete the video, so I did. After that they gave my loot back and we was good n shi (y).

These are just some of the highlights of all the funny things that happened.

I'll end this thread here but if you guys have some questions or if you want me to go deeper in certain subjects you can just ask me down below. Thanks for reading
How did you identify iois
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nice stuff bro, how tall are you?
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what nationality were the girls you slayed and got blowjobs and shit from?
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what are you thoughts on british girls? stuck up i bet?
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ThaNKs, killing myself
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