What is the meaning of Life



Mentally unstable.
Sep 14, 2023
What if I don’t feel loveable

What if love isn’t enough for me and all i’m looking for is obsession and validation from it?
  • JFL
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What if I don’t feel loveable

What if love isn’t enough for me and all i’m looking for is obsession and validation from it?
Bro, you are one emotional person
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  • JFL
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It's the wrong question.

What you really want to ask is, "How can I live my life so that I feel a sense of fulfillment?"

The answer is to live for others, and make other people's lives better (While making sure you don't starve to death, and have food and shelter)
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It's the wrong question.

What you really want to ask is, "How can I live my life so that I feel a sense of fulfillment?"

The answer is to live for others, and make other people's lives better (While making sure you don't starve to death, and have food and shelter)
I will be batman IRL or die trying. Fuck that soft shit and get me the joker nigga 🤣
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No it's true I have no idea what the purpose is

My personal belief is that we are characters in God's mind and his thoughts are reality

And this requires nothing other than the root consciousness and its willpower, and the widespread illusion of reality

This is problematic because I see us as being in the image of God.

And what do we do when we're bored and lonely?

Seek company and stimuli. I think it's a system to illicit the most

I think that's all this world is, a means for him to escape the Inherent loneliness and meaninglessness of being all and nothing at the same time

To lose himself in what he knows is meaningless so he can be dumb enough to find meaning it. Reincarnate.

But regusrdless it's clearly a simulation in one manner or another what's your ideas on the:

Purpose of the system of souls?
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What is it
The meaning of life is to trade genetics.

If you had paid attention to 5th grade biology and a little 8th grade history, you would have figured this out by now.. :feelsshh: :oops:

There is a biotope and a food chain, where the strongest gain the best genetic traits, so they can secure material and human resources to ensure the safety and comfort of their partners and kids. This has been going on since the days of kings and emperors, with slaves, and it's still going on today with billionaires and millionaires, with corporate workers..

That's why in the past they built big, sturdy castles, or how today we build big houses with huge concrete fences.

Even every religion in the world was created to explain to the average normie subhuman that if you spawn here without genetic, financial, material, human, etc. resources, don't be sad, because you will have them at the next spawn (so they wouldn't riot and so leave the chads alone who in the meantime were making dozens of babies with staicys of that time :lul:)

Even the normies on the titanic had to give up their lives and leave only women and children on the boats because they were too dumb to provide them with the necessary safety and comfort, so they paid the penalty with their lives, while in the harbor, they are awaited by other guys who will fuck them and raise their children :lul: :oops: :feelsshh:

That's why even life laughs at us conditioning you to do things (to prove and demonstrate to a potential partner that you deserve to have children with her) so you can't just fuck your mom or sister to have as many kids as you want and get away with it (because kids will come out sick, even if you and your family have stacy & chads genetics).

If you are born without human, genetic, material, financial, etc. resources you better just try a respawn.. (even though we don't know if even one exists :oops: :feelsshh:)

Viktor Frankl believed that meaning arises spontaneously. In other words, meaning is not something you actively search for; it arises when you do something that you enjoy or are qualified for. There are people that found their meaning in helping others, dedicating their lives to religion or building a family. They were not very focused on what the meaning of their life was. They just went out there and did something productive. Consequently, the meaning of their lives became self-evident.
The meaning of life is to trade genetics.

If you had paid attention to 5th grade biology and a little 8th grade history, you would have figured this out by now.. :feelsshh: :oops:

There is a biotope and a food chain, where the strongest gain the best genetic traits, so they can secure material and human resources to ensure the safety and comfort of their partners and kids. This has been going on since the days of kings and emperors, with slaves, and it's still going on today with billionaires and millionaires, with corporate workers..

That's why in the past they built big, sturdy castles, or how today we build big houses with huge concrete fences.

Even every religion in the world was created to explain to the average normie subhuman that if you spawn here without genetic, financial, material, human, etc. resources, don't be sad, because you will have them at the next spawn (so they wouldn't riot and so leave the chads alone who in the meantime were making dozens of babies with staicys of that time :lul:)

Even the normies on the titanic had to give up their lives and leave only women and children on the boats because they were too dumb to provide them with the necessary safety and comfort, so they paid the penalty with their lives, while in the harbor, they are awaited by other guys who will fuck them and raise their children :lul: :oops: :feelsshh:

That's why even life laughs at us conditioning you to do things (to prove and demonstrate to a potential partner that you deserve to have children with her) so you can't just fuck your mom or sister to have as many kids as you want and get away with it (because kids will come out sick, even if you and your family have stacy & chads genetics).

If you are born without human, genetic, material, financial, etc. resources you better just try a respawn.. (even though we don't know if even one exists :oops: :feelsshh:)

High vocabulary

Low iq

This has nothing to do with the real meaning
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to make goldberg rich, to pay your taxes, to consume and die.
  • JFL
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We barely remember
Who or what came before this precious moment
We are choosing to be here, right now
Hold on, stay inside
This holy reality
This holy experience
Choosing to be here in
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me
Feeling eternal, all this pain is an illusion
IMG 1817
  • JFL
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
High vocabulary

Low iq

This has nothing to do with the real meaning

Subhumans will always have to find other purposes for living :feelsshh: :oops: :lul:

In the past with religions, they just told them to be good people.
Now that we have prisons, in modern age they just tell them to consume, thus make time go faster / kill yourself slowly and surely by consuming fat, sugar, alcohol or cigarettes etc. from the products, to get to the next spawn faster..

Everything is just how to make coping as pleasant as possible until the end of life for the next spawn..
It's the wrong question.

What you really want to ask is, "How can I live my life so that I feel a sense of fulfillment?"

The answer is to live for others, and make other people's lives better (While making sure you don't starve to death, and have food and shelter)
Living for others just causes suffering to yourself
Subhumans will always have to find other purposes for living :feelsshh: :oops: :lul:

In the past with religions, they just told them to be good people.
Now that we have prisons, in modern age they just tell them to consume, thus make time go faster / kill yourself slowly and surely by consuming fat, sugar, alcohol or cigarettes etc. from the products, to get to the next spawn faster..

Everything is just how to make coping as pleasant as possible until the end of life for the next spawn..
The meaning of biological life, the reason it exists.

Not what to do when you get spawned as chad...
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Living for others just causes suffering to yourself
Suffering is unavoidable in life. But suffering for others (like volunteering) is more fulfilling.

Focusing only on your self breeds discontentment. It's like trying to fill a cup with a hole in it.
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