High Inhibition Victim
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This is another high effort thread of mine where I needlessly throw a few hours away writing something very few will read.
First thread you can read is here;
I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane

If you think @Clavicular isn't a chad. Same people will unironically claim Chico is a htn.
What is a chad?
Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? What makes him stand out is the competition.
What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).
People underrate here
People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.
They aren't that rare.
This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.
Chad is the best option at the moment.
People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.
All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.
Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.
The level required is different across the world and groups.
This makes luck a factor.
Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?
Okay that was too easy
But he still looks like shit if seen on his own. Let's imagine this being an average workplace with some foids, no doubt the white dude would have increased SMV in that group because he is the best option.
But now look at this group.
10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.
It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger
Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.
Foids ego is a big factor.
Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice
Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.
With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.
(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)
It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.
So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.
Chad is a situational term
You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next. People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.
Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise
Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.
Let's look at him here.
Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman

This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look
On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...
Clavicular is a chad and you are coping
Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.
We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less
Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.
Sad chad story to end this thread.
In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.
Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.
On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid

At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.
One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.
I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.
Again proving chad is situational.
First thread you can read is here;

The importance of maxilla and why most people fail to rate properly (High IQ only)
Introduction The importance of upper and lower maxilla has been noted in many threads but it is good to have a little reminder. I am a big maxilla believer (by that I mean upper maxilla and mandible). I will propose a thesis, expose fraudsters amongst PSL gods and try to guide new (and old)...
I have seen @Clavicular thread about some slays and the amount of cope in the comments is insane

Just hit the most textbook pump & dump
Some girl came up to me at work and said I was the best looking bouncer shes ever seen and asked for my instagram so I gave it to her She dmed me at the end of the night when the bar was closing asking me when i got off so i told her and asked to come over straight from work I go over to her...
What is a chad?
Chad is a genetically superior man. Or is he? What makes him stand out is the competition.
What makes you a chad is treatment from foids (which depends on the competition because foids go for the best option).
People underrate here
People underrate here as a way of cope and also as a sign of complete ignorance to real life. Sure nobody is a chad if you watch "psl gods" edits all day
I have socialized a lot and have never seen a man close to Gandy looks-wise. These are 1 in a million men. Not great refrence points for what a chad is.
They aren't that rare.
This notion that only top tier 1 in a billion (Hexum tier) men are chads is cagefuel. That's a brutal cope here. Users just feel better about themselves if chad life is so rare and unattainable.
Chad is the best option at the moment.
People here have not done enough socializing to understand that chad is whoever is the best option at the moment. Be it a night out, home party or whatever. Enviroments like high school (especially if you are divided in classes) and college have a limited amount of men. You really think only Maher tier men on campus slay
Closed groups like mixed friend groups, high school class, college groups have a very transparent hierarchy formed on looks very quickly.
This makes including men better looking than you into a group where you try to slay a retarded move. You just fucked up the hierarchy for no reason.
All of this means that most mixed (somewhat closed) groups will have at least 1 chad by treatment. He will maybe live out the rest of his life with normie treatment but who cares? He got chad treatment at a very good time and (hopefully) took advantage of it.
Again proving that chads are not that rare in real life.
The level required is different across the world and groups.
This makes luck a factor.
Look at this group. If we were to place them in a closed setting (work enviroment, mixed friend groups); a chad would emerge over time. Not the type of chad who can cold approach and pump and dump stacy (just to clarify, although did I really need to?) . But the one who has the most status and SMV in the group. Who is the chad here?

Okay that was too easy
But now look at this group.

10+ giga chads in the same room. There is again a clear chad here.
It's the front row Gandy strutting like he just solved world hunger
Let's imagine these people in a closed enviroment. All are genetically excellent options. But I can't shake the notion that if you put them in a social scenario competing for foids, foids would go for 1 or 2 they value the most.
Foids ego is a big factor.
Chads in theory = superior genes
Chads in real life = Most foids' first choice
Foids ego have made endless lower quality men get chad treatment.
With how fragile an average foid's ego is, men become a power source for the intergender hierarchy. I have seen the power dance around "chads" very often. After a certain point foids forget who they are competing for, because being better (read; more attractive) than her rival foid is more important than chad.
(This can be seen on Love Island very often (not a real life experiment but still a good refrence point). Foids there almost always go for 1 or 2 guys. Some men that have high SMV while in there are average looking irl while chads get overlooked. Again, chad is treatment.)
It's because foids only metric of worth they value each other by is looks. That's why an average foid hates a stacy.
So again, you can get chad treatment (which matters more than looking like a chad) based on circumstances and luck alone.
Chad is a situational term
You can be a chad in one situation and be average in the next. People like Gandy and Hexum are chads everywhere but how rare is that? Not a relevant comparison.
Chad manlets are a good example here.
Let's look at Tom Cruise

Giga chad here. You show a random foid this picture and she's wet.
Let's look at him here.

Okay apart from him being bloated, is he really a chad when Will Smith looks like his dad(dy) here

Not very chad-esque getting height mogged by Kidman
This is why they hire shorter villains and co actors in his movies. Protagonist/chad getting height mogged is not a good look
On this example we see that you can look like a chad in one situation and like a normie in the next. Most people have weaknesses, be it height, poor forward growth (making them less attractive in motion as opposed to pictures) , frame, voice...
Clavicular is a chad and you are coping
Back to the reason I started writing this. @Clavicular is such an easy chad irl it's insane. He is probably getting mogged very rarely in closed groups which means he is often the best option and will get chad treatment. I know I wouldn't want him near and have seen very few who mog him hard. I don't even care about this dude. He is just a good example.
We can only generalize when talking about any subject. Saying him or anyone else is a chad means that I think he/they will recieve chad treatment often. Vasily Stepanov is the biggest mogger I have ever seen and he tried to kill himself, proving looks are almost always not enough and you need to take advatage of them, not fucking rot here or anywhere else. (I brought up rotting because I think Clsvicular would slay even more if he socializes more and rots here less
Chads are not that rare. Chad is chad treatment, not looks. Chad treatment is situational if you are not 1 in 10000. You must take advantage while you can if you receive it.
Manouvering difficult social situations; avoiding groups/people where you are getting mogged, keeping foids that showed interest in you near, being in situations where there are more foids than men are all valuable moves you can make in pursuit of chad treatment.
Sad chad story to end this thread.
In high school we had a chad in our class. The pain/clarity this gave me through my 4 years being there made me blackpilled af.
Every foid wanted to be with him. They wouldn't even show interest in socializing with others. Some of us were at least low htn range but that is completely irrelevant when chad is there every day.
On top of him mogging us, foids made it a constant battle for him which spanned for 4 years basically, all while he was in a stable relationship with a younger (better looking) foid
At least he was a legit chad everywhere. That makes it a bit easier.
One of my classmates (not the chad) who I basically bullied went to a college where foids are a majority.
I met his girlfriend later on and she said he was very desirable (basically chad treatment) there right away; she thought she doesn't stand a chance. He was invisible in high school.
Again proving chad is situational.