What is a chad and why this forum copes a lot (High effort for high IQ only)



High Inhibition Victim
Apr 18, 2023
This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.

First thread you can read is here;

I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane :lul::lul:

:lul: If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.

What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).

People underrate here

People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day:lul:
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.

They aren't that rare.

This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.

Chad is the best option at the moment.

People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay :lul::lul:.
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.

All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.

Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.

The level required is different across the world and groups.

This makes luck a factor.

Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

20INDIA superJumbo

Okay that was too easy :lul::lul: But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.

But now look at this group.

4112340 IMG 5343

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.

It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger :lul::lul:

Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.

Foids ego is a big factor.

Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice

Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.

So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.

Chad is a situational term

You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next.
People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.

Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
Young tom cruise v0 2tz2a3cz3jf81

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.

Let's look at him here.

Tom Cruise Height

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here:lul::lul::lul:

Tom cruise nicole kidman

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman:lul::lul::lul:

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:

On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...

Clavicular is a chad and you are coping

Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.

We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less:lul:)


Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.

Sad chad story to end this thread.

In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.

Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.

On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid:lul::lul:

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.

One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.

I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.

Again proving chad is situational.
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Who give a fuck about what chad is retard we're incels
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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Dnr. Chad has life on easy mode
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You know people underrate here when what was once "HTN" has become "High MTN" and actualy chads are called HTNs.

Most people here are shit at rating but it doesn't even matter. If you're good looking, you're good looking. If you actually travel outside your basement everyday, you have a pretty good idea of where you stand SMV wise unless you're extremely delusional.
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Read every molecule good thread
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, mvp2v1, jsp and 10 others
whatever but all women need is compact midface and good hair
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Reactions: rooman, Deleted member 45760, blatonslatt and 9 others
dnrd, htn here is chad irl
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  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, k99, blatonslatt and 3 others
The less chads the better
  • +1
Reactions: datboijj and perpetuallytired
Ok this makes a decent amount of sense but chad is just a rating scale we use on here its nothing to do with mogging closed groups its to find what percentile looks someone is

Oh and i appreciate the kind words but now ill be evicerated in the replies so its over
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, Snowskinned, blatonslatt and 13 others
Ok this makes a decent amount of sense but chad is just a rating scale we use on here its nothing to do with mogging closed groups its to find what percentile looks someone is

Oh and i appreciate the kind words but now ill be evicerated in the replies so its over
please notice me clavicular
  • +1
Reactions: FaceIsLaw
Very good thread, read it all.
This is just my opinion, but the people here just hyperfocus on looks and want to be a "chad" when it is still mostly physically impossible.
Making the best of your situation like you said is still the easiest way to win.
  • +1
Reactions: Manana
Very good thread, read it all.
This is just my opinion, but the people here just hyperfocus on looks and want to be a "chad" when it is still mostly physically impossible.
Making the best of your situation like you said is still the easiest way to win.
what if i can't
what if i can't
Unless you're extremely ugly/autistic/mentally retarded, just being average is fine tbh to have a decent life.
It's about projecting your strength, hiding your weaknesses, and making the best of what you want unironically, and not aiming for unrealistic goals?
  • +1
Reactions: blatonslatt, Deleted member 69862 and Manana
So acoridng to you im a terrachad jfl
Tldr op thinks being the best looking in his band of browns makes him a Chad.
  • JFL
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True Detective Smoking GIF

Chad could move into my city next week, counting my days.
  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, datboijj, !MagicMan777 and 1 other person
You know people underrate here when what was once "HTN" has become "High MTN" and actualy chads are called HTNs.

Most people here are shit at rating but it doesn't even matter. If you're good looking, you're good looking. If you actually travel outside your basement everyday, you have a pretty good idea of where you stand SMV wise unless you're extremely delusional.
real, when you think about it girls only register 3 types of men

  • +1
Reactions: rooman, NateJacobs, PoopyFaceTomatoNose and 2 others
needed thread
  • +1
Reactions: Manana
What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).
And with how globalized the dating market is the "best option" or what women percieve to be the man that they can get is easier to get than ever. Your point about chad being the best guy in the village/school/party might have been true in the 80s, now foids travel to "explore the world" (explore Tyrone's dick), have Tinder where they can get chad to bang them at a moments notice, get with athletes etc. And once they get a taste of chad they can't go back

Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else.
no shit he was literally a schizo, how does that have any relevance to people here?

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.
The point about female jealousy it's true but the best way a woman can get ahead in this hierarchy is to get a chad to prove she is high value. Your point is correct but your interpretation flawed because if anything that proves that looks are more important.

Why would an average guy have higher SMV than chads on Love island? When did this ever happen?
Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks
which comes from looks?

Women are independent entities, they are gonna go where chads are regardless of you going there lol, women know their "worth" because every single one of them recieved attention all their life and at least had tinder once to check their smv.

You're just gonna look weird if you refuse to go to a party because the gender distribution is skewed. Besides college there aren't even any places with a good distribution. Women know that if you go to dancing/yoga etc. you're going there just to get laid, there were lots of women laughing at such jesters on social media
  • +1
Reactions: RecessedChinCel and Deleted member 69862
Ok this makes a decent amount of sense but chad is just a rating scale we use on here its nothing to do with mogging closed groups its to find what percentile looks someone is

Oh and i appreciate the kind words but now ill be evicerated in the replies so its over
what happend to you in recent tiktok
high mtn/htn= irl chad
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: pfl, STUPIDREFEREES and Diarrhoea
This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.

First thread you can read is here;

I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane :lul::lul:

:lul: If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.

What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).

People underrate here

People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day:lul:
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.

They aren't that rare.

This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.

Chad is the best option at the moment.

People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay :lul::lul:.
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.

All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.

Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.

The level required is different across the world and groups.

This makes luck a factor.

Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

View attachment 2986080

Okay that was too easy :lul::lul: But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.

But now look at this group.

View attachment 2986082

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.

It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger :lul::lul:

Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.

Foids ego is a big factor.

Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice

Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.

So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.

Chad is a situational term

You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next.
People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.

Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
View attachment 2986118

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.

Let's look at him here.

View attachment 2986119

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here:lul::lul::lul:

View attachment 2986120

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman:lul::lul::lul:

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:

On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...

Clavicular is a chad and you are coping

Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.

We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less:lul:)


Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.

Sad chad story to end this thread.

In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.

Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.

On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid:lul::lul:

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.

One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.

I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.

Again proving chad is situational.
Why are you sucking an autistic narci kid cock so much.
Why are you sucking an autistic narci kid cock so much.
I just used him as an example.

I will reply to the rest (and I saw some legit comments) when I find the time.

Rn I have to socialize
Yep and once you hit your 20s the situation becomes “Tinder” and it’s brutally over for all but the top 1%.
  • +1
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Reactions: Maalik, greywind, klamus and 1 other person
This is turning into a tiktok thirst comment section.

Clavicular is not a chad he's a HTN.
Chad face compared to clavicular it's clear to me who's better looking but he's over 6 foot so he keeps his chadlite status something wrong his cheeks being super puffy and he's a little mentally unwell obviously like the rest of us

I think he should stay off this forum for good we have greys coming in here from his tiktoks spamming every bp term when possible like "psl" or "maybe xyz looks good in mumbai"

HAHAH very funny. FUCK YOU for being so GREY they hurt my head seriously....
Ok this makes a decent amount of sense but chad is just a rating scale we use on here its nothing to do with mogging closed groups its to find what percentile looks someone is

Oh and i appreciate the kind words but now ill be evicerated in the replies so its over
Bro you are one of the biggest mentalcells here.

Looking better just means you have to force yourself to be in uncomfortable (at first) social situations a lot more. The only reason why you think you are not as desirable as you are is the fact you don't do this enough.

The amount of time you should spend in female company increases exponantionally the more attractive you are.
  • +1
Reactions: Jockey67 and SlavicGeneral
And with how globalized the dating market is the "best option" or what women percieve to be the man that they can get is easier to get than ever. Your point about chad being the best guy in the village/school/party might have been true in the 80s, now foids travel to "explore the world" (explore Tyrone's dick), have Tinder where they can get chad to bang them at a moments notice, get with athletes etc. And once they get a taste of chad they can't go back

no shit he was literally a schizo, how does that have any relevance to people here?

The point about female jealousy it's true but the best way a woman can get ahead in this hierarchy is to get a chad to prove she is high value. Your point is correct but your interpretation flawed because if anything that proves that looks are more important.

Why would an average guy have higher SMV than chads on Love island? When did this ever happen?

which comes from looks?

Women are independent entities, they are gonna go where chads are regardless of you going there lol, women know their "worth" because every single one of them recieved attention all their life and at least had tinder once to check their smv.

You're just gonna look weird if you refuse to go to a party because the gender distribution is skewed. Besides college there aren't even any places with a good distribution. Women know that if you go to dancing/yoga etc. you're going there just to get laid, there were lots of women laughing at such jesters on social media
This is a good reply. Your reply is valid and your points are ok. The only problem is the generaliziation aspect. The things I said in the original post apply to most situations(in my opinion).

The objective female/male SMV still aplies but it can be a lot more situational than most would admit, that was the whole point of my post.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 69862
Unless you're extremely ugly/autistic/mentally retarded, just being average is fine tbh to have a decent life.
It's about projecting your strength, hiding your weaknesses, and making the best of what you want unironically, and not aiming for unrealistic goals?
This is the horseshoe theory, you looped back to being blue pilled.

Hyper Competition is the name of the game, being average doesn't work anymore.

And if you think @Clavicular is an average guy, you are braindead, he has a great physique, a good face and is 6'2, the average man usually lacks in all 3.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: blatonslatt, Infinite and Manana
This is the horseshoe theory, you looped back to being blue pilled.

Hyper Competition is the name of the game, being average doesn't work anymore.

And if you think @Clavicular is an average guy, you are braindead, he has a great physique, a good face and is 6'2, the average man usually lacks in all 3.
I think both of you are right to an extent.

(Dating) world is extremely competitive. But you as individual with capped potential can only reach it (the potential) and try to make the most of it.

Overthinking, giving it more value and thought than you should only limits you. It's what made a lot of good looking people come and hide here, looking for excuses rather than acting on it.

Not wasting your prime, but forcing yourself to go out there will be my next big thread.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 69862 and Infinite
im self proclaimed chad from now on
  • JFL
Reactions: blatonslatt
This is the horseshoe theory, you looped back to being blue pilled.

Hyper Competition is the name of the game, being average doesn't work anymore.

And if you think @Clavicular is an average guy, you are braindead, he has a great physique, a good face and is 6'2, the average man usually lacks in all 3.
Hold up, I never said Clav was average? I was just genuinely telling the other guy that you don't need to go all in and above if all you want is an average life.
You can't really expect everyone to ascend, not everyone has a decent base/mental health to actually get through it.

I agree with your points though, personally I am all in favor of ascension, but again, not everyone can do it.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 69862 and Manana
This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.

First thread you can read is here;

I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane :lul::lul:

:lul: If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.

What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).

People underrate here

People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day:lul:
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.

They aren't that rare.

This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.

Chad is the best option at the moment.

People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay :lul::lul:.
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.

All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.

Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.

The level required is different across the world and groups.

This makes luck a factor.

Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

View attachment 2986080

Okay that was too easy :lul::lul: But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.

But now look at this group.

View attachment 2986082

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.

It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger :lul::lul:

Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.

Foids ego is a big factor.

Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice

Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.

So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.

Chad is a situational term

You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next.
People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.

Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
View attachment 2986118

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.

Let's look at him here.

View attachment 2986119

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here:lul::lul::lul:

View attachment 2986120

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman:lul::lul::lul:

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:

On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...

Clavicular is a chad and you are coping

Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.

We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less:lul:)


Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.

Sad chad story to end this thread.

In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.

Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.

On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid:lul::lul:

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.

One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.

I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.

Again proving chad is situational.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 69862 and Manana
the most delusional thing is that everyone thinks that once they are chad they will be happy, the blackpill plays a lot with the belief system and as long as you keep thinking that everything is about looks you will never reach that state, in reality if you are incel probably that was your death sentence.

the real chads are those who were born with all the privileges and never had anything happen to them to make them start thinking like an incel.

because people like chico or sean opry say that the most important thing is the personality? we all know that it is cope and it is mostly because of their looks but they say that because they were never judged in a bad way for their appearance, and they developed in a good way socially to be able to have good relationships with people, which allows them to be attractive and not autistic, contrary to the average incel.

What is the point I am getting at? you can become a chad as a gandy or as chico (if you have the potential obviously a subhuman cannot), but they will still have an advantage over you for the simple fact that they don't believe all the autistic things you believe as an incel, and they will act differently than you because your beliefs largely dictate your actions due to the unconscious.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: NateJacobs, STUPIDREFEREES, Manana and 1 other person
"Chad" is NOT the "best option at the moment". Foids will still shun you, if you're unattractive, even if you are the best option among 1,000 ugly men.

Looks are not relative; they're absolute, and foids are hardwired to be attracted to objectively attractive men, not the best looking men available.
Will fap to this
  • JFL
Reactions: Manana
This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.

First thread you can read is here;

I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane :lul::lul:

:lul: If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.

What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).

People underrate here

People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day:lul:
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.

They aren't that rare.

This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.

Chad is the best option at the moment.

People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay :lul::lul:.
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.

All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.

Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.

The level required is different across the world and groups.

This makes luck a factor.

Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

View attachment 2986080

Okay that was too easy :lul::lul: But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.

But now look at this group.

View attachment 2986082

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.

It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger :lul::lul:

Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.

Foids ego is a big factor.

Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice

Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.

So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.

Chad is a situational term

You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next.
People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.

Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
View attachment 2986118

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.

Let's look at him here.

View attachment 2986119

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here:lul::lul::lul:

View attachment 2986120

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman:lul::lul::lul:

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:

On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...

Clavicular is a chad and you are coping

Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.

We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less:lul:)


Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.

Sad chad story to end this thread.

In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.

Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.

On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid:lul::lul:

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.

One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.

I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.

Again proving chad is situational.
Good post, appreciated. (y)
  • Love it
Reactions: Manana
the most delusional thing is that everyone thinks that once they are chad they will be happy, the blackpill plays a lot with the belief system and as long as you keep thinking that everything is about looks you will never reach that state, in reality if you are incel probably that was your death sentence.

the real chads are those who were born with all the privileges and never had anything happen to them to make them start thinking like an incel.

because people like chico or sean opry say that the most important thing is the personality? we all know that it is cope and it is mostly because of their looks but they say that because they were never judged in a bad way for their appearance, and they developed in a good way socially to be able to have good relationships with people, which allows them to be attractive and not autistic, contrary to the average incel.

What is the point I am getting at? you can become a chad as a gandy or as chico (if you have the potential obviously a subhuman cannot), but they will still have an advantage over you for the simple fact that they don't believe all the autistic things you believe as an incel, and they will act differently than you because your beliefs largely dictate your actions due to the unconscious.
I agree. Great reply.
This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:
agreed with everything besides this, most media the villain is actually taller than the chad main character (vader, thanos etc)

and many actors have said that being too tall has hurt them that’s why u got like jacob elordi and luke cook claiming 6’3 to movie agencies
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 68023 and Manana
agreed with everything besides this, most media the villain is actually taller than the chad main character (vader, thanos etc)

and many actors have said that being too tall has hurt them that’s why u got like jacob elordi and luke cook claiming 6’3 to movie agencies
You are right for the villains.
But protagonists like Cruise and Stallone are rarely seen with taller people (even irl). They avoid it like the plague :lul::lul:
  • +1
Reactions: Zoom759
the most delusional thing is that everyone thinks that once they are chad they will be happy, the blackpill plays a lot with the belief system and as long as you keep thinking that everything is about looks you will never reach that state, in reality if you are incel probably that was your death sentence.

the real chads are those who were born with all the privileges and never had anything happen to them to make them start thinking like an incel.

because people like chico or sean opry say that the most important thing is the personality? we all know that it is cope and it is mostly because of their looks but they say that because they were never judged in a bad way for their appearance, and they developed in a good way socially to be able to have good relationships with people, which allows them to be attractive and not autistic, contrary to the average incel.

What is the point I am getting at? you can become a chad as a gandy or as chico (if you have the potential obviously a subhuman cannot), but they will still have an advantage over you for the simple fact that they don't believe all the autistic things you believe as an incel, and they will act differently than you because your beliefs largely dictate your actions due to the unconscious.
this is so brutal but so true lol, I made it to a mere HTN through looksmaxxing and my brain is so contaminated with blackpill garbage that everytime I pass by a fat person on the street I'm like "jfl at this landwhale", everytime I pass by a short ethnic I'm like "over for this dude". At my job when I had to socialize with fat/unattractive people I treated them with an air of condescension, which got me reported to HR for "not being a team player" :lul:.
Meanwhile there are dudes that are better looking than me (and born that way) treating fat/unattractive people with courtesy.
Gotta cleanse the brain or you'll never truly ascend
  • +1
Reactions: Lecmos, future_, goblinamaxxer and 2 others
this is so brutal but so true lol, I made it to a mere HTN through looksmaxxing and my brain is so contaminated with blackpill garbage that everytime I pass by a fat person on the street I'm like "jfl at this landwhale", everytime I pass by a short ethnic I'm like "over for this dude". At my job when I had to socialize with fat/unattractive people I treated them with an air of condescension, which got me reported to HR for "not being a team player" :lul:.
Meanwhile there are dudes that are better looking than me (and born that way) treating fat/unattractive people with courtesy.
Gotta cleanse the brain or you'll never truly ascend
ye, it's a trap that no one realizes, in the end it's either unbrainrotmaxxing or die alone
  • +1
Reactions: Manana
This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.

First thread you can read is here;

I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane :lul::lul:

:lul: If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.

What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).

People underrate here

People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day:lul:
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.

They aren't that rare.

This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.

Chad is the best option at the moment.

People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay :lul::lul:.
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.

All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.

Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.

The level required is different across the world and groups.

This makes luck a factor.

Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

View attachment 2986080

Okay that was too easy :lul::lul: But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.

But now look at this group.

View attachment 2986082

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.

It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger :lul::lul:

Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.

Foids ego is a big factor.

Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice

Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.

So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.

Chad is a situational term

You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next.
People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.

Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
View attachment 2986118

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.

Let's look at him here.

View attachment 2986119

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here:lul::lul::lul:

View attachment 2986120

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman:lul::lul::lul:

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:

On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...

Clavicular is a chad and you are coping

Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.

We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less:lul:)


Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.

Sad chad story to end this thread.

In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.

Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.

On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid:lul::lul:

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.

One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.

I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.

Again proving chad is situational.
To sum it all: the term "Chad" can't be used without context, Chad = simply the best looking guy on a certain social setting like a party, concert, bar

Maher can be a Chad inside a Fraternity Party
But will be just a Normie next to Chico, Barrett, O'Pry etc

Adrien Brody will be an Incel during a Paco Rabane photoshoot, but will me a Gigachad next to your sub5 incels ugly mugs, and so on

Got it? Then like it 😍
  • +1
Reactions: Manana
This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.

First thread you can read is here;

I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane :lul::lul:

:lul: If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.

What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).

People underrate here

People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day:lul:
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.

They aren't that rare.

This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.

Chad is the best option at the moment.

People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay :lul::lul:.
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.

All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.

Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.

The level required is different across the world and groups.

This makes luck a factor.

Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

View attachment 2986080

Okay that was too easy :lul::lul: But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.

But now look at this group.

View attachment 2986082

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.

It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger :lul::lul:

Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.

Foids ego is a big factor.

Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice

Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.

So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.

Chad is a situational term

You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next.
People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.

Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
View attachment 2986118

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.

Let's look at him here.

View attachment 2986119

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here:lul::lul::lul:

View attachment 2986120

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman:lul::lul::lul:

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:

On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...

Clavicular is a chad and you are coping

Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.

We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less:lul:)


Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.

Sad chad story to end this thread.

In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.

Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.

On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid:lul::lul:

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.

One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.

I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.

Again proving chad is situational.
Niggas make this and get 40 rep
My general idea uses a highschool graduating class as our baseline

In every grade theres one or two guys who are just top tier

my highschool class was 400 people so an irl smv and slaying chad is about 1/200 males, he may get rated HTN or strong HTN here but at school or college or bars he will slay and text multiple girls easily. Usually about 6'2 face that gets rated strong htn here and the most important thing, natural charisma and status due to having hit puberty early allowing him to be a star athlete as a pre teen or early teen and also being significantly more masculine and taller than his peers during the early stages of pubertal personality and status development

An extremely good example of this is my brother even if he is a bit taller than 6'2. He hit puberty at 10 so by 13 he had lost his childish baby fat, was already about 6ft and looked 17 ish, this allowed him to brutally mog the other guys his age and basically be a safe way for girls his age to date or simp for an older looking more masculine man. He also got to be a basketball star despite being a mediocre athlete because he was a foot taller than every other twerk and had the body of a 16 year old. Now hes still alot taller than his peers at 6'6 but theyve started to catch up in height and masculinity, But due to having the early leg up he has the confidence and status to still be miles ahead in terms of charisma and slaying ability.

After chad is obviously chadlite, id say every chad has is core friend group, maybe 3 guys who leech smv off him but still slay fairly easily. An irl SMV chadlite is about 1/75-100 ish

They where basically the exact same as chad but just had a slightly worse face, are ethnics that dont have extremely eurocentric features or simply have another slight thing that stopped them from reaching chad status. They will still slay but girls will always prefer chad if given a chance

HTN is just the guy whos the top guy in his own little niche of friends or in his class, 1/25, maybe a star athlete on the schools second most popular sport or just the guy in ur math class who spends all class flirting with the MTBs

height is usually above 5'8 but under 6'1, face can be very variable from average to as good looking as the chad. Biggest flaw for him is not having the insane leg up in early puberty and having never built his status up early. Will still never struggle to date but wont talk to multiple girls at a time because he is replaceable

Caring about ur facial rating above HTN is just stupid, a facial HTN could either be the theater kid weirdo that only has nerd friends and maybe gets a few dates in his group or the chad that fucks a new girl every week, all depending on height frame, building status early and other factors
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This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.

First thread you can read is here;

I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane :lul::lul:

:lul: If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.

What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).

People underrate here

People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day:lul:
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.

They aren't that rare.

This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.

Chad is the best option at the moment.

People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay :lul::lul:.
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.

All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.

Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.

The level required is different across the world and groups.

This makes luck a factor.

Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

View attachment 2986080

Okay that was too easy :lul::lul: But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.

But now look at this group.

View attachment 2986082

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.

It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger :lul::lul:

Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.

Foids ego is a big factor.

Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice

Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.

So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.

Chad is a situational term

You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next.
People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.

Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
View attachment 2986118

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.

Let's look at him here.

View attachment 2986119

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here:lul::lul::lul:

View attachment 2986120

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman:lul::lul::lul:

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:

On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...

Clavicular is a chad and you are coping

Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.

We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less:lul:)


Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.

Sad chad story to end this thread.

In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.

Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.

On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid:lul::lul:

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.

One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.

I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.

Again proving chad is situational.
High IQ post, read every word
  • +1
Reactions: Manana
This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.

First thread you can read is here;

I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane :lul::lul:

:lul: If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.

What is a chad?

Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? W
hat makes him stand out is the competition.

What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).

People underrate here

People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day:lul:
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.

They aren't that rare.

This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.

Chad is the best option at the moment.

People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay :lul::lul:.
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.

All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.

Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.

The level required is different across the world and groups.

This makes luck a factor.

Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

View attachment 2986080

Okay that was too easy :lul::lul: But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.

But now look at this group.

View attachment 2986082

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.

It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger :lul::lul:

Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.

Foids ego is a big factor.

Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice

Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.

With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.

(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)

It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.

So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.

Chad is a situational term

You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next.
People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.

Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
View attachment 2986118

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.

Let's look at him here.

View attachment 2986119

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here:lul::lul::lul:

View attachment 2986120

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman:lul::lul::lul:

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look :lul:

On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...

Clavicular is a chad and you are coping

Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.

We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less:lul:)


Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.

Sad chad story to end this thread.

In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.

Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.

On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid:lul::lul:

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.

One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.

I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.

Again proving chad is situational.
high iq, this is why online dating is bad cuz it takes that away
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