What if I just eat food will I make gains ?



intp, big dick tiny man
Jul 14, 2020
If I just ate food and workout very little will I still make muscle gains ? I tried just eating food for about a week and made some improvements to my weight, but recently I haven’t been doing that. And I have noticed a difference in the way how I feel and my weight. I can still gain weight just as easy but when I wake up I’m 2 lbs below normal. I’m not sure if my body just has a natural need to burn off lots calories for muscles and for repairing my body, but when I workout ( a moderate amount) my body just feels fatigued. And I eat a lot of food ( by my standards) I consume 1800 calories on average. But I just can’t seem to keep the weight on. I’m worried that if I stopped working out I will become a fat. Doe you guys have any experience with this ?
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you cant gain muscle eating 1800 cals on average, thats below maintenance energy needed for an average male
If you don't workout and are eating above your daily calories needed you will just become a fat fuck since you aren't giving your body the impulse needed to build muscle
Your weight will fluctuate and usually decrease slightly when you wake up and weigh yourself, and will usually increase as you eat and consume liquids. You can definitely make fat gains by eating more, however, you are definitely not eating nearly enough to gain weight. I am a Manlet and framelet and 1800 calories would be my maintenance JFL, no man should be eating that low calorie anyway. Try 3500 each day to gain weight, this is just a standard baseline but the best advice would be to stuff your stomach with calorically dense food until it hurts. Hope this helped.
only you have naturally insane testosterone levels
Your weight will fluctuate and usually decrease slightly when you wake up and weigh yourself, and will usually increase as you eat and consume liquids. You can definitely make fat gains by eating more, however, you are definitely not eating nearly enough to gain weight. I am a Manlet and framelet and 1800 calories would be my maintenance JFL, no man should be eating that low calorie anyway. Try 3500 each day to gain weight, this is just a standard baseline but the best advice would be to stuff your stomach with calorically dense food until it hurts. Hope this helped.
3500 JFL he will become a bloated swine, and your body can't really build more than 1 maybe 1.5kg muscle a month so a surplus of more than 300 kcals is kinda crazy
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Your weight will fluctuate and usually decrease slightly when you wake up and weigh yourself, and will usually increase as you eat and consume liquids. You can definitely make fat gains by eating more, however, you are definitely not eating nearly enough to gain weight. I am a Manlet and framelet and 1800 calories would be my maintenance JFL, no man should be eating that low calorie anyway. Try 3500 each day to gain weight, this is just a standard baseline but the best advice would be to stuff your stomach with calorically dense food until it hurts. Hope this helped.
Fucking hell im trying so hard. 3500 calories is a shit ton. Sometimes I consume 2,000 and that takes me all day. 3500 calories is well out of my reach. 2200 calories a day seems much more reasonable. The issue is that even when I eat that much I feel like my body won’t work that well the next morning. Right now I weigh like 106 lbs and I feel fatigued but I also don’t feel good when I eat . I want to eat but I just can’t .
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3500 JFL he will become a bloated swine, and your body can't really build more than 1 maybe 1.5kg muscle a month so a surplus of more than 300 kcals is kinda crazy
I thought he was Talking about gaining fat JFL
3500 JFL he will become a bloated swine, and your body can't really build more than 1 maybe 1.5kg muscle a month so a surplus of more than 300 kcals is kinda crazy
Fucking hell im trying so hard. 3500 calories is a shit ton. Sometimes I consume 2,000 and that takes me all day. 3500 calories is well out of my reach. 2200 calories a day seems much more reasonable. The issue is that even when I eat that much I feel like my body won’t work that well the next morning. Right now I weigh like 106 lbs and I feel fatigued but I also don’t feel good when I eat . I want to eat but I just can’t .
This doesn't sound normal, you should visit a doctor imo
only you have naturally insane testosterone levels
What ? I a skinny shit. If I had slot of testosterone I would have gained a lot more muscle .
Fucking hell im trying so hard. 3500 calories is a shit ton. Sometimes I consume 2,000 and that takes me all day. 3500 calories is well out of my reach. 2200 calories a day seems much more reasonable. The issue is that even when I eat that much I feel like my body won’t work that well the next morning. Right now I weigh like 106 lbs and I feel fatigued but I also don’t feel good when I eat . I want to eat but I just can’t .
Mate you might have some eating disorder, I’d really check with a doctor on your concerns rather than us autists. However, try to do whatever is in your reach, 2200 is still much better than 1800. Mass gainers shakes, McDonald’s, (aka dirty bulking), junk food, ice cream, etc. may help your case.
Newbies with extremely good genetics can build a pound to two pound of muscle a month.
3500 JFL he will become a bloated swine, and your body can't really build more than 1 maybe 1.5kg muscle a month so a surplus of more than 300 kcals is kinda crazy
300-500 calorie surplus is how it should be. I hate retards that eat 3500 and then complain on how bulking ruined them
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This doesn't sound normal, you should visit a doctor imo
I don’t think I do. I believe I just have to eat mor calories . Like ALOT more I just don’t feel that good when I do. I believe it’s just a phase and I will get through it. I’m building a fair bit more muscles and I feel a lot more hingry when I workout ( could be an indication of muscles gain) so there are some positives . It’s just the WEIGHT that is the issue.
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