What is a Sigma Male ?



Yakhiiiiiiii 😹😹😹😹🤙🤙🤙🤙💦
Dec 7, 2021
A Sigma male is a man who lives outside the hierarchy by choice. He does his own thing and dances to his own beat. A Sigma Male is also very attractive to women, right at the top of the socio-sexual hierarchy alongside the Alpha.
There is a male hierarchy, where men stratify themselves on a totem pole, and the higher up the totem pole you are the more rewards of life, social and sexual, accrue to you. That’s why everybody wants to be the king, the chief executive, or the rock star.
Please note that Sigmas are just as high up the sexual Totem pole as Alphas – but are outside the hierarchy by choice. Sigmas often share many of the qualities of Alpha males. They are usually self posessed, self sufficient and charismatic.
Like Alpha males, Sigmas can be very successful with women – but without having to build up an infrastructure around themselves. It’s common to split the typology that originally came from zoologist’s studies of primates, which is you have an alpha, a beta and an omega.
The alpha is the king, the leader of the troop, the head lion and everybody else follows him. He lays down the law and the females naturally gravitate towards him because as the leader he is sexually attractive. He is best able of all the males to impose himself onto the world.
The mass of the population below are the beta males. The followers, they are the cubical drones, they are the normal guys and they follow the alpha. They’re fighting over the women that the alpha doesn’t want, the leftovers. The alpha gets first pick and the betas get the rest.
Then at the very bottom of the pile you have the Omega Male. They are the socially invisible, the losers, the dregs, the guys living in their mum’s basement playing World of Warcraft. These men experience women primarily through internet porn and escort agencies.
So to reiterate, a Sigma Male is a man within the socio sexual hierarchy who chooses to live his life outside of the normal social dominance hierarchy structures of society. He remains shrouded in mystery which is incredibly attractive to girls, so he can do as he pleases.
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This is literally me.

I feel disturbed in a group if i am not the leader but the follower.

It might be a kind of sociapathy too.
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tl/dr sigma is a handsome autist-seks haver
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It's me, I'm a sigma-alpha-based-male :ogre:
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my brother @BearBoy is a sigma male
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I have a friend who is a "Sigma male" by definition, and like any other sigma male cowers at the stupidity of these three meaningless terms and their flimsy ecological roots.

Seriously though the sigma males I know are less concerned with being the "big dog" all the time and let their talents speak for themselves. Usually they are just "alphas" in terms of the traits they possess but are usually smarter and more sensitive
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A Sigma male is a man who lives outside the hierarchy by choice.
No, a Sigma male is a Beta male, who does not like when others call him "cuck", so he copes with inventing a new name for himself...
Thus is born "Sigma Male" :feelshehe:
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  • JFL
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This is literally me.

I feel disturbed in a group if i am not the leader but the follower.

It might be a kind of sociapathy too.
what is the political affiliation of the kid in your profile pic?
A Sigma male is a man who lives outside the hierarchy by choice. He does his own thing and dances to his own beat. A Sigma Male is also very attractive to women, right at the top of the socio-sexual hierarchy alongside the Alpha.
There is a male hierarchy, where men stratify themselves on a totem pole, and the higher up the totem pole you are the more rewards of life, social and sexual, accrue to you. That’s why everybody wants to be the king, the chief executive, or the rock star.
Please note that Sigmas are just as high up the sexual Totem pole as Alphas – but are outside the hierarchy by choice. Sigmas often share many of the qualities of Alpha males. They are usually self posessed, self sufficient and charismatic.
Like Alpha males, Sigmas can be very successful with women – but without having to build up an infrastructure around themselves. It’s common to split the typology that originally came from zoologist’s studies of primates, which is you have an alpha, a beta and an omega.
The alpha is the king, the leader of the troop, the head lion and everybody else follows him. He lays down the law and the females naturally gravitate towards him because as the leader he is sexually attractive. He is best able of all the males to impose himself onto the world.
The mass of the population below are the beta males. The followers, they are the cubical drones, they are the normal guys and they follow the alpha. They’re fighting over the women that the alpha doesn’t want, the leftovers. The alpha gets first pick and the betas get the rest.
Then at the very bottom of the pile you have the Omega Male. They are the socially invisible, the losers, the dregs, the guys living in their mum’s basement playing World of Warcraft. These men experience women primarily through internet porn and escort agencies.
So to reiterate, a Sigma Male is a man within the socio sexual hierarchy who chooses to live his life outside of the normal social dominance hierarchy structures of society. He remains shrouded in mystery which is incredibly attractive to girls, so he can do as he pleases.
Alfa is like a lion and Sigma is like tiger
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Being "sigma" does not attract women unless they are chad level in looks. This is due to the simple fact that the personality of the sigma is incompatible with females. Sigmas disregard women, and share no interests with them. A sigma will not cater to women, or go out of their way to pick them up. The only way a real sigma can land a girl is if the girl approaches the sigma, which women simply do not do unless you're a chad.
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TL;DR introverted Chad
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