What is the concensus on Accutane?



Nov 11, 2018
Does it stunt growth? I personally did experience my growth slowed down rapidly once I got on that shit when I was 17 but then again my height was probably going to slow down at that age anyways. I also did get depressed from it, it caused me to have suicidal and homicidal ideation when I was 17-18. Anyone here have experiences to report on Accutane?
not worth buddy
Not a big deal if you started taking it at 17, at that age your growth plates were near closed anyways.
The problem is when you take it at a younger age, when I was 14 yo I remember some of my classmates were taking it.
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Not a big deal if you started taking it at 17, at that age your growth plates were near closed anyways.
The problem is when you take it at a younger age, when I was 14 yo I remember some of my classmates were taking it.
Pretty scary shit tbh. These pharmaceutical companies promote their products and claim that there's very low risk of any serious side effects when really it's just underreported. And doctors don't tell teenagers who take it what could happen to them
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Depends on whether you have the scarring (crater) kind of acne or not. If yes, get on ASAP. If not, cope
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Pretty scary shit tbh. These pharmaceutical companies promote their products and claim that there's very low risk of any serious side effects when really it's just underreported. And doctors don't tell teenagers who take it what could happen to them
Yeah, it fucks up pretty much every single hormone in the body because it shuts the pituitary gland, which is responsible for stimulating most glands.
Legit wonder how it is still allowed to treat teenagers. That shit can destroy someone's puberty.
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If u have persistent and scarring acne, u should use accutane if you care about your looks. Dont hear what idiots here say about accutane, they dont know absolute nothing about it.

I took several accutane courses inbetween 2011-2020
I studied alot this drug, and suffered alot of sides, from hair loss to even the biggest colateral effects of it(pseudo tumor cerebri).
If u dont have MPB the hairloss will settle down. Mine did.

ANY side-effect related to accutane can be dealt with, but u know what cant be dealt with? Disfiguring scars from acne.
Dont fall for laser bullshits or any fairy-tale peel. I already saw people expending more than three-digit thousands on scar treatments, just to be left depressed and without hope because acne scarring DONT HAVE FIX

Always go for low doses, it wil mostly avoid all bad sides
If ur under 18, wait your growth spurt.

If u want to know about accutane, this is the wrong place.
  • Hmm...
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If u have persistent and scarring acne, u should use accutane if you care about your looks. Dont hear what idiots here say about accutane, they dont know absolute nothing about it.

I took several accutane courses inbetween 2011-2020
I studied alot this drug, and suffered alot of sides, from hair loss to even the biggest colateral effects of it(pseudo tumor cerebri).
If u dont have MPB the hairloss will settle down. Mine did.

ANY side-effect related to accutane can be dealt with, but u know what cant be dealt with? Disfiguring scars from acne.
Dont fall for laser bullshits or any fairy-tale peel. I already saw people expending more than three-digit thousands on scar treatments, just to be left depressed and without hope because acne scarring DONT HAVE FIX

Always go for low doses, it wil mostly avoid all bad sides
If ur under 18, wait your growth spurt.

If u want to know about accutane, this is the wrong place.
Lmao what a retarded reply. Not even gonna bother to elab but accutane is not the only drug to treat severe acne
Lmao what a retarded reply. Not even gonna bother to elab but accutane is not the only drug to treat severe acne
Clearly an imbecile that knows absolutely nothing about severe/persistent adult acne.

Accutane is the only effective drug against severe persistent acne

scammer level coper if u think otherwise. Dont even try to elab anything. Ur just stupid or dishonest, and both options are equally dirheartening to mantain any kind of argument with you.
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Clearly an imbecile that knows absolutely nothing about severe/persistent adult acne.
Yeah, yeah, keep coping with your accutane while providing no evidence against what I said.
Kys greycel
Yeah, yeah, keep coping with your accutane while providing no evidence against what I said.
Kys greycel
Calling me greycel is your argument against the only proven effect drug against severe acne

HANDS DOWN for you, snake-oil consumer
the only proven effect drug against severe acne
JFL where did you get that info from?
There are tons of proven and approved drugs to treat severe acne, do some research.
If u have persistent and scarring acne, u should use accutane if you care about your looks. Dont hear what idiots here say about accutane, they dont know absolute nothing about it.

I took several accutane courses inbetween 2011-2020
I studied alot this drug, and suffered alot of sides, from hair loss to even the biggest colateral effects of it(pseudo tumor cerebri).
If u dont have MPB the hairloss will settle down. Mine did.

ANY side-effect related to accutane can be dealt with, but u know what cant be dealt with? Disfiguring scars from acne.
Dont fall for laser bullshits or any fairy-tale peel. I already saw people expending more than three-digit thousands on scar treatments, just to be left depressed and without hope because acne scarring DONT HAVE FIX

Always go for low doses, it wil mostly avoid all bad sides
If ur under 18, wait your growth spurt.

If u want to know about accutane, this is the wrong place.
Dude you had hairloss on accutane? Can you tell me when it went away? I’m currently suffering right now from it.
JFL where did you get that info from?
There are tons of proven and approved drugs to treat severe acne, do some research.
Keep coping son, because i walked this path long ago
I would even defend your point at the beggining.
Luckily, i was smart enough to not fall into such level of cope and avoided major scarring
IDC if u believe in antibiotics or creams that only work if u have mild acne. U dont know shit son. U have no idea of what is severe acne.
Im just against misinformed fags like you that dont know absolutely nothing about and claim to know something.

If pp like youl want to cope and end up like a frankstein with their faces covered with deep scarring, thats their decision. I really dont give a shit, but dont mislead people, you faggot.
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Yeah, it fucks up pretty much every single hormone in the body because it shuts the pituitary gland, which is responsible for stimulating most glands.
Legit wonder how it is still allowed to treat teenagers. That shit can destroy someone's puberty.
I'm so lucky I didn't start it until late 16-early 17 years old (can't remember when exactly tbh but def not before 16y10mo). But the psychological effects it had on me were se severe and I hadn't heard anything bout side effects until I came off of it. So zero placebo, that shit made me contemplate suicide and I actually got to the point where I was writing out a plan to kill someone who I hated. It is fucking poison and I wish my parents would do some fucking research before getting their kids on jewish chemicals
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Dude you had hairloss on accutane? Can you tell me when it went away? I’m currently suffering right now from it.
Major telogen effluvium

more than 250 strands on bath
i was terrified, but it subisided and went back to normal.
It will take a while, to 1-2years to normalize completely
U will not be bald from accutane
go on acne.org and do your research about accutane hair loss, there are plenty cases there
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Keep coping son, because i walked this path long ago
I would even defend your point at the beggining.
Luckily, i was smart enough to not fall into such level of cope and avoided major scarring
IDC if u believe that antibiotics or creams that only work if u have mild acne. U dont know shit son. U have no idea of what is severe acne.
Im just against misinformed fags like you that dont know absolutely nothing about and claim to know something.

If pp like youl want to cope and end up like a frankstein with their faces covered with deep scarring, thats their decision. I really dont give a shit, but dont mislead people, you faggot.
Once again, no proof provided, only name-calling bullshit.

I will leave this here tho

Accutane is poison, should not be given to teenagers and there are many alternative treatments to severe acne that are listed on many dermatology associations websites worldwide.

You are the one misleading people here by saying accutane is the only treatment to severe acne and by denying/not knowing about its effects in puberty.
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And what have
Once again, no proof provided, only name-calling bullshit.

I will leave this here tho

Accutane is poison and should not be given to teenagers and there are many alternative treatments to severe acne that are listed on many dermatology associations websites worldwide.
And what have you provided?
U literally brought absolutely nothing to contribute here son.
Its a drug with heavy side-effects nobody denied it.

But ok, for anybody reading this, u can choose MR.STARE or a professional/scientific advise against a disfiguring condition that can literally destroy your self-esteem forever..

YEAH, he probably knows better. Throwing an article that he finds on google and didnt even read so he can try to base his cope.
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And what have

And what have you provided?
U literally brought absolutely nothing to contribute here son.
Its a drug with heavy side-effects nobody denied it.

But ok, for anybody reading this, u can choose MR.STARE or a professional/scientific advise against a disfiguring condition that can literally destroy your self-esteem forever..

YEAH, he probably knows better throwing few articles of anectotal vidence that he didnt even read but throws on google and found on pubmed so he can try to base his cope
I brought many things to the conversation that debunks your claim that there are no alternatives to accutane and that it's worth taking despite its side effects, you simply ignored them.

If your derma prescribed you accutane then I am sorry. Truth is: the studies done on this subject show that accutane decreases some of the most important hormones during puberty and there is no doubt that this would effect someone's puberty development.

I read the article and you should read too before you spread misinformation online.
I brought many things to the conversation that debunks your claim that there are no alternatives to accutane and that it's worth taking despite its side effects, you simply ignored them.

If your derma prescribed you accutane then I am sorry. Truth is: the studies done on this subject show that accutane decreases some of the most important hormones during puberty and there is no doubt that this would effect someone's puberty development.

I read the article and you should read too before you spread misinformation online.
1 - U havent provided a SHIT alternative that can treat severe persitent acne, first, because it doesnt exist.

2 - In my first post i advised against accutane in pubertal / growth stage.

3 - If u dont understand that there is pratical reasons that people hop on this drug, and the reason is simple; acne is a devastating condition for some people, u clearly dont understand, so you keep coping saying that accutane is poison, which everybody knows.
U know what else is poison? Staph infections, depression due to severe acne and permanent scarring

You advise against this drug because its bad for your health, and early pubertal development. Everybody knows that water is wet.
For me, thats just proves ur an imbecile in action, because ur simply ignoring all individual aspects and circunstances that force people to get into this medication. But since u dont have enought IQ to even read a text, imagine to synthesize this kind of information.
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1 - U havent provided a SHIT alternative that can treat severe persitent acne, first, because it doesnt exist.

2 - In my first post i advised against accutane in pubertal / growth stage.

3 - If u dont understand that there is pratical reasons that people hop on this drug, and the reason is simple; acne is a devastating condition for some people, u clearly dont understand, so you keep coping saying that accutane is poison, which everybody knows.
U know what else is poison? Staph infections, depression due to severe acne and permanent scarring

You advise against this drug because its bad for your health, and early pubertal development. Everybody knows that water is wet.
For me, thats just proves ur an imbecile in action, because ur simply ignoring all individual aspects and circunstances that force people to get into this medication. But since u dont have enought IQ to even read a text, imagine to synthesize this kind of information.
Lol I won't bother discussing with a guy who keeps name-calling and gets his knowledge from broscience.
Anyways, I am on my last year of med school, I had dermatology classes and a whole dermatology rotation in which we treated many young teenagers with severe acne with antibiotics and other topical creams and all of them had amazing results. Meanwhile you keep screeching that anything other than accutane doesn't work for severe acne, seriously, just fuck off and accept that you wrong.
I am not a dermatology expert but I definitely have A LOT MORE knowledge and practice with it than you who get your "knowledge" from YouTube.

I am done here, it's not worth discussing with people who are ignorant, specially those who are ignorant but think they are smart.
Lol I won't bother discussing with a guy who keeps name-calling and gets his knowledge from broscience.
Anyways, I am on my last year of med school, I had dermatology classes and a whole dermatology rotation in which we treated many young teenagers with severe acne with antibiotics and other topical creams and all of them had amazing results. Meanwhile you keep screeching that anything other than accutane doesn't work for severe acne, seriously, just fuck off and accept that you wrong.
I am not a dermatology expert but I definitely have A LOT MORE knowledge and practice with it than you who get your "knowledge" from YouTube.

I am done here, it's not worth discussing with people who are ignorant, specially those who are ignorant but think they are smart.
"Antibiotics and topical creams" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Ur pathetic and a lier, go, rat, leave this topic. And if ur telling the truth about your med school, u should be ashamed of every single sentence you dropd here.
"Antibiotics and topical creams" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Ur pathetic and a lier, go, rat, leave this topic. And if ur telling the truth about your med school, u should be ashamed of every single sentence you dropd here.
See, that's what I said before, you are ignorant and you will keep screeching the same bullshit because you are too afraid to admit that you are wrong.
And no, I am not lying about med school. Why are you mad tho? Enviousness?

Case closed, you lost the argument because you failed to provide any evidence to back your claims other than ramblings from your autistic mind.
See, that's what I said before, you are ignorant and you will keep screeching the same bullshit because you are too afraid to admit that you are wrong.
And no, I am not lying about med school. Why are you mad tho? Enviousness?

Case closed, you lost the argument because you failed to provide any evidence to back your claims other than ramblings from your autistic mind.
Im not in a fight with you son, there is nothing to brag about winning or losing here im not competing with you. Im just trying to fight against your misinformation.

99% of ppl who uses accutane already used antibiotics and topicals and failed, ur showed yourself a extremly dishonest person debating, so, i dont believe in anything u claim here about your personal life, specially if its to base some misleading argument u are trying to provide. U literally have 0 knowledge about isotretinoin and how benefitial it can be for some people, yet, ur on a looksmax forum claiming that there are alternatives for severe acne, when there isnt. And when squeezed you said that saw success in patients who were treated with antibiotics and topicals HAHAHAHA, and by the way, all those antibiotics have a bad side-effects too, but ill not even get in this debate.

I expected more from you. I feel embarassed of just being here discussing with a lier that literally have no idea of what he is talking about
Atleast people could benefit from it.

U arent capable of providing a single evidence of a EVEN EMERGING drug that could treat this kind of acne. Good bye Mr.Antibiotics and topicals HAHAHAHAHA

Dishonest lier and a piece of shit.


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Im not in a fight with you son, there is nothing to brag about winning or losing here im not competing with you. Im just trying to fight against your misinformation.

99% of ppl who uses accutane already used antibiotics and topicals and failed, ur showed yourself a extremly dishonest person debating, so, i dont believe in anything u claim here about your personal life, specially if its to base some misleading argument u are trying to provide. U literally have 0 knowledge about isotretinoin and how benefitial it can be for some people, yet, ur on a looksmax forum claiming that there is alternatives for severe acne, when there isnt.

I feel embarassed of just being here discussing with a lier that literally have no idea of what he is talking about
Atleast people could benefit from it.

U arent capable of providing a single evidence of a EVEN EMERGING drug that could treat this kind of acne.

U are a lier and a piece of shit.
Lol for how long are you gonna keep saying that there is no alternative to accutane? This is a clear lie and I already proved you so.
And it's not true at all that most people who are on accutane already tried other methods, I can say that because I have experience with it, and you have none so how can you even make such claim? Seriously, just fuck off with your bullshit, you are telling lies just to support your stupid theory lmao.

I could take a pic of my equipment with a timestamp to prove I am not lying but I don't think that would be worth the effort.

At this point it's obvious that the discussion is over, you will never accept that anything other than isotretinoin works and you will keep making up lies. It's simply not worth discussing.
Im not in a fight with you son, there is nothing to brag about winning or losing here im not competing with you. Im just trying to fight against your misinformation.

99% of ppl who uses accutane already used antibiotics and topicals and failed, ur showed yourself a extremly dishonest person debating, so, i dont believe in anything u claim here about your personal life, specially if its to base some misleading argument u are trying to provide. U literally have 0 knowledge about isotretinoin and how benefitial it can be for some people, yet, ur on a looksmax forum claiming that there is alternatives for severe acne, when there isnt. And when squeezed you said that saw success in patients who were treated with antibiotics and topicals HAHAHAHA

I expected more from you. I feel embarassed of just being here discussing with a lier that literally have no idea of what he is talking about
Atleast people could benefit from it.

U arent capable of providing a single evidence of a EVEN EMERGING drug that could treat this kind of acne. Good bye Mr.Antibiotics and topicals HAHAHAHAHA

Dishonest lier and a piece of shit.
Who told you this? I was put on Accutane and wasn't recommended anything else lol. Also why wouldn't retin-A be a good alternative? For targeting the skin rather than using a drug that systemically destroys the body
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Lol for how long are you gonna keep saying that there is no alternative to accutane? This is a clear lie and I already proved you so.
And it's not true at all that most people who are on accutane already tried other methods, I can say that because I have experience with it, and you have none so how can you even make such claim? Seriously, just fuck off with your bullshit, you are telling lies just to support your stupid theory lmao.

I could take a pic of my equipment with a timestamp to prove I am not lying but I don't think that would be worth the effort.

At this point it's obvious that the discussion is over, you will never accept that anything other than isotretinoin works and you will keep making up lies. It's simply not worth discussing.
Who told you this? I was put on Accutane and wasn't recommended anything else lol. Also why wouldn't retin-A be a good alternative? For targeting the skin rather than using a drug that systemically destroys the body

How can i have this claim? LOL

I can say for myself, and for every person IRL and by the standard rule that is applied to accutane patients in every case study you research.
Accutane is a last resort, and is used when any other method failed. If ur put rightaway on accutane when u didnt needed it, thats not on me. There is bad professionals everywhere.
I can say for myself, i used all antibiotics and all topicals u can imagine. Antibiotics even worsened my acne.
Changed my diet, started to take ice cold, instead of hot shower, changed my pillows everyday, stopped touching my face completely.
Nothing worked for me by that time. All the stress, all the shit u went through is simply not worth it to keep fighting when u simply can swallo that pill.

Retin A is not capable to resolve severe acne. I still use it now im off accutane, and is good for light/mild breakouts.

If there is anything capable of treating severe acne besides accutane, is time. Years and years of having your skin literally destroyed by pustules, papules and cysts til your hormones calm down, to end up with disfiguring scars.
There are rare cases when acne persists even after your 50's+

Ofc that anyone who had severe acne will agree with me, because i know what im talking about, Ive been through this shit for years.

This narc clearly never saw a single case of severe acne on his life, neither saw a single case of a severe acne, only mild pubertal teenager cases. And is claiming to know something he has no idea of how hard is to deal with. Accutane was a blessing for me, even with all bad sides.

Idk what ur trying to prove here man, by that time, u know that ur wrong lol
U cant be that scoundrel to claim all the bullshit ur claiming just to try to end this debate as the "winner" thats unbelievable.
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Major telogen effluvium

more than 250 strands on bath
i was terrified, but it subisided and went back to normal.
It will take a while, to 1-2years to normalize completely
U will not be bald from accutane
go on acne.org and do your research about accutane hair loss, there are plenty cases there
Wow dude. Just fucking wow. I currently have at least 40 hairs per shower. It falls out all day. I just got out of the shower and can see the hairs sitting on my shoulder. I don’t even count the hair loss in the shower anymore simply because the numbers don’t matter to me anymore, if I have it I can’t stop it and if it’s going to stop it will stop. For my body weight I wasn’t even taking a high dose at like 20mg a day. I’m like 6’4” and was taking the minimum dose. It’s retarded.
How can i have this claim? LOL

I can say for myself, and for every person IRL and by the standard rule that is applied to accutane patients in every case study you research.
Accutane is a last resort, and is used when any other method failed. If ur put rightaway on accutane when u didnt needed it, thats not on me. There is bad professionals everywhere, look at the one rightup on you that claim to be on his last year and dont even know how to read a sentence.
I can say for myself, i used all antibiotics and all topicals u can imagine. Antibiotics even worsened my acne.

Idk what ur trying to prove here man, by that time, u know that ur wrong lol
U cant be that scoundrel to claim all the bullshit ur claiming just to try to end this debate as the "winner" thats unbelievable.
Maybe where you live it works this way, here I have seen people getting prescribed accutane as I first line treatment, my classmates that I mentioned above in the thread also got prescribed without any other treatment before as far as I know.
Still, I don't think it's worth taking in puberty unless you have scarring acne and all other treatments (which you claimed to not work) failed.
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Maybe where you live it works this way, here I have seen people getting prescribed accutane as I first line treatment, my classmates that I mentioned above in the thread also got prescribed without any other treatment before as far as I know.
Still, I don't think it's worth taking in puberty unless you have scarring acne and all other treatments (which you claimed to not work) failed.
Ofc is not worth to take in puberty, u have much more to lose than to gain, u can stunt your growth, and fuck your development.
Of course is not worth to take if u can solve with any other treatment, but believe me, there are alot of cases that there is no other way.

Pubertal acne usually solves itself after your early 20's
If its persistent and is severe it WILL scar,
And more, if u have staph and MRSA infections it can lead to sepsis and even death on severe cases because is not only acne bacteria that feast on sebum production.

Claiming that accutane is poison without knowing its main purpose is misinformation
Accutane is the last resort for severe acne, when all options are depleted, and for alot of people it will be a blessing.
This is what severe acne can cause.
Its gore and fucked up.
The second pic speaks for itself
Coping if anyone thinks it could be solved other way.


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Ofc is not worth to take in puberty, u have much more to lose than to gain, u can stunt your growth, and fuck your development.
Of course is not worth to take if u can solve with any other treatment, but believe me, there are alot of cases that there is no other way.

Pubertal acne usually solves itself after your early 20's
If its persistent and is severe it WILL scar,
And more, if u have staph and MRSA infections it can lead to sepsis and even death on severe cases because is not only acne bacteria that feast on sebum production.

Claiming that accutane is poison without knowing its main purpose is misinformation
Accutane is the last resort for severe acne, when all options are depleted, and for alot of people it will be a blessing.
This is what severe acne can cause.
Its gore and fucked up.
The second pic speaks for itself
Coping if anyone thinks it could be solved other way.
I agree with all you said on this post but I disagree with the other ones mostly because you kept saying accutane is the only proven drug for severe acne instead of a last resort drug.
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I agree with all you said on this post but I disagree with the other ones mostly because you kept saying accutane is the only proven drug for severe acne instead of a last resort drug.
One of the reasons "severe acne" is labeled is exactly because it is resistant to almost any kind of conventinal treatment.
U can improve a bit with benzoil peroxide
U can improve a bit with retin A, adapalene, tazorac or any other form of retinoid.
U can improve a bit with antibiotics
Even tho u can improve it a bit, the outbreaks are still inevitable, take weeks to solve because the lesions lie with heavy inflammation inside the dermis, and they will not stop.
Ive seen alot of acne cases on acne.org being improved through the years with adapalene/tazorac and benzoil peroxide routines. No one were severe.

Im yet to see a single severe acne case that can be resolved through topicals or antibiotics. Even in literature there is little to no anecdotal evidence that those treatments that are used to treat mild acne can be highly effective on severe acne case.

In female cases there is an exception, because often times birth control pills can have a brutal effect on severe acne cases

Isotretinoin is the only "safe-controlled" drug that can completely resolve severe acne.

U can hiperdose Vitamin A, but u probably will die from it if your goal is to achieve similar accutane results.

And even with accutane, alot of severe cases reorcur and need a second accutane cycle(which was my case)
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I took it at 14yo, cleared my subhuman skin within 6 months. Maybe it stunted my growth I don't know, went from 175cm to 179cm. One of my bro took accutane too and he is over 182cm tall.
Who told you this? I was put on Accutane and wasn't recommended anything else lol. Also why wouldn't retin-A be a good alternative? For targeting the skin rather than using a drug that systemically destroys the body
Yeah, that's what happens to everyone who get prescribed isotretinoin, that guy is just telling lies to support his copes. I have never seen anyone who actually got prescribed with accutane after all other options failed, it's usually the first drug they prescribe.

"But muh muh accutane is the only drug that works". He clearly knows more than the American Association of Dermatology

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