What I will do since I’ve accepted that I’m an incel (mentalcel)



Kess mah ess
Oct 18, 2020
  1. I will not pursue my financial goals anymore. I will just rely on someone like a worm since what’s the point of working? Why make money when you can’t even share it with anyone you love?
  2. I will stop going to the gym. The only reason (the main reason) why I was going to the gym in the first place was to get a girl or at least increase my odds of finding a girl by improving my physique.

  3. I will stop flirting with women. I was always trying to be playful and cocky around girls. Now that’s over too.
  4. I will look for other ways to get what I want. I will mo*#est, r@pe, ass@ult and do what I can to get what I want. (Just joking if mods read this. Not joking if mods don’t read this...)
  5. From now on I will ignore everyone and I won’t start a conversation with anyone. If people see me as worthy and they care to know who I am, they will talk to me themselves. I’m tired of doing all the work.
  6. If I manage to get a girl and I feel that I’m being used then no one will ever s*e that girl @gain. I’m not going to just forget about it like always.
  • JFL
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  • So Sad
Reactions: R@m@, Schönling, Deleted member 2214 and 12 others
Didn’t read
ldar that's what I'm doing
Change your name
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  • JFL
Reactions: ItsOver.com, Kilimanjaro, volcelfatcel and 1 other person
  1. I will not pursue my financial goals anymore. I will just rely on someone like a worm since what’s the point of working? Why make money when you can’t even share it with anyone you love?
  2. I will stop going to the gym. The only reason (the main reason) why I was going to the gym in the first place was to get a girl or at least increase my odds of finding a girl by improving my physique.

  3. I will stop flirting with women. I was always trying to be playful and cocky around girls. Now that’s over too.
  4. I will look for other ways to get what I want. I will mo*#est, r@pe, ass@ult and do what I can to get what I want. (Just joking if mods read this. Not joking if mods don’t read this...)
  5. From now on I will ignore everyone and I won’t start a conversation with anyone. If people see me as worthy and they care to know who I am, they will talk to me themselves. I’m tired of doing all the work.
  6. If I manage to get a girl and I feel that I’m being used then no one will ever s*e that girl @gain. I’m not going to just forget about it like always.
boring GIF by Scott Gelber
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
What is this bullshit? You look good.
  • So Sad
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  • A1A5B4F9-F9FA-4C9F-A732-7ECA8C1BE85A.jpeg
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  • Hmm...
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Kilimanjaro, Patient A, Wallenberg and 1 other person
  1. I will not pursue my financial goals anymore. I will just rely on someone like a worm since what’s the point of working? Why make money when you can’t even share it with anyone you love?
  2. I will stop going to the gym. The only reason (the main reason) why I was going to the gym in the first place was to get a girl or at least increase my odds of finding a girl by improving my physique.

  3. I will stop flirting with women. I was always trying to be playful and cocky around girls. Now that’s over too.
  4. I will look for other ways to get what I want. I will mo*#est, r@pe, ass@ult and do what I can to get what I want. (Just joking if mods read this. Not joking if mods don’t read this...)
  5. From now on I will ignore everyone and I won’t start a conversation with anyone. If people see me as worthy and they care to know who I am, they will talk to me themselves. I’m tired of doing all the work.
  6. If I manage to get a girl and I feel that I’m being used then no one will ever s*e that girl @gain. I’m not going to just forget about it like always.
I'm going to watch a documentary about the Vietnam war on www.bilibili.com

After I'm done I'm gonna come back to this thread to see if you've managed to pull your head out of your ass yet.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 16960, BigBoy, Kilimanjaro and 5 others
That's why monogamy trumps all other systems. In non-monogamic societies men are unmotivated.

Good news: because of that sooner or later this system will collapse and will be replaced with something better. Bad news: we're going with it.
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Screenshot 20210403 094206 Chrome
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  • JFL
Reactions: Patient A, Wallenberg, Warlow and 3 others
I guess if its truly over and you have tried everything like steroids and hardcore surgery the only step left is to go mgtow, stop having female friends, talking with females,talking about females and focus on career, money and hobbies and try to have an easy as possible live focused on yourself.
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  • So Sad
Reactions: .*my*.
I look like this
if you look like that and you're NT enough to playfully flirt and shit with girls, I don't understand why you can't get the odd hot girl with numbers game.

You're way better looking than me. I'm probably mentalcel too, although like you i flirt with girls and stuff, and i've banged a good few. Some were lottery wins with girls way out of my league.

Or just rapemax lol. Get a job in a bar in Spain where tonnes of drunk 16 year old Brit girls go to slut it up, slip them a Bill Cosby from behind the bar, and drag them to your cave lol
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Patient A, Deleted member 11167, Pumanator and 1 other person
get a job in 'cocktail and dreams' in Zante lol
Their bar staff rape girls on a weekly basis!





ps - the main barman who all teh girls accused was actually a bit of a chad from memory lol
  • JFL
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Tenor 1
  • JFL
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loser lottery GIF
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Just looxmax more you autist if your looks arent enough. You are not 6psl where women will approach you daily. Just keep improving nigga
  • +1
Reactions: Yerico7 and .*my*.
if you look like that and you're NT enough to playfully flirt and shit with girls, I don't understand why you can't get the odd hot girl with numbers game.

You're way better looking than me. I'm probably mentalcel too, although like you i flirt with girls and stuff, and i've banged a good few. Some were lottery wins with girls way out of my league.

Or just rapemax lol. Get a job in a bar in Spain where tonnes of drunk 16 year old Brit girls go to slut it up, slip them a Bill Cosby from behind the bar, and drag them to your cave lol
get a job in 'cocktail and dreams' in Zante lol
Their bar staff rape girls on a weekly basis!

View attachment 1071571

View attachment 1071572

View attachment 1071573

View attachment 1071574

ps - the main barman who all teh girls accused was actually a bit of a chad from memory lol

You aroused my attention ngl

I had these posts bookmarked for later planning.

This might just be legit for JBs slaying
>Good looking
>Posts this thread

BF9B9099 8974 4174 84F9 74C6ED538B11
  • JFL
Reactions: HighTierNormie and Deleted member 11370
Came in expecting this

First I will go to where sh* lives, I will call h*r by h*r name, which is *a*****, then I would tell h*r that I have something important that I want to show h*r, I will go to my c@r and she will follow me, open the door, take a b@seball bat that I had previously prep@red, stri*e her with it, then sh*s either unconscious or close to it. I put h*r in my backseat, hand*uff h*r, put duct tape on h*r mouth and cover her with some rags so that nobody sees that. I will then take h*r somewhere where no cameras or witnesses would be, take h*r out of the car, take all of h*r clothes off, str@ngle her, r@pe her and then leave h*r until sh* regains consciousness. Then I will ask h*r “did you enjoy it?” If the answer is anything other than an immediate “yes, that was amazing” I would do it again but this time I would k*ll her by str@ngulation. Then I will put h*r bod* in my c@r (the c@r already prepared to have no skin flakes or ha*r from h*r or any evidence) drive to another place where I already prepared a gr@ve, take h*r out of the c@r, take pictures together (I want h*r to be with me forever) then put h*r clothes back on (I don’t want to disrespect h*r) and bury h*r.
  • JFL
Reactions: sorrowfulsad and .*my*.
E11F7530 D991 42E8 AEED EDEBE6F57AFD
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
op is legit chadlite btw
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
HTN face haloed by height so maybe Chadlite with that combination but girls find him unsettling enough for him to be incel so...
bruh his lower third is god tier

hide the rest of his face and see
HTN is an understatement
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
bruh his lower third is god tier

hide the rest of his face and see
HTN is an understatement
God tier with the beard for sure, harmony is a bit wierd, his eyes are too small, the rest is a bit above average, but why is he incel then? There has to be a reason other than muh mental problems.

Or is he incel? Maybe he has a slay count/story thread I haven't seen idk.
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
God tier with the beard for sure, harmony is a bit wierd, his eyes are too small, the rest is a bit above average, but why is he incel then? There has to be a reason other than muh mental problems.

Or is he incel? Maybe he has a slay count/story thread I haven't seen idk.
he's larping or extreme mentalcel
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
Extreme mentalcel = Cannibal, paralysis, schizophrenic, time traveller, etc.
you forgot autistic
i think he mentioned he's autistic in some other thread
you forgot autistic
i think he mentioned he's autistic in some other thread
Very low functioning? Otherwise it's mostly cope.

At his looks level he should allegedlly get approached by girls tbh.
Lol mentalcel is a cope. Just accept that you're a subhuman and subscribe to incel TV.
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
  1. I will not pursue my financial goals anymore. I will just rely on someone like a worm since what’s the point of working? Why make money when you can’t even share it with anyone you love?
  2. I will stop going to the gym. The only reason (the main reason) why I was going to the gym in the first place was to get a girl or at least increase my odds of finding a girl by improving my physique.

  3. I will stop flirting with women. I was always trying to be playful and cocky around girls. Now that’s over too.
  4. I will look for other ways to get what I want. I will mo*#est, r@pe, ass@ult and do what I can to get what I want. (Just joking if mods read this. Not joking if mods don’t read this...)
  5. From now on I will ignore everyone and I won’t start a conversation with anyone. If people see me as worthy and they care to know who I am, they will talk to me themselves. I’m tired of doing all the work.
  6. If I manage to get a girl and I feel that I’m being used then no one will ever s*e that girl @gain. I’m not going to just forget about it like always.
you are currently at the 2nd stage of grief
  • JFL
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  • Woah
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NTmogs me.
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