What if you take testosterone while on finasteride?



Don't hate the player, hate the game
Jul 16, 2020
Im not losing hair neither on fin rn, but i know im dht sensitive, i want to take t and thought about taking fin too to prevent future hairloss, do you think it would work? Would it just be useless and still lose hair? Or would fin lower my t too much and bring it to normal levels so it would be useless to take t anyway?

What would happen?
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I think you would end up at higher dht than with fin only. That means you will loose hair again.
Lets say your dht is at 100 before fin, and with finasteride on 40 (60% reduction).
When you take testosterone, your dht will raise agin, and goes up again. Maybe you end back around 80-100.
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You should combine fin with a topical anti androgen if you're taking testosterone
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I think you would end up at higher dht than with fin only. That means you will loose hair again.
Lets say your dht is at 100 before fin, and with finasteride on 40 (60% reduction).
When you take testosterone, your dht will raise agin, and goes up again. Maybe you end back around 80-100.
Im not losing hair neither on fin rn, but i know im dht sensitive, i want to take t and thought about taking fin too to prevent future hairloss, do you think it would work? Would it just be useless and still lose hair? Or would fin lower my t too much and bring it to normal levels so it would be useless to take t anyway?
you die instantly.

jk, you inhibit the 5 ar enzyme like regular which in turn will reduce your dht levels than what you would have without fin. you limit essentially the total dht in your body. it still isnt enough however, your body will produce around 6 mg on test per day naturally, while you usually take more than 500mg test per week on cycle. so you sitll have more dht on fin and test than what you would have without them. if you plan on hopping test, dutasteride is better for preventing hair loss as it inhibits 5 ar by over 99% in comparison to 60-70% on fin depending on dosage.
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Im not losing hair neither on fin rn, but i know im dht sensitive, i want to take t and thought about taking fin too to prevent future hairloss, do you think it would work? Would it just be useless and still lose hair? Or would fin lower my t too much and bring it to normal levels so it would be useless to take t anyway?
Fin will raise your T levels
Testosterone is androgenic and so at a certain level you'll end up having miniaturization regardless of if your DHT at 0. MPMD says his DHT was undetectable while on dut but that he still continued to lose hair due to test. Watch it at 2x and you don't gotta watch the whole thing tbh. he's super redundant

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Testosterone is androgenic and so at a certain level you'll end up having miniaturization regardless of if your DHT at 0. MPMD says his DHT was undetectable while on dut but that he still continued to lose hair due to test. Watch it at 2x and you don't gotta watch the whole thing tbh. he's super redundant

thats true, testosterone is also harmful to hair follicles, just like dht but to a lesser extent.
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thats true, testosterone is also harmful to hair follicles, just like dht but to a lesser extent.
Is there anything i can take to stop that damage?
But would it lower my t?

if we're talking about a topical androgen receptor antagonist such as RU-58841, then it shouldn't (barring some backdoor interaction that we're unaware of). the mechanism of action does not interfere with androgen production in any way.
Estrogen through the roof

= juicy milky boobies
Testosterone is androgenic and so at a certain level you'll end up having miniaturization regardless of if your DHT at 0. MPMD says his DHT was undetectable while on dut but that he still continued to lose hair due to test. Watch it at 2x and you don't gotta watch the whole thing tbh. he's super redundant

Yeah this is why you’d use fin to wipe some systemic DHT, and then use RU or CB to help fight the DHT or T on the scalp

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