What is the average Sub 5's to LTN's MAX looks potential with surgery, and is it ever worth it?



Sep 17, 2024
Let me know about this, ive been thinking about it for quite a while. Could people like "Michael Cera" or pretty much LTN and SUb-5 reach good looks with surgery. or are they simply doomed for life.. be honest, if there is hope there is hope.
He's actually very mid, maybe 4.5 to 5/10. And yes, it all depends on what the failo is. Long midface for example is hard to fix with surgery.

This guy just needs a new nose and stronger Cheekbones.
He's actually very mid, maybe 4.5 to 5/10. And yes, it all depends on what the failo is. Long midface for example is hard to fix with surgery.

This guy just needs a new nose and stronger Cheekbones.
how much hardmaxxing would michael need to reach HTN?
Case-by-case basis and any general hypothetical is arbitrary.
depends on the flaws, variable amongst different individuals
What would you say if they have a jaw that needs trimax, wide skull, small mouth, and bad under eye support,
the risk to reward depends on the person, some will be capped at a certain rating. again it depends person to person. What can outweight the negatives.
Some surgeries are just not worth the cost and recovery with risk of being botched

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