What is the benefit of networking?


Deleted member 7725

Jun 8, 2020
All I hear is people talking about networking but nobody describes what it is. Sounds like the most American thing ever - pretending to be people's friends while really being a snake looking for a check. I'm self made so don't understand what the point of it is. What do you gain from doing it that you can't yourself?
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But what do you gain that you can't just submit an application for?
shortcut through the application process mostly.

or being reviewed in the first place, because most applications go straight into the trash.
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the snakes in the grass huh
If u dont take a genuine interest in others and/or are genuinely not likeable, networking will be a fruitless endeavor and you should just try it once or twice for fun. The reason its important is because most people make hiring decisions based on who they like. Most people can do the job just fine, the determining characteristics in many job openings and whether your career progresses is how well you are liked.

Also, if you just pretend to like people, it can backfire so idk about that strategy
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I don't do any networking, but I met this dude through my ebay store and every couple of months he contacts me and wants to trade a bunch of his shit for a bunch of my shit. He's in Kuwait. He covers all shipping. He pays me to ship stuff to him. And the trades always end up being in my favor for like $2000. So every couple of months I make a few thousand $$ just from knowing this dude. Imagine if I knew like 10 of these dudes. A lot of dealers also buy shit from my stores and then sell to their clients, so somehow they know people who can't find this shit online and will pay more than I can even get in my stores. Knowing lots of people is a huge advantage.
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I'll sum it up quickly (this assumes you've gotten the LinkedIn of the individuals you've networked with).

If you are an intern or young professional (or frankly any stage really), then

1) By the off chance that you networked with someone, and they are looking for a position to fill or know someone trying to fill a position, if you left a good impression on them, they might go "Oh, I know a guy (you) who might be a pretty good fit for this". Given the state of the job market, that % chance that they might remember you is worth it enough to go through the hassle of this.

2) Suppose you got laid off, left your job, or your internship has ended. If you've networked with a good amount of people, you can now reach back out to them (i.e your "network"), and say "Hey, we met briefly at xyz and I am currently open to opportunities. Do you by any chance know of anything that might suit me?" Or something along those lines.

3) If you land an interview at a place where you've previously networked with someone before, they might have enough leverage to put in a reference or good word for you (if you reach out to them once you've landed the interview, but this is hit or miss. You can also say, "Hey, I just applied to X at your company, I was wondering if you can tell me more about this role or if you have any advice" (you are basically hinting that you want them to put in a good word for you here, and you are also showing interest)).

4) If you work in consulting or any sell-side/client facing role, having a big network is effectively a client pool.

5) If you are setting up a business, a big network is good to leverage potential investors.

6) If you are truly interested in a field, getting a coffee chat/networking with long time professionals is a great way to learn more about that field and what kind of skillsets are required to break in/get a job there.

7) If you are wondering what an interview process might be like, you can reach out/network with individuals who might give you insight. For example if you are curious if the interview process is heavy on the technicals (i.e case studies, code assignments, etc.) or more behavioral/about being a good fit.


It's basically just casting a wider net to increase potential for better opportunities in every aspect of professional work.

You don't really lose anything (except time lol) by doing it.

Also it helps build your confidence and keeps you from being a little bitch.
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Just another way for good looking people to get further ahead in life
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Self made larp that has a fetish of pretending he has money, rot
Self made larp that has a fetish of pretending he has money, rot
keep on crying for me. i could buy your dream lambo tomorrow.

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